Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2692: Gao Huan and Song Jingang (the seventh volume of the ancient holy chapter opens

Three days ago, the Empire’s new Guangfu area, the thick soil, the black nest star, the thick soil stationed in the army, the fourth rapid reaction brigade resident.

Gao Huan tried to control each of his muscles, swaying and trying to stand up, but once again fell into his vomiting vomit.

It seems that there are 10,000 red-hot steel needles pricking his eyes, which makes his retina have a distinct illusion. He once again saw the face of the nightmare, Xiaoxue...

The military doctor proved that he had healed, all the broken brains were connected, and the burnt cerebral cortex was repaired as before, but only Gao Huan knew that his illness was getting heavier and he was incurable. "Face blindness", now see everyone like his wife "Jiang Xue" - including the man who is kneeling like a gorilla in front of him, who is roaring on the table.

Only the smell of this stupid squirt in the mouth of the orangutan made Gao Huan a little clear, knowing that he is not his wife but the boss, his own boss, the commander of the blade, Song Jingang.

"Song Lianchang, pay attention to your attitude."

Gao Huan heard the man sitting behind his desk and said with a feminine voice. "You still don't understand the situation, now we have reformed..."

"Go to **** innovation, go to the **** emperor, go to the **** **** of war, Lei Chenghu, go to the **** black wind king Li Yao!"

Gao Huan heard the company commander send out a series of skilled curses, and then squatted on the table. "I don't care about Laozi's attitude. I don't care about innovation. Laozi just can't understand you, don't like you." Despicable villain, oh!"


The man behind the desk said, "You want to fight for the cloud brigade, I never know that you are a cloud traveler, and you are so loyal to the family."

"Go to the **** family and go to the **** brigade!"

The company commander once again roared. "I never care about any family. I have never liked any **** who came down from the air. I just hate you as a guy who sells his brother. The taste of your body is more than the taste of this drunk cat. More irritating!"

The company commander pointed to Gao Huan, Gao Huan slammed the company and smiled, and the company even took a sip.

"What can I do?"

The man behind the desk crossed his fingers and rested under the chin. He was very arrogant and self-contained. He was not angry. He still said slowly. "You also know what the cloud brigade has done - now the situation is so obvious. The entire expeditionary system was all innovated. He even wanted to incite the thick-stay garrison. He was born in the four family's officers, hijacked several starships, and fled back to the territory of the four families. Hey, it was really stupid, and he was really successful. If you do, the starships will be destroyed in the middle of the road. At that time, he will kill countless people, including you and me. Don’t forget, your surname is Song, my surname is cloud, we are all 'four big family embers' what!"

"So you went to the military to inform the brigade, the brigade commander, wrong, is to sell the entire fourth fast anti-brigade."

The company commander roared, "All the surnames Li, surname Song, surname Yun and surname of the East in the fourth fast anti-brigade have all been arrested!"

"Calm down, it's not arresting, just ‘isolation review', and so on to find out who is involved in the cloud brigade's defection plan, everything is going on, and the rest will naturally be released.”

The person behind the desk smiled and said, "Xinjun will soon be enthroned. The situation is so subtle. The so-called 'Isolation Review' is also a protection for everyone. It is better than connecting everywhere. It is better to be alive and well. It is indeed a life of friendship, but in order to save more brothers' lives, it can only be ... forced to do so."

"Hey, 'must be forced'? I think it's a double-edged sword! It saves so many brothers' lives, and makes his official business prosperous. He gave the reformist a big name, my 'agent brigade' adult. !"

The company commander sneered. "Since you have mixed up in the reforms, you have also raised my stinking and hard 'four big family embers' from the black prison. Continue to isolate me and let the gang The dog scorpion from the ministry continued to play with me, and even tied me to the cloud brigade and shot it!"

"Don't be like this, don't be like this, King Kong, I don't understand why you always have such a big prejudice against me. I thought we were a group of people, a good brother in a trench."

The acting brigade spread his hands and his voice was full of sincerity. "Listen, I want to save you. Really, do you know that this stinking big mouth has offended many people? Many people are I want to put the hat of the 'Four Family Embers' on your head and put you to death. Don't rush to take the hat to your head!

"I want to save you. After three days, the new king will be enthroned. After the throne, I will definitely want to go to the world. At that time, the cloud traveler’s defect plan is a trivial matter. He will judge him at most, and will not involve others. .

"But there are still three days, we have to survive this **** three days. You really don't know how much pressure I have suffered in all aspects. How many people want to take you away and kill them silently.

