Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2506: Unfamiliar star sea

This evening, Li Yao and his friends ate a small feast in the blue sky market with a variety of cans - not just for Li Yao, but for each other.

Because the situation on the front line has changed, the latest order has been sent from the headquarters of the four major electoral family coalition forces, demanding that the "loyalty and national salvation army" be opened in advance to block an important channel of the Wanshang Business Alliance.

Therefore, the fleet of Li Yao and Bai Laoda will set off together tomorrow and head to their respective battlefields.

Although they are all kinds of cans, they are very happy to eat each other, and when the dinner is halfway through, the boxing champion is also coming - with a tomato poached egg noodles filled with a holding bucket.

In the end, with his annihilation, ruthlessness, and steel-like gaze, the barrel noodles were eaten by Li Yao and Bai Lao.

The boxing champion is also a look of anger.

This little episode did not affect the atmosphere of farewell, everyone stayed up all night, talking about the upcoming battle and the near future, the earth-shaking drastic changes that will take place in the central Xinghai.

Until the eastern part of the artificial scorpio was infused with a bright red color, Li Yao finally rejoiced, carrying Li Jialing, boarded a super-small starship, commonly known as the "shuttle machine", and slowly left the Star Harbor.

When they left, the "Firefighter Joint Fleet" wearing the coat of "Loyalty and the National Salvation Army" was also ready to go. A superstar ship that was strengthened by Li Yao, Bai Laoda, Quan Wang, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen vacated and spewed out. The colorful tail flames converge into a colorful torrent.

At the moment, the name of this fleet is limited to a few people in the blue sky market. Oh, maybe there are also a few stars in the Starry Federation.

But I believe that in the near future, it will soon rise to the center of the Xinghai with great strength, burning the flames of the scorpion throughout the entire ancient universe.

And Li Yao, will also be on the other battlefield, with another shocking world identity, gorgeous debut!

"good luck."

The shuttle is about to break away. The communication channel has a blessing from the white boss. "Li Yao, you are not lacking in this person. Occasionally, you are missing a little good luck. I hope this time is smooth."

"Of course."

Li Yao smirked and responded, "We are going to rush out of the Pangu universe, the people who have stirred hundreds of millions of stars, the little scenes like the empire, and what is it?"


Half a month later, in a barren star field not far from the “Seven Seas Market” of the Wanshang Commercial Union Headquarters, countless star ship wrecks formed a vast torrent of garbage, like a cosmic highway composed of broken stone stars. .

This is the star-shaped waterway visible to the naked eye – the closest distance from the best jumping point to the next best jumping point.

Although in theory, a super-long-range Xinghai jump can transfer a starship from any point in the Xinghai to another.

However, this kind of jump not only has extremely high precision requirements for the Xinghai jumping unit carried by the starship, but also has extremely high strength requirements for the passenger's body and even the soul strength. The consumption of fuel is also astronomical.

Sometimes, not even the problem of fuel, but the need to inject a lot of ultra-high purity, extremely precious special blended fuel into the Xinghai Jumping Magic to open the ultra-long-range Xinghai jump across hundreds of thousands of worlds.

Such special fuels, as well as raw materials that are formulated into special fuels – those extremely rare crystals and heavenly treasures – are often monopolized by the nobility and the military, and only elite warships are eligible.

For ordinary merchant ships and transport ships, they can not afford such expensive fuel, and the weak body of passengers often cannot adapt to the damage caused by long-term decomposition into four-dimensional state.

Therefore, they can only jump from a big world to the neighboring world, and use this "frog leap" approach to slowly reach their destination.

Moreover, in order to save fuel, in order to save fuel, it is necessary to find the most unstable three-dimensional structure of the world, the most easy to tear the wormhole and even the natural wormhole, that is, the jumping point marked on the star map.

From one jump point to the next jump point, the line is not necessarily the shortest.

The use of the gravitational pull of the planets and even the stars is like being smashed out by the slingshot of the universe again and again, which can greatly increase the speed.

And many horror areas with frequent star-studded storms and meteorite fragments, including garbage wreckage caused by human warfare, may cause fatal blows to merchant ships.

In order to take advantage of the gravitational forces of stars and planets and to avoid these dangerous zones, the waterway between the jumping points becomes an intricate curve. Only the experienced old captain can completely follow the fairway. In time, A perfect compromise is achieved in terms of safety and fuel consumption.

The battles between the four major families and the Wanmeng Business Alliance are often centered around the interception, opening, **** and ambush of the channel.

