Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2697: Heavy burden

One day later, the emperor.

The news that the thick soil sector once again fell into the Imperial City, the filth and cruelty of the thick army stationed in the army, paved a **** haze for the imperial city, Xinjun just ascended the throne, and in the whole world On the face, he made a rhetoric about cruelty and turned his head to face the double attack of the four family rebels and the sacred people. This is a black joke.

The banquet was not cold, and an urgent and top secret military discussion was in full swing. In addition to Xinjun, the participants were Li Yao, Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai, Bai Laoda, Jin Yuyan, Long Yangjun, and Quan. Wang et al.

These are not necessarily the most high-powered empire of the empire at the moment, including the expeditionary system and the Guardian Army system. There are a large number of grand squadrons with powerful tyrannical powers, and they have the power to compete with them.

But they are the true trust of Xinjun and the only one who can rely on it.

"The attack of the sacred people began about two or three days ago. They must have carefully prepared for this strategy. Before the battle started, they shielded all signals transmitted from the thick soil and forged a lot of signals. Send it out to simulate the illusion of calm and calm, and win the most crucial day."

Lei Chenghu ironed his face and leaned against a huge three-dimensional light curtain to explain to Li Yao and others. "The strength of the Expeditionary Force was not strong, and hundreds of planets and numbers scattered in nearly a hundred big worlds. Between the 10,000 waterways, a large number of troops have been taken back to participate in the battle between the reformists and the four major families. The deployment of forces is even more stretched. Less than one-third of the forty-eight divisions in the thick-stay garrison are less than one-third. Full of people, and the number of sacred people is dozens of times more than them, crushed with the thunder and the tide, they have done their best, but they can only kill themselves.

"Original, we have to wait a little later to know the news of the fall of the thick soil. In that case, the nearby world of a few warlords may also fall in succession. Fortunately, there is a small remnant of the thick-ground troops. - It was a part of the soldiers of a grassroots special war reconnaissance company, miraculously grabbed a super-high-speed shuttle ship, and incredibly escaped the air interception of the sacred people, and escaped from the dead.

"They not only brought the news of the return of the sacred people, but also brought very clear first-hand information, let us see the secret of the sacred alliance to jump so accurately to the main land of the thick soil, please see -"

On the light curtain behind Lei Chenghu, there was a series of swaying battle videos. The camera was aimed at the secret base of the sacred squad, which was shot by the warrior, and the thing similar to the super transmission array.

"this is--"

Everyone is attracted by the magical pheno-like magic in the picture, and is even more numb by the sacred people of the sacred priests.

Li Yao was the most powerful refiner in the audience. Naturally, he was duty-bound to speak for the first time. He narrowed his eyes and studied for a long time. He said: "It seems to be something like a super transmission array, or a strong signal source. From the perspective of refining style, it is quite a bit of a rustic taste of the ancient times.

"From the runes engraved around, and the state of the arc flashing, it is trying to tear open the three-dimensional space, make a small wormhole, and then... transfer some special beacon to another place.

"In other words, it can replace some of the role of the door of the starry sky, even a very advanced and secret door to the sky, you can summon the sacred main force beyond tens of light years!"

"How can this be?"

Xinjun - Li Yao still prefers to call him Li Jialing - it is difficult to set the channel, "How can the gate of the starry sky be built in the atmosphere, its coordinate signal will be extremely distorted when passing through the atmosphere!"

"This, perhaps the sacred people have unearthed new technologies in the era of the ruins, improved their starry sky, or they hid a dormant star in the vast expanse of thick soil when they retreated. The door is only activated with this ground facility."

Li Yao spread his hand. "There are many ways. The only problem is that no matter what method is used to open the star gate, it will release a strong space and psionic fluctuations. The defenders should be able to find and destroy them in the first place. Why is it thick? Will the response of the garrison in the army be so slow?"


Lei Chenghu paused, his face was purple and purple, and he was black. "There was a period of time before the thick army stationed the army to carry out a screening and review work codenamed "absolute loyalty", dug out a large number of latent lurking The four major families of the military and the traitors who oppose the reform are unfortunate. The low-Earth orbital defense fleet and the commander of the space detection force are all four family members, and they are naturally relentlessly suppressed. So, just a little mess, there was a leak in the handover."

Li Yao said nothing, his eyes gradually bulged, staring at Lei Chenghu.

Some of Lei Chenghu did not dare to face his burning gaze, and he rarely went to his head.


