Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2470: Straight over!

If you say that in the whole battlefield, thrilling, and the blue sky market Raiders battle with snakes and swallows, even at the most millennium, the heart of the white boss is still inseparable, indestructible, and there is no trace of shaking.

At this moment, his heart is like a sharp cry for help, and he has pierced a deep crack that has caused a strong shock.

The white boss is like a ten-pound rat drug, and his face is "white".

Even if the boxing champion presented hundreds of steel avatars, and he fired all his firepower, he was not so chaotic.

The white boss glared at his head, and every wrinkle on his face twitched nervously, and the bottom of his eyes gave off an incredible light, and he listened to the signal.

"White boss, help! White boss, help! White boss, help!"

The signal was getting higher and higher, and the other person seemed to be chased by something, and ran to him with no choice.


The white boss simply turned off the signal, gently coughed, and glanced at the boxing champion, and then glanced at the light curtain under his own department, calmly said: "Do not panic, it is noise, it is cosmic noise."

"Cosmic noise?"

The subordinates are suspicious, "Boss..."

"Yes, it is the cosmic noise."

White boss took a deep breath and said, "The high-energy celestial bodies in the universe constantly release radiation and psionic fluctuations to the outside world every second. Various radiation, high-energy particle flow and psionic wave impact on our communication magic weapon. It will be a gathering of strange cosmic noises. Occasionally, it is not surprising that these noises sound like human voices by chance.

"So, it's noise, it's a murmur in the universe, don't worry about it, just remove this noise from our scanning channel."

The subordinates scratched their heads: "Boss, it seems wrong."

"Yeah, white boss, I don't think it's too much noise. It sounds familiar, let me compare it with the data in the voiceprint library."

The boxing champion quietly, said, "Found, this seems to be... Li Yao's voice."

"Lee Yao?"

White Boss blinked and looked confused. "Which Li Yao?"

Boxing champion: "...I just introduced me to you. We just talked about it, it seems like Li Yao, who is like a primary school student."

"is it?"

White boss opened the distress signal again, and listened carefully to it several times. He finally made a final conclusion. "Sure enough, it sounds like Li Yao is right, then it is even more unresponsive! Listen, immediately keep the Lingu net silent. The blue sky market enters the highest defense, and at the same time speeds up the transfer of personnel and materials, ensuring that you can walk in the worst case, even if you leave a lot of materials, speed, I want speed!

"As for this distress signal... don't answer! Don't answer! Don't answer!"


The boxing champion and his men were confused at the same time. "Why, is Li Yao’s distress signal so terrible?"

"Of course it’s terrible, because it’s very likely that it’s not Li Yao.”

The white boss is full of seriousness. "It is the conspiracy of the empire to cultivate the immortals. It is a deliberate simulation of Li Yao’s voice to deceive us. If we really respond, it is very likely that we will be seen by the imperial cultivators, and we will wipe out all of us. So, don't answer, don't answer, pretend that we have never received a distress signal, and pretend that we are not in the blue sky market, here is empty!"

"But, no."

The subordinates wrinkled a face and stuttered. "Boss, after receiving the distress signal, we remotely scanned the source of the signal, the periphery of the blue sky, and scanned a fleet of quite large scales. Oh, this fleet is sparing no effort to catch up with a few armed, ruined transport ships. The distress signal is sent from the transport ship, and the signal is sent straight to the blue sky market. The transport ship is also in the direction of the blue sky market. Escaped, fundamentally, there is no sign of a shift in direction, just like knowing that you are here, you are sure to eat!

"We analyzed the speed of the chaser and the fugitive and the distance between them. Even if we don't respond to the distress signal, the fugitives are very likely to escape to our blue sky market before entering the chaser's firepower range. What will happen within two hours.

"In other words, up to twelve hours, the chasers of a whole fleet will come to the top of the blue sky market, whether they destroy the transport ship of the fugitives, but long-distance pursuit for so long, their starship must be repaired and replenished. Within a few light years, our blue sky market is the best supply port, they will definitely be anchored here, then, that would be terrible!"

When I heard the words of the subordinates, the white boss was deeply deep and took a deep breath.

"What about that..."

He said a little embarrassedly, "Assume that I am assuming that we give up everything in the blue sky market, and even the star ship that we just captured has lost most of it. Can we escape before the mysterious fleet and the **** transport ship arrive?"

"Almost impossible, boss."

