Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2951: Cross-border blow!

Perceive the power of the other party as the tide, especially the other party in the virtual space can also call for the wind, the ability to move the mountains and even use the logic, Lv Qingchen's face has become particularly ugly.

"Boxing? What boxing champion!"

He muttered to himself, racked his brains, searched the entire database again and again, and could not find too much information about the boxing champion.

You must know that this is a virtual space, or the super artificial intelligence that was born hundreds of thousands of years ago. As the virtual space at the core of thinking, most of the external data interfaces are firmly in his hands. Human beings, even those who are powerful, cannot easily enter.

Only two kinds of people, or two different life forms, can enter here.

The first is artificial intelligence such as Fuxi, Xiaoming and Wenwen.

The second is Lu Xiaochen himself, Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan, the strange existence between human beings and information life.

This is why Lu Xiaochen dares to fear and fear, and Li Yao has spent so much time.

Unexpectedly, he also smelled an unusual familiarity in this "champion", as if it!

While Lu Qingchen looked at the boxing champion, the boxing champion was also up and down, and carefully looked at Lu Xiaochen.

"very good, very powerful."

The boxing champion said straight away, "I like it."

The boxing champion was originally an artificial intelligence born for the purpose of “becoming the strongest in the universe”. Just as “guardian civilization” is the core driving force of Fuxi and Lv Dengchen, “to defeat all powerful enemies and become the strongest in the universe” is also the boxing champion. The core driving force or "heart".

In a sense, the boxing champion is a more pure warrior than Li Yao, Lv Dengchen and even Ding Lingwei. How can I see the singer's heart when I see Lv Qingchen, who is wearing a claw?

"Awful, but bluffing, do you still want to reinvent it?"

Lv light dust bites his teeth, how do you think it is Li Yao’s trick, he bows down the waist, the whole person is like a dragon that is compressed to the limit, and even the whole body shines from white to orange, "No matter how many times, I will not be fooled!"

"Light dust, believe me, this time is really not a bluff, he is called a boxing champion, is also a strong artificial intelligence, and is a strong artificial intelligence dedicated to combat, really can play!"

Li Yao explored the head of Xiaoxuan from the back of the boxing champion. His words were earnest and bitter. "You have just reborn and you have not digested all the data and information of Fuxi. These 'Fuxi data' are like stones. Blocking in the depths of your soul, but a great burden, in this case, you are not the opponent of the boxing champion, really, Li Shu is for you, you have no chance!"

"Really, I can prove that although this guy is always mean and shameless, and he blew the air, he will come to the mouth, but this time he really didn't lie to you."

The blood-colored demons also drilled out from the shoulders of the other side of the boxing champion, twisting and twisting, and said, "Lv Xianyu, don't try again, try to die, surrender!"

"Stop, you two guys who are noisy, give me a mouthful!"

Lv Dengchen’s **** redness is on the verge of collapse, and his voice is exhausted. “It’s ridiculous. In the past, Professor Mo Xuan also sighed for the fact that the real strong artificial intelligence information life could not be born in just a few hundred years. I didn’t expect a few During the year, two informational life emerged. First, Fuxi, then Xiaoming and Wenwen. Now there is another boxing champion? How is it possible!"

"This one……"

Li Yao thought for a moment, "Dust, have you heard the '蟑螂 theory', if you find a cockroach in the house, then you can be sure that it will never be the only one, say Unexpectedly, the entire corner of the house has been covered with cockroaches, but you have not found it.

"The so-called 'information life', like the truth of life, life will never be born alone, perhaps the emergence of every life represents the burgeoning of a huge civilization. Since there is a Fuxi, of course there will be a second The third, even thousands of!

"In short, don't force yourself, surrender, surrender to your family, Li Shu, and don't lose people. I want to know how many heroes want to surrender to me, what is the black star emperor Wu Yingqi, I don't look at him, I just put it. He flew on his feet, that is, you, light dust, seize the opportunity, cherish life!"

"What 蟑螂 plan, I think you are the biggest cockroach in this sea of ​​stars, I will never surrender to your wretched cockroach!"

Lv Qingchen made a hysterical roar, re-gathered on the arms, and then stirred up two tornado storms. He squeezed out the last drop of strength in the depths of the soul and the last string of data in the database. "No one can stop me, whether it's your embarrassment or what's a 'champion'!"


Two storms of destruction, as if there are countless broken virtual worlds, countless devastating destruction days, countless dead bodies of human beings, turned into a hundred thousand mountains, turned to boxing champions, Li Yao and **** demons Suppressed down.

Li Yao and the blood-colored demons hold their heads and squirrels.

