Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2549: Loyal to me!

The rusty scorpion body exudes a dark black haze, which is the remnant of the Qi Yuanbao trembles with fear.

"In fact, you are basically finished now."

Li Yao said slowly and unhurriedly, "I want to think about the brain that you don't exist. Who should you stand on now? Who should I hope to win the final victory? 'The sire' will definitely hate you, If he knows everything that your two brothers and brothers have done, it is a homely heart to ruin you alive.

"And the four major electorate family camps, apparently did not reserve the position of your two brothers and sisters - so many assassins from the four major families are dead, many people are the main family of the four major families, the core family.

"Basically, you have already lost your name, and you can’t stop it. It’s called ‘the sea of ​​stars is big, but there is no place for your two brothers and sisters!

"However, in the cracks between the left and the right, there is a winding path that can be left, and a strong person is worthy of your two brothers and brothers."

Qi Yuanbao manipulated the spiritual body and made the crystal eye bigger and bigger.

"Congratulations, you guessed it. The only way for your two brothers to live is to be loyal to me - the king of the black wind, the vulture Li Yao!"

Li Yaoxuan laughed. "No need to be surprised. Strictly speaking, you and I don't have personal grievances. Even if you really conspiring to frame Jin Yuyan, this king and Jin Yuyan are not relatives, just business partners. As long as the business can be negotiated. The king is not dead!

"Listen, everything that Wang has just said is true. I am indeed the king of the black wind. I also really want to cooperate with the Wanjie Business Alliance. It is just that 'the heart of the defender is indispensable,' and the king will return after all. Soon after the empire, I was not familiar with the situation inside the Wanshang Commercial League. I needed one or two familiar 'good friends' to help me deal with the business alliance and stare at the sinister businessmen. Including Jin Yuyan himself!

"You and your sister will not die, and there is not much benefit or disadvantage with the king. Therefore, as long as you can surrender to the king and show a certain value, the king will do his best to keep your life!


In the dusty metal throat, it made a difficult sound.

"Don't make yourself look like a virgin virgin, this kind of ‘to eat inside and outside’ things, are your two brothers and sisters doing less?”

Li Yao sneaked a sigh of relief. "Think carefully, if you don't want to, the king is not reluctant, but Jin Yuyan is still not dead. Opening the core trading database is not a matter of your soul. You and your two brothers are ready. Is it good to meet Jin Yuyan and the anger of many investors?

"The so-called 'broken people's wealth road, such as murderous parents', this and your sister's work, almost to the billions of free star coins of countless investors have been burned, hey, it is better than killing the 18th generation ancestors Too much, you guess, what will your two brothers and sisters be?"

Qi Yuanbao trembled, every broken and ruined weapon component was colliding, bowed his head, and trembled: "The King..."

"This is right, and the person who knows the time is Junjie. Soon you will find that surrendering to me, the king of the black wind, the vulture of Li Yao, is not a very embarrassing thing, but the Xinghai central tens of thousands of strong people, no The glory of it!"

Li Yao opened his fingers and gently patted Qi Yuanbao’s steel skull. He said, “Go back now, together with the other four senior deacons, open the core data transaction database in front of everyone, and do everything you do. All honestly, this king will not die!"

In the crystal eye of Qi Yuanbao, the light of fear and hesitation blooms.

"There is only one chance. Now look at your own attitude."

Li Yao said coldly, "I want to be clear. Jin Yuyan has never died. Even without the confession of your two brothers and sisters, it will soon be true. The king is nothing but the hope of the business and morale of the Wanshang Business Alliance. It was boosted in time.

"The time you spend with the king is still short. I don't know that this king is a person who speaks and speaks out, so the king does not blame you, but since the king promised to spare you a life, it will never Let anyone unplug you a hair.

"On the contrary, in fact, the king is very good at seeing that you are a talent. Letting you be a senior deacon of the Wanmeng Business Alliance, it is too succumbing. The new empire after the war will be a new and old one. The new situation, whether in the Central Xinghai or the new Blackwind Dominion in the Xinghai, you should get a bigger stage to show your ambitions."

The light of fear and suspicion in the eyes of Qi Yuanbao has gradually become a strong greed and desire.

"Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. What can you get from this king? It depends on what you can give to the king."

Li Yao no expression, his eyes let out the cold light, according to the five fingers on the Qi Yuanbao steel skull bones continue to force, in a burst of "Oh," the voice, in the Qi Yuanbao head left a deep palm print, like It is covered with its own brand.

He only lost Qi Yuanbao to go out and faintly said, "Go, it’s dead or alive, you choose!"

