Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2834: Gods blew themselves!

For a moment, Li Yao seemed to see the fifteenth-level hurricane wrapped in hundreds of meters high black waves, sweeping everything, sweeping everything, destroying everything, from the medical center, to the violent spread in all directions.

That is enough to destroy the entire eternal light and even distort the entire world.

The black wave is the tens of thousands of angry, painful, distorted, desperate faces, all of which are the deepest negative emotions of human beings.

Rao is a **** demon who naturally feeds on negative emotions and helps Li Yao to resist, devour, digest and absorb. It also gives birth to a sense of instability and will be divided.

It seems that humans feed on rice noodles, but they eat three or five hundred hoes, and the internal organs must burst!

This powerful "fear bomb" is too shocking.

Fortunately, most of the bright citizens now rush out of the city and enter the ramp and outer compartment. Otherwise, Li Yao estimates that the spirit of the king is self-destructive enough to force hundreds of thousands or more people to live mad and force bloodthirsty. Shura, a hungry ghost of gluttony, a furious demon!

Li Yao is only a bystander, and he has suffered such tremendous mental pressure. The first magical sea division and the burning master are even more eroded by the negative emotions.

The scene of Li Yao’s last "seeing" is that the explosion caused a huge wave to explode countless shocking holes in their law. The black tentacle followed, and the two superstitious masters were inserted along the wound. Within the law, trying to dispel their faith and spiritual strength.

Then, Li Yao could not see anything.

His vision was completely shrouded in the darkness of the sky.

In other words, the incomparably frenzied flow of information and data flow, stirring around his soul, blasting, exploding, raging, chaotic, chaotic, chaotic and chaotic, making him unable to observe, unable to scan, unable to analyze.

Of course, I really want to know every detail of the king's self-destructive spirit. As long as the soul is condensed to the limit, Li Yao estimates that he can still get it.

But in this way, he will inevitably leave traces in the spiritual net and the spiritual ocean.

When he observes others, others can observe him.

When he strengthens his observation of others, others will inevitably notice his "gaze."

So, for the sake of safety, is he still huddled for a while?

Li Yao holds his head and silently bears the information shock wave of the king's self-destructive spirit. He feels that there are hundreds of thousands of octaves at the top of his head. No, it is a billion-thousand-thousand-thousands of evil spirits passing by. In five minutes, the tide of negative emotions gradually dissipated.

The power of the king has burned out.

The surrounding high-rise buildings, the appearance is the same as before three or five minutes, but it is full of resentment and suffocation, more quiet than the grave, like a haunted house, a tombstone spread over the cobweb.

A fragmented negative emotion, like the black flame of a claw, still leaps in the air, and the stars annihilate.

The law of the two best masters is incomplete, just like the half of the hills that have been blown up, revealing the ugly core, still eroded by the black fog, "smack and grunt" flooding the bubble, for a long time can not recover the treasure before a moment Solemn and majestic.

"Oh, the king... is it finished?"

Li Yao repeatedly scanned and failed to scan the life information of a star and a half, but the heart had a big question mark. "Can't you, is it true that the king really said that he must defend human dignity, and two The best teacher, 'Take a fight', found that he is not an opponent, even burned his life, blew the soul, and never die?

"No, no, don't I blame him, he is not as cumbersome as I imagined?"

"Most likely."

Bloody Mind, "Not everyone can be like... I mean, not everyone can be so wretched, with a big sense of sorrow and a slippery foot."

"In short, just now, the king of the king did launch a suicidal sacred attack, which blew up the half-favored law of the two best teachers. I estimate that even the two deserved masters are still thousands of miles away. The spirit and brain are also seriously traumatized.

"How, do you want to rob the fire and kill the two best teachers? If you are sick and want him, this is probably our best chance!"

The original purpose of Li Yao’s sneak into the sacred squad was to lock the coordinates of the Supreme Master, summon the elite squad of the empire, and implement the “decapitation tactics”.

The five best teachers, even if they only kill one or two, will be able to establish a great advantage for the upcoming strategic battle.

However, a great opportunity suddenly appeared in front of him, and Li Yao was hesitant.

His intuition is faint and painful, like a red iron stick, stirring the soul.

"I, I don't know, I always feel that things are not that simple."

