Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2845: The Fusui Fleet, the assault began!

"and so--"

Li Yao smiled slightly. "Lv Dengchen is now divided, and the ghosts are crying and crying. They also yelled that the words "Human never gives in" are all acting, and they are acting well!"

"It's not necessarily acting. Didn't you find that this guy likes to let others hang him up? Maybe he just has this... a little hobby."

The **** heart, "can get an unparalleled stimuli in the whiplash, further release the power hidden in his soul, rush to a higher peak, believe me, in many negative emotions, 'pain' Absolutely the source of strength!"

"So abnormal?"

Li Yao secretly snarled. "However, even if his plan is subtle, the source of power is strange again, this time will be greatly miscalculated, because in addition to the five best teachers, he has missed two key factors.

"First, nature is our existence.

"Second, it is the owner of the dark golden giant soldier!

"We don't have to say it, but who is the owner of the dark golden giant soldier, why is it on the 'Ultimate Salvation Number', and how to control a giant soldier without a spiritual house? I feel it faintly, The master of this dark golden giant soldier is the real black hand hidden behind the scenes!"

"Yes, it’s a scorpion, the oriole is in the back, the best teacher is a scorpion, and Lu Qingchen is a scorpion. Now I will see who is the 'red swan', who is us, or the owner of this dark golden giant soldier. ”

The **** heart, "The enemy may control a thousand troops, but our greatest advantage is concealment. Until now, no one knows our existence, so our best strategy is to wait and continue to lie here. Waiting quietly for the masters of Lv Qingchen and the Dark Golden Giants, they all reveal their sly faces, and even fight for both."

"Then let us take the path of others and cure their own people!"

Li Yao muttered. "The last time I was in the Starry Federation, it was Lu Xiaoping's use of the contradiction between the federal and the Black Wind Fleet. This time, it was our turn to hide behind Lv Qingchen and let this guy rush to the front. Wait until we have a clear understanding of the situation, and then rushed out to collect the profits!"

In this way, Li Yao took back most of the "thinking", leaving only a fine silky thought, gently entangled the monitoring crystal eye on the bridge, and observed Lu Xiaochen's arrogant acting. Tortured scenes.

Now, Li Yao's soul has moved from the spider chariot to the master crystal brain of the maintenance workshop, and the calculation power has increased tenfold.

In the past, I have learned a lot of information from the "Fuxi system", recalling the information transmission mode and data interaction protocol of the entire Fuxi fleet. Li Yao began a new cultivation and changed his own soul operation state. According to the model of "Fuxi system", Strengthen your own soul.

This is a kind of... mysterious and mysterious, wonderful feeling.

The more he cultivates, the farther he is from the "standard humans" in the traditional sense.

He suddenly turned into a fine dust, drilling into a psionic scorpion deep in the depth of a starship, and observing the monotonous world around him with cold and sluggish crystal eyes.

Suddenly, it turned into a whole piece of Xinghai. In his perception, hundreds of thousands of starships became hundreds of thousands of streams of swirling data that flow, rotate, split, and condense. Each piece of data is like a meteor. The burning, infinitely brilliant meteor shower broke into his soul.

Life is information, life is the torrent of data, and the whole universe is just a sea of ​​information, data, collision, convergence, convergence and change.

In an instant, Li Yao had a deeper understanding of this sentence.

When he was able to travel the ocean of information and "read" and "resolve" every starship of the Fuxi fleet as he pleased, he had asked himself for a moment, now, is he still a human being?

However, who else stipulates what human beings are like?

From the most primitive microbes to the bottom of the carpet, from the reptiles under the volcanic ash and the reptiles in the mud, to the monkeys in the jungle and the naked slabs in the reinforced concrete, life never stops evolving, is it that "naked cockroaches" are the most The perfect life form, there is no ingredient that can be improved, is the end of evolution?

of course not.

The journey of mankind is the sea of ​​stars, even the high-dimensional space beyond the three-dimensional universe. It is an infinitely exciting and infinitely changing world. They must be step by step, evolve to unrecognizable, and even shocking.

The difference between future humans and modern humans may be greater than that between modern humans and trilobites.

The self-cultivator, standing at the tip of human civilization, must of course act as a vanguard, to explore the direction of evolution one step ahead, and this kind of exploration is bound to be misinterpreted, disgusted and even contradicted by many people.

The heights are not cold, and the strong leaders of the era are destined to be lonely.

In such a magnificent and desolate state of mind, Li Yao suddenly understands Lv Qingchen.

