Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2547: Secret agreement

The eyes of the senior deacon shimmered and shook the beard and concealed the twitching of the corner of his mouth. He said: "What does the Black Wind King want to do? What kind of transaction?"

Li Yao slowly scanned four senior deacons and smiled a little. "Do you still use it? What do you think? If you are the four senior deacons of the Wanshang Commercial League, you can’t even see what the king wants to do. Come out, the king really doubts whether you have this strength and vision to complete this unprecedented transaction."

The four senior deacons were slightly stunned, and one of them was younger. The two senior deacons were impatient: "The thought of the Black Wind King, how can we not understand - although you discovered the empire There are nearly a hundred abandoned worlds in the Star Beach, but only knowing the coordinates and depth of development and construction is totally different!

"You have only five resources and populations in the world, and even the construction of a wild world may not be satisfied, let alone rebuild more worlds in a short period of time.

"So, the coordinates of these abandoned worlds, in the case of the Black Wind King, are only high hanging on the horizon, the fragrance is tangy, the shine is bright, but the ducks can't be seen or eaten!"


The second senior deacon jumped out, a look of "I have already seen you completely." I laughed very treacherously. "Everyone is a smart person. Why do you talk around the circle? I guess, the Black Wind King never actually planned to spend. For hundreds of years, I have worked hard to build those abandoned worlds. The so-called 'night long dreams', there are too many variables in the past few hundred years, not to mention the fact that many of the strong winds of the Black Wind Fleet are ferocious and savage, and are the best fighters. , but it is not a diligent, hard-working pioneer!

"Rather than spending hundreds of years to work **** this 'uncertainty factor', it is better to pack these discarded planets for a good price now, in exchange for more intuitive benefits - the Black Wind King should be holding such a mind Only then can you sneak back into the empire? Only such a big business is worthy of your own talk. If you just want to explore the latest situation of the empire, just send some soldiers to implement it."

"I didn't expect that when the black wind Wang Gang returned to the empire, he was involved in the whirlpool of chaos. He even found that today's empire is on the verge of being torn apart and even completely collapsed. It is necessary for a hero like the Black Wind King to come forward and turn the tide!"

The third senior deacon has a well-established mind. "I am a black wind king. I will also expand my ambitions by a hundred times. This is how the abandoned world of the Star Beach is better. How can it compare with the black winds of the old homes, the black wind? Waiting for the five worlds?

"With nearly a hundred abandoned world coordinates and development rights, in exchange for the five worlds such as the Black Wind and even more developed worlds around, even further, took over the banner of the 'innovation empire' and became a famous minister of the ZTE Empire. The cracked soil seals the border, the name is history, and the ancients are flowing, not to mention!

"This is really the practice of the king of the black wind, it really is the style of the Black Wind Fleet!"


The old high-ranking senior deacon concluded, "The Queen’s Highness does not seem to like the ambitious heroes of the Black Wind King, or that the 'innovation empire' has only one side of the battle flag. Only one person can take it to all the cultivators. At the forefront, so you have happened... a small misunderstanding. After that, the Black Wind King came here to talk about the "old friends" of the Wanshang Business Alliance!"

The four senior deacons are all highly motivated and motivated. Only by Li Yao’s words, he has clearly defined his intentions, and is well-founded and convincing. He has heard many deacons around him. Shareholders and investors nodded in succession.

Li Yao took out two eyes and stared at the four senior deacons, staring intently.

Until the four senior deacons were stared at him by some creeps, he suddenly made a pig-like smirk, and repeatedly clap his hands and gave a thumbs up to the four senior deacons: "Ha ha, hahahaha, good, really good, really amazing. Do you know why I like you smart people from all of you? Because your **** ones are all geniuses! It’s really hard to communicate with you, you don’t have to speak at all, I’m thinking about it, I’m being It’s almost as good as one of the two, and it’s like a mind-reading!

"So, nonsense, this business, do you think you have done it in the Wanjie Business League?"

The four senior deacons looked at each other and turned their attention to the more deacons and shareholders on the four-seat seats. Seeing that everyone was dazzled, if they were thoughtful, they knew that everyone was already moving, but they were still evaluating, Li Yao was black. Wind King, how much business and profit can be thrown out.

