Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2501: a mess of lines

"Hey! Hey!"

The two engraved with the mysterious complex patterns, like the sword-like bullets, dragging a red and white stream of light, chasing and colliding with each other, sometimes gathering, and sometimes separate, in the void to outline the complex and maze-like lines.

When one of the white bullets is about to "strike hard" and is about to be "shot down" by the red bullet, there are two white bullets flying over the sides, joining the battle group, red and white fold lines, curves, lines and arcs. The line is made more complicated.

Looking at it again, it turned out that it was not four bullets, but that there were hundreds of bullets in red and white, and it was like a three-dimensional chessboard, and it was like a thrilling and magnificent Xinghai Fleet.

Each bullet is a piece of chess. It is a starship. The collision of bullets is like the pieces devour each other, and the starships destroy each other.

The psionics around the red bullets are obviously more abundant, giving them faster speed and more power. In the one-on-one contest, the white bullets are often embarrassed.

However, the arrangement of the white bullets implies the mysterious rationality of the fleet commanding. Once it is formed, it will change thousands of times, and the various formations will bloom in the first place, but the red bullets will be dragged into the abdomen and the enemy will be divided into the dilemma.

The two sides rely on their respective advantages to come and go, and the speed is getting faster and faster. In the end, they can only see the two hazes, the light and fog collide and infiltrate each other, almost simultaneously crossing each other's "defense line", facing the other side of the scene. The commander rushed away.

The two commanders acted at the same time, and the technique of separating the imperial objects was applied to the limit. First, the other side's psionic control force field was cut, and then all the bullets were captured by their own force field, condensed in the palms, forming four burning The bursting metal ball, "唰唰唰唰" thrown to the center, suddenly issued two deafening roars, the shock wave almost completely destroyed the entire cultivation site.

The shock wave and the smoke gradually faded, and the two commanders, Li Yao and Bai Lao, laughed at the same time.

"A hundred years ago, when I saw you for the first time, I only thought that you were a thief who was awkward and wretched but not afraid of death. I can't think of your achievements today!"

The white boss patted the metal debris in the palm of his hand and watched the shrapnel hit the ground of the riddled hole, feeling.

"I never imagined that I could have a good day at the White Boss, and you still have such an adventure..."

Li Yao really said the truth.

This feeling is not only for the white boss, but also another soul that is integrated into the white boss - Yan Xinjian.

In the depths of the spider's nest star, Li Yao once attacked the brand-new realm with the help of the training log left by Yan Xinjian. It took five years to break through and complete the first vital leap in life.

Therefore, Yan Xinjian is considered to be his half master.

He and Bai Bo have such a relationship, and the relationship is naturally extraordinary.

This is already one and a half months after they occupied the blue sky market. The construction of the arson-connected fleet has been initially completed, and various combat missions have been released. The tactical fraud and intelligence gathering work, including outside tactics, is also being carried out in an orderly manner.

The war outside the blue sky has begun, and the war on the periphery of the empire has gradually burned. The four major families have repeatedly urged the "loyalty and salvation army" to rest in the blue sky market. It is time to kill and let the imperial cultivators see the "arsonist". "It's amazing!"

Tomorrow, Li Yao will leave for the "Seven Seas Big Market" in the old world of Wanshang Business Alliance, so today there is time to make a final discussion with Bai Lao in the practice field.

"Li Yao, I don't remember very well now."

Bai Lao looked at Li Yao, said, "Remind me, I have said that you have saved ah happy, have you said ‘thank you’?

"Forget it, this kind of thing, thank you twice, it should be very, thank you, Li Yao, and... I am very happy to see you again, really."

When it comes to the son, this eagerness can traverse the sea, the star thief of the multiverse, from the gaze to the sound, and look at Li Yao, his eyes are unexpectedly sincere.

"I am also very happy to be able to fight alongside White Boss again!"

Li Yao was moved and couldn't help but said, "Or else, go to the Seven Seas Market with me tomorrow. Anyway, now that the champions, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen have been able to simulate the basic fleet tactics, it is not a big problem to fight the ever-changing hardships. White boss and me go together, more hopeful to convince Jin Yuyan!"

White boss is also very moved: "No!"

Li Yao: "..."

White boss patted Li Yao’s shoulder and said a long way. “Lee Yao, the skills you’ve been sneaking into and the three-inch tongue are all famous. You’re going to win the game by yourself, let alone you cheated, not Is it to persuade Li Jialing to go with you? I will follow you again, do you not trust you, or even look down on you and insult your performance?"

Li Yao su suspected: "Is it?"

"Yes, well, don't say so much, let's have guests waiting outside the practice ground!"

Not long, Bai Bo said, waved his hand and removed the defensive protective cover and soundproof shielding system next to the cultivation field. His eyes were sharp and sharp, and he stared at the "guests" who were waiting outside, and they were cold and cold. "Yongchunhou, you really are a Believe, really come back to life, hard work!"

