Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2942: The last winner

Li Yao’s smile is like immersing in absolute zero, first solidifying, and then the piece is cracked.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Li Yao muttered, like an ear that didn't believe he didn't exist. "You want to... destroy the empire?"

"Your sluggishness is really amazing. Is the age really cruel to you, or the trauma of your mad cultivation to the soul is so serious that your computing power has plummeted to the point that even ordinary people are not as good?" ”

Lv Dengchen looked at Li Yao with some sadness. "Tell me, if you really didn't think about this possibility, or did you not want to face this possibility, you deceive yourself and cut off your own soul, for this possibility. Exploring not for thousands of years, nor for countless fierce battles, it is now, relying on us, using only one battle, a beautiful annihilation war, can completely defeat the empire, making the Star Alliance become the last of this tripartite battle. The winner, the ruler of Xinghai, the only leader of human civilization!"

"This, this is impossible!"

Li Yao subconsciously said that every flagella was shaking.

"Oh, maybe, you and I know it, the possibility is very big."

Lv Dengchen waved his hands, and the data ocean behind him constantly stirred the whirlpool, swirling into the star map of hundreds of thousands of worlds, and a series of dazzling, stormy information flow, he presented a cluster of information flow to In front of Li Yao, he talked slyly. "From the data collected by Fuxi invading the enemy's crystal brain, the current real human empire is in the most chaotic and weakest moment."

"In the outer world of the empire, countless warlords and local snakes are still uncertain. Looking at the wind, the specific conditions of the Imperial Capital and the four major family territories have not been passed on to them. Even if they pass through, they will react and all the forces will still need one. Years and a half or even three years and five years, before that, they were a loose sand, not afraid.

"In the traditional sphere of influence of the four major families, although the Huanglongjie, the palace of another emperor's Chengwu Emperor, has been surrounded, and even the Emperor Wudi has been captured, but the reformist forces are lacking, time is tight, and they are not really compromised. It has captured the Huanglong world and is still a long way from all the worlds controlled by the four major families.

"You know, it is one thing to defeat the enemy's main fleet in a Star Wars battle, but the enemy has been painstakingly operating hundreds of hundreds of armed arms to the planet, all occupied, completely integrated into their own control, and restored to the local The order, which can draw a lot of resources from the local, is another matter.

"A Star Wars battle, ten days and a half months, up to three or five months can be divided, but the real occupation, digestion and absorption, no thirty or fifty years or even hundreds of years of water mill, it is impossible.

"In other words, the current four major family territories are also in the midst of extreme chaos, loss of order, lawlessness, and inability to force the outside world. Every world is like an island lost in the dark fog, even half a star. Don't want to come out!

"No matter the new empire led by your cheaper brother, or the old empire that has been lingering, you have lost the effective rule over the entire Xinghai. You can understand that the behemoth of the 'empire' has been smashed and never as strong as we think. .

"Not to mention, on the side of the new empire, they want to resume effective rule over the Xinghai, so that the behemoths will regain their vitality, all relying on the developed business network, that is, the transport fleet of the Wanshang Commercial League to act as a 'blood. 'And now, in order to deal with the sacred ally, the Wanshang Commercial League has also put on the last transport ship. For a long time, it is impossible to carry out regular transportation tasks. You can understand that the blood of this giant beast, Also drained, dried up, dried up!

"Oh, hehehehe, now the revolutionary cultivators, who claim that they are the rulers of the whole empire and even the entire Xinghai? Nothing more than two points, the first is that they have just defeated the old empire and the invincible prestige of the sacred main fleet, The second is that they still have a large fleet of established systems. In theory, the Yulin Army added the anti-insurgency to deepen the sea fleet, which is the most powerful violent group in the entire Xinghai.

"And these two points are highly compressed in the Imperial Capital, within a few million kilometers around us.

"So, a series of good times and people and chances of coincidence make the revolutionary cultivators find their own way, compressing and simplifying the impossible task of 'destroying the empire' into 'destroy the emperor', or even just ' Destroy all the imperial fleets of the emperor and kill all the emperors of the emperor'!

"Look, I analyzed this way. Did you find out that our task has become much simpler?

"As long as we can destroy the fleet of Lei Chenghu and the remnants of the Royal Forest Army, we will not even have to completely capture the Tianji Star. We will suppress the synchronization of the Tianji Star, cut off the external communication of the Tianji Star, and then announce to the entire Xinghai that the Emperor has been us. With the capture of the Xingyao Federation, we have become the new master of the extreme heavens and the celestial stars. The seemingly powerful behemoth of the real human empire will collapse and collapse completely!

