Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2930: last moment!

"After all, you are still bluffing!"

Li Yao's increasingly thin spirits, emitting a hydrogen-like glow, sent a powerful roar to Fuxi. "You have not completely integrated Lu Xiaochen, reaching the so-called 'perfect upgrade', your database and his soul. There is still a problem of incompatibility between them!

"And, there are -

"I don't know how long we have fought in this virtual chaotic universe. In my consciousness, time seems to have passed hundreds of millions of years, and in the real world, at least three or five days have passed. Even ten days and a half, right?

"Now, have you conquered the emperor?

"I'm afraid it's not there yet. If you completely captured the imperial capital, you can't wait to show the desperate picture to me, and further crack down on my heart. Since you didn't do this, you still have no success. The emperor has not fallen yet!

"In three or seven days, even ten days and a half months ago, you have already shown me triumphantly, your fleet is about to break into the synchronous orbit of the celestial star, and even carry out large-scale orbital bombing against the celestial stars. A cruel means to force humans to yield, but now, after so many days have passed, humans have not yet surrendered, and humans are still fighting!

"Since so many humans are still fighting, how can I give up hope? Since you have not calculated the time of this battle, why do you know that you can calculate the victory or defeat of this battle?

"So, there is less air blowing there, you never want to capture the emperor, never want to defeat humanity!"

Li Yao’s soul finally released the last “thinking” in the continuous “hydrogen flash”, and he stabbed the opposite light group.

For a moment of flying and dazzling, he saw that he re-invaded Fuxi's command system and hundreds of millions of surveillance crystal eyes, and saw everything that happened on the starry battlefield through the main perspective of the Fuxi fleet!

He saw that although the Imperial Forest and the Deep Sea Fleet, which defended the Imperial Capital, had long been smashed by the Fushun Fleet, many starships were divided and operated alone, but even if they had only one or so one starship, I blew all the ammunition, and I didn’t plan to surrender and escape. I put the last fuel into the power cabin of the starship, igniting the most dazzling tail flame, hitting the enemy and casting it with steel. The body became the last bullet.

He saw that many of the Yulin military starships entered the cruel battle and the melee battle after the bombing of the grain. The overwhelming crystal and the universe battles invaded the five great battles of the Fuxi fleet.

Under the spurs of the city, there is nowhere to escape. The cultivators have finally blossomed out of the ancestors of the millennium, rushing into the most dense areas of the sacred people in the beast-like roar, detonating their ultra-high compression crystals. The reaction furnace is the same as a large number of enemies.

When the blood is like an avalanche, and it is hundreds of meters wide and splashed on the face of every sacred person, those who have been brainwashed many times and whose nerves are burning are finally showing their confusion and fear. expression.

Li Yao also saw that from time to time, the vast expanse of the vast sky around the heavens, there will be a colorful plaque, a small fleet, or even a starship.

It is a reinforcement!

That should not be a large-scale reinforcement of Lei Chenghu, Bai Xingjian or Xingyao Federation. It is not even a main battleship or a super arsenal. It is only a destroyer and a semi-armed merchant ship. It should be dozens of big worlds and seven sea stars nearby. And other places, spontaneously came to support the power of the emperor.

It seems that no matter how stupid and selfish the cultivators are, they are aware of the truth of the cold and the cold. Indeed, there is no room for compromise with the sacred people. If they are not eliminated in the emperor, other big worlds will never be able to hold them. Falling is only a matter of time.

I would rather die than be guilty of no emotions, memories and self-will. Is this perhaps the last bottom line for all mankind?

As for the celestial star, let alone.

Yes, the Fuxi Fleet did control some of the geosynchronous orbits of the celestial stars, and carried out a brutal bombing of the surface of the planet through a synchronous orbit. The dead light blew the atmosphere like a storm, and countless brilliant cities were burned.

But the imperial people did not give in. Their heads, the highest command center and the emperor in the imperial city, were still giving orders and making effective resistance. The majesty who had just ascended the throne did not flee, even the underground The two command centers are not willing to go, but they wear the crystal scorpion and the giant gods all day long. They stand above the imperial city and personally guard against the indiscriminate bombing from the synchronous orbit.

The so-called orbital bombing seems to be condescending, turning the gravity of the planet into its most sharp weapon. In fact, the consumption is also enormous.

Because the bombing party can only rely on the starship, and how powerful it is, the mighty and powerful fleet is a slap in the face of the whole planet.

