Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2468: What is Star Pirate, what is crazy! (fourth more!)

White Boss smiled and was not modest. He just said: "Are you praising yourself in disguise? Even a monster like me is not sure that you can completely destroy you. You can only surrender to you and take you as a brother. La!"

The boxing champion said: "White boss is not afraid of me?"

White boss swears: "Do I have to be afraid of you?"

"It's not the kind of 'fear', but the meaning of 'extreme vigilance.'"

The boxing champion thought and said, "According to my calculations, if my true identity is exposed, there will be many people who are extremely vigilant and afraid of me. I will spare no effort to destroy me. It is very difficult for me to accept my unknown existence, but white. The boss didn’t care, he talked with me, why?"

“Only the weak will be afraid of ‘unknown’, and the strong will only embrace the ‘unknown’, embrace it, or conquer it.”

White Boss stares at the King of Fighters. "The universe is vast, the nations are everywhere, and of course there are all kinds of strange life forms, and the cooperation, competition, coexistence and destruction between various life forms are also natural things. In the face of such a cruel and sinister universe, it is the truth to do everything possible to grow up as much as possible. Rather than tens of thousands of threats to eradicate threats all day long, how can it be eradicated?

"In short, what really leads to destruction is only the weakness of oneself, not the strength of the enemy. I started from the road of star thief, and that is what I think.

"Not to mention, there is a possibility of a terrible 'flood' on the other side of the universe. It has destroyed countless civilizations including magical civilizations. I know that in the near future, this torrent of destruction will not invade our world of cultivation. ?

"If this is the case, it must be the catastrophe of the real world. The catastrophe is the head. We are all snake worms escaping from the dark forest. At this time, we must be jealous of each other, hostile to each other, cautious and timid, don't feel too ridiculous? ”

The boxing champion thought deeply: "Yes..."

In the eyes of the white boss, the eager glare flashed and reached out to the boxing champion: "So, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Boxing said: "We are all cooperating and fighting against the empire."

"Imperial? Hahahaha, Empire!"

The laughter of White Boss became more and more mad. "Do you think that an empire, even a small three thousand worlds, can trap my white boss and qualify as my ultimate prey?"

The boxing champion stunned: "Three thousand worlds, is the limit of the known universe, and even the vast universe is not enough to become the battlefield of the white boss?"

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!"

The eagerness of the white boss’s eyes gradually burned into a magnificent skyfire, and he was pierced by the starship. He was so riddled with **** artificial scorpions, and his thin arms were stretched out. He gave him a hungry cry. Do you know, Boxing, when I first came to the center of the Xinghai, even in the face of such powerful enemies as the Empire and the Holy Alliance, the depths of my heart are... quite lost.

"At that time, I thought I could see the whole piece of Xinghai. There was nothing more worthy of looting and conquest than the Empire and the Holy Alliance. At best, I would explore the mysteries of the ruins.

"For a while, I am very confused. I can't afford anything. My ambition is to become the greatest star thief in the past, but the great star thief is nothing more than a thief, stealing a country. And such things, including the numerous heroes of the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, have already done it. I will do it again, which is equivalent to the bones that have been smashed a hundred times by the predecessors. What is the meaning and what is it? After hundreds of millions of years, was this civilization, and even remembered by this universe?

"Oh, plundering the palace of the real human empire, robbing the covenant of the covenant alliance, exploring the emperor and even the tomb of Pangu and the son-in-law, it sounds very good, but in the end, these palaces, treasures and graves, Isn't it the common wealth of many living beings in our world of comprehension? Wealth was originally here, even if it falls into my hands, it is nothing more than a change of place, and nothing has been added.

"What is the difference between being arrogant in the world of one's own side, even if it robs everything, and steals the ruined money of his parents' hard-earned money? What the **** is this ‘the greatest star thief’!”

The voice of the boxing champion, with a touch of surprise: "So, the white boss thought, what is the 'greatest star thief'?"

"The unsuccessful defeated family will only be able to steal the money and blood of the mother-in-law at home. It is true that there is a skill, of course, it should be killed outside, and the things of others are back!"

The white boss opened his eyes and smiled. "The existence of magical civilization is like a battle axe with a ray of light. It suddenly opened my mind and made me suddenly open and open a new world!"

"It’s just in the world of three thousand, robbing the self-cultivators and the cultivators. It’s all children’s games. The really great star thief should drive the warships of thousands of comprehensions and break through the walls of absurdity and void. Barrier, attack the magical civilization and the world of countless heterogeneous civilizations!

"Well, although this magical civilization I discovered is likely to have been destroyed long ago, but I know that there is no other magical civilization, or even more strange civilizations on the other side of the endless universe?

