Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2523: Assassin game!


Li Jialing was surprised, "Where is the assassin?"

“Nature is the four big families!”

Li Yao snorted. "I just said so much to you on the boat. You should also understand how the "four big family united fleets" have been infiltrated. How can such a bed be a dream? The so-called 'joint fleet' has no fighting power at all, and even the combat power is negative!

"These things are so bad, the top four family members will not know, and they will rush into the market before they have settled the complicated and complicated interests. There are too many uncertain factors, and even many people in the joint fleet are not excluded for their own interests. The possibility of losing the fleet to the defeat - this is the reason why the big four major families still do not appear in the Seven Seas.

"But the Wanshang Business Alliance has its own weaknesses. Their military strength is seriously inadequate. It relies on strong "confidence" to support them. Therefore, it is necessary to boast about what is the "Tiannan Neutral, Expeditionary Forces". To be courageous, and 'confidence' is like soap bubbles. It is easy to blow big, but it is easier to blow.

"As long as there are extremely serious changes within the Seven Seas market, it will be able to combat the morale of the Wanmeng Business Alliance. As long as the free star currency can not be cashed in just a few days, it will be for the Free Star Coin, the Wanjie Business League and even the Innovation Party. Confidence will disappear, and the beautiful soap bubbles will burst.

"At that time, the four major families of the combined fleet will continue to squadrons, and they will really be able to 'go to the next heart, unite and unite, destroy and ruin, and it will be like a broken bamboo.'

"How can we make people's confidence in the Wanshang Business Alliance to a minimum? Isn't the most direct way to assassinate the general deacon of the Wanshang Commercial League?"

Li Jialing gave a slight glimpse and nodded again and again: "It makes sense. Now the four major families have a serious lack of control over the bottom cultivators. Even within their respective fleets, there are a large number of free star currency holders and sympathy for the Wanjie Business Alliance. Those who command the men on the front battlefield are very likely to fall into the whirlpool of chaos.

"But the four giants who have grown up have selected a group of core children, such as ‘Yongchun Hou Li and No Diseases,' and they are so loyal to the family that they can never be bought by the Wanshang Business Alliance.

"One hundred and ten strong core children, composed of elite assault squads, penetrated into the big market of the Seven Seas, and waited for a fatal blow. As long as they can kill Jin Yuyan, it is best to cause huge damage to the big market of the Seven Seas. Free Star Coin The credit value of the Wanmeng Business Alliance must fall to the bottom. As long as the value of the free star can fall by 20% to 30%, it will form a crazy sell-off and a run. Once the panic wave is formed, the Wanshang Commercial League and even the reformists are finished. !"

“The analysis is very comprehensive.”

Li Yaodao, "The ruling class of the high-level cultivators, such as the four big families, will never believe the people at the bottom. In their eyes, no matter the underlying ordinary people or the underlying cultivators are not worthy of trust, so the number is not Many of the most powerful core children's commandos are their best choice.

"Li Wuji, the kid, also had a message from the family. It seems that a group of Lijia children have been selected to participate in secret tasks. Although he does not know the specific content of the task, he has seen the list of participants. The specialties of Li’s children are all hidden and shadow assassinations.

"And he also learned that the core children including Yunjia and Songjia, who have similar specialties, were secretly selected and drawn. No one knows where to go. It is not necessarily to sneak into the emperor, to assassinate the Queen's Highness? It’s too crazy, the success rate is too low!

"So I dare to assert that at this moment, near the 'commodity trading market', there must be several elite assassin squads from the four major families. They have long occupied the most favorable assassination position, as you just said, ventilation. What are the pipes and sewers, then what am I going to do together? In my current status, the ventilation pipes that others have drilled, I will not drill!"

"It turned out to be the case, but it is not right, Yao Ge -"

Li Jialing thought for a moment, "If the assassins of the four major families have penetrated into the big market of the Seven Seas, even as you said, they have already sneaked into the best assassination position. Why have they not started their actions? These seven days The big market has been calm and calm, I have not heard that Jin Yuyan has suffered assassination!"

“This is the calm before the storm, these four family assassins are waiting for the best opportunity.”

Li Yao explained, "Jin Yuyan is the general deacon of the Wanjie Commercial Alliance, but it is not a dictator who has a single statement and a monopoly. The Wanjie Business Alliance advocates absolute freedom, and it is more like a super-commercial firm. There are countless interest groups entangled in the joint venture, and the structure is very complicated.

"It's not so much that Jin Yuyan is a dictator. It is better to say that he is only the CEO of the Wanjie Business Alliance plus the largest shareholder. Even the largest shareholder may not be worthy. It is just the spokesperson of many powerful major shareholders.