"Dare to ask the Black Wind King -"

The old-fashioned senior deacon is cautious. "In the database of Firefly, how many coordinates of the abandoned world are stored, and the wild world of your new conquest, what is the specific situation? How many populations and resources are needed in the first phase of development? How much money, how long will it take to get a return? Also, if we want to open up a new channel between the local and the seaside, whether there is a suitable jumping point, what is the fuel consumption along the way? We don’t know the details. Business is no way to talk.

"In addition, the most important point is that the Black Wind King is so generous and generous, give us a big gift to the Wanshang Business Alliance, and want to get something from us?"

"The king wants to be very simple. Just now everyone has already said that the first is the five worlds, such as the Black Wind, which is the home of many strong fighters of the Black Wind Fleet. It is of great significance and must not fall into the hands of others."

Li Yao is ruthless and ruthless. "In addition, when we really defeated the four electorate families and rebuilt the system of the new empire, the king naturally had to get the reward he deserved, what is the history of the world, and the world." The virtual name of the king does not care, but the size of the Black Wind Fleet is tripled and five times, seven or eighty times... but not too much?"

The four senior deacons shook their heads at the same time: "No, not too much, not too much."


Li Yao was satisfied and nodded. "In exchange, the king is not very interested in how to rebuild the abandoned world, the trivial things of management and colonization, even if they are fully handed over to the princes of the Wanjie Business Alliance. What's the matter? I don't care about the details. I don't care. In short, a principle, 'the interests are all divorced'! The king returned to the empire after a hundred years. He has no relatives and friends, and today he has a chance to meet each other. Everyone here is a good friend of the king. Since it is Good friends, you should have meat to eat together, have money to send together, one can not be less, right?"

The words are bright, and everyone’s eyes are shining, like a pair of burning holes.

"Say, since it is a good friend, you should help me, I will help you."

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and his voice gradually became contaminated with blood and blood. "How to divide the ducks is the next step. You must unite in front of you. You must defeat the four electoral families first. Otherwise, it is not that we divide the ducks. But we are treated as a duck to unload eight pieces, and even the belt bones are swallowed up!

"The king does not care. Anyway, there are black wind fleets in hand, and they can attack and retreat. Even if the four major emperors know the king's actions, they are afraid to pretend to be dumb and give the king a thin face. Some of you can't escape this level, you have to go to the end of the house and even the door to smash, oh, hey!"

The sneer of madness makes many people's faces difficult to look at.

"When I erected the banner of "Respecting the Emperor and Renovating the Empire," I have already set aside life and death, and I will definitely fight hard. I hope the Black Wind King can rest assured."

The old-fashioned senior deacon is still not ruthless, still entangled. "Just, the big business that the Black Wind King said, if you can disclose some specific details, I want to be more inspiring and add three to five points of morale."

"is it?"

Li Yao wrinkled his nose and was very impatient. "Jin Yuyan also said this, but also entangled the king for three days and three nights, wrapped up in the king's head, and this time, many details were finalized, and all of them were condensed into a secret contract. You will take a closer look at the secret agreement and you will know."


The old-fashioned senior deacon stunned, and smiled bitterly. "The Black Wind King also knows that our general deacon has been... unfortunately fallen. Where do we go to find a secret agreement with him?"

"This is simple. Jin Yuyan has been suspicious of these days. He always worried that someone would murder him. In order to prevent accidents, he told the king about the place where the secret was deposited and the password."

Li Yaodao, "He will store the secrets in your core trading database. There are a total of four extraction codes and three secret lines. They are... Hey, deacon, your face is so ugly, it is like a hanged ghost. ,Is there a problem?"

Qi Yuanbao was poked by Li Yao’s words, and the whole body trembled. The subconscious shouted: “Fake, fake, you are lying! This fact is too unreasonable! We are the chief deacon of Jin, how can I sign the secret The storage location and the method of extraction tell an outsider why he doesn't tell other deacons or his wife. It's too weird!"

"It makes sense. It’s really weird to be said by you, and it’s not common sense!"

Li Yaofei said quickly, "So, in order to wash the innocence of the king, it is better to extract the document that the king just said, and it is not clear, the truth is clear?"


Qi Yuan Leopard is in a hurry. "The confidential documents of our Wanshang Business Alliance can be viewed by outsiders at will!"

"It doesn't matter, the king is not interested in your confidential documents."

Li Yao smiled slightly. "This king knows that under normal circumstances, only your general deacons are eligible to open the core transaction database, but in an emergency, the five senior deacons can also be unlocked at the same time.

"Then, there are five people to verify, the content of this document that Wang just said is a secret contract, or something else."

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