Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2521: Jin Yuyan's art of war!

Li Jialing thought for a long time, and the creeps said: "It's a good deal? It's just too sinister! If I am a cultivator at the bottom of the family, I have to take such a 'long-term interest', isn't I looking forward to the family defeat? Only the family Lost, the elders are dead, my 'foreign rights' can only be honored!

"If there are a thousand, and 10,000 underlying cultivators have secretly purchased these ‘foreign rights,’ then, how can they fight?”

"You said the idea."

Li Yaodao, "Purchasing such a 'right-term rights' is equivalent to giving the parents old blood and cutting their flesh, and leaving their real names, which is equivalent to a 'name', which is naturally very risky - 10,000 The business alliance has been defeated. The data of these secret purchase agreements fall into the hands of the top four family members. These bottom-level cultivators are not allowed to die. Therefore, I estimate that 99% of the underlying cultivators are not willing to take advantage of this.

"But the cultivators are always lacking in gambling, losing their eyes, and being willing to betrayed. As long as 1% ambitious and violent cultivators dare to take these high-end shares, they are bound to Wanshang. What kind of performance will the commercial alliance and the reformist chariot have in the war, who will help, and what to say?

"What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg. According to the director of the blue sky market, Zuo Tianying, those truly valuable interests will not be sold in the open market, but they will have been found in the four major families. Mastering certain real powers, but the status has not risen, the middle class, who is unsettled, does not need money at all, and gives them to them. In the case of Wanjie Commercial League and the Reformists, these mines, Lingtian, pasture, Factory, all rights and interests are not theirs. There is no cost at all. If you don’t send it, as long as these middle-aged people are willing to accept it, they will have to sell their lives for the Wanshang Business Alliance and the Innovation Party. Awkward corners!"

Li Jialing was silent for a moment, muttering: "How many middle-level families of the four major families have accepted such options?"

“The number is far more than you think.”

Li Yaodao, "You know, the middle of these four families is not dealing with the Wanmeng Business Alliance on the first day, but it has formed a 'goodwill' with the Wanjie Business Alliance decades ago. It relies on the Wanmeng Business Alliance. Filial piety and offerings have only gradually climbed up in the family. In other words, the Wanshang Commercial League has long grasped the evidence that they have accepted bribes and secretly colluded.

"Under normal circumstances, the Wanshang Business Alliance will certainly not do things like killing chickens and taking eggs, exhausting the fish, and throwing out the evidence to make it easy to threaten. But if one such thing happens, who will dare to cooperate with the Wanmeng Business Alliance in the future?

"However, if the Wanshang Business League really dies, then who still manages so much? Always pull a few people to bury it!

"With the fierce internal struggle of the four major families, once someone has been detonated, it proves that he has collusion with the Wanjie Business Alliance. Does he still have a way to live? Does his family have a living path?

"Since there is no way to live, simply do not endlessly, there are options for white flowers, why not take it?

"In this way, from the grassroots to the middle, countless four families of cultivators have been dragged down step by step, and when they suddenly wake up, they can't go back!"

Li Jialing listened and sighed: "The top four family members, do you know that the bottom is already smashed?"

"Do you know how, can you drag all the underlying agents out of the guns? Don't say that you are shot, and now that the war is coming soon, you need to 'send your heart, unite and unite', even if it is only for the case investigation, it will be troubled. Everyone is in danger, fearful and uneasy, greatly hurt morale, how do you fight in the back?"

Li Yao sneered, "You have a crystal, I have money, you have a starship, I have options, you have a giant soldier, I will use the sugar-coated shells to smash your entire giant soldier maintenance and maintenance team. , dig over, this is the general deacon of Wanjie Commercial Alliance, Jin Yuyan's art of war!"

Li Jialing thought for a long time and had to admire the gloom and sharpness of Jin Yuyan. He said: "I only know today that the original non-combat-type powerhouse is so terrible!"

"The immortal is too much emphasis on the survival rule of 'weak meat and strong food, the winner is king', so that the simple force is raised to the point where it is impossible to add. The combat-type cultivators are often arrogant and arrogant, and completely ignore the non-combat-type cultivators."

Li Yaodao, "I don't know that human civilization has developed into today's era, and it has already entered a highly refined era of division of labor and cooperation. Some of the more powerful forces than the simple force of force are only under the system of Xiuxian Avenue. It is difficult to take the lead, once these forces surfaced. I only know that Wu Fu, who is a knives and a knife, often does not know how to deal with it.

"Let's go, the inspection has been completed, we can enter the big market."

Li Yao took a photo of Li Jialing’s shoulder and motioned that he should do business.