"The whole piece of the Xinghai, regardless of the world of the capital circle without the leader, is still in the four major electoral territories that are in chaos and fratricidal, or a sand-and-sand-sand-skinned world outside the wind, and there is absolutely no power to We contend.

"This is an opportunity. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is enough to create a chance for the future of the Stars Federation to be a brilliant future! Li Yao, you will have the heart, look at such opportunities, from my fingers and your flagella Are you slipping away?"

Li Yao looked at his flagella and had nothing to say.

Deep in the soul, but the pain is cracking, countless possibilities like venom.

Yes, Lu Qingchen thought of things, he had no reason to think of it, even he thought much earlier than Lu Xiaochen, just, just...

"Now, there is only one of the most critical issues. With our military power, can we destroy the Imperial Fleet and even suppress the Tianji Star?"

Lv Qingchen smiled, smiled more and more proudly, and became more and more embarrassed. "Federal to the empire, it seems like a moth to fight fire, whimsical, but at such a rare time, the balance of victory miraculously reversed On our side.

"You see, the revolutionary cultivators have already come out of the nest. Not only the Yulin army and the rebel army have lost their battles in a series of fierce battles, and they have even squandered their food. Even their little emperors have rushed to the front line.

"Haha, you are a little bit of a cheaper brother. In the past two months of fighting, he has made a show in front of all the emperors, faintly replacing Li Linghai, becoming the soul of the new empire, if we can sneak in a short assault This 'new empire soul figure', the next 仗, still use it?

"Of course, of course, not only the imperial people are exhausted, but our federal expeditionary forces are also exhausted and unable to fight again.

"But don't forget, there are us!

"Your two children, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, are they, they seem to control the entire network of wars of the celestial stars, from the fire control system of the air defense base to the oxygen circulation system of the civilian facilities, they can all invade and destroy it." ?

"And you control the entire Golden Crystal Tower, the powerful star magic weapon, you can use the power of the sun to make your will raging in the entire galaxy. If I can send your soul back to the Golden Crystal Tower, you pass The sun sends the voice of the comprehension to the entire extreme world, which will definitely cause great shock to all the immortals and the people. In particular, you have just performed in a magnificent performance, in the stars and hundreds of millions of people. Face, defeated the legendary Fuxi! Such a person, even if you come out and cough gently, can make countless immortals cracked?

"Finally, it is me.

"Now, the Fuxi Fleet is just a shackle. It has not been eliminated by the federal and imperial people. It is still defended by instinct. How can it be so easily destroyed by the enemies who have been bombarded?

"I can control the Fuxi Fleet. As long as you help me fight for time and let me thoroughly absorb all the data and permissions left by the Fuxi, I can replace it and become the 'master brain' of the Fuxi Fleet, and control the huge force of the Shengmen.

"I think about it, let me think about it, you can send a message to Ding Ling and the little emperor, and say that you have completely defeated the enemy's main brain, and are trying to clean up the mess, so that they don't have to rush to attack, you can take a break. Add some ammo supplies.

"You just released a powerful magnetic storm, and the Fushun Fleet has stopped attacking and completely smashed. They are also the end of the strong, there is no reason not to believe.

"At this moment, the Federal Expeditionary Force and the New Empire Remnants are mixed together like a pot of porridge. For a moment and a half, they can't afford effective formation and combat power. They are barely supported by the last breath, as long as you tell them big. The news of the victory, they must be broken, and when they fall to the ground, they will never climb.

"And you are secretly, to Ding Ling, White boss and many federal high-level officials, send a secret letter in the past, to make clear our strategy, let them secretly be vigilant.

"When we completely control the Fuxi Fleet, the Volvo Fleet and the Federal Expeditionary Force and the White Boss team plus you and Xiao Ming and Wen Wen attack the imperial people's war network on the ground. This is what the imperial people can't resist us. The deadly attack, the vast military power of the entire Emperor and the Reformed Immortals will be wiped out in an instant. In this cruel war game, the final issue is destined to be the laughter of the federal people, haha, hahahaha!"

Behind Lv Qingchen, the lightning condensed into a frantic dance of hair, and his head was scattered, his teeth and claws, and he laughed.

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