Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2900: Real earth!

"Is it... illusion?"

Li Yao muttered to himself, "I feel that in this virtual world, my strength has increased by a hundredfold, and the realm is even more incredible.

"I am a cloud in the sky. I am a grass in the ground. I am a stream flowing in the mountains. I am a butterfly dancing among the flowers. I can appear in the same towns of thousands of towns at the same time. Tomorrow's way of communicating with them, as long as the computing power is sufficient, I am omnipresent, omnipotent, no one can stop!

"I am not transparent, but completely integrated into this world. As long as I think, no one can find me. Even Fuxi can't detect my existence.

"But I have taken control of the fundamental laws of this world. As long as my mind is moving, the heavens and the earth will be cracked for me. Lightning will be lingering around me. Everything in the world will tremble under my anger. What is the star? Take the moon, which is called the return to life, thousands of magical powers, in my case, are the flow and disturbance of data.

"This, what a magical state this is, it is like a real **** Buddha!

"The district distinguishes the period of the gods, and certainly cannot do such a thing. This is the sacred period of the smelting period or the dong period."

"It is not an illusion. In the past few days, we have used the self-destruction of Lu Xiaochen to follow the "wound" of Fuxi, to figure out some of its data models, to master some of its rules for creating virtual worlds, and to usurp its control rights. Naturally, it can easily change or even destroy it."

Bloody Mind, "If you say that Fuxi's thinking center is a virtual world, then here is the virtual world in the virtual world, such a 'boundary boundary', the dimension is very low, we are equivalent to a high-dimensional life invading here. Is the real demon!"


If Li Yao thinks thoughtfully, he will perceive the mountains and rivers of this world, the flowers and grasses and the mortal beings, as well as the hidden behind all things, countless intricate, lively, self-deductive and upgraded data.

Mindful thoughts, slightly modified the environmental data, the original clear sky, blue sky and white clouds, immediately slamming and thundering, gathering large clouds, like a horse galloping, shocking the world.

"The higher the dimension of the world, the higher the realism, the less likely it is to control and transcend its laws; the lower the dimension of the world, the lower the realism. The higher the 'virtuality', the simpler the rule and the easier it is to be invaded. And control, then you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, like a demon."

The Scarlet Demon continues to explain, "A loser in the real world, mixed and eaten, stinking unspeakable losers, as long as you start a virtual game, you can still scream in the game, kill the Quartet, master all kinds of incredible Magical.

"If the background characters and the ‘non-player characters’ in the game are self-aware and passionate, wouldn’t the real world loser be a demon or a ‘high-dimensional cosmic invader’?

"So, we have just touched the edge of the distraction period in the real world, but in this 'virtual boundary' with a very high degree of virtuality, we can have the power to destroy the earth or open up the earth, enough to At a certain point in time, at a certain level, contend with Fuxi!"

"How can a virtual game character have self-awareness?"

Li Yao asked.

"So, do you think that people living in the virtual world created by Fuxi have self-awareness, is it considered a 'human'?"

The **** demons asked, not waiting for Li Yao to answer, they took care of themselves. "Do they have self-awareness, not human, I don't know, but I can be sure that they do have emotions, they will be afraid, they will suffer, they will feel it. Happiness and happiness, if you drop the fire of the thunder, destroy the world, and slaughter countless 'virtual people', you will be able to hear their crying and desperate screams.

"You can treat all of this as a fake, it is built by Fuxi, but what exactly is 'true'? The human beings built out of data must be lower than the human beings piled up by the cells, not even Is it true? Their pain and despair are not real pain and despair, and their happiness and happiness have no value?"

"I, I don't know."

Li Yao is a bit embarrassed. "To be honest, what is true, what is false, what is high-dimensional, what is low-dimensional, I am confused again - every time, every time I think, I found the end. When the 'real' is often behind this reality, see bigger, deeper falsehoods, holes, holes, and falsehoods, how difficult it is!"

"Perhaps, true and false are not an absolute concept, but a relative, degree concept. There is no absolute truth, only the difference between 'relatively true' and 'comparatively false.'"

The **** demons said, "As we have in front of us, the virtual world built up in the crystal brain from the data, the dimension is relatively low, it is ‘comparative,’ but it does not mean that it has no real side.

