Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2508: Girl Cry!


Many mercenaries were amazed and full of fascination, as if a dog in Yongchun’s footsteps was glory.

"At the moment, Yongzhonghou’s loyalty and national salvation army has completed the reorganization and killed the blue sky market. I heard that they have just played very well in the battle of the 10,000-bone star field. When the two sides struggled to exhaustion, they suddenly jumped to the center of the battlefield, then The recent jump distance, a little carelessness will lead to a catastrophic chain reaction, they dare, really a bunch of mad dogs!"

The cross chasing the soul of the sword and the eyebrows danced. "No one expected that they would appear in this way. As a result, they were smashed by the ruin of the 10,000-bone star field, which not only destroyed the **** fleet of the Wanshang Commercial Alliance in the 10,000-bone domain. Even the stragglers of the four major families have been gathered by them a lot, and the strength is so strong that they can't be added!

"Hey, you know, now the power of the four major families in the battlefield of the empire is mostly second-line fleets and miscellaneous brands, and there are more fleets, but the fighting spirit is not so high, and the **** fleet of the Wanjie Business Alliance confronts several There are also a lot of people who don’t shoot a shot in the month. It’s rare that the loyalty and national salvation army can fight so much. It will not be long before it will become the core of all the second-rate fleets. It is like a magnet, attracting countless forces.

"Yong Chunhou, his old man, is supporting such a bad dog. Is his position in the four major families still used?"

One word, saying that many mercenaries are full of enthusiasm, then the lightning knife has to bow down: "So, big brother, you have a way in the old man in Yongchun Hou?"

The two just called each other "your brother", and now, the cross chasing the soul sword has become the "big brother" of the lightning knife.

The cross chasing the soul of the sword licked his nose and smiled slightly: "The road is naturally that I have a brother who was originally a star thief who did not have the money. Later, he turned to a Jindan strongman of Li, and worshipped the family as a father. This Jindan strong is the cognac of Yongchun Hou’s old man!"


Including the knives and lightning knives, many mercenaries also praised, "That is the confidant of Yongchunhou!"

"So, if there is such a relationship, if the wind is not right, it is not easy to go to Yongchun Hou to his old man?"

The cross chased the soul of the sword and sneered a few times, saying, "Of course, Yongchun Hou Li is a hero who is a hero, and the common shrimp and crab will go to the market. Naturally, the eyes are too lazy, so we can't empty the door, but we can't empty the door, but If you want to hold a group and make a few contributions to the big market in the Seven Seas, then in the future, in the early spring of Yongchun, his old man will be able to play for the horse. The future is naturally limitless!"

"Yes, yes, Big Brother is right!"

霹雳 霹雳 霹雳 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第 第

"Yes, yes, big brother, I will follow you with this ‘cross chasing sword’!”

"One day is a big brother, and my life is a big brother. From now on, our brothers will go back together, and die together. Who wants to move the big brother, let me pass the "saw-tooth tiger"!"

Many mercenaries, who have drawn out their swords, knocked their jingles and made a heroic gesture.

The cross chasing the soul sword is overjoyed and laughs and laughs. "So I just said that this is the best era. It is called "a hero in the chaos of the world." These heroes are destined to emerge in such a good era. Starting from the water, playing a world!"

Huo Dongling listened to the unscrupulous dialogue of these mercenaries, and they were all mad at the lungs. I wished that all the food boxes would be smashed toward the shameless mercenary’s face, pointing at their noses and yelling: “You are in this class. The immortal snoring, playing the people are almost gone, what is the 'best era', what are you 'heroes'!"

Of course, this thought can only be thought of, and the face can not be revealed, only biting his lips, whispering to serve these "real people" and "grandfathers."

But she didn't want to provoke these mercenaries, but the mercenaries refused to let her go. When she fought her hands to the mercenary, the cross chasing sword suddenly caught her wrist and smiled: "Good young girl. For the first time, go out, don’t you be afraid?”

Huo Dongling was like a poisonous snake entangled in the wrist, the whole person froze, can't say a word.

"This real person..."

The companions around me hurried forward, nodded and smiled, but they couldn’t help but the lightning knife hurried up. One slap in the face of the three teeth of Huo Dongling’s companion: “Do you want to talk to you? Do you want to speak in front of the men?”


Seeing that the companion was fanned out, half of the face was swollen and purple, and Huo Dongling was not eclipsed by the flower, and the subconscious exclaimed.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, we are not bad people, they are all... the heroes who chase souls."

The smile of the cross-hunting sword is even more greasy. Five fingers climbed over Huo Dongling's elbow like five snakes. "The young girl with such a watery spirit has come to such a chaotic star field. Hey, your family. Not afraid that you will have an accident?

"This piece of the star field is not very flat. Although it is very close to the big market in the Seven Seas, the **** fleet of the Wanshang Business Alliance can not control every channel, and there will be four families of hunting ships at any time, in case of encounters." Hunting the ship, you are so delicate and delicate, you have to be fragrant, and it’s a pity!"

