Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2926: Sincerely decided!


The dark golden light of Li Jialing’s eyes flashed away. “Where?”

"There are a few big worlds near the Imperial Capital, all under our control. Just pick one, and it’s better than being trapped here, or we can go to the Seven Seas Stars controlled by the Wanshang Commercial League. Most of the resources there. They have all been transported to the Imperial Capital, but there are still a lot of starships parked. We are temporarily avoiding the edge, and there is no need for a day without a comeback."

Li Linghai sighed and smiled bitterly. "Looking at the sacred people will block all the jumping points around the extreme heavens. If you don't leave, you can't go."

“A big world nearby, or a seven-sea star field?”

Li Jialing smiled. "And then, relying on the small slabs of the Wanshang Business Alliance, continue to flee the Xinghai and form the 'government government'? If you forget it, you won't go."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no The tears are fragmented, and the Eastern Front battlefield can never be decided in just a few days. As for the federal people, the news from the past few days is so bad, and in all likelihood, it is not expected, even if even They really send troops, how many people can be produced, what is the use?"

Li Linghai was in a hurry, grabbed Li Jialing's wrist and even shot it. "The more critical moment, the less impulsive the act, the more hopeful if you escape. The evil people of the sacred people know well, even if the emperor falls. They may not be able to quickly digest the resources of the capital, the whole empire is still in our hands, we can still --"


Li Linghai was continually following his own thoughts, and there was a lion-like whisper from his son's mouth. Then her hand slammed Li Jialing.


Li Linghai was shocked, and one hand was half-empty in the air, as if he did not know his son.

"The Queen Mother, to figure out one thing, is the emperor of the real human empire, the extreme heaven, the celestial star... and even the master of the whole Xinghai!"

At the bottom of Li Jialing's eyes, the dark golden flame burned, almost overflowing the eyelids, and blending with his sharp eyebrows. The five senses of the young man's son have not yet fully opened, but the eyebrows have been lingering over the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi. The infinite domineering, even as a biological mother, and also received a part of Wu Yingqi's heritage of Li Linghai, was shocked by the golden flames that he shot from the bottom of his eyes, subconsciously stepped back half a step, some breathless.

"On the day of the throne, I once swears in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people and the stars, not only to innovate the empire, to recreate glory, but also to revitalize humanity, the brilliance of civilization is far beyond the peak of the former Xinghai Empire, casting for 100,000 years, Unprecedented hegemony!

"The words are still in the ear. In just a few months, you have to escape like a dog of a family, with your tail escaping. How do you face the empire and the people of the whole empire, and how to face the hundreds of millions of stars on our heads! How can you be worthy of the tens of thousands of martyrs who have sacrificed to innovate the great cause?

"Hey, do you really think that these dozens of big worlds near the extreme heavens are really in control of our hands? The garrisons and bureaucrats in these places are all ruined, and the guys who see the wind and the rudder have nothing to lose. The will to fight can be said, not to mention the defense there is far weaker than the emperor, even the emperor can not keep, can escape for a few days? Can the next world fall, you have to clip the tail again, escape to the next Going to the world?

"As for the Seven Seas Stars, not to mention, there is no production of any resources at all. It is simply a transit point for Xinghai Commerce and Trade. Now, the entire transfer station is all empty. All the merchants who are profitable are transporting their resources and even the transport ships to the Imperial Capital. I fully support you, I hope I can win this battle! How can I escape to the Seven Seas Star Field and go to the businessmen who are looking forward to the embarrassment, saying that they have lost all their belongings, only 朕Lonely, the red strip escaped? You said!"

Li Linghai swallowed hard and couldn’t say a word.

"In short, the arbitrariness has been decided, the emperor defends the country, the king dies, and swears to the emperor to coexist! Who dares to say more words and half of the words, the karma of the military, is this end!"

Li Jialing was so strong that when he said that he was angry and rushed to the crown, he suddenly pulled out the sword of his waist and lifted it up high. He slammed into a battle next to him.

"咔嚓", the battled metal head with half a shoulder, was knocked down by him, suddenly Mars splashed, "squeaky", twisted and fell to the ground.


Li Jialing's sharp blade is sheathed, and the dark golden eyelids are burnt to the high temperature of thousands of degrees. They ignited two fire tongues, starting from Li Linghai and sweeping the entire face of the entire command center.

All the reformists and generals who were intimidated by his eyes were all stunned and shivering.

The entire command center was suddenly silent.

"The Queen Mother, working hard in the past few years, has made great contributions to the great cause of innovation. I am sure that you are also physically and mentally exhausted. If you really can't stand the torment of war, if you have to go, then let's go."

