Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2633: Mental plague!

The eyes of these people all turned into a black vortex.

All their lives, their will, and even the spirits are absorbed into this vortex and become some kind of... avid zombies.

Even the cerebral cortex has undergone organic changes. The old brain cells are dying. The new brain cells form a strange sulci and brain gland in a completely different way. They will be immortalized and imprinted. Above their souls.

These people who are obsessed with the black will and are unable to extricate themselves are fully integrated into the celestial network of the soul resonating. In spite of all their own spiritual power, the brainwaves containing black venom are constantly released, affecting more people around. .

It's like a virus spread.

Wu Yingqi does not rely on his own power to hypnotize everyone, but in the wide-spread spread, starting from the low-level cultivators with the lowest strength, the weakest will, and the most unstable soul, after breaking their brains first They can develop them into their own black pieces, one piece infects another piece, and several low-level pieces produce the soul resonance, and then infect the advanced pieces.

In this way, a large-scale "spiritual plague", riding the ubiquitous and ever-changing solar storm, sweeping all the starships of the four major family fleets, no brain can be spared!

Half an hour after the start of the large-scale sputum irrigating, the first batch of cultivators who were thoroughly brainwashed gradually awake from the shackles.

At first glance, they were not much different from half an hour ago. At most, there was a strange smile on the corner of their mouth, and the eyes were full of faint black awns.

But deep down, they have realized, realized the truth of the universe, and clearly understood the ultimate direction of the development of human civilization.

With their meaningful eye contact, they instantly understood each other's identity and where they are, and cast their stern eyes in all directions, perceiving those who are completely different from their brainwaves.

Most of the cultivators are still in the shackles of the sacred sacred sects. It is not the goal of them to engage in wars and conflicts.

However, there are always a handful of people who are determined to be loyal to the four major families, or who are vested interests of the family's top management. It is impossible to be brainwashed.

These people are often starship commanders or chiefs of staff, at least the ranks of intermediate officers.

They also realized that the entire fleet was in some kind of extremely dangerous mental attack, and they were rushing between the ramparts, trying their best to wake up their subordinates.

"Which situation, what are you getting snoring, wake up, give me a wake-up!"

“Rise up the psionic shield and raise the highest level of radiation protection and high energy particle flow shield!”

"The highest concentration of calming gas is released into the ramp of the starship. No, no, no direct release of potent anesthetic gas. I would rather let all the crews slumber and not be in this **** state!"

"Executing the order, can anyone still execute the order, bastard!"

The officers resisted the headache and the shock of the soul, like a desperate orangutan jumping up and down.

In the harmonious melody of the soul resonance, they are like the sharpest murmurs, and they are all found by the soldiers who have been deeply brainwashed.

The soldiers had grotesque smiles on their faces, swaying at the stiff but firm pace, rushing toward the officers.

"What do you do, who will allow you to come here, stop, and stand up, or I will shoot!"

"Are you crazy, know who I am, who are you?"

"Hey! Hey!"

The still awake officers waving the squirt guns will smash the heads of the first brainwashing soldiers into broken watermelons, but they have not been able to dispel the courage of the rest of the soldiers. In a short time, several still-awake officers in the district were countless. The soldiers with deep eyes were surrounded by a group of soldiers, completely submerged in the fanatic arrogance and disappeared.

Of course, there are also many starships, because the defensive measures are relatively in place, or the size of the starship itself is relatively large, the radiation and high-energy particle flow has been exhausted after penetrating the layers of shields and armor, and failed to achieve 100% brainwashing. effect.

But even if only two or three percent of the grassroots soldiers are brainwashed, and the other two or three layers of grassroots soldiers are mentally broken, the humanoid monsters that are bloodthirsty and killing are also unbearable blows to the starship.

Places such as the power cabin and the ammunition depot are often guarded by grassroots soldiers. They are the hardest hit areas of brainwashing. Therefore, as long as two or three percent of the soldiers surrender to Wu Yingqi's will, they will cause great trouble to the starship.

The first thing they did after "enlightenment" was to destroy the power cabin, and extract a large amount of spar from the ammunition depot. It was converted into a spar bomb and wrapped around the whole body. Then, with a hand in hand, the bridge was striding away. Let the commanders obey their "reasons."