The defensive party can drain the resources of the whole planet and consume it by the attacking party. Although it risks the devastating influence of the magnetic field and the atmospheric environment of the whole planet, the release of this risk must be at least several decades, hundreds of years. But it won't work for a while.

In fact, in the case of most of the offensive parties who used the orbital bombing to occupy the planet, the attackers threatened and the defenders took the initiative to surrender.

If the defensive side is holding on to the last drop of blood and resolutely not surrendering, it is difficult for the defending party to occupy the entire planet in an instant.

Yes, Fuxi is carrying a large number of commandos through the assault cabin, and these commandos are also the most fearless killing machines.

However, the immortal who releases the pride of mankind to the limit will not retreat in the face of death.

Each is a killing machine, but the killing machine with the soul and the killing machine without the soul are still different.

Li Yao saw through the perspective of Fuxi that Li Jialing turned into a golden streamer and soared over the scene of the emperor's capital, and could not help but feel the feeling of being separated from the world.

When I first saw this dear little brother, he was still a confused teenager who was empty and powerful but extremely lacking in will and goals.

In just a few years, he not only won the inheritance of Wu Yingqi, but his strength has soared. More importantly, he seems to have found his own goal and has a precious heart.

When the younger brothers have grown so much, Li Yao, who is a big brother, can't live up to the growth of his younger brother. To be a younger brother, to cultivate the immortals who have just developed and become better, they must see the upcoming peace. All mankind, create more room for growth!

"Jialing, I really didn't think you could make the emperor so succinct.

"What power is it that supports you under the indiscriminate bombing of the Fushun Fleet and has persisted until now?

"You must have not given up hope, have not given up on the trust of Yao Ge, still believe that Yao Ge will appear in front of you?

"Even if it is just for your trust, for the sake of these cultivators to bloom at the last minute, it belongs to the radiance of all mankind. For the great name of the first master of the Pangu universe, I will never lose. !"


Li Yao’s heart, spirit and will have been completely merged together, turning the illusory “hydrogen flash” into a flame of substance, continuing to sweep through the core of Fuxi’s thinking.

Suddenly, his soul sank, and he saw a brand new, very familiar picture.

He saw "self".

More precisely, it is stored in the hibernation cabin, in the flesh and blood of the non-life and non-death.

Yes, what appears in the picture is the bottom of the Golden Crystal Tower. His "Spirit of the Soul" is now the place where Xiao Ming and Wen Wen control the entire Emperor's spirit net and crystal brain. It is the "central nerve" of the entire imperial defense line.

Both Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are frowning, curled up in the nerve interaction fluid, gently twitching from time to time, and the expression is extremely painful. It seems to have fallen into an unfathomable nightmare.

"not good!"

Li Yao’s heart is tight.

He has no physical body now, which is equivalent to the "parasite" attached to Fuxi. It is through the main perspective of Fuxi that the real world can be observed.

Since even he can see the bottom of the Golden Crystal Tower, Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and his own picture, it shows that Fuxi has completely shredded the Lingwang firewall set by Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, invading the monitoring crystal eye at the bottom of the Jinjing Tower, and even Not only monitor the crystal eye, but the super crystal brain at the bottom of the Golden Crystal Tower, including the brains of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen!

Sure enough, without waiting for Li Yao to react, I felt that there were more than 18,000 spherical lightning bolts rising around at the same time. The squeaky ball-shaped lightning all went through the invisible spiritual net and blasted into the bottom of the Jinjing Tower.

The super crystal brain set up by Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, with a huge spark, was burnt into a group of blackened wreckage.

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen also emit weak sputum in the nerve interaction fluid, and the corners of the eyes, the nostrils, the ears and the corners of the mouth overflow with a red blood.

From the ground to the ground, from the command center of the imperial city to the main control of the military base, from the ground city to the underground towns and underground shelters, from the still supporting asteroid base to the fragmented synchronous orbital defense fleet, The spiritual nets belonging to the Imperial Army are smashing, the lights are extinguished, the command is chaotic, and the cooling system of the power unit fails, causing frequent explosions, such as a beast that is deprived of five senses!

"It turns out that I am still wondering why the emperor actually has such a solid spiritual defense system. In the earlier gathering of intelligence, the firewalls of the past thousand years are completely different."

There is a faint smile in the voice of Fuxi. "It turns out that the emperor didn't know when there were two interesting little guys."

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