Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2564: Wrapped up, dare to die!

But after only three seconds, the commanders of these starships realized that it was not right. The white boss transmitted not the harmless battlefield data, but also the deadly crystal brain virus mixed in a large amount of battlefield data.

These unprecedented brain-like viruses, such as ghosts, instantly eroded their fragile defense system, making small "modifications" to their starships, locking their starships into "forced not attacking friendly forces." In the "absolute security mode".

In the "absolute safety mode", the enemy and the enemy identification system of the master crystal brain will automatically scan all the friendly forces in the firepower range and lock all the firepower that is directed to the friendly forces.

This mode is mainly applied to the state of the enemy and the enemy, and the fire cover is very easy to accidentally injure the friendly army.

But now, no matter whether they are still around the "loyalty to save the national army", there are no traces of half enemy ships within a few hundred thousand kilometers. Why should White Boss do this to lock up their attack capabilities?

Of course, a large starship will never let the outside forces be manipulated. It will be unlocked by the captain of the captain, the deputy captain and the fire control officer. They can still use the "manual unlocking" method to change the state of the starship. .

But with "manual unlocking", it will take at least a minute and a half for the starship to exit the "absolute safety mode."

And just as these captains realized that the big things were not good, they had a long, mourning sound on their bridges—the sounds of scanning ripples and hitting their psionic shields. They have been "Loyalty to save the national army" is locked.

They are in an "absolute security mode" and temporarily lose their ability to attack "friends". However, as a friendly loyalty to the "national savior", there is no sign of a half-sweet and soft hand. Under the guns, don't say a minute and a half. Even within a short half minute, they can make them fall into the sand and become a broken iron coffin drifting in the dark sea of ​​stars!

"White boss!"

"White Commander!"

"White Star Sword!"

Many captains were shocked, and the cold sweat instantly slipped from the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose. The war asked, "What do you mean!"

"It doesn't mean anything, just Snow Shuai specifically told me to do... security measures."

White boss smiled in the communication channel, and his eyes seemed to be two deep mouths with poisonous fog. He looked at the fearless captains, dragging the tone, and wording one word. "Snow handsome told me that the Empire is rising and falling. In this war, the success or failure of this war is most dependent on the martial arts of the princes, but there are many ghosts in the princes, the two ends of the first mouse, seeing the forgotten people, the fear or the light, even There are many people who plan to 'destroy the battlefield', and the comrades around them are unjust, using the heads of the four family to cultivate the immortals, in exchange for their own glory and wealth... there is no!"

"There is no" three words, mixed with the tiger leopard Leiyin, with the expression of blowing a beard and blinking, the shape of the white boss thief eyebrows has become domineering and cool to the extreme.

Many of the captains were struck by lightning. Even though they were separated by light curtains, they subconsciously stepped back and shook their heads: "No, I don't!"


White boss with his hands on his hips, "haha" laughed. "I really thought that the four big families are not blind people or blind people. Do you think that Xue Shuai is the fool who lets you bully and fiddle with you? Hey, tell you honestly, what have you done in the past few days? What are you, Xue Shuai knows clearly!

"Many of you have shares in major businesses, warehouses and shipping fleets under the Wanmeng Business Alliance or the Business Alliance, are you?

"Everyone has seventeen or eight dark net accounts, and there are a lot of free star coins in the account. Once the Wanmeng Business Alliance is destroyed, all these free stars will be turned into nothing, right?"

"Many of you have sent out confidants and acted as spokespersons. At this moment, you will stay in the big market of the Seven Seas and maintain the closest contact with the top leaders of the Wanshang Business Alliance, isn't it!

"Many of you have done the job of selling the interests of the Empire, and even deliberately let the new warships encounter what 'Xinghai Storm', completely scrapped, but actually smuggled to the Wanshang Business Alliance, right now, to deal with us, is No!"

Four problems like a cannon, all the captains were stunned, and the three souls and seven sorrows were huddled together.

"You, you!"

White boss akimbo, one hand poked the camera, almost through the light curtain directly puncture the nose of these captains, a pair of hate iron is not steel, glory and glory for a long time, this takes a deep breath, restore calm, gloomy, " Naturally, you all have hardships and reasons. Looking at the whole empire, people like you are just as arrogant as you are, and it is too unfair to blame you."

"No, yes."

These captains who fell into the trap, like seeing the straw, are nodding their heads and arbitrarily swearing. "It is indeed unfair. We, we are also forced to help!"

"So, Xue Shuai is willing to give you a chance, as long as you take orders from me and complete the task that Xue Shuai confessed, not only will all of them be written off in the past, but also your benefits."

