Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2823: A second of humans!

"I... naturally know the existence of these pictures, and I know the meaning of being "created"!"

Chu Zhixiao's lips are almost bitten, and it is difficult to breathe. "But, but someone must bear it all to maintain the most important order!"

"Ha, order, hahahaha, what kind of order?"

The king of the king held his belly and smiled exaggeratedly. "It is the order of the 'worker bees' who are silent and laborious to death in the depths of the mine; or the 'Bing Bee' on the bottom of the starship full of heat, radiation and poison gas, no Protected operations, the average life expectancy is only five or sixty years of order; or in front of these bright citizens, in the artificial dreams, like pigs, the generations of the experimental body, the order of being studied, even the so-called ' The order 'can really last for thousands of years, what about it? Don't you think that human beings are always living in such an order, is it the greatest sorrow itself?"

"No, not for thousands of years!"

Chu Zhixiao whispered, "In the near future, the gods will eventually wake up and bring the ultimate answer to all of us!"

"Haha, gods, do you really believe in the existence of the gods, Major Chu?"

The king is more smug and disdainful, and the black hole-like eyes emit a sharp light, straight into the depths of the soul of Chu, and the short fingers shake faster. "No, your eyes tell me, you don't believe this set of words, You are full of doubts, pains, and anger at your own life, but you don't know how to resist, who to resist, and don't know what to do if you resist success.

"So, you can only deceive yourself, continue to use the lie of the good teacher to anesthetize yourself, let your scarred, **** souls scare - as long as you have a flaw, it is not so painful, isn't it?

"Yes, even if you are the strongest of the gods, it is the ultimate weapon known as the 'killing the goddess', but in the face of the five best teachers and the national machines they control, your struggles and resistance are So insignificant and ridiculous, so many of your brothers and sisters have been killed by them, only one of you, what can you do?

"If resistance is impossible, then only obey, and constantly anesthetize yourself, forcing yourself to believe that obedience is the only correct and even sacred thing. Only in this way, your soul will not be painful to the extent of fragmentation, and can barely survive. Like a worm, living like a machine, am I right?"

"He is right!"

The blood-colored demons said to Li Yao with excitement. "I think so too. This singer--Lv Dengchen is simply my confidant!"

"Stand, what is your position?"

Li Yao said, "Don't be confused by these big villains, why are you so fast?"

Chu Zhixiao’s face was pale.

Her spirits trembled fiercely, and it was almost impossible to condense her own entities in the illusion, and her body shape melted and scattered like a haze.

Her face was painful, and there was a thin, long red line on the white skin. It was like a scar of the soul, splitting into countless pieces.

"I'm sorry, in this way, tearing open the wound you just had, it must be very painful?"

Yu Wang apologized, "Only in this way, can you face the true self, so I am sorry."


Chu Zhixiao’s red line is getting denser and denser, and her sister has gradually lost her color. She smiled bitterly. “Since you know that the power of the best teacher is very powerful, it is not mortal to resist, even if you can wake up. 'I, what's the use?'

"Please allow me to repeat it again, ‘I’m going to hear it, I’m going to die.’”

Wang Wang smiled. "In the long run, anyone is dying. Any civilization is going to be destroyed. The key is how we live, how to leave an indelible mark on this piece of the sea."

"It is not important for the citizens of Guangming City to escape from birth. Similarly, if you can wake up, it is not important to overthrow the rule of the five best teachers. What is important is the fact that you are awakening yourself. It represents the victory of humanity, this is enough!

"If one of the best experimental bodies of the 'Devil's Project', the "majority" of Chu, who has undergone numerous brainwashing and loyalty education, can bloom with the brilliance of humanity. Who can't see the whole sacred alliance?

"As long as I can extract the ripples that erupted in the wake of your awakening, it is possible to develop new ones... what you call the 'brain virus' and spread to the nerve endings of the entire sacred alliance, let all the holy All the people can understand that you are coming out of the cage and feeling back to yourself!

"At that time, even if everyone on the Eternal Light died, you are dead, even I am dead, but the human spirit can be passed on forever, and the radiance of humanity will illuminate every corner of this evil country. There will be thousands of people, thousands of our compatriots stand up, inherit our legacy, like us, love and love, bite and hate, fight fiercely, live infinitely wonderful!

