Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2699: Super jump point!

Li Linghai now promotes the Queen Mother of the real human empire, and should be called "Laughing Home", but in front of the full house, she still lives as a former leader of the reformist, and does not hide her bleakness, but still sharp and unparalleled.

As she said, she also transferred the entire force and defensive status of the extreme heavens and celestial stars.

Once upon a time, Polar Heaven was once the strongest fortress in the center of the Xinghai, and almost every inch of interstellar space was armed to the teeth.

It is a pity that in the battle of the four major family squadrons attacking the extreme heavens, all the star defense lines except the celestial stars were occupied and destroyed, and the subsequent solar storms raged, further destroying the riddled lines of defense. In the first half of the year, the reformists were busy integrating the forces of all parties and could not rebuild the destroyed defense line.

The imperial capital at the moment is in the special period of the weakest defense in the millennium.

If Lei Chenghu re-adjusts the most elite fleet to expedition to the four family territories, and entangled with the last fleet of the four major families, the imperial capital is indeed emptiness, and can not withstand the attack of the main fleet of the sacred alliance.

"that's it?"

Li Yao looked at the Imperial Defense map. If he thought, "So, the ultimate goal of the sacred people is the imperial capital? I remember that Liao Haihou once said that the sacred alliance was a deformed country without creativity. There is no lack of vitality and vitality in a normal society. After thousands of years of stalemate, they have reached the limit of collapse and have to fight with the empire.

"Assuming that the goal of the sacred alliance is really the imperial capital, even if they assume that they have conquered the emperor, what about it? You know, because of the special nature of the country, most empire cultivators can never surrender to the sacred alliance, even if the emperor is sacred. Conquering, other big worlds will not give up resistance, and will still fight to the last soldier of the last planet in the last big world. Even the four big families can’t bow to the sacred alliance, and the war will surely It lasts for decades or even hundreds of years.

"If the sacred alliance is really on the verge of collapse, the occupation of the emperor will not help. - Can they still maintain a strong offensive for hundreds of years?"

"So, this is what I said to you. I doubt that the ultimate goal of the sacred alliance is not the imperial capital, but the entrance to the emperor's tomb."

Li Linghaidao, "The main force of the sacred alliance has unexpectedly occupied the thick soil, in order to disrupt our positions, causing the extreme chaos of the expeditionary forces, and creating the chaos of the expeditionary force, and creating opportunities for them to attack the emperor, and the singularly attacking emperors are still It is not the ultimate goal. It only attracts our attention to both the expeditionary army and the emperor. Then they can wait for the opportunity to occupy the star field where the entrance to the emperor's tomb is located. It is roughly... here."

There are several very strange star-shaped maps on the three-dimensional light curtain. There are several interlaced dotted lines between the sparsely-drawn clusters, and there are looming spots.

"The entrance to the emperor's tomb is like a 'ghost island' that periodically floats out of the sea. It drifts between the stars and the sea. It is now a year and a half away from the last time it appeared. If my calculations are not Wrong, after three months to six months, it will appear here - at some point between the Danxia Star Field, the Thousand Birds, and the Quito.

Li Linghai said, "From the past rules, this time the entrance will be stable for quite a long time, and it may even be a year and a half. If the sacred people really want to sneak into the emperor's tomb, what is the secret, this is hundreds. The best opportunity of the year.

"I believe that everyone knows that the emperor's tomb is not just a simple place for the emperor's burial. It is very likely to be a place where many countless wildernesses are buried. The sacred alliance is not a normal country, but an infinite The fanatic extremist organization that worships the tyrannical powerhouses, for those who are enthusiasm, it does not matter whether they occupy the emperor, or even eliminate the empire. As long as they can awaken all the tyrannical powers, their purpose will be reached!"

There is a chill in the back of everyone.

The so-called tactical deduction is based on the premise that both the enemy and the enemy are normal people. In the face of a group of inhuman madmen, who knows what their "ultimate purpose" is?

"I still don't quite understand how the entrance to the emperor's tomb is so erratic?"

Li Yao frowned and pointed at the star map. "Dan Xia, Qian Bird and You are all three stars, which span the two big worlds. The range between them is too big! Also, three After half a month to half a year, is it three months or half a year? How do I feel that the entrance to the tomb of the gods is so 'mysterious and mysterious'? It’s like the worst of fantasy novels. Can you, oh, use more popular Explain in a reasonable way?"

"Yes, although the entrance to the tomb of the **** is mysterious, it is not an objective law and the law of space cannot explain it. It is only necessary to break the framework inherent in the mind and stand in a higher dimension to understand it."