The two went to find Huo Dongling to say goodbye. Naturally, they did not forget to inquire about the trading of the bears. The value of the rough ore brought by the bear is not high. It could not sell too high a price, but dare to dare in the chaos. Adventure through the blockade line to the seven seas market, has a strong demonstration effect, is the so-called "thousands of horses and bones" Well, so the staff of Wanjie Business League said that even if the price of ore is not too high, not enough to purchase enough The materials, but they can also be sold to them a number of necessities of life, let them bring back, help South Lingxing temporarily through the storm.

This hand played quite beautifully. People from Southern Stars were grateful to the Wanshang Business Alliance and the Reformists for their extremes. After all thanks, I promised to spread the news to other colonies around Nanling. Everyone knows how "Benevolence and Righteousness" is in the Wanjie Business Alliance, and what really wants to cut off everyone's life is the four major electorate families, those who are **** big aristocrats.

I know that the bear can return with full load, watching Huo Dongling's smile like a flower bud, Li Yao and Li Jialing are all down.

The two and the girl bid farewell, leaving the port and officially entering the Seven Seas market.

The Seven Seas Market is divided into two regions, the inner and outer regions. The outer region is where free trade is. Since the advocacy of "absolute freedom" is not too strict, no one cares about their identity and intentions. The trade union fighters only have a rough check on them. The weapons, to see if there is any magic weapon of mass destruction, even to turn a blind eye to their fake names and obvious light and shadow masks, give them two crystal cards with dynamic change trading passwords and wave them.

Li Yao and Li Jialing are mixed in a group of merchants, mercenaries, assassins and fugitives from the south to the north. Almost everyone wears a mask like a butterfly, wrapped in long or short hooded robes. Squeezed into a vacuum tube, in a huge transparent capsule.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Below the clear capsule, there is a thicker liquid that is slightly diluted than the gel, and the passengers are all wrapped.


When the viscous liquid did not pass over the top of the passenger's head, everyone only felt the eardrum gently sway, and the surrounding light and shadows were dragged into colorful lines.

They marched into the depths of the Seven Seas market at a speed of speed, and in just ten minutes of arrogance, the port and the Xinghai were far behind, and they went deep into the filth of the never-beatful money beast. .

When Li Yao and Li Jialing finally broke free from the viscous liquid of the transparent capsule, they found that the body was dry and comfortable, and even the hair tips were not wet by the half drop of liquid.

Not too late to be amazed, it was deeply shocked by the magnificent scene of 10,000 colors.

This is the most prosperous and lively market that the two have seen. Every inch of space that they have seen is filled with exaggerated, colorful, and loud signs. The signboards gather the adventurers of the entire empire of Tiannanhaibei and Sanjiaoliuliu. There are all kinds of strange costumes and strange shapes, even if Li Jialing is like a panther-like shape, it is not even eye-catching when it is thrown into the crowd. Some people are more strange than him.

A good seven-sea market, I really don't know how to use the "small car, the shoulders and the shoulders" to describe it, or to say that it is "black smoke, suffocating, mixed".

Anyway, Li Yao’s memory of the “Fish Dragon City” on the periphery of the Xingyao Federation has expanded by a hundredfold and is a hundred times more chaotic. It is almost the appearance of the Seven Seas Market.

Even if the four major families united with the fleet and pressed the border, the battle to decide whether to live or die was unveiled. The big market in the Seven Seas still couldn’t smell too much smoke. The horses ran, the dances jumped, and the lights were still smashing.

Only public broadcasts that occasionally reverberate in a closed space tell people that it is now during the war.

"Money is freedom, money is life, money is everything! The four electorate families want to **** our hard work and accumulate a hundred years of money, that is, we want to kill all of us! The citizens of the outer world of the empire are urging you. The courage to defend your money, the money is sacred!"

"Extraordinary news, extraordinarily large news, the nine borders of the Tiannan Jiujie officially signed the "Tiannan Mutual Protection Agreement" and responded to the request of the four major electoral families to force them to march in eight words - 'This is chaos Life, never give up!! All the fleets of the Tiannan Jiujie have been separated from the sequence of the four major family federations, and will be strictly neutral in the next phase of the war!"

"Explosive news, just the explosive news! The commander of the Supreme Commander of the 4th Theater of the Expeditionary Force, General Yun Zhengxin, just announced that in view of the current turmoil in the Empire, in order to guard against the new round of counterattacks of the sacred squad, all fleets of the 4th Theater of the Expeditionary Force will accept ' Liaohai Hou's unified command of Lei Chenghu, and together with Lei Chenghu's thundering fleet, sent the best patriotic soldiers to the Imperial Capital, and discussed with the 'Renovation Committee of the Senate', related matters, this amazing news It has already triggered a chain reaction in the remaining theaters. In the future empire, true, pure, and just patriotic soldiers will surely play a more important role!"

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