Li Yao refused to let him go, word by word, and gnash his teeth. "When is this time, do you know that the sacred people will appear at any time, and even clean the front line?"

"What can I do?"

The blue veins on the neck of Lei Chenghu stood out, reaching the temple and roaring on the table. "Since the Battle of the Seven Seas and the Battle of the Emperor have failed, the Expeditionary Force has become the object of the four major families to fight for. They also know When I die, I will not hesitate to pay for the real money and silver. I want to bring back the officers and men of the four major families in the expeditionary army, and even incite the entire expeditionary army to rebel!

"Nobody wants to treat their comrades so cruelly. I am even more reluctant to let the grassroots veterans who are born and died and experienced in the hands of their own people, but screening, censorship and loyalty education are essential. Otherwise, Waiting to wake up, the entire expeditionary army raised the rebellious flag of 'Yongwu Emperor'!

"Yes, the garrisons of the expeditionary forces in the world have their own methods of screening and censorship. Many methods are very radical, but what can I do? I can also inflict millions of troops into hundreds of worlds. Going inside, like a kindergarten teacher supervising a child, how do you supervise how to conduct a review?

"Don't say that we are cruel - the overkill must be too positive! How else can we guarantee the loyalty of the expeditionary army to Xinjun, the loyalty to innovation, the loyalty to the new empire? Do you rely on your comprehension to talk about it, or Play a small video for the entire expeditionary force again?"


Li Yao said, "How can you do this!"

"Okay, the two loved you..."

Li Jialing was also the first time to be an emperor, and he had a beginner's training. He had just performed in the ceremony of the throne. He was too late to defend himself. He still had the temperament of the ninety-five, but it was dry. "This is the end of the matter, you will no longer have to argue, or come up with a solution! Liao Haihou, now, apart from the thick soil, what happened to the other worlds, did you find the traces of the sacred people?"

"not yet."

Lei Chenghu took a deep breath and barely calmed down. On the light curtain behind him, he showed the star map and the channel map of the new complex area, hoarse voice. "But the loss of a thick soil is very serious." It is fatal! You can see that the thick soil is located in the center of many waterways in the new Guangfu area. The density of jumping points is extremely high. It is the hub between the front lines and the battlefields.

"The fall of the thick soil sector has not only caused our army to lose a large amount of valuable materials, but also caused the phenomenon of 'intestinal obstruction' between the supply lines of the front line. There are dozens of worlds that rely on the thick soil as a 'springboard'. ', if the retreat and replenishment are carried out in the middle, if the supply line is re-set, the fuel and resources consumed along the way must be increased by at least 20%, and the replenishment time will be delayed to varying degrees.

"More importantly, the sacred people occupy the thick soil, which is equivalent to a nail in the core of our new glory area. They can use this springboard to attack all the world around them as they please."

Having said that, Lei Chenghu clenched his fists.

"I tried to explain to the Senate a year ago that the war in the previous period was so smooth that the main force of the sacred alliance was not eliminated, and our expeditionary army continued to be released to more planets and more channels. In the almost endless sea of ​​stars, losing the most important maneuver while winning the surface!"

Lei Chenghu is cold and cold. "Now, the main force of the sacred alliance has become a fist. Wherever you want to go, you can go where you want to go. We have to split up and defend. Nearly a hundred big worlds want to hold it. In the end, one is Can't keep it!"

"So -"

Li Yao naturally asked, "Can you give up some of the new Guangfu area, and also shrink the strength, waiting for the opportunity to find the main force of the sacred alliance to fight the battle, at least to hold the most important strategic locations?"

"It's very difficult. This time, one year ago, this strategy was correct, but it can't be done now. The problem is not military, but politics."

Lei Chenghu shook his head. "We are different from the sacred people. The sacred people are a bunch of madmen, a group of machines that don't care about any influence. They can not hesitate to give up dozens of big worlds, or they can bury themselves deeply. In the underground for several years or even decades, regardless of the long-term hibernation casualty rate, and finally broke out like a worm - but we can't do it, we are an upright Imperial Army, the patron saint of all mankind, representing humanity The glory of civilization!

"Now Xinjun has just taken the throne, and the empire is about to usher in the most brilliant era. As a result, we must take the initiative to withdraw dozens of thousands of worlds and let these worlds re-emerge in the darkness?

"Doing this, what is the face of Xinjun, the dignity of the empire, how do we confess to all the people, how will the rebelliousness of the four major families grasp the painful feet, make a fuss, and even incite the expeditionary army to turn back again?"

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