Huo Dongling is about to cry, and the rest of the crew are also stunned. The rest of the passengers are afraid to show up. The rest of the passengers see the mercenaries and the people, the fierce and evil, and who dares to make a comeback?

"But don't be afraid, let's chase the soul to help!"

The five fingers of the cross chasing sword climbed, climbed, climbed to the inside of the little girl's elbow, and gently circled the little girl's most sensitive skin. "We are chasing the soul to help the heroes in this area. There is no small name, black and white can be eaten open, regardless of the Wanshang Business League or the four major families, where there are no brothers? So, nothing, in case of real encounter with the hunting ship, we will certainly protect you.

"Right, look at your weak body bones. I jumped so many times in the past few days. I didn't suffer any internal injuries. Do you want to use a lot of valuable skills to help you check your body? You are welcome, Stars are jumping. Injury, you are so young, it is not good to leave any sequelae, rest assured, uncle likes to help people, does not charge you money, free..."

Huo Dongling was so scared that he was struggling, but he managed to escape the clutch of a cultivator.

The cross chasing the soul and the sword screamed twice, and the five fingers holding the little girl's elbows trembled, and immediately let the little girl be sore and unable to stand, she would fall into his arms.


The cross chasing the soul sword laughed, "Now the little girl is very active!"

He was about to open his arms and hug Huo Dongling in his arms. There was a strong force behind him, almost kicking his tail keel, kicking him out and hitting it on a food box. The soup was sprinkled with water. One.

When he looked back, Huo Dongling was wearing a black leather coat, a black hooded cloak, and a huge ink goggles. Every inch of skin was wrapped in a mysterious figure behind him.

"I'm hungry."

A mysterious man in black is cold and cold. "Why are our meals not delivered yet!"

This sentence sounds like saying to Huo Dongling behind him.

However, from the wide black goggles, there is no invisible and invisible killing, and each of the so-called "chasing souls" in front of them is locked.


The cross chasing soul sword was furious and looked at it with the lightning knife. Two low-level cultivators screamed at the same time, rushing toward the mysterious black man, and the famous sword was instantly sheathed, followed by

The black man snorted and then listened to the "squeaky" sound. The swords of the two mercenaries broke from the hilt and the handle and fell back into the sheath. They held the palms and waved, just Two short handles.


The cross chasing soul sword and the Thunder lightning knife face each other, looking at the smooth mirror-like fracture, the cold sweat instantly wet the crotch, and the four legs swayed.

"I'm hungry."

The black man repeated it, "Why are our meals not delivered yet!"

The last "come" word, such as a giant hammer, shook the cross chasing soul sword and the smashing lightning knife to the ground, and every bone on the body was shaking, and could not climb.

Those mercenaries who had just vowed to "come with the big brother and die together, and die together" were even holding their heads to the side, and the atmosphere did not dare to speak out.

The black men didn't look at them, they turned silently, returned to their corners, and sat down next to another companion in a gray cloak.

Huo Dongling’s heart screamed and his brain was slow, and he knew that this mysterious man saved himself. He looked around the cabin and saw everyone shivering, including the mercenary who had just been sinister. I dared to look at the black mysterious man in the corner and his companion, and hurriedly packed up two boxes of clean meals, and sent them to the two previous supply ports.

"Thank you, thank you."

The girl took the food box to the end, wiped and wiped the chopsticks, and wiped it cleanly. He was respected and held to the hands of the mysterious man, and some awkwardly said.

The heart is in a mess. Should he just win two mercenaries? The two mercenaries are not so good people, how powerful is this mysterious person? He is so powerful, it must be a cultivator, but how can the cultivator not bully the people, but protect her? Is this a conspiracy, or is he having a bigger attempt...

Thinking about it, unintentionally sweeping the mysterious person, Huo Dongling screamed: "Ah!"

The mysterious man did not remove the hood, took off the goggles, but pulled the zipper of the vertical collar to reveal the lower half of the face.

His face is covered with a layer of black short hair, like a fierce and agile cat, or... a panther!

Huo Dongling only screamed for half a voice and smothered his mouth. After the heart was finished, she definitely offended the uncle who looked very cold and had a bad temper. The people must be furious.

Unexpectedly, the cultivator who looks like a black panther just snorted and ate the food box to eat silently.

Instead, the companion next to him took off his hood and revealed a plain and warm face. He smiled and said: "Hey, little girl, don't be afraid, my brother is ugly, but the character is good. Never hurt you, come and sit down next to us!"

He patted the floor around him and motioned the girl to sit down.


Huo Dongling was once again stiff, and the face that had just recovered a few **** colors was once again white, which is called "only out of Longtan, and into the tiger hole"!

"I, no, uncle, beg you... I am still small... I don't talk..."

Huo Dongling wants to cry without tears and said weakly.


The plain-eyed passenger scratched his hair like a bird's nest, and seemed to understand something. He suddenly laughed and sweared, and he swears four fingers. "You don't misunderstand, I promise, no, I swear, really just Pure chat, there is no other activity."

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