Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2536: Difficult Wang Sun

In one sentence, Li Yao stunned for a long time and said: "The original Qi Yuanbao and Mrs. Zun are brothers and sisters. This is really no one can think of."

Regardless of the senior deacon of Wanshang Commercial League, Qi Yuanbao or Jin Yuyan’s wife, Wu Yingqin, is not a nameless pawn. Li Yao naturally collected the information of these two people, but no matter what information, they did not mention that they have A slight relationship.

Li Yao has produced some relatively embarrassing associations, and it is also... human nature.

"This is the two hidden secrets of them. The outsiders naturally don't know."

Jin Yuyan snorted and said, "My father-in-law is called 'Wuying Yuanshan'. One hundred and fifty years ago, it was once a very rich world in the periphery of the empire, the landlord of the 'Lingshanjie', and the vast distance With strong financial resources, it has become a leader of the 'Wuying Department'."

"Wu Ying Department?"

In the heart of Li Yao’s heart, he immediately thought that in the shopping malls of the real human empire, there is indeed a saying of “the Wuying Department”.

Five hundred years ago, the imperial power fell, and the four great families rose. The original royal family and the clan were dying and scattered. Some of the ancestral sects stayed in the emperor, and they became mixed and die, and the shackles of the shackles were ruined. Morale and training can be said that the Royal Forest Army, another part of the ancestral room, carries a large number of homes and soft, scattered to the Xinghai parties to find a way out.

The four major families have strictly controlled these sects in politics, and at the most, they have become the landlords of the outer world of the empire, and they are never allowed to ask the power of the central part of the Xinghai.

However, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse. After all, the Wuying family once ruled the central part of the Xinghai for five hundred years. No matter whether the financial power or the power is not instantly able to collapse, let alone the four major families will rule the empire with the gods of the Wuying family. Naturally, it can't be forced too much. If the strong rebound of the Wuying family is aroused, the two sides will make you die, and if the jade is burned, then it will be cheaper.

Therefore, the four great families and these clan children faintly reached an unwritten agreement - the Wuying family should not reveal their ambitions for the supreme power, but most of the clan went to the outer world of the empire, and it was a jewel of food and wealth. Fu Jia Weng, still no problem, even secretly supported by the four major families.

The big man was born in the heavens and the earth, not to seize power, but to seek wealth. The Wuying family broke off the hope of power, and did not want to eat and die. If they lived like a pig for a lifetime, they could only concentrate all their energy on chasing money.

They carry the fats of the people who have been searching for the first five hundred years. The capital from the central part of the Xinghai is naturally not a small family that is born and raised in the outer world of the empire. The four families are in secret support, contacts, visions, and handwriting. The technology is unheard of in the outer world, and it has never been seen before. It has quickly hit many soil buns and controlled many core industries in the peripheral world.

After hundreds of years, these have the background of the clan, and the capital behind the scenes often surnamed "Wu Ying" is called the "Wu Ying Department".

"My father-in-law, originally a leader of the 'Wuying Department', is also a talented, ambitious, most prosperous period, even wanting to concentrate all the capital of the 'Wuying Department', making an unprecedented and truly big cause!"

Jin Yuyan sighed and said, "It’s a pity that he is full of enthusiasm and the wind is too strong, but he forgot the reason why the four families originally supported the 'Wuying Department'. Is it true that people really want to hold them a fortune? Small money blocked their mouths and consumed their ambitions and will.

"The children of the clan are waiting in the outer world, and they are safe and self-sufficient, earning a little money, living a life of drunken dreams, wine pools, and extravagant life. The four families are too lazy to care about them, but my father-in-law has to concentrate all the capital together. What else to do is 'big business', hey, this is the way to find out!

"Next, it is very common that the prince is in trouble, crouching between the grass and the grass, ten years of grinding the sword, and revenge in the past. My father-in-law 'Wuying Yuanshan' died in assassination, and an old man was buried in the temple. Among the raging flames, the position of the lord of the world was taken over by the subordinates, and his great dreams naturally vanished.

"Just, when the assassin slaughtered my father-in-law, but let the two of the two ran away, that is my wife and my little sister-in-law, oh, my little sister-in-law is not completely ran away, or the other party is very vicious. The power of erosion and corruption in the palm of the hand has entangled him for decades, and finally his body was spoiled and screamed, but he later cultivated into a very superb form of 'super ghost repair', and these decades of suffering It doesn't matter.

"In short, my wife and my nephew escaped from the birth of the day, and a series of accidents and adventures occurred. In order to prevent the enemy from continuing to chase, the two decided to hide their names and implement the revenge plan separately.

