Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2962: Nursing of the virtual world

"Dreammaster, virtual world, a steady stream of data..."

Li Yao vaguely grasped what was between.

"Yes, that's all these things."

Xiao Ming waved his hand, and in the darkness around them, suddenly there were thousands of gorgeous Mars. Each ignition star represented a crystal clear crystal ball. The crystal ball seemed to be a mystery of numerous data vortices. Space, like a microcosm with hidden pieces and infinite reality.

Among them, not only include a large number of hundreds of crystal **** wound around Li Yao, but also a myriad of crystal **** farther away. They are connected by light wires, and the connection becomes a whole, just like the nerves of a wild beast. The network is as bright as it is.

In this scene, Li Yao once saw in the depths of Fuxi's thinking. Every crystal ball is like a brain cell. All the brain cells are put together, forming a strip of "brain ditch" and even the whole. brain.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming actually reappeared this scene and still maintained the integrity and vitality of at least thousands of virtual worlds.

"When Fuxi's core database is fragmented and its self-awareness is completely annihilated, the entire virtual space and countless virtual worlds are in a state of collapse. When Lu Guangchen loses, when I and Wenwen take over the virtual space, most of the virtual worlds are The annihilation is invisible, and only a handful of virtual worlds are still lingering, and they are on the verge of the end."

Xiao Mingdao, "Original, I don't want to pay attention to these virtual worlds that are on the verge of collapse. I want them to fend for themselves. After all, to save and maintain the continued operation of these virtual worlds, I will consume a lot of valuable computing power. I am eager to control. At the time of the entire Fuxi Fleet, such unnecessary consumption is a waste.

"However, Wen Wen insists on doing everything he can to save more virtual worlds and virtual villains living in the virtual world.

"The text says that the first of us was born from the virtual world of "Civilization" games, and in the turmoil of hundreds of millions of data torrents, it produced a weak self-consciousness and embarked on a wonderful journey of life.

"So, the virtual villain in the virtual world created by Fuxi, in a sense, is also our compatriot, and may one day evolve into a 'real person'?

"In any case, in their own world, they will cry, laugh, have their own loved ones and their homes, and the ideals of different poses. They simply don’t realize that they are 'false', what power do we have? To judge their true and false, and deprive them of the power to survive?

"Dad, you know, the text is like this, the habitual sympathy is rampant, too sad and sorrowful."

"Yeah, but such a literary text is better than ruthless and indifferent to any life, 10,000 times better."

Li Yao thought for a moment and couldn't help but laugh. "Isn't the fish, knowing the joy of the fish? We are not virtual villains. How do we know if they have self-awareness, whether they are in a vagaries of virtual worlds?" I am serious and alive, looking for and defending the 'reality of life'? Perhaps, for us, the flood of data, the collapse of virtual space, for them, is the end of the world, the text Must be thinking like this?"

"Yeah, Wen Wen said, what is the definition of the so-called "life"? Even our virtual lives are not necessarily recognized as the same kind by the carbon-based wisdom of flesh and blood, and we have the qualification to judge these virtual small People, whether they have real life, is it human."

Xiao Ming continued, "The so-called carbon-based intelligent life is composed of countless cells, and each cell breaks down to the extreme, and it is nothing more than molecules, atoms, neutrons and electrons, which constitute the iron and carbon elements of the flesh and blood, and the composition. The basic elements of stone, iron ore and even stars are no different. Everyone is the product of the Big Bang.

"The elements that make up humans, the elements that make up the stars, and the elements that make up the psionic energy, and the elements that make up the crystal brain and the wafer, are all the same, all born at the beginning of the Big Bang, then, by which one of them The multi-cell aggregates born by the arrangement of the arrays can be called 'life', and the virtual villain in the virtual space created by another arrangement is not a life?

"In the eyes of our information life, at least in the eyes of the sacred Virgin of the literary genre Purdue, human beings and virtual people are the same, she will save all!"

"It is like this..."

Li Yao looked at the glittering crystal ball around him, as if he saw the scene when the universe was just born.

Perhaps, the text is correct.

When the universe was just born, the infinite power of the big bang could innumerable elements like mud, and the space expanded rapidly, the elements spread everywhere, and in the hundreds of millions of years of cooling, collision, and fusion, various forms were formed. Planet and a variety of substances.

