Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2631: The only true God!

Inside the Jinjing Tower, Wu Yingqi sandwiched Li Jialing, took Li Yao and Long Yangjun, and walked down a ramp. It was not the control room that Li Yao had just seen, but it was under the control room and the other was more spacious. Space.

Although the use of the word "Large" to describe a closed indoor space, it seems a bit nondescript, but this is Li Yao's current personal experience.

Looking around, you can't see the margins around you. The walls are made of some kind of black energy-absorbing materials. Like a black hole, you can devour all the light waves, like a deep and innocent night sky.

Only a piece of egg-shaped crystal inlaid on the wall, blooming a fascinating brilliance, like the countless stars in the night sky, and like countless double-eyed eyes, staring at all the people in it.

When Li Yao came in, there were already hundreds of people waiting quietly inside.

Everyone shaved their hair, cleaned their body, and only wore a black gauze. The expression was solemn and solemn, and the whole body exudes a sacred luster, like a group of devout monks.

Li Yao’s gaze swept through the faces of these sacred men and women, and there were constantly fascinating names in the brain—these people, all of whom are well-known and savage in the entire real human empire. Most of them are the backbone of the reformists, and of course there are some killers and mercenaries who regard wealth as life.

It seems that they are the most trusted people of Wu Yingqi, the so-called "close-family guard".

Looking at it in detail, everyone's expressions are mixed with fanaticism and jealousy. Looking at Wu Yingqi's eyes is like being drunk, like watching a statue that towers into the sky and is incomparably awkward.

At the foot of them is a complex array of characters, like a lotus with a fangs to bite them, the brush strokes of the lotus array are still extending around, entangled with other people's characters, and finally, The lines of all the arrays converge to the center of the black space.

There, there stood a throne of black crystals, and it was like a towering towering tree. The black crystals piled up to the heights, spreading all the way to the dome and spreading around the dome. Go out a lot of things like "roots" or "touchers".

Li Yao firmly remembered the angle and distance when he came in, and determined this huge black space, as if he had just entered the control room earlier.

In other words, the facility above the Throne of the Black Crystal is most likely to be the master of the crystal tower.

In the midst of sinking, Wu Yingqi led Li Yao and Long Yangjun to the nearest symbol of the Black Crystal Throne, let them learn the look of others, sit cross-legged, five hearts to heaven, run psionic power, enter meditation state. .


Countless bald-headed people are half vigilant, and half of the envious eyes are brushed on Li Yao and Long Yangjun in an instant. It seems that they can get such a good position, can listen to the lessons of their Majesty, and bathe in the undergrowth. under.

Wu Yingqi himself chuckled and extracted a magic weapon like a black man from the Qiankun ring. He opened it and put the unconscious Li Jialing into it. It just happened to be stitched together and placed again on the black crystal throne. Next to it.

Suddenly there was a black crystal tentacle, such as a thousand venomous snakes, entangled in the black man, and followed the holes in the black man's face corresponding to the human body, and drilled in.

It seems that this is his special magic weapon to replace the body.

Li Yao looked in his eyes, anxious in his heart, but he was helpless.

Wu Yingqi turned back and took a deep look at Li Yao and Long Yangjun, striding into the black crystal throne.

The seat of the black crystal throne is like a tree hole in the towering tree. When the Wu Yingqi Da Ma Jindao site is smashed on it, the black crystal around it is also like a living thing, surging into his body. Until the face was completely submerged, the whole person seemed to be embedded in it.

Inside the black crystal throne, it is really like a big tree. There are countless pipes extending in all directions. Wu Yingqi’s black hair is constantly growing, going all the way up the pipe, going straight to the dome, and manipulating the “roots” and “the dome” "Tactile", issued a strange voice between "slippery" and "squatting", squirming toward each strong person.

"The sacred moment is coming, the empire will be reborn under our will, and the two loved ones, what are you waiting for?"

Wu Yingqi, who was set in the black crystal, clearly did not speak, but his voice was behind Li Yao, no, directly from the depths of Li Yao’s brain.

A tentacle formed by a black crystal hangs slowly behind Li Yao's body. The front end splits like a crab claw, and a few bunches of something like a flower are squirming out of it - it is Wu Yingqi's long hair.

The same tentacle also hangs behind the head of every bald-headed person. Everyone is ecstatic and tentacle-connected, and the expression is ethereal and excited, like climbing the peak of bliss.

Li Yao’s heart moved and finally understood the scene.

Here, I am afraid that Wu Yingqi’s large-scale “brain chamber” is the starting point for the entire “Tomorrow plan”.

