Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2911: Knowing that there is a tiger in the mountains!

In all fairness, the aristocratic gates of the electoral dynasty coalition forces are not all fools who are stunned by wisdom. The transformation of Bai Xingjian and the chaos of Lei Chenghu are too abrupt. It is easy to think of people. In the vast sea of ​​Xing Ding’s dark and unclear, is it Set a dangerous trap.

But looking at the past and the past, whether or not this kind of trap can work has nothing to do with the high level of the trap itself. More importantly, whether the bait placed in the trap is rich and tempting, and the beast that goes to the front of the trap. Is it enough to be hungry?

People often only believe what they are willing to believe, a beast that is hungry and mad, with only bright flesh in his eyes, and a nose that only smells a fatty aroma, but he can't see it at all, the bright teeth in the trap.

At this moment, the election of the Imperial Army is such a beast that is hungry and dizzy, desperate.

As the son of the electorate, Song Lixing’s strategic vision and vigilance may not be inferior to Song’s return, but he and Song’s resignation are completely correct. It is not a military issue to attack the Yuding world. It is a political issue.

The days of the reformists are not good. The days of the four major emperors are even worse. The two consecutive vicious defeats have damaged more than 70% of the most elite warships and well-trained elites. The impact is not limited to the battlefield. The catastrophic consequences of the series are gradually surfaced.

Every day, countless demonstrations and illegal gatherings take place in the four major family territories.

Every day, there are countless rumors spread in the form of flyers or secret channels to promote the ideas of the reformists, "to confuse the ignorant people."

Every day, countless middle and lower aristocrats contacted the sneaky and imperial capitals and received the promise of the emperor. As long as they responded to the “innovation,” they will not only blame their guilt, but also have a cup on the fat body of the big nobility. soup.

Such demonstrations, conspiracy and betrayal are as numerous as a slap in the face, and it is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

What's more, the four major electors have not been able to extract enough powerful force to suppress the turmoil.

In the final analysis, in the belief that the weak and the strong, the winner is the king's empire, you have lost the battle on the frontal battlefield, that is, sweeping the ground, losing all the power of deterrence and suppression, who will serve you!

There are resources, simply put, is money.

As the commander of the fleet, Song did not return, regardless of the military expenses of the returning fleet and the cost of maintaining the palace and consolidating the people, but the four electors had to work hard for a copper plate - since the emperor fell into innovation The hand of the party, the "Imperial Crystal Coin" that was originally issued by the imperial court, plummeted, not to mention the peripheral world, even in the core world under the four family rules, even the people prefer to use "free star" "Coin" to trade, or use several special spar to act as a hard currency, and are not willing to use the ridiculous situation of Imperial crystal coins.

Armed forces can take away the lives of the rebels.

But force can never suppress the resistance of capital.

After all, when the executors of the armed forces, the soldiers and the middle and low-ranking officers, are reluctant to accept the Imperial plaque as a military squad, then the powerful force will fall apart and disappear.

Now, with the strong assets accumulated over the past few hundred years, the four families can barely support the last meager credit of the Imperial Crystal Coin, and even adopt the original means of “military ticket”, “national debt” and “bartering”. Everyone knows how inefficient and unsustainable the way this transaction is in an information society spanning hundreds of millions of light years.

It is estimated that no professional financial experts can estimate that the four major electors are very clear. There is no such a hearty victory to boost morale and enhance the confidence of the people in the imperial crystal coin. The economic foundation of the entire "true human empire orthodox government" is It’s going to be gone.

This is the truth that Song Lixing said when he was in a state of madness - no money, who knows if you are the emperor, or the emperor!

In addition, there is the most critical and most terrible point. The election of the Imperial Army has no clear understanding of the size and combat effectiveness of the main fleet of the Holy League.

This is a matter of course.

From the very beginning, the "Imperial Senate", which was controlled by the four major electors, has always insisted that the empire counterattack in the past two decades is a hearty victory. It has already destroyed the main force of the sacred alliance and defeated the sacred people. Back to the barren and ridiculous home, the sacred people can no longer cause a little trouble.

For Lei Chenghu’s proposal, the main force of the sacred alliance did not suffer too much loss, and it was still in the dark to find the argument for the chance to decide. The squadrons above the temple were all scornful.

Although such a claim has its own self-proclaimed elements, but after 20 years of boasting, many nobles have been immersed in the lie of victory, and they are so convinced that they are even convinced.

The four major electoral camps, there is no foresight, the omnipotent gods exist, how can they think that the main force of the sacred alliance is not only intact, but also passed down from a primitive era, so far the most powerful super crystal brain in the Pangu universe "Volt" control?

