Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2613: Inside the Golden Crystal Tower!

"Boom! Boom!"

Almost at the same time as the alarm sounded, the **** demons did not hesitate to launch a spar bomb erupted from the ring of the Qiankun, and immediately ignited a series of fireballs on the periphery of the energy center.

The fireball is constantly expanding, like a colorful deformed tumor, but the claws of the teeth stretched around the tentacles, consuming the most precious oxygen in the closed space of the ground, and then releasing a lot of dark fog like ink.

"Enemy! Enemy!"

The defensive positions of the Imperial Army stationed in the ground suddenly became a mess. There were officers and screams screaming all over the place. Countless battle scorpions and crystal scorpions flew together in the air, enough to pierce the black fog, such as the golden blade, and even a few giants. The gods rose to the ground and jumped to the core factory of the energy center in one step, but they could not grasp the messy **** demon and the dragon.

Just as the Yulin army was so anxious to scream, the strong momentum of the mountains and the sea fell from the sky, and suddenly appeared in front of them.

It is Li Linghai!

"Li Linghai" is full of crystal clear white hair, and the whole body is surrounded by the purple arrogance of the tyrants. The face is like a thick ice shell. It is a hysterical cry: "It is Li Yao, it is a vulture." The mean and shameless thief mixed in! Your eyes are all smashed, and it will be so devastated by him! Grab him and grab the palace!"

The Guards of the Royal Army faced each other, and the faint feeling was somewhat wrong. For a while, they did not know exactly where there was a problem.

"Now is the moment when the empire and even human civilization determine their destiny. The tyranny of the rest depends on each of us!"

"Li Linghai" blinked, biting his teeth and cutting his teeth. "Your underarms are replenishing their batteries and preparing for the final fight. Do you have to kneel down and come out to solve the small thief of Li Yao? Spread out to the surrounding rock wall and dig three feet. I have to find him out, and this palace has to personally put him in ruins and frustration!

"Where, the palace feels that he is above, what exactly does he want to do, is it necessary to detonate the rock formation above us?"

"Li Linghai" pointed at the top of the rock at the top of everyone's head and shouted.

The attention of many Yulinjuns was involuntarily attracted by her fingers, and it was indeed felt that there was a faint breath in the direction she pointed.

Suddenly, countless battle scorpions and crystal scorpions all flew toward the top of the rock. Three giant squadrons also rose in the air. All the honeycomb-shaped launching holes were open, and hundreds of bright lights instantly locked up.

Just as everyone’s attention was drawn to the “Lingling Sea”, which was ruined by the air in the air, and the strange atmosphere hidden in the darkness of the rock formations, Li Yao put on a uniform of the Imperial Army’s uniform to converge the breath to Most of the Yulin army is almost the same, under the cover of the black mist, quietly approaching the Jinjing Tower.

There was chaos around, many people were shooting at the sky, and many people were anxious to put out the fire at the energy center, not letting the flames reach the core area, especially the warehouses with a lot of spar and crystal marrow, and more Some low-powered soldiers have been affected by hypoxia, and they are red-faced and dizzy, but no one notices the presence of Li Yao.

Li Yao easily sneaked into the armored vehicle of the transport master.

The team of the Guards, who is responsible for escorting the masters, has some advances and retreats. I wonder if I should enter the Jinjing Tower immediately, or stay outside for further orders.

Their commanders are looking up at the "Linglinghai" in midair, seemingly waiting for the other party to give them further instructions.

Li Yao’s eyes spewed out of Mars and made a “squeaky” sound in the skull. He instantly analyzed the station, line of sight, and their physiological parameters and physical characteristics of several escorts, and constructed 12 sets of action plans. .

"Three, two, one!"

Li Yao silently counted down in his heart. When the countdown reached zero, the blood-colored demons just drove the dragon to rush out from the depths of the black fog. They dropped the last ring of the dragons not far from the team’s **** soldiers, and detonated from the ring. Dozens of spar bombs spewed out.

Numerous battles and martial arts forces have been blown up by people. Although the **** soldiers are outside the scope of the explosion, they are also attracted to the attention of the fire and the waves, and they are shrinking their heads.

Li Yao was at the moment of the fire, as the invisible cheetah flew out, grabbed a soldier at the end and dragged it into the bottom of the armored vehicle.

Stunned the soldier, stripped his uniform and put it on himself, and glued him to the card of the armored vehicle with a special natural gel. The whole operation only took Li Yao for one second.

When the rest of the soldiers turned back, they saw Li Yao wearing their uniforms, lowered their heads, and curled up and shivered beside the armored vehicles.

When Li Yao helped the armored station, the appearance was almost the same as that of the unlucky soldier.