"My wife used her master to be good at trying to figure out the advantages of the people, to join the business community, from another angle to become the rising star of the 'Wuying Department', and to slap the truth of the past 'change of the Lingshan world'; and my little nephew was renamed Qi Yuanbao , nicknamed 'hanging ghosts', became a fierce assassin, and formed his own power 'impermanence', waiting for revenge.

"After that, my wife and I met at the mall..."

Li Yao heard this and nodded again and again: "Understood, you are all ‘money and money transactions, political marriages’!”

Jin Yuyan’s old face is red, saying: “The marriage of our kind of people, of course, can’t be just for what kind of love. She fancy that I was emerging in the Wanshang Business Alliance and has become a powerful newcomer in the business world. My strength comes to revenge, so I take the risk and confess the truth to me.

"After I weighed it again, I also took a fancy to the network and fame of my dead father-in-law "Wuying Yuanshan" in the 'Wuying Department'. I wanted to hold this force firmly in my palm, so I made a 'win-win' select.

"After that, my marriage with Wu Yingqin was actually quite pleasant, and the cooperation between our two couples and Qi Yuanbao was quite smooth. - With the secret support of Wu Yingqin and me, Qi Yuanbao’s 'impermanence' organization will be wiped out. The direct murderer killed a clean, first to recover a small interest, then it became a matter of course, in the 'Wuying Department' announced the return of Wu Yingyuan's daughter.

"And I also rely on the 'Wuying Department' and the power of Qi Yuanbao's impermanence organization, and steadily within the Wanshang Business Alliance, defeating hundreds of competitors in succession, and eventually becoming the general deacon of the Wanjie Business Alliance, the business outside the Empire. leader!

"Of course, in order to avoid the sharpness of the front, and once again recruited the thunder of the four families, Qi Yuanbao has not recovered his "Wu Ying" surname, and no one knows that he is the brother of Wu Yingqin, otherwise, this pair of brothers and sisters My power is terrible, and I may have been on the clear list of the four families, and they have been obliterated!

"Now, you should understand. I and Wu Yingqin are both troubled couples. Before they know each other, they have not yet really made a fortune. Later, they have concluded the strongest alliance of interests, and they have achieved each other. They must be inseparable. The real murder of the door is the four big families. How can I possibly think before the four big families have been eliminated? Will she betray me?"

Li Yao thought about electricity, and for a long time, he only nodded. "Yes, in general, before the four major families have been eliminated, she does not have any reason to betray you. I am you, everyone is one. For more than a hundred years, the couple will certainly believe her without reservation.

"Just because people are not as good as days, you can't count them all, and the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi will be resurrected!"

"Wu Yingqin and Qi Yuanbao are both ancestral chambers, that is, Wu Yingqi's bloodline. There are too many articles in this place. If Wu Yingqi uses the 'Rise of the Royal Family' to clarify the righteousness, then use a 'Prince, King of the King'. Such a title to seduce, oh, change to me, I am afraid I will be tempted."

"Who said no?"

Jin Yuyan’s smile is more and more bitter. “This is also the reason why you said that the black star emperor Wu Yingqi was resurrected. I am convinced of the reason – in addition, there is no reason for Wu Yingqin and Qi Yuanbao to betray me! ”

"In other words, the reason why Qi Yuanbao never restores the name of 'Wu Ying' and does not disclose his relationship with Wu Yingqin's brother and sister. I am afraid that part of it is your inspiration?"

Li Yao looked at Jin Yuyan with a smile and smiled. "I think if Qi Yuanbao reveals his true identity and everyone knows that he is your little nephew, it is impossible for you to be the general deacon of Wanjie Commercial Alliance, and your little nephew is The situation of one of the five senior deacons of the Wanjie Business Alliance, other deacons and shareholders, will be vigilant against your family."

Jin Yuyan coughed one channel: "Yes, I have not tried to pass Qi Yuanbao, secretly control more shares of Wanjie Commercial League, and suppress the idea of ​​the other three killer organizations - you also know that 'four deaths' are all It is a stunt and unruly person. Under the hand, there are so many assassins who are savage and murderous. I am not a combat-type cultivator. If there is not one or two cards, how can we balance them?"

"So, you will use your little scorpion as the biggest card."

Li Yaodao, "I didn't expect that this card eventually fell into the hands of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, killing you with chicken feathers and blood, almost murdering Huang Quan, even if you are lucky enough to return a small life, you still don't know if you can restore the real Identity, let others admit that you are Jin Yuyan!"

Jin Yuyan is the best **** of Li Yao’s temper. The words “harmonious and wealthy” are integrated into his blood, bone marrow and soul. Even if Li Yao is even more ridiculous, he is indifferent, just sighs: "Now that I am upset, it is already late, and the whole story is in the ins and outs. We have all figured out roughly, but just a messy assassination, there are a lot of details I didn't figure out, it is better to come and see."

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