Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2839: Attack from the dark!

"Red Pig..."

What Chu wanted to say, Li Yao took his "thinking" from the other soul.

Almost, and then, his own soul must be a goose bump.

Li Yao only wants to gently "push" Chu Zhixiao, plant a seed of suspicion and resistance in the spirit of the killing goddess, but does not want to deeply hypnot each other, so that the other party should follow his own will Acting.

If he really strengthens hypnosis and incitement, it may be able to make Chu Xiaoxiao become a rebel, but what is the difference between this and the "good brainwashing" of the best teacher and the king?

He can only do it here. After all, Chu Zhixiao can take the first step of rebellion, and look at her own. Li Yao can't interfere with it.

Besides, the Xinghai jump is about to end, and the colorful "Kaleidoscopes" around them are gently swaying and overlapping each other.

They have crossed the four-dimensional universe, spanning hundreds of millions of light years, and jumping to the heart of the empire.

Of course, before getting rid of the four-dimensional state, Li Yao did not forget that in the four members of the Yaksha team, and in the brains of the king, there was a faint mark that would hardly be noticed by anyone.

It's like a coordinate that penetrates all armor and shield barriers, allowing him to instantly locate where the five are.

Crossing ends.

It was like the bungee falling to the bottom of the valley, slammed by the safety line around the waist and bounced up.

Everyone felt that the internal organs had been twisted, and the urge to turn around, nausea and vomiting, and then the kaleidoscope of swirling dances quickly condensed and reorganized, and once again became a certain entity in the three-dimensional world.

People are like a big dream, looking at each other slyly.

Chu Zhixiao is even more suspicious, looking at the spider chariot - Li Yao.

She gently rubbed her temples, not sure if she was also a "dream", what was going on.

Li Yaozhen was at her side, and even collapsed six limbs to the abdomen, a state of sleep.

Chu Zhixiao looked at Li Yao and looked at the king. After thinking for a long time, there was still no result.

However, the pain and embarrassment between the eyes and eyes shows that the seeds of suspicion and resistance have taken root in the depths of her heart, and the vines and branches that have grown have gradually encircled her spirit and shaped her soul. It has become a new shape.

Chu Zhixiao took a deep breath and stood up, looking out through the virtual porthole.

Li Yao also took the opportunity to release the "thinking", invading the shuttle's master crystal brain, navigation system and sensors throughout the body to collect data as tidal.

This is a dark starry sky.

In many virtual entertainment works and thrilling games, the space is often carried out in a vast expanse of stars. No matter where you jump, there are countless stars, planets, satellites and asteroid belts acting as battlefields. There are infinite stars as background.

In fact, the "planet" is originally an extremely rare existence in the universe.

The planet - whether it is a star or a planet or a satellite, or even an erratic asteroid, is distributed in the universe like a small sand, sprinkled on a large square, with an average of one cubic meter. Gravel - it is so sparse.

Therefore, most of the time, there is nothing in the universe, no light and heat, no matter, no fluctuations, and some are endless darkness, coldness and despair.

The same is true of this star field.

It is even difficult for Li Yao to rely on the sensor of the shuttle ship to find even if a celestial body acts as a reference object. It can only be seen from the coordinates provided by the navigation system. It is indeed near the extreme heaven, and the resource enrichment area of ​​the extreme heaven is about There are three to five light years away.

It is really "nearby", three to five light years, to go for decades at regular sailing speeds, no wonder Xiao Ming and Wen Wen did not notice the existence of the main force of the sacred alliance - Fuxi Fleet.

That's right, although there are no cosmic celestial bodies, the devastating killing machines built by humans and human ancestors, those who are known as "the gods," still tear the cold, ignite the darkness, and appear here.

The tail flames of countless starships and the space they created to jump here converge to form a mighty torrent.

"Here... how many starships are there?"

Li Yao muttered to himself, his scalp was numb.

The Fuxi fleet is still gathering, and there are constantly starships jumping out of the void, like a shark that floats from the deep sea.

In order to ensure the safety of the Xinghai jump, the distance of most starships is so far away that it cannot be identified by the naked eye and ordinary crystal eyes.

However, the shuttle ship received data from the core of the Fushun Fleet and guided them to a waterway. By the way, they also let them know how many silent star beasts were scattered in the darkness around them.

Li Yao has never seen such a huge fleet.