"And the so-called real world is nothing more than the combination of electrons, neutrons, atoms, molecules and various forces of strength and weakness. As a smart life in which we live, we naturally think that it is real, Invincible, unchangeable, but if there is some kind of four-dimensional intelligent life, you can change the strength and weakness of your own desires and change the basic law of our universe. Is it also qualified to believe that our three-dimensional universe is also fake, just a joke? , a game, or even a poor novel?

"But this four-dimensional wisdom life is not too happy to be too early. Since people in the virtual world can also open up their virtual worlds, there must be a higher-dimensional universe above the high-dimensional universe. Reality and falsehood are like a Endlessly extending the ends of the road, there is no end to the truth, there is no end to the falsehood, no one is qualified to say that he is absolutely true, everyone must cultivate, and they must constantly cultivate higher levels of truth. Even so, we will never be able to When you arrive at your destination, you can only run all the way."


Li Yao silently speechless, the soul of the soul is as subtle as the hustle and bustle, reflected in the sky between lightning and thunder.

"Do you know what I mean?"

Asked the **** demons.

"Of course, I know you."

Li Yaodao, "I just thought about the analogy you just played. The loser in the real world is nothing. In the virtual world, the wind and the rain, destroying the earth and destroying the land, such as the devil's coming."

"What is the problem with this analogy?"

The **** demon is a little bit stunned.

"There is no problem, but it is very appropriate, and even reveals some kind of...the truth of the multiverse."

Li Yao muttered, his brain that does not exist is faintly painful. In the extreme pain, the hot stream of more data and information is spurting, making his soul become more and more bright and endless, just like It is the lightning that cuts through the sky and illuminates his heart.

"Assume that you are right - the more virtual the world, the more 'unreal', the simpler the underlying law, the easier it is to be broken, the easier it is to present ever-changing magical powers, colorful spells, even grotesque, Unexplained 'magic', not only high-dimensional cosmic invaders, but even the indigenous people of this world, it is possible to break through the rules and master these magical powers, spells and 'magic'."

Li Yaodao, "While a world or the universe, the higher its 'reality', the more complex, the more solid, the less likely it is to be broken, the high-dimensional cosmic invaders and the awakened supernaturals that can override them. The less you have, the less likely it is that there are such things as spells, gods, 'magic', and vindictiveness. At first glance, the world, the universe is more common?"

"In theory, that's right."

The Scarlet Flayer thought about it. "The simplest analogy is that the lower the difficulty of a game, the higher the degree of virtuality, the more spells and skills players can use. The higher the difficulty, the higher the realism. Nature can't 'fail', so?"

"So, what is ‘the earth’?”

Li Yaodao, "We originally thought that the so-called 'cultivation of the secret law, thousands of magical powers" and the like, and 'spiritual energy' are closely related, only the world with a strong spirit can cast spells, and the earth is where one spiritual depletion, So there is no supernatural phenomenon on earth and the existence of magical magic, magical vindictiveness and the like.

"But it does not make sense.

"If the earth really has no psionic power, it is just a sea of ​​stars, a pebbly pebbles in the multiverse, why it becomes the center of the flood, and why it traps the billionaires and makes the spirits of all the strong. Are you caught in... an endless cycle of indefinite?

"So, can you explain it according to your 'reality' theory - the earth is actually a high-dimensional universe, or even a 'high, high, high-dimensional universe', more than the world dimension of the 40,000-year-old world It is many times higher than the multidimensional dimension of most magical universes. That is to say, the earth is more 'real', and its fundamental law is stronger and harder to break through. It is like indestructible. Cage!

"Earth people are not unable to use magical power or magic. They are only unable to perform on the earth. Once they can enter the low-dimensional universe such as the Pangu universe, the magical universe, etc., they can instantly obtain the advantage of "reducing the dimension" and become this low-dimensional universe. The center, with the blessing of thousands of airlifts, the love of countless girls, all kinds of thrilling adventures and adventures, the ultimate legend, just like me!"


Bloody Mind, "Although I don't want to admit it, but you said, there is a little bit of truth. The earth is not a normal planet that is exhausted by the spirits, but a more realistic and more sturdy cage, even in Within the scope of the raging tide, the earth is the highest dimension and the 'most realistic' place!"

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