"Assassination of Jin Yuyan does cause a certain degree of confusion, but the chaos is destined to be temporary. Wanmeng Business Alliance has an amazing self-healing ability. In addition to the general deacon of Jin Yuyan, there are five senior deacons, what is the chief The operating officer, the chief financial officer, etc., at that time, it is possible to elect one to replace Jin Yuyan, to stabilize the military, the people and the confidence in the free star.

"If you can't seize the fleeting opportunity and launch a storm on the Seven Seas, then the assassination of such a large cost will be wasted.

"What is the so-called "slightly fleeting opportunity"? The best, here is the assassination of Jin Yuyan, causing serious confusion in the big market of the Seven Seas. The news has just spread throughout the seven seas, all the defenders, mercenaries and When the caravans are full of people, the 'four big family federations' there will be in the air, and countless starships will appear on the outskirts of the Seven Seas, and launch the most violent blow to the heart of the Wanshang Business League!

"If this is the case, then no one in the joint fleet would dare to sneak a sneak sneak peek. If they dare not swear by the yang, they will not work hard. Since the Wanshang Commercial League is defeated, the free star has become A piece of white paper, then they only plunder the big market of the seven seas, and slightly compensate their losses - I guess, this is the effect that the four families want to achieve.

"Now, the four major family federations have not yet completed the final assembly, and of course the assassination will not begin so soon.

"But from the secret information sent by White Boss to us last time, even if the warlords and the local snakes in the outer world are no longer procrastinating, and they are reluctant, they have already completed most of the preparatory work and can expand the Xinghai.

"The four major families have also dispatched several fiercely-fighting first-class fleets to supervise the war and the main attack. For example, Hou Hou, who has no such illness, has seven or eight. It can be seen that this time is a real thing, and it is hard to fight.

"Bai boss estimates that for a maximum of ten days and a half months, within a short period of three or five days, the general attack on the big market of the Seven Seas is about to begin. Don't look at the perimeter of the Seven Seas Stars has already set up a defense system that is impregnable and waterless, but At that time, tens of thousands of starships appeared at the same time, and the million-door guns released the most dazzling light at the same time, and the whole piece of Xinghai would burn!

"White boss said this, it is already two days ago. In other words, the assassination action is possible at any time. Maybe Jin Yuyan has a life-threatening worry today. This is that he is escaping and has nothing to do with my arrival. !"

Li Jialing suddenly became nervous: "Do we want to stop the assassins of the four major families?"

"Look at it, the defensive power of the Wanshang Business Alliance is not a dead person. There is a rumor that the Wanshang Business Alliance has long compiled the four strongest and most powerful methods in the outer world of the empire, with the highest success rate and the highest rate of praise. Killer organization, 'black flag', 'red dragonfly', 'impermanence' and 'dead sea light', these are the hundred-year-old shops and gold signs in the circle of killers and assassins, if they really wash white into the Wanshang Business League The security team, where is Jin Yuyan so good to kill? You don't have to worry about it!"

Li Yao said with a low voice. "Although it is a gossip, I have observed it, but I think it does have something. If it is not really the most powerful four killer organizations in the whole empire, how can the Wanshang Commercial League dare to fight? Before, it was still so lightly taken, and the security measures were so loose?

"I suspect that they are deliberately letting outsiders relax their vigilance. In fact, there may be hundreds of former gold medal killers at the moment. Now the ace bodyguards are secretly sneaking into us."

Li Jialing’s muscles suddenly became tense.

"Don't be so nervous, the situation is indeed a bit complicated, but the more complicated it is, the more convenient it is for us to fish in troubled waters, and the fire in the fire! If the opponents are all iron plates, just by the two of us, even if I am the top three masters of comprehensive strength, How to compete?"

Li Yaodao, "In short, the key to the forthcoming Seven Seas battle is not in the vast Xinghai, but between the squares around us. This is a thrilling 'Assassin's Battle'. There are a total of four forces in the war. The assassin sent by the big family; was collected by the Wanjie Commercial League, the loyal killer of Jin Yuyan; the surface was compiled by the Wanjie Commercial League, and was loyal to Jin Yuyan, but actually secretly loyal to the killer of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi; Finally is us!

"Four players, assassin wars, some people want to kill Jin Yuyan now, some people unconditionally want to keep Jin Yuyan, and some people don't want Jin Yuyan to die so quickly, but if they are discovered by Jin Yuyan, they will not rule out killing him immediately. Maybe... the key to winning or losing, not necessarily depends on who is stronger, but also depends on who can distinguish the earliest, who is the enemy, who is the friend, who is the reliable partner, who is the conspirator Very exciting?

"I haven't played such an interesting game for a long time, go, play... start!"

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