Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2543: Can't say the identity!

This darkness is like a whirlpool, violent like a demon, deep as a black hole-like giant soldier, destined to become the most painful brand of all eyewitness nightmare.

It did not pose a battle at all, but quietly stood between the heavens and the earth, releasing the arrogance of the flood.

Numerous black arrogances have risen to the sky, condensing into a substantial column of smoke, spreading in all directions, and the fascinating blue sky and white clouds are eclipsed, and the entire Wanshang Commercial Union headquarters building is shrouded in blurred black fog.

Look closely, the fog is actually composed of countless twisted demons, as if this black giant warrior commanded a thousand troops, surrounded by the heart of the Wanshang Business League.

One person, a giant soldier, surrounded the Wanmeng Business League!

The deacons, shareholders and investors of Wanjie Business Alliance have not seen the giant soldiers. In fact, because of the particularity of the forces, Wanmeng Commercial League has collected quite a lot of giant soldiers in the past hundred years - this is also their A big temptation to attract the Quartet heroes.

However, most of the giant warriors of the Wanshang Commercial League are seriously damaged on the battlefield, and they are assembled together, and even the components used to replace the original components are imitations. However, compared with the giant soldiers who are controlled by the four electorate families, it is often necessary to have two or three Wanshang merchant alliances to compete with the high-ranking giants of the four elites.

And this black giant soldier, look at the shape, look at the momentum, look at the volcanic eruption-like arrogance, is the best of the best, the vast majority of the empire over a hundred years of the strong, have never seen such a ultimate weapon !

As if a giant soldier, it is enough to run through the entire seven-sea market and kill all of them - knowing that it is an illusion, but each of their nerve endings is still involuntarily shuddering, no matter how Jindan and Yuan Ying can't work. calm.

This is the true **** of destruction. It is the peerless soldier who can destroy the heavens and the earth, and even Pangu and the son-in-law can kill!

The black giant soldiers are so quietly suspended outside the headquarters of the Wanshang Commercial Union, deliberately waiting for the defenders in all directions to surround them.

However, even if the defenders rushed in and out, even several giant soldiers appeared in a stumbling manner, how dare they easily go to this murderous super giant soldier?

Compared with this gorgeous, tyrannical, evil, ferocious, powerful giant soldier, the giants of the Wanshang Commercial League are like gray-faced and ruined.

The battle song released from the depths of the black giant soldiers was even more violent. Finally, someone remembered its name from the melody of the hurricane thunder. For a moment, his face was pale, such as lightning, lips trembled, teeth fighting, stuttering. Road: "No... impossible... never possible..."

Qi Yuanbao is even more frightened, and the brain cells are frozen. In a flash, they realize two facts.

First, the vulture Li Yao had already made every move of his mind clear. Li Yao did not personally invade the ventilation ducts. He just sent an insignificant hand to invade him and deliberately found him in order to open his hands. All the forces, including his own attention!

One-third of the armed forces he controls are still encircling the Red Lady and the **** killer in the outer zone. The remaining two-thirds of the forces are attracted by counterfeit goods. It can be said that the "empty door is wide open" and Li Yao can slam into it. .

He thought that Li Yao wanted to secretly capture the vital data, but Li Yao did not care to directly kill the Wanshang Commercial Union headquarters. This is the simplest "sound to the West"!

Second, the vulture Li Yao, this despicable and shameless liar, this fierce and tyrannical demon, he has always been hiding strength!

Li Yao’s strength to release at this moment is more than three times more powerful than his master’s ability to control the 'golden big bang', and the strength of the ace of the revolutionary ace, plus this giant nightmare, even if it is a nightmare He doesn't play tricks on 'sounding east strikes', but he can also come in with great light.

No one can stop him, no one can stop this demonic giant soldier, no one can stop the vulture Li Yao!

Until now, Qi Yuanbao finally understood why Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai had to pay tribute to him. Once he found the trace of the vulture Li Yao, even if there was only such news, he must inform the Emperor at the first time and must not act arbitrarily. Alone and Li Yao are enemies.

Qi Yuanbao has always been very self-satisfied. He believes that he has cultivated dozens of secretive spirits and masters. He is also proficient in "the corpse", which can transform into thousands of supernatural powers, and never fears any enemy of the gods, even the warnings of Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai. They are not in the heart, but they are the ambitions of the burning ambition, completely ruining the reason.

Unexpectedly, the blow came so fast, he had not carefully tasted the taste of victory, and he would fall into the abyss of eternal annihilation.

Qi Yuan Leopard's figure swayed, his eyes were red and he was going to drop blood. He braved the fire of the soul and burned more and more. He looked at Wu Yingqin's heart and found that his sister was also lost and stunned. I don't know how to react.