Not to mention a lot of humanoid monsters who have lost their senses and whose heads and strengths are deformed and swelled. They are also smashing between the dark and deep squats. When they see people, they will kill them. When they see something that can be destroyed, they will destroy a pass and stage a battle. A nightmare described in pen and ink.

Even if the still conscious officers and men pay a lot of effort to put out the nightmare-like civil strife, the starships are often riddled with holes, broken and completely lost power - the power cabin, fuel tank and ammunition warehouse simultaneously explode, scale The huge starships will be hurt and will not be towed to the dock for three or five months of overhaul, and they will want to ride the stars again.

In the first hour of the solar storm, almost every major starship of the four major family fleets had a large or small riot.

In the second and third hours, after some of the starships managed to calm the civil strife, even more terrible things happened.

On other starships, there have been a large number of starship commanders, chiefs of staff and fire control officers, accepting Wu Yingqi’s “醍醐 顶 ”, and conscious of the “evolutionary truth”, recognizing the supreme commander of the empire and the only The true God became the most faithful minion of Wu Yingqi.

The black light burned in the eyes of these commanders and fire controllers.

Their faces also showed the ethereal spirit of the great realization, and the corner of the mouth also provoked a strange smile.

They send messages to neighboring starships through intermittent, severely disrupted communication channels and communicate with nearby commanders.

"The empire is welcoming new life."

These commanders told the commanders of the adjacent starships, "The commander of the supreme commander is back, and the savior of human civilization has finally arrived!"

Some starship commanders, after receiving such a message, will respond to them: "Long live the Black Star Emperor, Long live the real human empire!"

In this way, they will mark each other's starships in the enemy-identification system as black - the color of the friendly.

But some starship commanders will be panicked and angry and roaring: "What are you doing, what are you talking about, feeding, feeding and feeding!"

These awakened starship commanders will simply cut off the communication and mark the starships as white--the color of the enemy.

Subsequently, the firepower was fully opened, completely ignoring the gap between the size of its own defense and the enemy-starship, suicide attack.

"Booming and banging!"

Almost at a time, between the steel waves of more than tens of thousands of starships, there were numerous dazzling bands of light and deformed illuminating **** of light.

Numerous starships that are close at hand are like biting each other like a dead dog, whether it is a psychic shield or a composite armor that tears like a piece of paper into a fairy flower.

A large number of substances are engulfed by the spirits, such as arterial blood spurting out, and sprayed onto other starship shields, which ignited a circle of colorful ripples.

The "contaminated" starships are often small-scale fast attack ships and arsenal ships. The psionic shields and composite armor of these starships are not solid enough. The commander of the starship is not too high. Naturally, Wu Yingqi's first group of faithful followers.

A large number of high-level executives, including the top commanders, were gathered on large-scale, armored warships and integrated supply ships. They have not lost control of the starships for a while.

However, the gap between each other's scale and firepower does not prevent the fast attack ship and the arsenal ship from outputting the most violent firepower. While pushing the speed to the limit, it directly hits its own command ship, mother ship and integrated supply ship. After the big bang, he blew himself up and broke the bones, and also mounted a shocking hole on the command ship and the mothership.

Before the sun shined black, no one commander expected such an incredible situation, so they still ranked the most intensive attack formations, and there was very little room for change between them.

After the solar storm swept the entire fleet, a large number of starship power units and even fire control systems and master crystals were all in control. A large number of grassroots soldiers accepted Wu Yingqi’s brainwashing, becoming monsters or zombies, and even losing them. Effective control of the starship.

Often you can only watch your own arsenal ship rushing into the head and turning into a mad fireball, but it is helpless.

Chaos, chaos, the mighty Xinghai fleet was completely chaotic.

Some starships want to take the road and flee, but they are dragged by the wreckage and flames, and dragged back to the whirlpool of destruction.

Some starships are arrogant in their own ship and want to rampage and control the situation, but it will not take long for these starships to have a deadly "spiritual plague" inside, and there will be a large number of soldiers with deep eyes rushing into the bridge. Surrounded by the commander and the fire control officer group, even the belt bones were swallowed up.

Some of the starship's psionic shields and tail flames are gradually dimming, completely losing power, as if they have an icy iron coffin, and it is impossible to imagine the interior scenes - and they dare not imagine.

This road, a few hours ago, was full of confidence and ruined steel waves, like hitting an invisible reef, on the verge of collapse!

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