Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2556: My war!

Li Jialing’s expression is like a fish struggling to emerge from the dreams. The lips are unconsciously pumping out, and the look is very stunned, completely unable to keep up with Li Yao’s rhythm.

He got up and his face was full of anger, and he seemed to want to accuse Li Yao of blowing the air.

But when I stood up, I thought about what I said just now. Besides, if Li Yao wanted to lie to him, he would not make such an exaggeration... What "national father", what "killing Pangu", what "pangu universe and Ghost words like the magic universe and the multiverse?

The teenager sat down again and licked his hair.

His soul and soul are like being crushed back and forth by a hundred super-high-speed crystal rail trains, completely losing their ability to think.

"Hey, feed and feed!"

Li Yao’s mouth was pulled up high, and two gangsters were bulging, screaming at the boy. “You don’t really doubt me. You just promised it, you will believe every word I say!”

Li Jialing: "Hey..."

"Look, you really doubt me. Every hole in your body is doubting every word I just said. I know, I know! So, this is why I have never told you the truth. Because for all of you, the things that happen to me are too tortuous and incredible. If I tell the truth, I will only be regarded as the worst deceiver!"

Li Yao sadly held the juice bottle and blew it up.

"No, no, I don't doubt you, Yao Ge!"

Li Jialing returned to God, his face was "red", and his mind was a mess, and he stuttered. "I am just, I just can't imagine it. I can't accept it for a while..."

"Can't think of anything?"

Li Yao licked the juice bottle and licked Li Jialing.

"I can't imagine it. In this universe, there will be a country with Yaoge as the 'father of the country'."

Li Jialing has a voice, and his expression is like eating a large piece of moldy and spoiled cake. He snorted and said, "A country with Yaoge as the 'father of the country', then, what would it look like!"


Li Yao thought for a long time with his head. "What do you mean by this sentence? Are you saying that I am not qualified to be a 'father of the country'?"

"Maybe I have been in the world of cultivators for too long. The imaginable leaders are those of Black Star Emperor, His Royal Highness, General Lei Chenghu or the four electors. It is really difficult to understand the comprehension of your comprehensions. The idea? Perhaps in the world of comprehension, is someone like Yao Ge able to be the leader?"

Li Jialing took a deep breath and opened a bottle of bubble juice to drink it. She calmed down a little. "Although it is some... weird to the extent of swearing, but my instinct is still willing to believe Yaoge - no Thinking of the truth is like this, Yao Ge is carrying such a great mission and secret, I, I really understand why Yao Ge can not say, bad, now I already know, if the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi also knows, Isn’t the Xingyao Federation very dangerous?”

"From birth to the present, in the past six or seven hundred years, the Starry Federation has been in extreme danger every second, but every seemingly unstoppable disaster has been overtaken by us. I believe The same is true this time."

Li Yao said with earnestness, "With the mass of the empire and the sacred confederate, it is like a confrontation between two savage beasts. It is by no means a small star constellation federation can shake, but now there has been dramatic changes in the empire, making the situation Advancing to a subtle juncture, there is an excellent opportunity for a lifetime, so that our comprehensions have the opportunity to change the entire empire!

"If we can become the biggest winner of the Seven Seas battle, we have a say in the future direction of the entire human civilization; on the contrary, if we continue to hide our heads, fear and shrink, and retain our strength, then the four major electors will overcome the innovation. The faction, or the reformists defeated the four major electors, and was robbed of the fruits of innovation by the Black Star Emperor. It is not something we can overcome. I have left so many clues in the center of Xinghai, and the time will definitely be cultivated. Out of the flaws, even if the Starry Federation is hiding in the starry sea, can it be hidden for a few days?

"This is what I said just now. The narrow road meets the brave and wins. The wretched development is not the purpose. When you copy the guy to play, you must boldly fight!

"This is why I am honest in my face of all the cultivators, and I am honest about my identity as the king of the black wind. It is also the reason why I confess everything to you at the moment - there is no reason to come to the end, even my enemy, the Black Star Emperor, guessed Everything, and my brother is still in the dark, right?"

This time, Li Yao's eyes are really clear and watery, and they are as hard as crystal clear, containing the crystal marrow of super high intensity energy.