In the past two or three months, the sub-fleet of the two sides has erupted thousands of short but cruel conflicts on various waterways. Countless star ships have fallen into the sand, and countless ordinary people and cultivators have buried themselves in the cold sea of ​​stars, countless precious. The goods have turned into garbage and floated on the channel, becoming a bleak mark – just like the wreckage floating on this channel.

After three months of fierce fighting, the waterway surrounding the Seven Seas market was almost cut off by 50%.

But with half of the fairways, the caravans that have traveled have grown several times, showing a deformed boom.

No way, the war is fierce, but life will continue. As the headquarters of the Wanshang Business Alliance, the “Seven Seas Stars” where the Seven Seas Market is located is originally the most stable wormhole in the outer world of the Empire, the most abundant jumping point, and the most accessible trade. And the logistics center, to a certain extent, has the same characteristics as the Imperial Capital "the extreme heaven, the celestial star".

Countless thousands of worlds and resources of the planet must be transferred in the "seven sea stars" to be sent to the world that is in desperate need of them.

These goods are either the much-needed fertilizer for cultivation, the core filtration unit of the water purification system or the air purification system, or the special medicine for killing certain plagues. In short, all the worlds, resource planets and Xinghai towns must not be Less things.

Without these goods, the whole town, the whole planet and even the whole world will face a crisis, so even if the war is burning hard, people will have to take risks and cross the war zone to trade in the Seven Seas market.

At this moment, there is such a fleet of more than a dozen ruined semi-armed merchant ships, carefully driving on the ruined waterway.

Many wrecks still have extremely high temperatures, and even some of the magic weapons in the depths of the wreckage are still reacting violently. From time to time, a colorful ball of light is bursting out, like a deformed gimmick staring at this small one. fleet.

These wrecks were the product of a fierce battle not long ago.

This shows that this channel is very likely to be a crisis front, the fleet of the four major families, the fleet of the Wanshang Commercial League or the savage star thief... all kinds of wolves and tigers and leopards are crouching in the dark sea of ​​stars, ready Waiting for the opportunity to take a bite.

Even now, there are a lot of deep eyes staring at this small caravan, just because they are too humble and look too shabby, they are too lazy to waste fuel and ammunition to rob them.

This kind of cognition has made the caravan's voyage more treacherous and cautious.

At the end of the caravan, a merchant ship that looks like a hundred years old, rusty, fat and stupid, with a stupid black bear on the bow, below is the name of the merchant ship - the bear.

This is not a long-distance starship suitable for long-distance trekking. It is only suitable for ferry and connection between the neighboring world.

In order to adapt to the "frog leap" of the many Xinghai jumping, the owner of the bear bear reluctantly modified the blood, and it was layered on the outer layer of the shell to make it look more bloated and clumsy - and the top ten A few merchant ships are the same.

Although it seems to be a one-off, but the dozens of merchant ships have never met before, they are from different big worlds, belonging to some small businessmen who are alone, just in the last place to supply Star Harbor encounter, Only come together and be courageous.

Although more than a dozen merchant ships have gathered together, it is true that the looting of the warships is also sent to death, but at least it can bring some psychological ... illusory comfort.

Huo Dongling didn't like the strange star sea outside, not at all.

Although her father is the owner and captain of the bear, she grew up playing on the bear, and often sailed with her father, so that she thought she was the real "Xinghai children."

But in the past, they all traveled around their hometowns. They traveled to and fro, and there was not much danger. Every star was familiar with Xinghai. Every time a port was replenished, Dad’s old friends and old brothers took over the wind. Give her all kinds of weird fruits and toys, and it will take me ten days and a half to go home - that is the customary navigation of Huo Dongling.

But this time it is different, this time it is really different.

Huo Dongling and the Cubs never sailed so far, crossing a strange and strange star field, seeing a group of twisted and wrecked wrecks, and even heard the harsh warnings several times, they had to do everything they could, crazy consumption. The fuel fled, the Cubs have never been so weak, and Dad’s face has never been so gloomy.

How many times, Huo Dongling heard his father’s nightmare between half-sleeping and half-awake--this is her strong towering tower, dazzling daddy in the face of the Star Storm!

The familiar Xinghai became so strange, so gloomy, so cold and so dangerous, that Huo Dongling had a false sense in the daytime - whether they were sailing in the stars or unknowingly, they plunged into the blood of a behemoth. The basin is big, will it be completely eroded by the boundless darkness?

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