Li Yao thought about electricity and instantly screened all the details. "You know, I am a very big and right-minded warrior who is not afraid of life and death. For the sake of the country, for the loved ones, for the human civilization, I rushed to play with the best teacher. What is life, that is not a thing, the problem is that there are still many mysteries left here.

"You see, from the beginning to the end, the good masters have not revealed their true colors, whether in the Black Castle Star, the Heretic Interrogation Bureau or the Holy Light Ceremony of the Psychic Temple, only their shadows and The illusion, even if it is such a dangerous task to capture the king, is only the law of the eternal light.

"The phantom in the three-dimensional light curtain is just a set of photoelectric signals, and this kind of thing is nothing more than a spiritual power transmitted through the remote spiritual network, but what is hidden behind the photoelectric signal and spiritual power? Something, who knows? No one knows!

"There is still a king, really so easy to follow the example, just like this... have the courage to explode their own souls, just to reinvent the two good teachers?

"If we don't understand his details, I might think of him as a simple madman. I believe this is his ultimate means.

"But we all know that he is Lu Qingchen, who is holding the "virtual plan", the spiritual network demon inheritor who once set off a huge wave in the Starry Federation, his avenue, his mission, his despicable and insidious Blackmail, allow him to be like this... Fallen in self-destruction? Don't be kidding!

"Look, we are connected to the true face of the good teacher and the king, and hidden behind them, the higher level of existence has not figured out, rushed out to 'sick him, want him life', too impulsive? That's not the 'fishing and profiting', but the 'self-investment'.

"So, once again, I am a very staunch person who is very fearless and brave to sacrifice, but I feel that at this moment, according to the current situation, we are still huddled better."


It’s rare for the **** demons to agree with Li Yao once. “Well, then we will continue to curl up. Fortunately, we have collected a lot of spiritual information and soul data from the king, the magical sea division and the burning master. These things, It can help us perfect the soul, strengthen camouflage, and shrink more seamlessly.

"Hey, don't make a god, the two guys are drifting!"

The law of the two best masters finally repaired the self in the undulations, and became crystal clear and smooth as jade.

It’s just that the body is smaller than just one round, and the gloss is also bleak.

It seems that the self-destruction of the king of the king has indeed caused a lot of damage to their spiritual world, making them weak to the extreme.

Li Yao is deeply aware of the dangers of spiritual fighting.

If the law is completely shattered, even if the deity is outside a thousand light years, it is very likely that the brain will bleed instantaneously, the brain will be chapped and become a vegetative person.

However, the most terrible power of the best teachers is not themselves, but the resources they control.

The two laws sent a signal to the outside of the dome, and immediately there were a large number of regular forces of the Covenant League - the gods of the army descended from the sky, controlled the urban streets, and surrounded the medical center.

They all armed with the crystal to the teeth, and the crystal helmet was specially refining, a larger round than the ordinary helmet, like a one-piece molding, no half-silk gap, every angle is polished to a smooth mirror, enough to reflect Everything ripples.

Li Yao estimates that such a "specular reflection helmet" has a strong anti-spiritual interference function, which should be carefully refined by the best masters in order to capture the spiritual warfare experts such as Yu Wang.

Of course, for Li Yao, such a helmet is also a trouble, and it is necessary to get one or two, and carefully study its structure.

Seeing the completion of the deployment of the troops, the law of the two best masters floated to the hatch of the bright citizens, and wanted to calm the people and restore order.

They passed over the spider chariot, Li Yao.

Li Yao was very well-behaved, very low-key, very docile, very curled up, hiding behind the wreckage of a twisted shuttle, not discovered by two people.

At this time, the interference and control of the King of the Eternal Light on the entire Ling Net system has been greatly weakened, close to annihilation.

The communication link between the gods and the sweepers has been restored.

Li Yao immediately received a message from the "Major School" Chu Zhixiao: "Red Pig, where are you, can you restore our internal communication network and find ‘the giant spirit’ and ‘seven stars’?”

Li Yao indulged in a moment, pretending that the communication network was still disturbed, but it was silent and flew in the direction of Chu.

Along the way, I also saw a lot of bright and light citizens, like a deflated ball, soft on the ground.

There is no clear understanding of fate and self, and it does not really establish the will of resistance and liberation. It is only ignited by the brain virus, like the courage of the stimulant, it is fast, go Fast, the soldiers are defeated, these people have completely collapsed.

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