"This kind of world is what the future should look like, right?"

Chu Zhixiao can't speak.

But the slender red lines all over the body continued to face the face, especially into the two eye sockets, as if to devour her eye.

"Humanity can't resist, no matter how good the master or the gods can't resist, look at your companions."

The king said quietly, and once again, he snapped a finger.

In the blood burning flames around him, in addition to his stealing from the database of the "Magic Boy Project", Chu Zhixiao received a severely modulated picture from small to large, and more than a dozen new pictures.

The protagonist of the picture is awesomely the "Giant" Yuanxiao and the "Seven Stars" Guanqixing!

However, the Lantern in the picture is no longer the tiger's back, the super strong man who pulls the mountains and rivers, but like a thin and fearful child, holding his head and crying.

In the next few pictures, the little boy is lying on the operating bed, accepting all kinds of terror modulation and strengthening the whole process.

The **** and cruel transformation, even if Li Yao saw it, was secretly shocked and stunned.

In another picture, Guan Qixing has been splitting and splitting into seven people who look exactly the same, staring at each other with gnashing teeth.

He is like a labyrinth full of mirrors everywhere. The walls and the heavens and the earth are all mirrors. The mirrors are also covered with new mirrors. They are constantly reflecting, refracting and diffracting. The seven Guanqi stars have become seventy. Seven hundred, seventy-seven thousand off seven stars.

"Ah, don't come over, don't come over, hurt, hurt!"

The little boy on the operating table was so scared that he even urinated his pants.

In another picture, the Lantern who is a super giant is also scared to shrink into a ball, crying out.

Guan Qixing is facing the self in the mirror and himself in the mirror in the mirror in the mirror. "You are not me, I am me, who am I, who am I, who is me, who is me!"

He slammed into the mirror and smashed the mirror into thousands of pieces, but only added a new one to each piece.

Every confused look of his own makes him more confused and almost crazy.

"You actually invaded their brains at the same time, and they fell into a fantasy!"

Chu Zhixiao can't believe, "How is it possible, your strength -"

"You still don't understand, it's not how strong my strength is, how brilliant the skills to create a fantasy."

"When you are - you have hidden demons in your own body."

"If you are absolutely faithful and loyal to the best teachers and the gods of the gods, my ability to achieve magic is stronger, and it is impossible to invade your spirit."

"Unfortunately, in you and in every sacred person's body, there is a hidden demon. The name of this demon is called ‘humanity’.

"The 'Gian Ling' Lantern was just a normal little boy at the beginning, even thinner than his peers. It was a singularity that can't be imagined by ordinary people. It is more than a hundred times more rigorous than you, and it has become what it is today. Both his luck and his misfortune, his innate super self-healing ability, he had to endure decades of torture, unable to enjoy peace as a companion who died early.

"Although he has turned into a black iron tower-like steel beast from the internal organs, but in the depths of his spirit, he is still the little boy who is afraid of pain and blood. He is afraid to be sent back after each fight. The operating table went to 'repair', so he tried his best not to hurt himself. Before he even had a drop of blood, he used all the crazy power to explode all the enemies!

"This is his devil. Can you say that such a demon should not exist?"

"The same is true for Guan Qixing.

"On the surface, he is an expert who is addicted to technology and extremely calm. He never cares about anything other than the brain and the spirit net, including who he is, this unsolvable problem.

"But, huh, how can someone really be interested in the question of 'who am I?' The calmer his face is, the stronger the inner suffering is. This problem is like a python full of venom. His spirit, so that his soul is unconsciously split into seven pieces of mutual hatred, each piece wants to swallow the remaining six pieces, becoming a unique 'Guan Qixing'.

“No one wants to share a memory, emotion and body with others. This is human beings, humans who attach great importance to ‘self’!

"I am sorry, my intention is not to let you fall into a illusion, just to tear open the thick clam that wraps your soul, let you face the real self, try to awaken your long-lost humanity, let you taste the real human The taste, even if only for a long time, when an hour, when a minute, when a person of a second is good!"

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