"Do not!"

Qi Yuanbao’s remnant soul is deep, and he is embarrassed by the evil spirits of the secluded spring. “I haven’t lost yet. I still have a chance. Even if his strength is stronger, he will be alone. Can he host our thousands of horses here? What's more, he still has a fatal weakness, his identity! He does not dare to reveal his true identity, then no one will believe his words, can he still kill everyone here?"

Just thinking of it, the black giant soldier who stood in midair finally lifted his right leg and took the first step.


The black giants have their feet on the void, but there is a ray of flames in the void, and the black flames are spreading like a ring shock wave. The high-rise buildings within ten miles of each other cause a second wave of devastating, this time not only The headquarters building of Wanshang Commercial League, but the glass of hundreds of buildings nearby bursts, and there is a crystal rain!

"Sorry, didn't you scare everyone?"

In the black giant soldiers, Li Yao’s gloomy laughter came. “Don’t be nervous, relax, I’m not killing you... at least, it’s not yet.”

Black giant soldiers step by step, a virtual footprint, and "walk" toward the building!

Everyone's heart is almost frozen. Although there are tens of thousands of sergeants and dozens of battle squads in all directions, everyone and machinery are deeply shocked by Li Yao's arrogance. Where can I wave the sword and pull the trigger? ?

"Everyone, don't trust him, every word he says is a lie!"

Qi Yuanbao shouted his heart and shouted at the scorpion. "He has betrayed the reformist. He is the running dog of the four electorate families. Every word he says is to disintegrate our military and morale. It is all fake. Fake, fake!"

During the talk, the black giant soldiers have "walked" to the broken window of the building.

Then, Li Yao made an unexpected move. He actually opened the door of the giant soldier's chest and walked out with a real volley, floating to the center of the big conference room!

He didn't even wear the crystal, only wrapped in a semi-solidified black battle suit. However, there were thousands of black feathers that slowly swirled around him, like a very strange tornado, after a long rotation. Only behind him, became a black cloak with a length of more than ten meters, still spinning, extremely singular and luxurious!

Although the black giant warrior "arson" still hovered outside the building, countless steel tentacles like black dragons and claws, but the attitude of the person, still slightly eased the pressure on the scene, but also a lot Shareholders and investors who participated in the conference with holographic projections brought deep curiosity.

Anyway, their body is not here, even if Li Yao is ten times stronger and completely dismantled the big market of the seven seas, they will not have anything.

They are just curious, the ace of the past reformists, and later the infatuation of the vulture Li Yao, who was deceived to the side of the four major families, how to appear in such a posture, what exactly does he want to do?

"Since the tyrannical powers of the outer world of the empire have all come together, it has saved me a lot of trouble."

Li Yao smiled slightly, his hands were carrying, the flames of the whole body broke out, and the black feathers cloaked and swayed. "Re-introducing myself, I am a vulture, Li Yao, and I am going to talk to you about a 'small' business today."

"Vulture Li Yao, you obviously have defected to the four family camps, not only assassinated the general deacon of Jin, but also intended to destroy the core transaction data of the Wanshang Business Alliance, even dare to appear here!"

Qi Yuanbao is arrogant. "Everyone knows that you like to play the 'dagger tactics'. Do you want to kill all the high-level business alliances here? Then - start with me!"

"Shut up!"

Li Yao took a look at the eyes and forked the five fingers. He grabbed it in the direction of Qi Yuanbao. Immediately, there was a huge sensible black hand with a fierce wind blowing out of the air, forcing Qi Yuanbao to scream and had to flee.

Li Yao was only imaginary, and immediately stopped, coldly said, "This king kills you, such as slaughtering a dog, just a dirty pig dog like you, still not qualified to tarnish the king's hand, shut up , retreat, kneel down, don't get in the way of the king!"


Qi Yuanbao said that he was one of the five senior deacons of Wanjie Business Alliance. He had been so disgraced in front of many deacons, shareholders, investors and business partners. He was so blushing, regardless of the release of the killings, the voice instantly improved eight. Degree, "vulture Li Yao, who are you, looking at the entire real human empire, you have never heard of your name before a year and a half, you are simply inexplicably falling from the sky, but with such a strong strength, also have A giant soldier who is so special in shape?

"Which door are you, which faction, which family is born? Where did you cultivate to the realm of the gods? Where did you come from this super giant soldier? I am guaranteed by the head, the human empire is never the number one person like you. Are you a super-spyware carefully cultivated by the Covenant League, just to go here to ruin the empire of the empire? Or do you have a hidden identity that is even less known, and you dare not dare to succumb to the world?

"Say, can't say it, hahahaha, your identity and origin are so unclear, I don't think we can believe what you said!"

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