The future and the present are a pair of irreconcilable contradictions. Evolution means change. Change has always paid a price and is very likely to fail. It has never been calm and calm.

Lv Qingchen and Tianmo Mo Xuan are indeed rushing, but which evolution has been able to get these eager explorers? Who can accurately determine what time point is not "excessively rushed", is "water is justified, just right", can you go for a perfect evolution?

No one knows when it is time to evolve.

No one can guarantee that he will never lose himself on the road to evolution. Lv Dengchen is like this, and Li Yao is also like this.

But still, the understanding does not mean identity.

Perhaps evolution is to bleed, but Li Yao hopes to shed his own blood first, and Lu Qingchen hopes to first drain the blood of everyone except him. This is their biggest difference.

"So, let us all do our best, play our role, collide, use our blood, bones and spirits to break the future of human civilization, and let the future of millions of years later rule our Right or wrong!"

Li Yao’s mind was moved, and all the “thinking” again shrank back. The soul of the soul was like a flower bud carved out of crystal, crystal clear, faintly flowing with golden mansions and blood awns.

His heart has never been so clear, firm and powerful.

Time has passed twenty-four hours.


The "Ultimate Salvation" and the pictures of the Fushun Fleet clearly show his soul, let him know the situation of the sacred people.

Lv Dengchen is still suffering, "pain is not wanting to live", the soul has been torn into a smoky smog, like a dry scorpion like soft and weak, can no longer together.

His soul was broken down into a large amount of data, entered into the crystal brain in midair, into the database of the "Fuxi system".

Li Yao bet, in the data of the soul, there must be some "things" hidden.

The five best teachers at the beginning also monitored his status throughout the whole process, fearing that he had any conspiracy. However, the torture of the day and night, the spirits were quickly stripped away, and Lu Xiaochen did not have any slogan except for struggling and cursing. The room for resistance, the vigilance of the five best teachers will gradually relax.

After the war is over, they have a lot of military affairs to deal with, and it is impossible to waste all their time on the king of Lu Qiang.

At the beginning, it was the five great teachers who took turns to monitor Lv Dengchen. Gradually, the number of people was getting less and less. In the end, all the secrets in the brains of Lv Qingchen will be squeezed out, and the laws of the five best teachers will disappear. Only the medical team and the meditator will continue to torture.


Li Yao secretly said.

However, as soon as the owner of the Dark Golden Giants has not yet appeared, his heart suddenly glimpses, and he does not know who the stupid is.

As for Chu Zhixiao, Yun Haixin, Yuan Zhen and Guan Qixing, four members of the Yaksha team were sent to four metal rafts after a long period of hypnosis talks, comprehensive physical examination, treatment and disinfection.

Li Yao can sense that their brains and crystal brains have joined together and merged into the world of the "Fuxi system" to carry out the instantaneous interaction of massive data.

Li Yao estimates that this is to wash away the memories of their past few days, so that they completely forget the influence of the king.

Li Yao was anxious and worried. He didn't know if he should shoot. He moved some hands and feet in the "Fuxi system" and let the four members of the "Nightfork Squad" remember something.

It is the situation of the Fuxi Fleet to dispel this thought.

From the 31st hour onwards, the Fushun Fleet, which has been in full swing, has suddenly relaxed.

All the "Bing Bees" and "Working Bees" fell to the ground and silently prayed that their tedious brainwaves converge like a torrent of ice, and they continue to flow into the five supreme battles. Then through the Supreme War Fortress to gather on the "Ultimate Salvation", the message is simply to hope that the gods will bless them and win the battle of decisive battle.

Subsequently, all the starship's master crystal brains increased the computational power to the limit, and each cabin began to inject the buffer gel, and everyone collapsed into the eggshell-shaped seat, leaving the gel to airtightly. Wrapped.

The power unit of a starship is gradually dimmed, but the Xinghai jumping unit is getting hotter and more dazzling. The power cabin will input a steady stream of energy into the Xinghai jumping unit. As a whole, the entire warship will gradually become distorted. And transparent.

They are like millions of stones thrown into the pond, and a circle of ripples ripples in the calm water. All the starships are swaying and sparkling in the ripples.

Even on the "Ultimate Rescue" bridge, the tens of thousands of crystal brains equipped with the "Fuxi system" also trembled fiercely, and instantly output the data of the stormy waves, and all the master crystal brains of all the starships were solemn. And cruel orders.

The main force of the sacred alliance - the Fuxi Fleet, finally has to launch a fatal blow to the heart of the real human empire!

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