Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2677: Home change

However, these are regardless of Li Yao’s business.

He doesn't care who is going to be the new imperial emperor. Anyway, no matter which chamber is taken, it is a slap on the table. What really controls the power is Lei Chenghu, Jin Yuyan, etc. Oh, now he is this "black wind." The king, the vulture Li Yao, is also considered to be a pivotal figure in the empire, without the name of the emperor, but has the prestige of the electorate.

Li Yao is more concerned about the reconstruction of the Tianji Star and the transformation of the Jinjing Tower.

The solar storm is no small feat. Even though Li Yao closed the Jinjing Tower in time before reaching the critical point, the Yuwei of the storm still ravaged the surface of the Tianji star. Together with the death of Wu Yingqi, the chaos of the Yulin army made the entire emperor Extremely chaotic anarchy.

The chaos of a big planet is not two or three fleets in the district. It can be settled within three or five days.

Until two or three months after the end of the Battle of the Emperor, the severe sequelae caused by the solar storm still plagued the top and bottom of the celestial star.

Countless people have lost their homes and become victims. Some people suffer from radiation sickness and various fatal symptoms. Some people use the banner of the reformist to make a slap in the name of "eliminating the electorate Yu Yu". The reformist top led by Lei Chenghu is a big headache.

They may not care about the life and death of ordinary people on the celestial stars, but the emperors are the home base of the reformists, and they are the root of their legitimacy. Do they want to keep the stars in the chaos?

Very ironic thing happened.

In order to calm down the chaos of the emperor as quickly as possible, the resources of the Wanshang Business Alliance will be continuously transported to the Tianji Star to help the victims with the highest efficiency, as well as the different fleets of the Expeditionary Force System, the Royal Forest System, the Wanmeng Business Alliance System, etc. To be unified, we have to rely on the most advanced crystal brain and Ling network technology to achieve ultra-high degree of automation.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, including the boxing champion, are the perfect choice for performing such tasks.

Lei Chenghu naturally has great vigilance against these new "virtual monsters" and is extremely reluctant to cooperate with Li Yao.

But just as he had to hold his nose and accept Li Yao's "Golden Crystal Tower Master" status, this time, he almost had no choice.

The remnants of the four major families have already embraced the new emperor. Despite the continuous defeat, they are deeply ingrained and have strong capital. They still control dozens of vital heavy industry planets. If they give them a year and a half, they will breathe. Time, who knows if they will piece together the second army and make a comeback?

There are many nights and long dreams. The reformists must fight against time and integrate all the forces. The battle of the Seven Seas and the victory of the Battle of the Imperial Capital will take the initiative to launch a full-scale attack on the territory of the four major families in order to reunite the empire.

But the **** sacred main fleet is still in the dark, perhaps just waiting for the revolutionary army chief to drive straight into the four family territory, the two sides entangled together, the heart of the empire!

There is not much time left for Lei Chenghu, and the situation is far from clear, no matter how deep his prejudice and high vigilance he has for Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Li Yao, the "despicable and shameless comprehensible". He has to "drink and quench his thirst" and continue to deepen mutual cooperation. He will not hesitate to use the information life and the power of the Xingyao Federation to accomplish the great cause of "renovating the empire".

As a result, more and more of the most advanced super crystal brains of the empire have belonged to the control of Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Quan Wang, forming part of their thinking network.

Under the condition that the computing power and data analysis ability have been greatly improved, Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Quan Wang have also completed the reconstruction of the Tianji Star Order, reorganizing the four major family empire fleets, and opening up the new conquest area, the Imperial Capital, and the Seven Seas Star Field. Between the logistics channel, the establishment of the expeditionary army, the emperor and the Wanjie business alliance iron triangle ... and so on.

The potential of the two little guys and the boxing champions made Li Yao, Lei Chenghu and all the insiders shocked.

Of course, not everyone knows the existence of information life.

For those who are unaware of it, it is felt that the recent series of actions of the Innovatives, such as the help of God, have solved many complicated problems with incredible efficiency and speed.

The only thing that made Lei Chenghu feel a little relieved is that Li Yao did not mean to swallow the Golden Crystal Tower. Although he set the ten-mile radius into a "demilitarized zone", he did not allow any troops to enter, but as long as he did not carry the super magic weapon, such as Lei Chenghu Such high-level people can still come in to visit and study.

Looking at Li Yao's series of renovations to Jinjing Tower, including planning the construction space of future research institutes and museums, etc., Lei Chenghu had to admit that if he could not control the Jinjing Tower, then Li Yao might be in charge of Jinjing. The most suitable candidate for the tower.

The other good news is that Li Linghai has finally come over and has not been fragrant in the war.