"Driving on the battleship, commanding a million monks, urging hundreds of millions of flying swords, and admiring the wizards, magicians, and demons, destroying their altars, burning their temples and seduce their saints. , killing their World of Warcraft, the beast, and stealing the treasures of the magic world back to our world of comprehension. This is a star thief from the world of comprehension, what should be done, right?"

Even if the boxing of hundreds of crystal brains is calculated at the same time, it is not the ambition of the white boss: "Yes..."

"No, even if it is not enough, not enough!"

White Boss picked up the "Citi" that had just been picked up on the tube, and re-applied it on the body, but did not buckle it. Let the heat of the flaming of the flames blow the back of the blouse and hunt, hunt, Exposed to the skinny chest and the pen is like a gun's spine.

He crossed his fingers and reached the sky. He seemed to pierce the boundaries of the three-dimensional universe all the way, plundering the endless treasures of the four-dimensional space, and with a nightmare-like expression, he made a manic scream. "Even if the magic civilization is eaten and dried, then It’s just in the mud of the three-dimensional universe. Since it’s the 'greatest star thief', it’s just a matter of daring to grab three-dimensional carbon-based life. I know that one day, we can’t think of a way to break into the four-dimensional universe and put those Four-dimensional life grabs a light?

"Oh, the gods from the four-dimensional space can dominate the supreme existence of the process of human civilization... I am, when I hear this, my mother wants to vomit, and one day, I will let those who are self-deprecating The grotesque know that the practitioners of our world of cultivation are different from the magicians of magical civilization. Nothing exists to climb our heads and manipulate our destiny. No, no, no!"


The psionic power that makes up the body of the boxing champion cannot withstand the complicated calculations beyond the limit. The crystal brain is burned and softened.

"Are you really crazy, white boss?"

All the rest of the boxing champions called together. "The advanced and powerful life of Gao Wei is unimaginable in low-dimensional life. You can't threaten high-dimensional life!"

"Don't be arrogant, boxing, how wonderful life is, strong and weak, advanced and backward, can't be generalized."

White boss laughed both crazy and serious. "Compared with humans, the virus is always primitive and weak, but human civilization has developed to this day, still can not completely destroy all viruses, even the old Pangu and Nuwa civilization Did not destroy all the viruses, even in the most prosperous era of the Pangu civilization alliance, there are still countless individuals will be infected with the virus, miserable death, no medicine can be saved!

"There are rats, 'the mouse crosses the street, everyone shouts,' and it seems to be a very weak thing. However, in the history of the development of human civilization in the 100,000 years, there are still countless creatures on countless planets, all of which have been eliminated by the plague and the plague!

"The virus can kill humans, the little viruses, ants and mice in the human three-dimensional universe. Why can't they kill the higher-dimensional universe, seemingly more advanced, developed and powerful?

"My ultimate ideal is to become such a 'cosmic mouse', to smash the barrier between the multi-dimensional universe, to drill a hole in the hole, to the endless world, whether it is the life of the four-dimensional universe. The tyrants of the five-dimensional universe, the strongmen of the six-dimensional universe, or the gods of the seven-dimensional universe, as long as they exist, I will steal them and smear them, so that they can hear the little mice and viruses in the three-dimensional universe. The name shivered, and when I saw the battle flag of the Great White Star, I cried and shouted!

"How to achieve it, it is not important now. In short, it is your three-dimensional, four-dimensional, five-dimensional six-dimensional seventy-eight-dimensional dimension. It’s just a matter of stripping the shirt. This is the mother’s greatest satellite thief. !"


The boxing champion has two separate bodies burned.

"You can't do this small physique."

White boss pouted, "I want to work with me, I have to practice."


All the martial arts of the boxing champion pointed at the tip of their own steel nose. "With you... detached from the shirt?"

"Yes, the biggest goal of my stay in the Empire to this day is to build a fleet that is capable of expeding the other side of the universe and even the four-dimensional universe."

Bai Lao Avenue, "So I am willing to be open to you, to test whether you are a 'Gao Shi special shell man', if you are, join me in the cross-cosmon robbery army, we fight side by side, have the opportunity to break through the initial difficulties That is the innocent black wall that spans three thousand worlds.

"Believe me, we will find magical civilizations and other three-dimensional carbon-based civilizations, even the four-dimensional gods and the five-six-seven-dimensional ones, and then kill them!"

The fourth is sent, put it in a normal time, this is a small outbreak, the old bulls try their best, everyone try to feed the monthly ticket, recommend the ticket, subscribe to the old cow to resurrect the old man!

In addition, do you want to see Li Laomo's book friends do not rush to have such a book friend? Li Laomo is already hungry and thirsty, and jumps out immediately!

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