Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2706: Nepalese and Homo sapiens

"You said this..."

Li Yao thought for a moment. "I seem to think about it. There are many archaeologists in the depths of some planets in the empire. I have indeed discovered an ancient human skull that is different from us. 'Neni people', early Homo sapiens' competitors are taller, stronger, and more powerful than our immediate ancestors. It is like a gray mud tower."

"Yes, the survival advantage of the Ni people is not only as simple as being tall and strong, but more importantly, the brain and the genes."

Zhuge Jinglun said, "The female Yi people have implanted a lot of obvious techniques and knowledge in the genetics of the Nigerians. As long as the brains of the children of Nepalese are gradually matured and secrete special hormones, they can naturally wake up these talents and learn how to learn how to Farming, smelting and fighting, and even how to refine warships and transform the planet.

"It can be said that Nepal is a qualified farmer, miner and warrior. Just like the tiger is born, it is the best hunter. They will refine their warships when they are born. Just like a zebra, they will run when they are born. The cat will climb naturally. Like a tree.

“This is the original purpose of the ‘human’ race. It is a kind of flesh and blood that can self-reproduce and expand the ethnic group. It can be fully automatic and long-term for their masters, that is, the Pangu League, isn’t it?”

"Sounds... very powerful and very good."

Li Yao thought about his head for a while. "But you just said that the Ni people are the 'defective first generation humans.' Where are the defects?"

“They have neither creativity nor extreme curiosity.”

Zhuge Jinglun smiled and said, "Look, the Yi people have engraved all their knowledge and skills in their genes, enough to help them deal with the vast majority of animals and plants except the Pangu 13 people. They are almost Perfect, there is no natural enemy.

"So, they don't need curiosity or creativity. They just need to act according to instinct like other beasts, but never know the meaning of life.

"They may be able to create a warship with bare hands and can make a poor resource planet a beautiful sight, but they never think about what it means, just like the cheetah is not zebra. I will think about the meaning of this matter, he or it, just... alive.

"What is creativity? Creativity is the ability to make mistakes constantly, commit a hundred mistakes, a thousand mistakes, 10,000 most ridiculous mistakes, but there is always a mistake that will shine and shine. Will create unexpected and wonderful consequences, this is evolution, this is creativity!

"The Nepalese do not have this ability. All their knowledge and skills are God-given. They are destined. Their form is perfect. They never consider change, and they have no need to change. They are not curious. Heart, there is nothing worthy of their curiosity. If they are allowed to breed for tens of thousands of years and breed for a thousand generations, then there will be no change from the first generation to the last generation. Evolution, creation, variation...all do not exist. ""

Li Yao gradually understood.

Fish and bear's paw can't have both. The talents directly inherited by genetics, as well as the exuberant curiosity and creativity, are probably two different evolutionary directions that are incompatible.

“The Pangu people are quite satisfied with the early products of the ‘Niger,’ but the female Yi people frown at their works.”

Zhuge Jinglun continued. "Maybe at that time, there are already many devils who have gone to the brains of the female Yi people. They are passionate about the devil and the female Yi people. They admire the disorder, chaos, vitality and creative style. How can they like it? Nie's?

"Then the female Yi people said to the remaining 12 wilderness races that the Nepalese people have fatal flaws and are not enough to serve as the most loyal slaves of the Pangu League. They also need a new generation, more complete functions, and more balanced aspects. The key is humanity with independent operational capabilities and greater creativity.

"The Pangu people are not convinced of this statement, but after all, 'creating humanity' is the work of the female Yi people. Even the Pangu, who is the lord, has to respect the opinions of the female Yi people and reluctantly agree to let them create a second batch of human beings. Let's test it and compare it with the Nepalese.

"In this way, we have our immediate ancestors, wise men.

"Compared with the Nepalese, the flaws of the Homo sapiens are obvious. Our immediate ancestors are small and thin, easy to be angry and fearful. They are not as powerful as some gorillas, even by the use of tools. Killed with the lion, and most importantly, the female Yi people removed all the talents in their genetics. Each wise man was born with a blank sheet of paper. It must be passed through the mouth and taught for several years. The skills are passed on to them, and once they die, Huang Quan, the skills that have been accumulated will be annihilated, and the new Homo sapiens are still blank."

"It’s said by you that our immediate ancestors seem to have nothing to do!"

Li Yao frowned.

"The surface looks, yes."

Zhuge Jinglun smiled and said, "So, when the female Yi people put such a new generation of 'upgraded versions' in front of the entire league, the remaining 12 wilderness races were stunned and dumbfounded.

