Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2820: Battle of survival

As the king said, he showed more starship structure and monitoring pictures between the high-rise buildings.

Through the monitoring screen, it can be seen that the bridge, the arsenal and even the spar warehouse and the power cabin are all partially controlled by him, cutting off the connection between the staff and the crystal brain, and rejecting the other party to extract the crystal and The requirements of the weapons separated most of the sacred soldiers and were kept in small cabins.

With his assistance, it was not impossible to break into the bridge from Guangming City and seize the entire starship.

"Maybe there is some unnecessary cruelty, but survival is the case. I know that most of you still need time to adapt slowly, but still, we don't have time. Whoever awakens to survive? Who will Qualifications live!"

Yu Wang continued to be faint. "You don't have to think about it. The ghosts are hiding behind the crowd. It's cheap. Remember, I control all the monitor eyes on the Eternal Light. I can see every one of you, every move." According to your performance in the 'war of survival', you will be able to distribute the remaining water, food and fuel, and even the valuable seats of the escape cabin.

"According to my analysis, only about one in ten people can survive in the 'war of survival' and master the true meaning of the word 'human', so you must make sure you are more brave than the nine people around you. Only then.

"Come on, fellow citizens, friends, awaken your true strength and act!

"Why, I am still ignorant, I don't know what to do, well, this can't blame you. After all, you have been in this nightmare for too long, let me help you again, ‘throwing’!”

The king said, the ring light curtain on the surrounding bulkheads shone again, but there was a string of blood-colored numbers standing in the sky, a countdown to the fast jump, and a full twelve hours.

"Do you see the countdown?"

Yan Wang smiled. "There are still twelve hours, ah, eleven hours, fifty-nine minutes, fifty-two seconds. Before the time is zero, if you haven't been able to capture the bridge, I will activate the Eternal Light. The self-destruction system, let you all do not deserve to be called the 'human' walking dead, with your humiliating life, annihilated in the stars.

"The ‘humanoid piglet’ that does not rebel, without consciousness, cannot continue to tarnish the great name of ‘humanity’.

"Believe me, I just found another sacred starship a few days ago, tried to invade and activate the self-explosive system, the power is enough.

"So, continue to stay in the woods, stunned, is also a death, why not at the last moment of life, bursting out the courage of a supernova explosion, like a real warrior to die?

"Still... can't you act? The heart beats so badly, the legs are fast moving. Ok, well, I know that your body is too weak, not a defender's opponent, so I am a few days old. At the beginning, just in your food and water, some special nutrients are injected. When these nutrients are combined with the things I am about to release, they will, 'bang', detonate every drop of your blood, let you You can release yourself and suppress the anger, anger, and anger for hundreds of years!"


Along with the smashing of the king, the squirting of a lot of deep red mist was spewed from the air ducts in all directions.

It is said that it is a fog, and it is like a drizzle of drizzle. It is scattered on the body of every Guangming city, like a blood drop that permeates through the pores, and is absorbed very strangely by the pores.

In the eyes of many citizens, there was an arc of bloodshot blood, and the blood was violently violent, eventually breaking.

"Huh... ah... oh... oh!"

The citizens who have broken blood in the eyeballs hold their heads, and the short ten fingers are deeply embedded in the skull, and they make a beast-like roar from the depths of their throats.

In just a few seconds, they were sweating, steaming, smog, and rushing to the dome, which was like a boiler that only boiled.

These "furious gases" erupted from their bodies were scattered throughout the city. Even the residents who were not spattered by the hurricane, were entangled in the fog, unable to extricate themselves, and gradually revealed their angry eyes in the fog. Awkward face.

Millions of pampered, white and fat, bright citizens, like in a few minutes, all turned into inner anger, the blood vessels filled with the original instinct of the beast!

"Yes, that's it. Let's release your anger. You are detained and deceived for three hundred years of anger! If death is an inevitable ending, there will be more than ten times more people to bury with you. It's time for those guys to pay. The price is - no one, no matter the gods of the gods or the demon of the nine secluded Huangquan, can trample on human dignity without paying the price! Kill them, kill them, kill everyone who blocks you. !"