Li Linghai did not know where to find a piece of white paper and a black and red oil color pen, first shaking the white paper, "assuming that this white paper is a universe."

Later, she forced the white paper into a ball and turned into a round paper ball.

"Now, it has become a high-dimensional universe."

She uncovered the pen cover and painted a black circle on the paper ball with a black oil-colored pen, just around the paper ball for a week, connected end to end. "This is the trajectory of an object moving in a high-dimensional universe. Li Yao, you Look at this trajectory, very clear and regular, right? As long as you know that the object is now at a certain point on the black circle, you can calculate where it will be next. For example, I draw here in the black circle. A red dot, it will always move along the black circle, right?"


Li Yao took a closer look. This is a question that primary school students will calculate. It is similar to the circumference of the test sphere, but he still doesn't understand the meaning of Li Linghai. "So?"

"and so--"

Li Linghai smiled slightly, re-expanding the ball of paper into a ball, flattening it, almost all the fold lines, and turned into a blank sheet of paper.

No, it’s not white paper, but black spots scattered with stars. These black spots were once part of the black circle.

But now, they seem to be sparse, messy, and there is no rule at all, like a child graffiti.

And that red dot is a lone zero on a black spot.

"What now?"

The Empress Dowager looked at Li Yao. "Assume that the speed and laws of the red dot are the same. Now you can tell me, which black spot will it appear next?"

Li Yao is speechless.

Of course he can't say it.

But some understand the meaning of Li Linghai.

"Understood, the entrance to the tomb of the **** is like this red dot. It is not without its own stable law of operation, but it does not follow the laws of our three-dimensional universe, but a certain higher-dimensional law."

Li Linghai, "The law of this high-dimensional universe, projected into our three-dimensional universe, is like a black circle on a paper ball that becomes a seemingly random distribution of black and black spots on paper.

"At first glance, the entrance to the tomb of the tomb is indeed a ghost, erratic, completely violates the rules of our universe, and it is almost like the place where the worst illusions appear, but in fact, it is regular, only However, it is difficult for us to accurately extract the law of its operation, because we are just - this ant on white paper.

"Fortunately, the blood **** and the emperor have received some research materials on the entrance to the tomb of the gods in the ruins of the past, and some of them have mastered the formula for deriving the law, so I can roughly estimate the scope of the 'next black spot'.

“Yes, as early as in the era of floods, the mighty people of Pangu and the Nuwa had a strong interest in the entrance to the tomb of the gods. At that time, of course it was not a 'Tomb of God', and it was most likely a super-jumping point. Who knows?"

"Super jump point?"

Li Yaodao, "What is that?"

"The general Xinghai jumps like this."

Li Linghai folded the white paper in half and cut the area by half.

"Super Stars Jump, or ‘Multiple Stars Jump,’ like this.”

Li Linghai folded the white paper in half, folded in half, folded in half, and then folded in half. After folding to the limit, only her fingernails were left.

"That is to say -"

Li Yao thought about electricity and instantly understood, "If we can fold the space repeatedly, we can jump further distances in a single breath, beyond tens of billions of light years, far beyond imagination.

"Even, with our current Xinghai jumping technology, no matter how you jump, you will be spinning in the small pond of the Pangu Universe. Once you find the 'super jumping point', you may jump out of the **** 'black wall' in one breath. , jump to the multiverse outside?"

Everyone was shocked when this statement came out.


Li Linghaidao, "In short, the tomb of the gods must be extremely mysterious and quirky. It is far beyond us and the imagination of the ancient civilization. Therefore, it will be chosen as the place of burial by countless people. If your guess is correct, then it is very Reasonable - precisely because the tomb of the **** is a super-jumping point that can lead to the multiverse beyond the black wall, so countless people who are dying to kill it must hold it and never let anyone jump through it!"

Everyone was said by Li Yao and Li Linghai, and the more creepy.

"All this is speculation under the Empress Dowager. If you can get the intelligence verification of the Guardian League, it would be better."

Lei Chenghu frowned deeply and sighed. "There is no specific intelligence, only illusory speculation. Our army still has to fight in the dark fog. Right, the Black Wind King, how can your response from the Star Alliance? Will we send reinforcements to help our army annihilate the rebellion of the four families?"

"What about this..."

Li Yaogan coughed a sigh. "All of you know that our Star Alliance is a very democratic, very just, politically correct country. For the civil war between sending troops to interfere with the immortals, such a big thing, the parliament still has to study carefully. Careful discussion, many discussions, and repeated deliberation, even if Wang Wang is the 'Nine Realms of the Nine Realms, the Federal Father,' can not interfere with the democratic decision-making of the parliament, right?"

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