Although the short-term instants can't be exactly the same, but the soldiers are in chaos, I believe no one will check them carefully.

"What are you still doing?"

At this time, "Li Linghai" bowed down just right, and the soldiers who escorted the masters of the team whispered, "Get people in, don't delay the time of the victory!"

The officer in charge of the **** of the meditator was stunned by the sound of Li Linghai. He hurriedly drove the soldiers under his command and dragged the sly masters into the Jinjing Tower.

Li Yao is like this, mixed at the end of the team, through the huge bronze door at the bottom of the Jinjing Tower, into the interior of this "star magic weapon"!

They passed through an icy and deep ramp, and the walls around them were as smooth as a mirror. They couldn't see the traces of the stitching, but they didn't know where to fill a faint white mist, as if they could swallow the sounds and waves of the outside world. I can't hear the noisy sounds outside, and I don't feel the fierce battle, like stepping into a small world that is self-contained.

Most ethnic groups in the Pangu Civilization Union are several times larger than humans, so the size of the ramps and rooms is like an empty giant palace, including building materials, which are much denser and harder than the fortified armor used by humans.

Li Yao once saw similar materials in the Kunlun secrets and carried out a lot of experiments on the materials - this is a very badly damaged material. At the same time, it has the same energy absorption as "super soft steel". The effect is difficult to burn and detonate.

In other words, even if he summoned the giant gods, he would fully bombard the Jinjing Tower in the interior, and at most penetrate a few small holes, it is difficult to cause a serial explosion and completely destroy the Jinjing Tower.

From the part of the Jinjing Tower protruding from the rock formation, the height is more than several hundred meters, and it is like an iceberg floating on the sea surface. Nine out of ten parts are hidden under the sea water, just from the length of this ramp. Its volume cannot be estimated.

Li Yao did not have the confidence to destroy the core of the Jinjing Tower with a single shot. He didn’t even know where the core of this guy was!

"If this Golden Crystal Tower is really the last card of the Houyi fanatics, then in order to prevent the destruction of the Pangu and the Nuwa, they must have imposed unprecedented defense against the Jinjing Tower. Even the giant soldiers may not be able to It is easy to destroy it."

Li Yao calmly thought, "So, I must be closer to the heart of it, a little closer..."

Entering the hidden state of the dragon and the **** demons, quietly suspended above his head, vigilantly scanning everything around him.

Suddenly, Li Yao’s heart moved, and both ears seemed to hear a subtle sound of “吱吱吱吱”.

It is a kind of ubiquitous special magnetic field, trying to invade his brain, and the sound of friction with his brain waves.

He did not guess wrong, Wu Yingqi really set a very powerful spirit attack magic weapon at the core of the Golden Crystal Tower, the brainwashing as the most clear defense.

It is no wonder that Wu Yingqi did not set up other organs here, but he was allowed to drive straight into the army.

Changed to an ordinary monk, I am afraid that when I come here, I will be unaware of the ghosts, the illusions in front of me, and the magic in the brain.

Li Yao’s spirit is different, and he has already produced a powerful and powerful demons. He has already resisted Wu Yingqi’s spiritual attack in the Seven Seas Market and has “immune power”. I can't help him.

However, the officers and men who stood in front of him were slow and heavy, and their movements became more and more rigid, as if they had been subjected to some mysterious traction.

Li Yao also has a kind of learning, mechanically dragging the sly master to advance.

The fog that was opened in front of him was presented in front of the strange picture, but it surprised him.

This is a black hall. At the sight of the marginal ground, there is a huge mysterious pattern. The center is like a star with thousands of tentacles. There are countless small dots around it. Flagella or tentacles, do not know the planet, or the origin of the Hou people, those who like "moths and fires" beetles.

Between the patterns, there are countless black columns rising from the ground, extending all the way to the dome that is also covered with mysterious patterns. There are horizontal square beams connected between the columns, like a criss-crossing, labyrinthine complex. Three-dimensional city.

Li Yao knows that this black three-dimensional city is the array of super crystal brains in the era of the wild.

He once saw similar things in the cab of the son-in-law battleship. Long Yangjun also taught him some methods of activation and use, including Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, who have analyzed the secrets of some of the wild brains.

Although the Pangu civilization is more advanced than human civilization for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, the gap between the crystal brain technologies of the two sides is not so great.

This is because Pangu civilization fears that too much developed crystal brain and spiritual network technology will create virtual information life such as Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, so self-limitation, castration and even destroy most of its own brain and spiritual network technology, leading humans at most. It has been for hundreds of years.

What surprised Li Yao was not the super crystal brain of the Pangu civilization, but the things around the super crystal brain!

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