“Perhaps at that time, thirteen flood-based carbon-based races had more or less talented ancestors, ancestral memories, and genetically active genes. Their talents were too strong, and they were strong enough to suppress curiosity and creativity— - Just as cancer cells erode the living space of normal cells, so there is no flood-based carbon-based race, including the Pangu, which can be thought of as a new life with no magical power, but with creativity and curiosity to the utmost. Form, how terrible...power can erupt.

"Because we were born with a piece of paper, we are full of inexhaustible curiosity and desire to explore the wonderful new world around us; precisely because our skills are learned through innate inheritance, so we Will continue to make mistakes, keep thinking, constantly sum up and even question what the predecessors taught, question all authority, and question all unquestionable law days; just because we were so weak at first, our desire for 'powerfulness', Far more than all other intelligent life, our ancestors even at the beginning of their birth, they have a deeper understanding of the essence of 'people' than their creators!

"At the time, the entire Pangu League knew nothing about our power. It was only under the insistence of the Lisu people that they chose a few planets as laboratories, as an arena for ... Nepalese and Homo sapiens. ”

Li Yao listened to God, until now, he took a sigh of relief and muttered: "In the end, the Homo sapiens defeated the Nepalese."

"Yes, but far more than that."

On the face of Zhuge Jinglun, a grotesque smile gradually emerged. "At the beginning of this special survival experiment, the Nepalese people easily defeated almost all Homo sapiens with their talents. In the worst case, the number of Homo sapiens fell. At 5% of the peak period, I had to hide in the cracks of the rock and the depths of the jungle.

"But the exuberant desire for exploration, curiosity and desire for survival have transformed the surviving Homo sapiens at an alarming rate, and they have rushed to the road of evolution. They not only stole the magic weapon of the Nepalese, but also slowly learned the Nepalese. The technology also improved these techniques and magic weapons through different environmental characteristics of different planets. In the end, all the sapiens on the planet defeated the Nepalese without exception, and ... ate them.

"The next thing, the Black Wind King should know, Homo sapiens proves that he is the best 'tool' with undisputed performance. The Pangu people show their creativity in the survival race. Be wary of curiosity, but the female Yi people took out the 'goodness, the three fundamental rules' as a shackle, which also dispelled the concerns of the Pangu people. They integrated the Nepalese and the wise men into a wise man. The main template, mass production of humans, spread to the entire star of the sea.

"Who knows that some of the female Yi people have been eroded by the demon at that time, and the 'three major laws of origin' are not necessarily so indestructible. In the later civil war, the awakening and rise of human beings are out of control."

“Is this yours, or is there any solid evidence?”

Li Yao asked, "How do I listen to this as telling a story?"

"Half-and-a-half, archaeologists and historical historians do have a lot of evidence, though not quite enough, just like the stars shining in the night sky."

Zhuge Jinglun smiled and said, "I just connected these stars into a line and sketched out a constellation."

"But your story has fatal flaws."

Li Yao pointed to the humanity of the sacred alliance below. "Since the Ni people had been wiped out by Homo sapiens in the ‘survival test' hundreds of thousands of years ago, how could these people be descendants of the Nei people?

"As far as I know, the earliest sacred people were clearly created by the black star emperor Wu Yingqi. Moreover, many sacred people are now transformed from the normal people on the empire side. Any normal person It is possible to be brainwashed and transformed into sacred people. They are all descendants of Nepalese?"

"No, no, you didn't understand what I said."

Zhuge Jinglun said quietly, "I didn't say 'destroy' just now. I just said that Homo sapiens have eaten the Nepalese and merged. They are all our ancestors, but the proportion of genes of Homo sapiens is relatively large. Only.

“You can easily understand that 90% of the genes in our body are from Homo sapiens, 10% of the genes are from the Nigerians, and the genes from the Nepalese are usually suppressed and dormant, just like another human Kind, like the 'devil', we actually carry a lot of demon genes in our bodies, so normal people who take chaotic holy water can also be transformed into demon, right?

"In fact, there are so many mysteries in the depths of our genes. Even the best geneticists can only translate 30% of the content in the gene chain, and even think that more than 50% are useless garbage genes.

"Is it possible, we, the most powerful inheritor of the ancient civilization, the most perfect carbon-based life form, carrying 50% of the garbage genes? No, this is just an excuse for their ignorance, I believe that 50% of the unknown Genes are the hope of our constant evolution, including a fragment of the 'Niger gene'."

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