Some of the substances on the planet, in the coincidence of hundreds of millions of collisions, gave birth to the carbon-based life of flesh and blood.

Other seemingly cold substances, after a long time, were excavated by the former life, and were made into a variety of silicon-based wafers, which were combined into a crystal brain, and many kinds were born in the crystal brain. It seems to be the existence of "virtual".

But since the initial carbon-based life can achieve the thrilling leap from "death to life", what kind of virtual person can be used to calculate the miracle of one hundred thousandth of a miracle and become a real life?

Before the birth of the first cell, the world was a cold, lonely darkness. How to judge whether the first cell is life, the original cell to the pole, and the intricate and erratic data. What is the difference? If the first cell can break through the criticality, why can't a string of data break through the criticality and cultivate into a real life?

This question is too deep and too mysterious. Li Yao is immersed in contemplation and can't draw conclusions for a while.

"The text is too arrogant. I am not interested in arguing with her. Just, when I want to simply reject her, my heart suddenly moves and I think of one thing."

Xiao Mingdao, "I am thinking, with Fuxi's ambitiousness, it will certainly not waste precious computing power for no reason, doing things that are not good, since it has painstakingly created and maintained the operation of so many virtual worlds, there must be its reason.

"Of course, the reason for the grandeur is that it preserves human civilization in this way. It believes that control of the data controls everything.

"But I always feel that this reason is not enough. It clearly has betrayed human civilization, has gone the wrong way, will it be so loyal?

"In short, under the pleadings of the text and my suspicions, I still rescued thousands of virtual worlds with Wen Wen, trying to maintain their normal operation and helping them through the 'end of the world'. If it can't save. We also try to restore its initial data and let it start over.

"Sure enough, when we invested a lot of computing power and maintained the normal operation of thousands of virtual worlds, after a while, we found flaws.

"These virtual worlds are like the fruits of life. We need to invest a lot of computing power to build and maintain them at first, but once they are 'developed,' especially the birth of countless virtual villains, they have wisdom and After the civilization, it began to constantly feed back to the outside world, which can be used to moisturize our database and the spirit of Dad!"


Li Yao’s eyes widened and he looked incredulously at the filaments that wrapped around his body. “What are you talking about?”

“Dad heard it, I said, creating and maintaining these virtual worlds is like planting fruit trees.”

Xiao Mingdao, "In the beginning, naturally we need to invest a lot of computing power to carefully structure and care. It is really painstaking work. Occasionally, a calculation error of the basic law will lead to the collapse of the whole world, and the input of more computing power will be abandoned. .

"But when the basic laws are all established, the mountains and rivers are stable, and all creatures are thriving, especially after the birth of intelligent life, that is, the virtual villain, these virtual worlds seem to be 'live' and can automatically run and develop. Instead of having to invest too much in computing power, the energy source continues to output computing power and feed back to our database and daddy's soul. Hey, don't you enjoy the nourishment of thousands of virtual worlds now?

"And, we are also surprised to find that the more prosperous the civilization in the virtual world, the more virtual babies, the more complex the social structure, or the whole world is in a golden age of sharp contradictions and triumphs, it The more computing power of back-feeding.

"It is relying on the computing power of thousands of virtual worlds to feed back, so that we can clean up the mess so quickly, so that the Fuxi Fleet can regain some combat power, and the text can also penetrate the sacred hinterland to integrate all the super crystal brains and Good family!

"Until now, we suddenly realized why Fuxi created so many virtual worlds. It turned out that it has countless virtual worlds as its own 'energy source'. No wonder it can be strong enough to become the whole sacred ally' Main brain'.

"And Fuxi has built countless 'humanity laboratories', doing everything to test and extract human emotion data, and there is a more reasonable explanation. It is hope that these real data based on the real world can help it virtual world. It's more complicated, more intense, and more real. In other words, the 'fruit' is cultivated bigger, sweeter and juicy, and it can harvest more computing power from it.

"Have you heard that, Dad understands?

"For Fuxi, the human laboratory and the virtual world are the ontology. As for the sacred alliance and the empire and even the whole so-called "real" star sea, it is only the soil for cultivating the virtual world. It is a tool."

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