Whether in the "Federation Counterattack" of the Starry Federation, or in the "Million Star Warfare Battle" in the Seven Seas Stars and the "Defic Defence Battle" in the extreme heavens, hundreds of millions of tons of steel are built together, colliding with each other, burning, Explosion and annihilation, the number of starships on both sides of the enemy and the enemy add up, there is no, there is no such a huge and terrible fleet of Fuxi fleet!

This is because, regardless of the empire or the federation, the rulers and the people are living human beings, people with flesh and blood, emotions and lusts.

Even in the most extreme cases, it is impossible to concentrate all the starships in one place, but to give up other places regardless.

Most of the troops still have to guard the strategic areas of each world. To maintain the supply line and the defense line, at least the riots and riots that may occur in the place must be suppressed.

In this case, the federal and empire can take out one-third of the mobile force and invest in a strategic decisive battle, which is the limit.

Rather than saying, this is the limit of technology and resource allocation, but rather the limit of human nature.

But the sacred people are a group of people who have no humanity.

Therefore, Li Yao is very skeptical that the sacred alliance has really drained the last resources and the last soldier of each of its big worlds, regardless of the fact that they have all gotten to the front.

As for the logistical supply, what is the order of the rear, it is not considered at all, that is, desperate, devastating, and accepting no possibility except victory.

"The sacred people are really... crazy, so they are all in the same position. The five best teachers have never considered it. In case of defeat or stalemate for ten years and eight years?"

Li Yao is unable to understand the strategy of the sacred people.

He even produced a quirky feeling. This "one-flat" tactic is not like a real-world war. It is like a super-sized crystal game.

"It seems that Lei Chenghu's judgment is correct. There are really great problems inside the sacred people, or their system is rigid and rigid from the beginning, without creativity and motivation."

The **** heart, "Millennium development, is the limit, they reach the peak of fragility, and then stalemate, there will only be more and more '傀儡王' and 'infected', 'awakening', so that this system Internal crash.

"So, the five best teachers are desperate, even if they are out of the nest, they must do whatever they want, and must resolve the empire before the collapse!

"As for the rear world, there is not enough troops to maintain order, whether it will fall into chaos, and the problem of complete collapse is never considered by the best teacher. Anyway, more people are just 'Bing Bees' and ' Worker bees', when they die, they die. As long as they can occupy the empire, which is the resource-rich region in the central part of the Xinghai, they can naturally get more 'Bing Bees' and 'Workers'."

"indeed so."

Li Yao whispered, "The sacred squad first made a big attack on the new glory of the empire, separating the expeditionary army and the empire, on the one hand, the morale of the imperial people, on the other hand, the murder of the empire. People can't think of them going crazy, deploying to such a dark field without the resources available."

It is extremely risky to deploy the mighty fleet of soldiers from all over the country to such a dark star field without celestial bodies and psionic powers.

Of course, it is not far from the emperor, and it is in the state of "black under the light", it is not easy to be scanned by the policing force of the empire.

However, the attacker can't get the resources of even a stone on the spot. All the supplies must be transported from the rear through the Xinghai Jump. The loss is more than astronomical!

It seems that on the ancient battlefield, it is ridiculous to station the "800,000 troops" in a desert. Every food and water must be transported from the rear. Another food is consumed along the way of transporting a piece of food. If you don't start the war as soon as possible, you will have to drag yourself to death.

Therefore, regardless of the federal or empire military academies, when teaching the command strategy, this resourceless dark star field will never be regarded as a gathering point - even if these places are closer to the enemy's strategic location. No.

The black-and-white fleet, like the Black Wind Fleet, also searched for a star field with brown dwarfs when attacking the Confederacy. By using the gravitational pull of the brown dwarf, it can save a lot of fuel.

Which empire or federal commander dared to propose a plan that would set the dark star field as a assembly point, would be sent to the hospital by all the generals and staff of his staff to check the brain.

But the madness of the sacred people is beyond everyone's expectations.

The shuttle ship sails in the dark, and it is faint to feel the tail flames of countless starships shining around them, like the glittering teeth of the starry behemoth.

They are like a small fish, strayed into the feast of the shark.

After a full day of sailing, I went deep into the core of the "shark group" and heard a clearer call.

In front, it is the total flagship of the Fushun Fleet, the ultimate rescue!

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