Li Jialing was so moved that she didn't know what to say. She only felt that the whole person was immersed in the ocean called "trust", full of warm feelings.

"That one……"

He recalled what Li Yao had just said and asked, "Yao Ge just said a lot. I have barely understood the comprehension, the demon and the Pangu, but what is the 'different virtual life', 'Pangu What is the universe, the magical universe and the multiverse?"

"That is a long, long story, but I am still willing to tell you."

Li Yao said everything in the most simple and clear language.

He finally said, "Now, you know it. The former Prime Minister of the Empire looked at the East and said that it is very reasonable. He said that our enemy is not a specific person or force, but the whole universe. It is extremely vast. Xinghai sky.

"The East is really a man who has been the prime minister for decades. He knows the key point at a glance, but he does not know the ‘magic civilization’. It is impossible to imagine the vast universe beyond the Pangu universe.

"Now, you already know everything, how, in the face of enemies who are likely to surpass the limits of all human imagination, are you willing to continue fighting?"

Li Jialing once again stunned.

However, after only three seconds, I went back and smiled. I smiled and said: "I didn't expect that there is such a wonderful thing in the world as the 'multiverse'. It turns out that we are just a small pond. A few small frogs, no, even the frogs are not counted. Compared with many splendid ancient civilizations and alien civilizations, we can only be regarded as undeveloped babies at best?"


Li Yao was a little surprised. "In the face of the incredible and unimaginable picture of the ‘multiverse,’ you are very calm, like accepting it all at once, no doubt at all?”

"There is nothing to doubt."

Li Jialing calmly said, "Since Yao Ge can become the 'father of the country', what else is impossible in this universe? Yes, I am still willing to fight, because you - Yao Ge, Long Sister, White Boss, Boxing adults, Liu Li, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, even the Korean kid is fighting, I am not necessarily worse than Hante?"

Li Jialing’s reaction made Li Yao breathe a sigh of relief.

The difficulty of this conversation is much smaller than he imagined - it is really the child of the imperial queen Li Linghai. In the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", the little monster that has been modulated for 20 years, the psychological quality is strong.

"Yao Ge, I have been hesitating, whether I want to do something, I would like to talk to you today."

Li Jialing said with great urgency, "But I did not expect that you can trust me to this extent, then I must do it!"

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "What is it?"

Li Jialing said her plan, 1510.

Li Yao’s eyebrows were raised higher and stared at Li Jialing for a long time. “It’s technically feasible, but the risks are too big to add. Are you sure you really want to do this?”

"Yes, I am sure this is the best way."

Li Jialing clenched his fists. "It is also the only way I can fight the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

"But you didn't have to participate in this battle."

Li Yaodao, "I and Bai Boda, Quan Wang and Long Yangjun, they will find a way to solve the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, you just need to find a safe place to hide, not let him find you."

"Yao Ge just said that it is useless to hide the tail and succumb."

Li Jialing’s voice is hoarse and said, “I don’t have such a big selflessness as Yao’s, what is the world’s life and the cosmic pattern, and I can’t take it for granted, but the black star emperor Wu Yingqi has occupied the body of the Queen’s Highness. .

"In any case, His Royal Highness is my biological mother. I have to face her and the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi to ask her, why did I give birth to me that year, I am planning to take me from the beginning. When carrying the 'container' of Wu Yingqi's soul, is there any other difficulty?

"If at first, she just wants a container without a soul, then I, then I can give up all ridiculous thoughts, and die and die."

"But if, as it was said that Yao Ge had said before, she had a last resort, even if it was forced by the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, then of course I would save her.

"Li Linghai is my mother, so this is my war. How can I watch you rushing ahead, but I am hiding in the corner of 'absolute security'?"

Li Jialing said and said, his eyes are red, and he can’t say that he is angry, hateful, or missing.

"Well, you said a lot. This is indeed your war. What's more, there is no such thing as an 'absolutely safe' corner. If you really want to say it, I am afraid that I, Long Yangjun, Bai Laoda, Quan Wang and so on. Xiao Ming and Wen Wen’s side are the safest places.”

Li Yao is arrogant, "Let's ask us about the technical and details!"

As they were saying, the wrists of the two men trembled at the same time.

The two raised their wrists and looked at them. The eyes were bright and the same voice, "White boss is ready!"

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