Of course, Wu Yingqi has been attached to the body for so many years, and he was regulfed by the solar storm and spiritual power in the "Tomorrow Plan". Her body and even the soul are weak and unable to add up. I have to look forward to the special ward of the Imperial First Military Hospital. training.

Her injury is genetic. If she is nursed back to her, it is impossible for her body to return to her peak. Then she has two choices, either to do her best and to live as a normal person.

Either, it is an adventure to transfer the soul to the spiritual body, to become a ghost repair, perhaps to restore the past style with the method of ghost repair.

Of course, transforming ghosts is quite risky. Even with the best doctors, mediters, and magic experts, you can't avoid the possibility of ecstasy.

Fortunately, this matter is not in a hurry, anyway, the spirit of the soul is raised more and stronger, and the success rate of conversion into ghost repair is also higher.

Li Jialing has been staying in the First Military Hospital of the Empire these days, accompanying his mother day and night, and studying his body eroded by Wu Yingqi 2.0.

I believe that there must be many words to say about this special mother and child.

There are also great differences in how to deal with Li Linghai.

Although she played a rather disgraceful role in the Battle of the Emperor, on the one hand, she was the leader of the reformist and even the founder. The forces of the reformists were all hardworking and hard-working, including the fundamentals of the reformists. The "deep sea fleet" of force is also built by Li Linghai.

Although the thundering fleet has replaced the deep-sea fleet and become the strongest leg of the reformist, the war is not a win by a fleet. Lei Chenghu still has to consider the thoughts of the deep-sea fleet of many military forces, if it is serious Li Linghai, will it give Li Linghai a group of people to cause him to feel clean?

On the other hand, many things that Li Linghai has done are indeed compelled. This matter also involves the founding emperor of the real human empire. Regardless of jurisprudence or strength, Li Linghai has no possibility of resisting Wu Yingqi and replaced it with anyone. Even Lei Chenghu himself, in case of being possessed by Wu Yingqi, I am afraid to completely surrender to Wu Yingqi's domineering.

What's more, Li Linghai still holds a lot of secrets, including the excavation of the emperor's tomb, which is related to the imperial national movement, and she is willing to help.

Therefore, after weighing the interests of all parties, the reformist high-level leader, led by Lei Chenghu, decided to “suppress the sages” and try to downplay the negative impact of Li Linghai’s “Tomorrow Plan” without any public trial of her. She gradually retired behind the scenes, and even this matter has a knot.

This result is naturally happy, including Li Yao, who is a sigh of relief and feels better.

Three months after the end of the Battle of the Imperial Capital.

Li Yao has already digested the legacy of Wu Yingqi 3.0 in the depths of his brain, and absorbed it.

He also has a deeper understanding of how to control the Jinjing Tower.

A giant ultra-long-range communication base, under the supervision of Xiaoming, Wenwen and the boxing champion, reveals the embryonic form in the edge of the extreme heavens, and sends the battle of the Seven Seas and the Battle of the Imperial City to the Starry Federation of the Stars. And the detailed battle report of the battle between Li Yao and Wu Yingqi, including the existence of the Golden Crystal Tower, did not hide it at all, and asked the Federal Parliament to decide how to deal with the relationship between the federal and the empire.

The information highway that communicates with the central part of Xinghai and the seaside of Xinghai will be connected to the whole line!


Star Beach, Stars Federation, Ancient Saints, Ancient Saints, Everlasting Icefield.

Today's Yongye Icefield, it is not the first time Li Yao and the "three holy and four fierce" and other strong people involved in such a desolate and dangerous.

Meteorologists and professional engineering teams from the core world of the Federation have built a ground-breaking construction here. Through a series of measures such as magnetic field transformation and atmospheric reinforcement, a set of vitality has been established on the ice sheet of cold wind and dripping ice. "The hot continent", the scene of the bright lights, the raging fire, the battlefield, just like the epitome of today's federal madness.

In just two or three years, the United States has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The surrender of the Black Wind Fleet brought a new set of technologies and knowledge systems to the Federation.

Experts and scholars from the Five Winds of the Five Winds also provided a new perspective for the federal exploration of the Kunlun mystery and the transformation of the technology of the wilderness technology.

The great development of the sacral dragon star, the ancient sacred star joined the federation, including the performance of the old three worlds and the new four worlds in the federal defense battle, but also the unprecedented unity of the entire federation.

The federal people have never seen the scene in the center of the Xinghai so clearly, and they have never been so deeply aware of the gap between themselves and the empire and the sacred beasts. All the comprehensions are filled with a fire. The burning of the group, the flame that never goes out, the day and night, the race against time, contributes to the motherland, only for one goal - let the Starry Federation rise up as soon as possible, and the hall is appearing in the center of the Xinghai, becoming an opponent equal to the Empire and the Holy League!

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