Therefore, in the study of the four major electoral camps, the overall size and combat effectiveness of the sacred invading fleet has shrunk by at least 70% over real data.

By inputting the raw data that has been greatly shrunk into the crystal brain for strategic deduction, a very "terrible" conclusion is drawn.

The attack of the sects of the squadrons is nothing but harassment. At most, it is revenge for anger and anger. It is not reconciled to the tens of thousands of worlds being taken away in vain, regardless of all retaliation against the emperor.

In other words, the sacred squad is playing the trick of slamming the West and attacking the emperor on the surface. In fact, the goal is still the dozens of worlds that have just lost.

In other words, it is possible to "reinvent the rebels" to hold the extreme heavens and the stars.

This is quite bad.

No matter how the surface of the aristocratic gate valve is not recognized, the fact is that now the reformists have tempted the hearts of the vast majority of the entire empire and the underlying cultivators, and there is some kind of "big sense of meaning" in hand, which is becoming more and more "people's heart," All expectations are returned."

The election of the emperor has been a mess in a few consecutive battles. It is disappointing. If the reformists defeated the sacred invaders and held the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, wouldn’t they be more realistic? The identity of the Son of Heaven, the Lord of the Emperor?

Under this circumstance, the hearts of the people and the public will gather further toward the reformists, and the election of the emperor is really a place to die.

Therefore, this must be played, and must be victorious. It must be reformed and the rebels are divided into two lines, and Lei Chenghu breaks the opportunity and completely annihilates it in order to restore strategic initiative.

This is a certain kind of "the belief that must win", right?

In the next twelve hours, more precise information was transmitted to the palace of Huanglongjie.

There are reliable sources that Lei Chenghu and Bai Xingjian are two "thieves" who have been rubbing for the past two months and have accumulated extremely deep contradictions.

The biggest contradiction is whether the troops have to stop and take a breath and take a rest.

Although the pace of reforming the rebel attack on the Yu Ding world seems to be very smooth, it has not encountered much resistance all the way, but after all, it is a small fleet to attack the huge planet, plus several consecutive "circle points to help", It also consumes a lot of fuel, ammunition and the strength of the soldiers.

Although they did not capture the Yuding Star, they captured a large number of Starship and Star Wars.

The meaning of Bai Xingjian is that the troops suspended the attack for three days, digesting and absorbing the materials in these starships and warships. Otherwise, this is also too hard.

Lei Chenghu refused his proposal and refused to blame him for being a rogue style. The suppression of Yu Dingxing could not stop for a second, until the defenders surrendered, if the defender took a breather, The work has been abandoned.

The propositions of both sides are not wrong, but the positions are subtly different. Lei Chenghu is dedicated to the new empire. Even if he fights for a soldier, he will not hesitate. Bai Xing’s selfishness is even heavier. He regards his fleet as his own. The private property, how can you allow yourself to squander the capital of the Xinghai, in vain in the civil war of the empire?

This is the starting point for the differences between the two. After the war is more intense, the gap between the two will be deeper. Until the news of the Xingyao Federation’s rejection of the soldiers, it will become the last straw to crush the camel. The White Star Sword will indeed be shameless. The rogue style played to the fullest, and when the Lei Chenghu Department launched a storm on the Yudingxing-1 satellite, regardless of the full speed retreat, the Lei Yihu’s flank was completely exposed, and the previous stage was taken away during the retreat. Most of the spoils seized on the battlefield, those almost intact ships.

Yu Dingxing’s defending coach is also a person who knows the soldiers. He took the opportunity to kill the atmosphere and stormed the weak side of Lei Chenghu. He even dragged the fleet of the “God of War” into a muddy battle. Until now, the chaos still In the continuation, the art of commanding and savvy can't be displayed, all morale, courage and blood, and in this respect, the innovative thieves who have received bad news in succession are absolutely not dominant.

Of course, most of the main battleships of the Yuding Brigade have long been smashed or taken away by the White Star Sword. The defenders have only a few destroyers left, and they can barely revolve around the Earth orbit. The time is too long. The tiger can naturally get rid of the chaos, clean up the mess, and eat the garrison.

Therefore, now the defenders of the Yuding world urgently need the assistance of the army of the Huanglongjie, and come to a "one hammer"!

This undoubted military situation has ignited the war of all nobles.

The timidity and arrogance are the two sides of a coin, and the most timid mind is often easily squandered by the illusory flame, burning the arrogant and fearless light - although this light can only last for a short while.

Most of the nobles used Lei Chenghu as a demon snake yesterday, and they avoided it. At this time, they jumped up and down, and they couldn’t wait to smash the sign of "God of War" on Lei Chenghu’s head.

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