Wu Yingqi's incomparably strong brainwaves, which are launched through the Jinjing Tower, will first spread to this black space before being amplified by the sun, and will have some degree of "resonance of the soul" in the brains of many powerful people. .

In doing so, on the one hand, you can use the power of the souls of many powerful people to increase his brainwaves. The principle is like the meditators who are crushed into living bodies.

Of course, the strong people here are all useful to Wu Yingqi's future rule, so they will not be squeezed to such a miserable level.

On the other hand, doing this can also deepen the brainwashing of these strong players - they are the strongest and most trusted people around Wu Yingqi, and they will be entrusted with heavy responsibility in the future. Of course, they will be healthier after washing.

Including Li Yao and Long Yangjun, Wu Yingqi does not care whether they have lied at the beginning, whether they still keep secrets, anyway, he has absolute confidence in his brainwashing technology, and firmly believes that when the two are in such a large scale of resonance In the state of brainwashing, even if there is something different in my heart, I will be washed away in the end.

Wu Yingqi’s judgment can’t really be said to be wrong.

Even now, even Li Yao does not know whether his "absolute mental defense" can withstand such a dangerous brainwashing. I also don't know whether the **** demons still crouching in the master crystal of the Jingjing Tower have found a crack. Law, I don’t even know if the “those people” he expected in the starry battlefield will arrive in time!

However, it is not acceptable not to step on it.

Not to mention that Wu Yingqi is glaring at them, he said that hundreds of strong people are still staring at them!

Li Yao used the light to sweep Long Yangjun's eyes, faceless expression, stepping on the array, sitting cross-legged.

Behind the black crystal tentacles that opened the mouth of the blood basin, he bit his neck gently, and he did not know that the black hair was a nerve, and pierced his jade pillow.

Long Yangjun is also the same, and a black crystal tentacle, like a snake, wrapped around his neck.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Wu Yingqi mixes the voices of madness and joy, from far and near, high and low, and comes from all directions. "You are the pillars of tomorrow's empire. You are the ancestors of a new generation of human beings. You are the human civilization that rushed out of this small universe. Hope, come on, cheer up your courage, stir up your spirits, transform your will into the purest spiritual power, send out new human anger to the sun, let the unbreakable storm raging the whole piece of Xinghai!"


Every word he said was like a deafening thunder, heavily bombarded on the heart and cerebral cortex of every strong man.

Including Li Yao, everyone felt that the real world around them had been shattered. They fell off the cliffs for a moment, fell into the never-ending black hole, and fell to a brand new one, which is one trillion times larger than the vastness. In the sea of ​​stars.

This piece of Xinghai is empty and there is nothing. Only a black sun that seems to be swallowed up by the whole universe is filled with their horizons, souls and spirits.

When the black sun slowly turned, they saw Wu Yingqi's face.

Wu Yingqi is light and heat, Wu Yingqi is the sun, Wu Yingqi is their only master, Wu Yingqi is the supreme commander of human civilization, no, it is more wise and noble than the commander, the only true God!

Wu Yingqi is the sun, and they are just dust, some dull and dead cosmic dust.

Only when they are exposed to the sun, these cosmic dusts will occasionally bloom in a short period of time. Without Wu Yingqi, they are nothing.

The vastness and the smallness, the high judgment, they have no chance at all, and should not compete with Wu Yingqi at all, destined to be attracted by Wu Yingqi's force field, turned into part of Wu Yingqi - above the sun, a glimpse Brilliant.

Numerous implications of astronomical digital information flow into their souls.

It is exactly what Li Yao has just accepted, Wu Yingqi’s "reasons."

However, this time it was carefully prepared by Wu Yingqi, and it was complemented by the resonance of a large circle of law and countless powerful people. This principle was clearer and more detailed, full of unspeakable and resistive taste, and suddenly it was drilled into Li Yao. The deepest part of the brain.

The choice of the Pangu commander, the expansion limit of the Xinghai Empire, the contradiction between limited resources and infinite ambition.

There is no choice, no choice, they have no choice, this is the only solution.

Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.

There is always someone to sacrifice, this is the pain of innovation, which is the price of evolution.

Rushing out, rushing out, at all costs, no matter what it looks like, you have to rush out, you can't repeat the mistakes of countless civilizations from ancient times to the present!

Only the Majesty can lead the human civilization to rush out. Only the Black Star Emperor is the only commander of human civilization, the only leader, the only true God!


Such an idea, in the resurgence between Li Yao, Long Yangjun, hundreds of strong people and the soul of Wu Yingqi, caused resonance, condensed into a very hot torrent, along the pipe above the black crystal throne, sprayed out , straight into the sky!

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