White Boss laughed and said, "Of course, it’s a bit of a fever in your mind, and you have to make some stupid things about jumping in the wall. The commander has set up some small defensive measures, but not too much?"

"No, not too much!"

The situation is stronger than people, not to mention the fact that the handle is in the hands of the other party. What can these captains say besides shaking their heads?

"If that's the case, then join the battlefield!"

Bai Boda said, and to these stunned squadrons, the different coordinates, and the routes set according to the coordinates, let them continue to move closer to their own forces.

Until these starships were included in the fleet system of the White Boss, they discovered that the starships operated by the boxing champions, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, who were close at hand, could not help but again – everyone was “believed by the loyalty to save the national army”. The scale and handling are deeply shocking.

"How, how is it possible?"

"How can the loyalty of the National Salvation Army maintain such a complete system and jump to the Seven Seas Stars in one breath? Without the guidance of the Star Gate, this is an impossible miracle!"

"Why is the size of the loyalty-saving national army so large, is this really a temporary fleet of star-studded groups?"

"The starship that is less than 50,000 kilometers away from us is like a cold and dead meteorite. We didn't detect it at the beginning. What kind of hidden module is used by the other party, and what kind of crew is manipulating these invisible 'Starship!'

All newly added captains have full belly question marks.

But they did not even dare to throw out half of the questions.

Because they found that they were subtly interspersed and divided by the "loyalty and salvation army". Almost every starship was next to four or five white-star ships, and these starships showed their dyes without hesitation. Bloody teeth can be torn into pieces in ten seconds.

They are like the death squad or the cannon fodder in the ancient siege warfare. They are forced by the top armor and armed forces, and they are at the forefront of the battlefield.

Half a step back, the sharpest white blade, will not hesitate to cut their heads.

On the battlefield of such a large scale and so chaotic environment, destroying these small starships is even more insignificant than pinching a few ants.

Whether or not they are willing to believe in the ghosts of the white bosses, these captains who have nowhere to go can only seem to be black.


The laughter of White Boss came again. "It seems that you are all smart people. You know that 'silence is gold'. I believe that our cooperation will be very enjoyable, and you will not only survive but also get handsome snow. Awards, even in an unexpected place, see Xue Shuai himself!

"Now, let's go, reorganize more stragglers and join us. Remember, only new starships join, let them all go to the front, your starship can retreat to the second line, join us. The more starships you have, the more you will be in the battlefield, and the safer it will be.

"So, what should I do, I don't have to explain it?"

The next day, White Boss was swimming around the Seven Seas.

Under his command, this strange joint fleet is like an extremely sensitive and almost transparent shark. Every time he can advance hundreds of thousands of kilometers in advance, he will avoid the sweeping of the Wanmeng Business League hunting fleet. Can collect more and more scattered soldiers.

Most of the stragglers did not have any opinion on accepting his command. When he sent out his high-level authority in the "Flying Light and Magic Super Tactical Chain", he actively released the Lingwang and the master crystal brain, and then incorporated The battle of the white boss.

It’s like snowballing. It’s the biggest effort at the beginning, but as the fleet of white bosses has formed and expanded, it has become one of the smoothest and largest fleets of temporary fleets. Naturally, more and more attackers The starship was attracted to him, and even without his hard work, he rushed to find it, and the starships rushed to get closer to him.

Of course, it is not that you have not encountered the unruly "stabbing head".

Some self-proclaimed warlord starships, or powerful fighters with several giant gods, or starships driven by the low-ranking immortals of the four electorate families, look down on the nouveau riche in the white thief, and Not willing to accept his command.

However, the vast majority of unruly people have seen the secrets written by Yun Xuefeng, and they have been baptized by the white bosses. They all chose to "stay calm and calm" and succumbed.

Until the first day of the fierce battle is coming to an end, the number of star ships under the white boss has expanded three or five times, and he has encountered real hardships.

The other party is not a starship, but a temporary fleet that also completes assembly.

The commander of this fleet is a strong man from one of the four major families, the Song family.

Very coincidentally, this Song family strongman is also a third-class prince of the imperial empire, known as "Hushan Hou"!


Excuse me, everyone is preparing for the code word this morning. The kindergarten teacher called and said that his son had fallen, and he had a big bag on his head and spit.

Hurry to take him to see, but also took him to the provincial children to look at the results, the results of a team in the morning, when I finally want to shoot CT, tell us that the CT machine is broken, and the machine that beats the children to this one It takes two days for a part to be shipped.

I ran two hospitals and said that I couldn't see the child's head. I finally finished reading it at the city hospital. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with it.

One to two, the hospital is almost finished after work, go home and hurry up the code word, don't worry, there will be a chapter later, let me slow down first, it is really a day!

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