The eyes of the boxing champion have condensed the flames of the heavens. Every rune in the whole body burns and the right arm deforms, as if the whole body's flesh and blood or data are gathered in the right arm, facing Lv Dengchen. The strongest point of power has slammed the past.


The core database of Lv Qingchen and Boxing King collided.

The two sides did not leave a little room, one shot is the strongest killing.

It’s more than a collision between two super-high-speed crystal trains or two starships. It’s not even a meteorite hitting meteor. It’s a star that makes a four-dimensional jump and jumps directly to another star. It’s really knocked out. Destroy the heavens and the earth, the momentum of the end of the world.

In an instant, Lv Qingchen and the boxing champion seemed to be innumerable. In the tens of thousands of broken virtual worlds, they fought in various identities and forms, just like the earlier Li Yao and Fuxi.

In every virtual world, they blasted the overlapping waves that swept the world. This shock wave overflowed the virtual world and turned into turbulence and whirlpool in the data ocean. Li Yao, Scarlet Demon, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen They all blow up and look for their teeth.

Li Yao, Scarlet Devil, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, two cockroaches and two small planktons, had to hold tightly together to rebel against the superstorms that the boxing champion and Lv Dengchen blew, only that time seemed to For a long time in the past, it seems that only a second passed, and the storm gradually subsided.

"Exactly...who won?"

Li Yao played drums and explored a newly born flagellate. He swam towards the depths of the data ocean, carefully and probed his brain.

I saw the steel warfare of the great king of the boxing champions, and it was like a group of iron slags that burned all the limbs in the burning of tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature. The original and shining runes were all dim and peeling off. There are also numerous cracks and cracks in the body, a look of disappointment.

And Lu Guangchen's giant of light is still flaunting the opposite side. Although the glory of the whole body is faint, it is much better than the boxing champion, let alone Li Yao and the **** demons.

"No way?"

Li Yao secretly screamed, "Lv Qingchen, who swallowed Fuxi, turned out to be so strong, even the boxing champion is not an opponent?"

"Oh, hehehehe."

Lv Dengchen made a low-pitched laughter, and the giant of light shone with evil. He looked at the boxing champion. "You are very strong. It is really not the two gods who are guilty of ghosts. The singularity of the air can be compared, but it is a pity..."

His voice stopped abruptly, and his expression suddenly became very strange and confused. He looked at the boxing champion with a rounded eye and could not say a word.

The boxing champion also looked at him very quietly, cherishing the words like gold and saying nothing.

At the same time, Li Yao and the blood-colored demons smelled a strange scent from the depths of Lv Dengchen's spirit. It seemed that some of the forces that were incompatible with the entire Pangu universe were surging.

"This is, this is"

Lv Dengchen looks like a tens of thousands of fleas crawling up and down in his deep soul. He manipulates the giant of light to scratch and even tear his body, tearing open ugly on the crystal clear body. The rift still does not help.

In a short time, from the depths of his spirit, a group of vague things floating up, like a glaring streak, gradually spread on the surface of the shining body.

It is a rune, or a character.

It is not Lu Xiaochen's own, or the unique comprehension of the Pangu universe.

It is a magical array of engraved characters with six-pointed stars and various curved and curved words.


The first magical array, which blasts on the surface of Lu Shenchen's spirit, is like a crazy burning meteorite that penetrates the space and squats directly on Lv Dengchen!

The giant of light was smashed, and after the explosion, a large body organization or database was missing, and a lot of data, like blood and internal organs, spurted out.

Then, there is the second, third, fourth and hundred and tenth magical arrays, flames, ice, venom, distortion and direct devour of life energy... all sorts of unprecedented surprises The attack logic has emerged, and a "cross-border strike" is launched that is wonderful and extremely difficult to defend!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The magical attack that Lv Dengchen was followed by was smashed and screamed. It was not the absolute strength of the other party that surpassed him. It was this unique use of data, information and energy. He was never seen before. Even the magical attack that has never been thought of in the world of comprehension, this is totally unreasonable!

"Your strength is very strong, especially the power in your body called 'Fuxi'."

Looking at Lv Qingchen's colorful "fireworks", the boxing champion finally opened his mouth and said faintly. "But now, you haven't learned how to control this power. Instead, you are controlled by this force, for his sake. slave.

"If you can work hard for a hundred years, thoroughly refining and absorbing this power, and I have stopped at this hundred years, then I must not be your opponent.

"but now……"


Lu Guangchen’s face of the giant of light also showed a mysterious and complicated magical array, followed by blasting, the whole head was frozen first, then cracked, and black smoke and magma spewed from the crack. To the extreme!

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