The king of blood and the anger in the flames smiled very happily, and the strange black spot of the eyebrows turned into a long and narrow shape of the sword, like to open his head and release some kind of... ...somewhat strange and powerful things.

He blinked, and the words turned and suddenly said, "Yes, now in the city of light, right next to you, just lurking some enemy claws - these guys, castrated your spirit and fighting spirit, put You are so bad now, don’t you want to kill them first?”

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

In several high-rise buildings, including the circular light curtains on the city's border bulkheads, there are real-time coordinates of one and another arresting team, as well as information on the members, including their clear avatars.

Even the Yaksha team has not been spared, Chu Zhixiao, Yun Haixin, Yuan Zhen and Guan Qixing's all-round three-dimensional photo, and they are "crouching" outside the Sailing College, they think they are hidden and funny. The king took control and transmitted it to the light curtain, allowing millions of angry and bright citizens to see at a glance.

Even hundreds of highly directional and powerful spotlights were reactivated by the King, and the light column was hit by the head of each arresting group, leaving them invisible and exposed to the public.

"Drip! Drop! Drop! Drop!"

All of the crew members who captured the squad’s brains all made a harsh beep, which was particularly harsh in the low-pitched sounds.

The brain of the bright citizens seems to have a special induction for such a beep. Perhaps a certain "killing switch" in the depths of the brain is activated by the special frequency of the buzzer, and the screams are high and fierce.

However, when the "Purifiers" and "Sweepers" and the special forces of the Gods of the Army were in a hurry to shut down the crystal brain, they found that they could not shut down. The crystal light appeared on the curtain, but the king was full of malicious. Smile, and the dark spots that are constantly distorted.

"The king has invaded our tactical network, stole our encrypted data, and even hijacked our portable brain!"

Many members of the arrest team, this is just like a dream, but it is too late.

"Now, you already know where these hawks are hiding."

The king is cold and cold. "Kill them. As long as you kill all the hawks, I will open the passage from Guangming City to the bridge and the power cabin and arsenal. You can become this little world, real. the host.

"It is still the same sentence, the hope of survival depends on oneself to win, who is the most brave in the battle, I will give him the most resources, guide him all the way, embark on a new road, become the master of this piece of Xinghai!

"Start fighting, like hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancestors killed the gods and killed them, and fought hard!"

The head of the king gradually faded out of the picture.

But the dazzling blood countdown, but the more and more bright, and the flames and thunder and lightning linger on the flashing countdown, reminding people - no more to fight everything, their life is only half a day!

"Damn, the king has already discovered our existence!"

Chu Zhixiao shouted, "He wants to provoke the full chaos of the eternal light, in the process of launching countless escape cabins to the outside world, drowning in troubled waters, escaping!

"Red Pig, Seven Stars, what is the current bridge? Can you break the information blockade of the King?"

"It's hard, I need time!"

For the first time, Guan Qixing’s voice was out of the extreme calmness of the technical experts, revealing a trace of panic. “The king sealed all the data exports and hijacked the network system on the entire starship. This is not a temporary intention. It must have been planned for a long time!"

"Other people, there is no way for people!"

Li Yao can't wait to use his original tone to swear, but he has to pretend to be eclipsed like a fly, "Don't say the bridge and the outside attack ship and the magnetic interference ship, even the rest." Several arrest teams are not in contact. Even if they exceed a certain distance, the network interference is very serious, and they will lose contact at any time! The king is insidious, this big bad guy!"

Chu Zhixiao took a sip of his mouth, and his body shape turned into a streamer, rushing into the center of the brain of Yangfan College.

Li Yao then rushed in and spread the perception to every corner of the college. Even the women's toilets were not let go, of course, nothing was gained.

The center of the crystal brain is empty, and there are no human hair.

Only a huge three-dimensional light curtain floating in the center of the center of the crystal brain, floating in a row of stiff characters.

"The eternal bright dream wakes up, what is your dream?"

Chu Zhixiao stared deeply at the string of words that were obviously written for her. His eyes were blurred, his eyes and mouth were twitching together, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

The frantic roar outside was a wave higher than a wave, and a large number of bright citizens who were tempted by the king of the king rushed toward them!

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