Li Jialing shouldered his hands and stared at the uncertain data on the light curtain. He said, "Whether you are approaching the big world or the seven sea stars, you can take a rest and wait for the good news."

"In any case, I firmly believe that...

"I firmly believe that the warriors who are fighting alongside the various fronts and outside the celestial stars at this moment will definitely break the last knife and drain the last drop of blood!"

"I firmly believe that Lei Chenghu and Bai Xingjian on the battlefield of the Eastern Front and their elites will surely be able to smash and smash the forces of the army. In the shortest possible time, settle the four families of chickens and dogs!

"I firmly believe that the Xingyao Federation, which can breed the black wind king Li Yao, will make the most sensible judgment. It can be seen that although they have different positions, they share common interests!

"I am more convinced that the black wind king Li Yao himself must not die, but is crouching in a certain place, planning a terrifying move, a sword to seal the throat counterattack!

"The embarrassment of having all of this has already seen the dawn of victory through the war, and how could it be possible to let this hard-won victory run away from the fingers of the cockroach!

"Is there anyone else, do you want to go with the Queen Mother?"

In the command center, Li Jialing walked slowly and steadily, from the front of the reformist and the squadrons.

Everyone has sweat beans of the size of soybeans, but no one has to go.

Even Li Linghai was back in the dark after a dumbfounded look, looking at his son with incredible eyes, whispered, "If you don't leave, the mourner will not leave."


Li Jialing nodded in no expression, and said, "After the mother, the long-term intrusion into the atmosphere of the celestial star as the bottom line, how long can our various defenses support?"

"About thirty-six hours, up to forty-eight hours."

Li Linghai resumed calm, mentally calculated for a moment, and quickly said.

Unconsciously, the spotlight of the command center has been transferred from her to Li Jialing.

"Up to two days, there are too few. We must do everything we can to get the time for the reinforcements.

Li Jialing Shen Shendao said, "In this way, in order to maximize morale, after twenty-four hours, all the Yulin army and the cultivators announced that Lei Chenghu had already made a brilliant victory in the Eastern Front and captured the four families. The last batch of starships and a large number of strategic materials will soon be returned to the emperor.

"The secret contact with the Seven Seas Stars, after forty-eight to seventy-two hours, to the emperor to jump a group of transport ships or armed merchant ships, pretending to be the army of Lei Chenghu.

"If this is the case, if the soldiers can persist for five days, they will board the starship and go to the front line. I hope to fight for another two to three days."

"Before and after, if you can persist for three or five days, there may be a turnaround, maybe you can wait... hope."

"Your Majesty, are you going to the first line?"

Li Linghai was shocked and stunned. "Never!"

"When you are the leader of the cultivator who is the most important about the weak meat, when did you even kill the first line and become a ‘thousands?’

Li Jialing smiled slightly. "Moreover, you are not killed in the blood of the corpse."

"This time, he is a moment."

Li Ling Haijiu said, "The current majesty is the rule of the Nine Five, the rule of the stars, the hope of the entire empire, how can it be easily involved?"

"Because you are the master of the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the rule of Xinghai, you will not have something to do with it."

Li Jialing's whole person is surrounded by a golden flame. There is an unfathomable black hole in his eyes. The corner of his mouth evokes a charming and overbearing smile. He seems to be in a state of paralysis, muttering. "If it is, 朕It is really the son of the air, the master of the stars, the fate of the man who is destined to rule the truth and the celestial avenue, and the person who makes people like the glory of civilization will never fall to the glorious starting point.

"On the other hand, if you succumb to the death of Huang Quan in this battle, it means that you are not a billionaire star, and that person who is destined to be a leader-like civilization, is really so, what qualifications are there? Widowed, but it is the monkey and the crown, the death is not enough!

"This is the heart of the sorrow. Even if the sacred fleet of the sacred squadron is ten times stronger, I would like to wipe it out. After the mother and the princes, you don't need to say anything, just do it!"

The emperor said, waving his hand, too lazy to see the people's reaction to the horror, Gu Zi left the command center, facing the sky above the imperial city, **** sunset.

"Yao Ge, you must have never thought of a year ago, your unintentional move has changed your life to such a degree, and even indirectly changed the whole piece of Xinghai."

The emperor narrowed his eyes and prevented the most real emotions in his heart from leaking out one and a half points. Under the seemingly indestructible body, there was a trembling heart hidden inside. "Even so, even now the cockroaches are ten times stronger than in the past." A hundred times, the situation in front of us will also be pushed to the limit, and it will be breathless.

"You can't die so easily. You must be alive, still in a dark corner, what tricks are you doing?"

"If this is the case, then don't hide it again. Come on, you need it, the empire needs you, the federation needs you, the whole piece of Xinghai needs you, come on, come and help us!"

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