Looking outside to see Li Yao and Bai Laozhu, it is the Yongchun Hou Li, who was originally loyal to the four major families.

Li Yao did not hide his existence in front of Li Wuji.

Because he was in the battle to suppress the Feihong Fleet, in the eyes of the public, the flagship of the flying rainbow fleet, the ship's flagship, this is simply not ruined.

As long as they are not prepared to kill Li Wuji, this matter will surely be known. It is not as good as showing their existence in a big way, and further deterring it!

Facts have proved that Li Yao’s deterrence is quite effective.

Because this is not the first time that Li Wuji heard the name of "vulture Li Yao".

As early as in the process of the revolutionary, such as the wind and the clouds, the rise and fall of the emperor, the golden signboard of the “vulture Li Yao” hangs high, and everyone in the four family knows that this is driving the giant gods. "The vulture Li Yao" is the number one of the reformists.

Of course, the well-informed Li Wuji knows that this fierce monk, the innovator's number one, and the super-superpower who did not know where to miracle, have become the wanted criminals of the reformist.

The reason why the reformists wanted Li Yao was also ridiculous. It is said that he had defected to the side of the four electors.

This makes Li Wuji quite confused. It is really unclear about the positions of Li Yao and Bai Lao, as well as the current situation.

Although the four families cooperated, they are still different interest groups. Perhaps another family has rebelled against this “vulture Li Yao”, but did not inform Li, and they are not knowing how to play their own small calculations.

In short, in the case of Yongchun Hou Li, who is desperate and desperate, the emergence of Li Yao’s “retrospective traitor” is not a bad thing. At least it shows that Bai Bo did not lie. They are indeed not on the side of the reformists. Great cooperation space.

People, most afraid of not knowing, once they figured out, everything was done.

When Li Wuji thought on the septic tank, he thought everything was transparent. He lost all his terracotta warriors and horses. He also met such a swearing man like "vulture Li Yao". He beat and beat, but he didn't want to die. Death, in addition to cooperation, what choice?

After all, everyone is a country, this is the civil war of the empire. Who wins and loses is not the meat is rotten in the pot, as long as he can guarantee that he has a bowl of meat, and his head can eat, other It doesn't seem to matter.

In short, after talking with Bai Boda and Li Yao for one night and agreeing on various conditions, Yongchun Hou Li was able to return to the territory of the four major families with the "parent soldiers" chosen by Bai Lao for him, actively serving as "loyalty to save the country." The army "runs away" and helps them collect the latest information. Even today, a month later, they returned to the blue sky market and returned.

Li Wuji did a lot of work for the "loyalty to save the country", and did not have any two hearts - with his weak strength, he is not qualified to play tricks.

Upon returning to the blue sky market, I saw a high level of competition between Li Yao and Bai Lao. This is a Mawei, but it is also a reassurance. For the standard immortal of Yongchun Hou Li, the surrender is their The instinct, the stronger Li Yao and Bai Bo, the higher his loyalty.

"For Li Daoyou and Bai Siling, you can't talk hard."

Li Wuji gave a sorrow to the two people with a humility, and smiled. "Xiao Hou is not insulting, and finally completed the two entrusted work, the marching map of the four major families, as well as the distribution of troops and the division of troops. Time and other key information, all got it!"

According to Li Wuji, the war in the outer world of the empire has already been ignited, but this is not a fleeting fleet of flocks, but a long-lasting, devastating war of attrition and looting.

In terms of the four major families, they have just lost their imperial capitals in the past few days. Even the Emperor Shenwu has died. Before the new emperor has yet to ascend to the throne, there is a problem that the dragons are headless and the military is unstable. They are even more afraid of being attacked by the reformers of the emperor, and they are not willing to rush. Launched the elite fleet to jump to the outer world of the empire to crusade.

The reforms of the Emperor of the Emperor, seemingly a good situation, but the loss is too small, can not win, can not even accept the consumption, so they are not willing to attack easily.

On the other hand, there are still a large number of elites in the empire that have just been reclaimed from the hands of the sacred alliance, the so-called "expeditionary system."

The expeditionary army can be said to be the most powerful force in the whole empire. No matter the reformists or the four major families, they spare no effort to fight for them. However, the attitude of the expeditionary army is quite embarrassing, and there is a tendency to be self-contained. The area does not move, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and wait for the victory and defeat to clear out and then come out with a hammer.

The expeditionary army is a large and intricate group. The sub-fleet is from all corners of the country. There is no leader. However, many of the expeditionary officers of the expeditionary army are respected by the top commander of the thundering fleet, Lei Chenghu.

Lei Chenghu is theoretically a reformist. He listened to Li Linghai’s command, and nailed it into the heart of Li’s heart. After that, there was no movement for half a year, as if it had disappeared.

This matter is extremely interesting.

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