"I need a reason to keep you, so I said to those people that Song Jingang's blade is the fourth fast anti-travel, no, it is the best reconnaissance warfare in the whole thick army stationed, this **** mission. Only the **** Song Jingang can be completed, so you can't keep him in the black prison. You can't torture him with the torture of the sacred people, let alone the unclear people, unclear. Go, I need him, the fourth fast anti-brigade needs him, this task needs him!

"In this way, this is your last chance, and it is also the last chance for the blade. You really don't understand!"

"and many more--"

Even the company said, "There is nothing to do with the blade. Most of the fighters in the blade are not the four family members."

"But there is also a small part."

Acting brigade commander, "What's more, they have a company commander of the 'four big family Yu Yu', and even if the entire company is armed with the four family systems, it needs to be reviewed and cleaned up, isn't it?"

The company commander gritted his teeth: "Do you threaten me?"

"Not a threat, but a persuasion."

Acting brigade commander, "not even persuasion, but pleading, begging you to temporarily put away your stinky temper, move your ass, bring your company, complete this **** task, and then wait for the new monarch's big sister or even Reward, so that you can save yourself and save your beloved blade!"

The company commander has been silent for a long time and slowly said: "You just became the acting brigade commander, and you have made great contributions. So you took the big bag in the military and took such a tricky task into your arms. Then let us be in this class." Brothers who don’t hurt or love, go to die, help you get rich, right?”

The acting brigade smiled: "King Kong, your mouth is so stinky, how did you live to this day?"

The company commander was silent for a long time. Gao Huan only heard that he had pinched his fist and squeaked. Finally, it was like a deflated ball. The voice was low: "I need a ‘super-sensitive person.’

"It’s right in front of you."

The acting brigade commander pointed out Gao Huan, "The fourth super-sensitive super-sensitive person, everyone said that his dog has a dog nose in his mind, and then a distant distance, and then a weak magnetic change, he It can be sensed, and it is more powerful than any detection magic weapon."

"What a joke!"

The company commander jumped up. "Everyone knows that it was in the past! Since his wife was taken away by the sacred people, he was ruined and completely abolished. He used his excitement and industrial alcohol and messy ore powder to put himself on himself. The brain burned and turned into a drunken cat who was drunk all day long! You want me to take this drunk cat to detect the most dangerous 'no chaos" on the Black Nest star? He will kill everyone, he Even now I am still not awake, still drunk!

"I have said that military personnel should not be married. Even if they are married, they should not be assigned to the same combat unit. Look at what he is now. He used to be the best soldier in my hands! Drunk cat, You drunk cat, have you heard it? If you can get up and punch me now, I am very happy!

"He can't do it, let him go back to the hospital to have a good rest, so as not to give this drunken life to the end, Yunhao, he is also a very powerful super-sensitive person, let him out!"

"He can't, you know his relationship with the cloud brigade, he is a dangerous person."

The acting brigade commander paused, still said, "And, he refused to honestly quarantine and examine, but he tried to escape, and his mouth was worse than you, so those who came down from the military... In short, he was not in danger. But it is estimated to stay in the intensive care unit for ten days and a half."

The company commander widened his eyes: "You dog-mother dog breeds, dog dogs don't bother..."

"Calm, King Kong brother, now including Yunhao, many people's lives are in your hands, think clearly, think clearly!"

Acting brigade commander, "And, Gao Huan did not say that you are so unbearable, he has recovered, the military doctor proved that he can return to the team, he just did not drink, just took some alternative medicine, some drugs reacted temporarily, very It will adapt soon."

"is it?"

The company commander will be suspicious. "Drunk cat, you still know who you are, who am I?"

"Yes, boss!"

Gao Huan finally struggled to stand up from the vomit. He stood upright and respected the awkward military ceremony. "I, I am Gao Huan, you are my eternal boss, Song Jingang!"


The company commander is happy. "This is really the only good news today. Gao Huan, you are finally awake! I said, brothers are like brothers and sisters, and wives are like clothes. They are not a woman. If they are gone, they will find another one." Hey, drunk for half a year, really **** us to lose our blade..."


When the company commander said "not a woman", Gao Huan’s pupil suddenly shrank into a needle tip. He felt that there was a string in his head or 10,000 nerves broke again. He couldn’t control himself. Long fluttered up.

Then, he heard his fist licking his face and twisting his bones.

I also heard the company commander crying and crying and shouting: "Fuck!"

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