The subordinates mourned, "In order to swallow twenty-eight star thieves and the Libyan fleet, our starships have suffered heavy losses. We urgently need to take a breath to get on the road again. At this time, we travel long distances and are far from reliable. The supply and repair of the port, that is a dead end!

"And everyone planned for so long, and they fought **** battles. It’s hard to get the situation today, give up all? How is it possible!"

"Yeah, it's really impossible..."

The white boss endured and endured, endured and endured, and finally couldn’t bear it. A face turned from white to green, from green to red, and smashed, almost breaking the entire abandoned port. "Li Yao, I am going to kill you. I must kill you!"

He rushed to the command center all the way, and at the same time he could help the subordinates to issue the highest operational alert.

The boxing champion also used the remote control method to prepare the comprehension fleet for a new round of battle preparation.

The entire blue sky market was in chaos.

The warriors of the Great White Stars are also human beings. After all, the nerves are not cast in steel. If people have weaknesses, they will have to breathe and they will slack off. They have just played such an earth-shattering victory, regardless of the federal star thief or the imperial comprehension. They are all in an overdraft state after extreme excitement. Who can think of this fatal eye and will kill new enemies?


The pale alarm sounds instantly echoing on the ocean of joy, like a scoop of ice water and a skull covering the brain.

"What happened? Enemy? Enemy!"

Liuli just swollen and swollen eyes, while wiping tears, while looking for the boxing champion to complain, suddenly heard the harsh enemy attack alert, could not help but be surprised, first stood in the same place, looked at the panic scene in the port, soon face Appearing a firm expression, speeding up the pace and heading towards the command center, "Fist King, Boxing Master!"

"Bastard, what's the situation!"

In the depths of the blue sky market, at the end of a small alley full of rich fat and powder, Hante also screamed and screamed, and his clothes were not well-dressed and stumbled.

His button did not know who was torn off a few, the zipper of the trousers was only pulled to half, and there were several lipsticks of different colors on his face.

Enough to burn through the scorpion's anger, haunting the young man who is determined to become the "Xinghai Cannon King", the bloodshot eyes burst out like the main gun of the starship. "Whoever they are impatient, dare to bother Han’s good deeds, let’s see what the Han’s cannon is!”

He spread his steps and ran towards his own starship.

There are also countless star thieves and comprehensions, like the glaze and Hante, rushing to their own combat posts, the blue sky market that has just been calm for a long time, once again burning, the 28 star gangs and the captives of the Li Wudeng fleet, It is even more restless, and there are signs of instability.

On the way back to the command center, the white boss and the boxing champion got more, and the news about the pursuers was very pessimistic.

The chaser is the regular army of the empire, and it is the regular army. The joint fleet consisting of several elites of the world is the forty-seventh fleet in the regular army sequence. It is commonly known as the "Flying Rainbow Fleet."

Of course, the Feihong Fleet is not the elite fleet of the four electorate families. It is not the thundering fleet of Lei Chenghu. It has been killed for more than a decade in the frontline, and the expeditionary force of the steel has become a barren strength of the imperial periphery. The cowardly world, the regional defenses that are barely put together.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of this joint fleet lies between the "defense fleet" and the "deep space fleet". It does not have too strong cross-star field continuous combat capability, not too difficult to deal with enemies.

They are the main opponents of Star Thieves. They often play the game of "cat and mouse" with Star Pirates. Although their strength is stronger than Star Pirates, because of the complexity of the command system and the low will of the fighting, the speed and efficiency are not as good. The intention is that the star thief often slips away after the looting of the scorpion, and even the tail of the star thief can't catch it. It belongs to the object ridiculed by the star thief, the so-called "stupid and slow officers and soldiers."

But now it is different.

The four major families and the reformists are vying for the hegemony of the periphery of the empire. Even the Star Pirates will spare no effort to win over. The local armed forces in these barren worlds are naturally the targets of both sides.

The Feihong Fleet was originally a world that was more inclined to the periphery of the empire of the Wanshang Commercial Union and the Reformist. It was inextricably linked with the Wanmeng Business Alliance and naturally favored the reformists.

However, the four families are not rich in wealth. I don’t know what the promises were made, but they have drawn the worlds behind the Feihong fleet to their own side, and they have clearly supported the four major families and the old Senate.

Naturally, the equipment of the Feihong Fleet is also changed from guns and guns, and the combat effectiveness has improved. It is no longer a slow and stupid fish in the past.

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