Qi Yuanbao dragged the incomplete, rusty and sturdy body, floating in the air and lingering for a long time.

He looked around and was a former comrade-in-arms who was full of hatred and vigilance against him. His "traitor, traitor" identity had spread and could not be completely turned over.

I can't see the distance again, the window of the headquarters building, my sister Wu Yingqin seems to stand there and look around.

The identity of my sister has not been exposed, and the action is still free.

But this precious freedom can't be enjoyed for a long time.

Therefore, my sister’s heart is like a gray, and it’s going to jump from a height.

Qi Yuanbao subconsciously touched the head of Li Yao just pressed out of the palm print, crossed a heart, and took the initiative to fly back to the headquarters building - go back to surrender!

Looking at his swaying back, Li Yao smiled slightly, rushing to the sniper position at the top of a building, and made a gesture.


In the sniper position at the top of the building, one kneeling on the ground and carrying a heavy anti-ghost repair sniper rifle, it was the early apostasy, relying on the super assassin of the four electorate families - the red lady.

Until now, the Red Lady still maintains a stiff posture on one knee, and her body is like a rain, her face is very white.

A close-up observation reveals that in the position of the "Jade Pillow" behind her head, a red mans rotates rapidly, giving a subtle "squeaky" sound that can penetrate her cerebellum and brain at any time, bringing her souls Killed in one fell swoop.

"Previous, predecessor..."

The red lady is stuttering and screaming. "Qi Yuanbao has already shackled, and the tasks of the younger generation have been completed. Can you please ask the seniors to raise their hands and let the younger generation have a way of life?"

"Hey, hey!"

The red mans that squirted on her back of the head quickly split into intricate red silk, and sneaked into her ear canal, giving a gloomy smirk. "Of course, but you should understand now, who is Your new master?"

The red lady trembled around her body and honestly said: "Yes, it is the king of the black wind, the vulture Li Yao!"

"Very good, you are a smart person, a smart person who deserves to live a few more days."

A blush of red silk flowed out of the red lady's ear canal and condensed into a **** and fascinating figure. "No matter whether the four major families or the Wanshang Commercial League have no future, the future empire is destined to belong to the king of the black wind. Staying with this, you can live longer and better!"

"Before, the predecessor -"

Perceive that the other party is about to disappear, the Red Lady hurriedly asked, "Dare to ask the seniors to surname?"

"This is..."

The **** demons disappeared without a trace, leaving only the sound as if floating from the depths of the Red Lady's brain. "If one day, I want to kill you, I will let you know."

The voice just fell, the red lady's brain seemed to be so painful as the ants, and she fell to the ground, holding a headache, and left a mark of fear of the **** demons.

When I looked up again, there was no shadow of the red mansions around me. This demon, who had been stunned from a long time ago, finally left.


Jin Yuyan did not die!

Actually, using the so-called magical power of "Shifting the Soul", I poured my own soul into the body of a female bodyguard!

Everything is a bureau, and he is teaming up with the 'King of the Black Wind, the vulture of Li Yao', the purpose of which is to bring out the spies and traitors hidden inside the Wanshang Commercial League, and to fight for the upcoming "Sea of ​​Seven Seas" ", eliminate all uncertainties!

Such an earth-shattering news, in the big conference room, burst into waves.

However, everyone saw with their own eyes that the five senior deacons extracted the surgical data from the core transaction database, and both Qi Yuanbao and Wu Yingqin also confessed to the law and honestly confessed everything.

Including another super-assassin Red Lady who is relying on the four major families also took the initiative to show up, said everything, but also sinned merits and confessed to the secret bases of several big families in the Seven Seas market.

The evidence is conclusive, and it is unavoidable that these deacons, shareholders, investors and partners do not believe.

With so much hard evidence, when Jin Yuyan dragged the thick and ugly female bodyguard body and slowly floated to the center of the large conference room, it was not so unacceptable.

"You, I am Jin Yuyan, this is my new body."

Jin Yuyan opened his arms and let everyone see his latest appearance. "As you have just seen, the whole thing is the bureau that I set up with the Black Wind King, although there was a small flaw in the implementation process. I am ruining my true body, but I believe that in order to defeat the four major electorate families, in order to make all of us business more prosperous, this is a price that must be paid.

"Now, we have won, and we have completely smashed the conspiracy of the four electors of the electorate, and everything is under our control.

"Below, let us welcome the most distinguished guests of the Wanshang Business Alliance with the warmest applause, "The King of the Black Wind, the Vulture of the Vulture"!"

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