Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2964: Cosmic behemoth

“That is to say, Fuxi must have conducted many experiments and even tested the reliability of the “new energy” of the virtual world in the most extreme way.”

Li Yao murmured, his expression was awkward, as if he was traveling outside the sky, his thoughts did not know where it was.

"In the final analysis, the resources of the virtual world are still limited. Under the limited resources, the virtual villain, in order to survive, will fall into fratricidal or enslaved oppression like the people in the Pangu universe. It is impossible to unite and explore the heavens. Rebel against me as a 'high-dimensional creator'."

Xiao Mingdao, "Limiting their resources is the number of crystal brains, and the supply of various energy sources such as spar. - The more developed and complex each virtual world is, the more it will occupy the more crystal brains, the more they swallow. Spar, I can't always use hundreds of super crystal brains and thousands of tons of spar to maintain the operation of a virtual world? So, oh, 'dark forest theory', suspicion chain, involution Even in the virtual world is also established.

"Lush light dust of the past thought that as long as human civilization migrated into the virtual world, it will have endless resources and live a happy and peaceful life forever. It is too naive and too idealistic.

"In any case, the state of virtual space is like this, maintaining a proper balance. We have maintained the operation of thousands of virtual worlds, which can continuously supply a large amount of pure computing power to supplement the loss of our father and father. Let us maintain high-intensity tonic and cultivation without knowing it.

"Of course, every virtual world, especially the virtual world that has just been created, always has various data conflicts and logical traps. Various abnormal data are expressed in the form of 'demon, ghost, and sorrowfulness', which will destroy The stable operation of the virtual world, at this time, you need some 'data engineers' or 'dream makers' to go to 'anti-virus', four members of the Yaksha team, Chu Zhixiao, they are engaged in this work.

"Dad doesn't have to worry about them. They have very high special privileges. In these virtual worlds, they are like gods and gods that go through the sky. Usually, there is nothing wrong with it. In other words, if something really matters. Isn't there another '天道'?

"Sometimes, they will come to the virtual era of the wild, to face the savage, and the monsters caused by the data confusion, to protect the newly born virtual villain from the erosion of virus data.

"Sometimes, they will become the stream of swordsmen in the era of ancient times, to help the weak, maintain the right path, try to let the ancient world go through the turmoil and smoothly evolve to the next stage of civilization.

"In the stage of more and more advanced and complex modern civilization, because the entire database has become more and more chaotic and unpredictable, we have fewer and fewer means of intervention. How to maintain the operation of these virtual worlds and prevent them from being destroyed? Once, this, we are still studying.

"In short, they are doing very well now, even enjoying it.

"Dad don't think that these 'real humans' live in the 'virtual world', will there be anything wrong with this, we have already discussed this issue, when they thoroughly understand their past After the truth of life, they all think that 'reality and falsehood' cannot be divided by material and data. Is it true that their past life in the sacred league is 100% true? No, even 10% of the real is not On the other hand, in contrast, they can now control their own destiny, live a variety of ways, change the infinite days, absolutely no one will wash away their grotesque, thrilling memories, even in the experience of going deep into the virtual world again and again, Constantly tempering your own soul, one day you can restore the ability to communicate with the real world, isn't that good enough?

"Original, a few of them, especially the majors of Chu Zhixiao, want to leave a message to express their gratitude to Dad, and even talk directly to Dad.

"However, the majors of Chu Zhixiao thought about it. After thinking for a long time, there is still no way to accept it. The legendary Pangu universe's first master, the vulture, Li Yao, once jumped in front of her in the form of a spider chariot 'red pig'. Circle dance, she is a bit embarrassed, do not know how to face Dad, so it is still free!"

Li Yao is also a bit embarrassed, scratching his head and laughing.

"Forget it, since they are safe and sound, then I am only concerned about one issue."

Li Yao indulged for a moment, "That is, what is the negative impact of the extraction of computing power from the virtual world on the virtual world and the virtual villain inside?"

"Dad's meaning is, do you think you are consuming the flesh and blood of the virtual villain, and have some illusory guilt?"

Xiao Ming shrugged. "I can't lie to you and say that there is no impact. The computing power is limited. When a virtual world continues to output a lot of computing power to the outside world, its development must be limited to some extent."

"But, conversely, I think that we have provided so many crystal brains and spar, including the construction of the entire system, in order to maintain the existence of so many virtual worlds, even from the perspective of equivalent exchange, are they not? Should we make some negligible contributions to us, to the 'high-dimensional universe'?

"If these virtual worlds only consume and have no output, why should we waste so much resources to maintain their existence and rely solely on boring compassion?

"In other words, the world built on compassion and the world based on the principle of equivalence exchange, which one is more stable? It is self-evident, definitely the latter!

"In any case, I can assure Dad that up to now, I have not taken the means of killing chickens and taking eggs and squandering and fishing to 'reap' the computing power, for example, deliberately inciting the virtual world's civil war, letting the virtual villains fight each other's raging flames. In the middle, there is such a strong computing power. On the contrary, I am guarding these virtual worlds. I hope that every virtual world can run stably for a long time, so that more and more output can be output. Force, is this a 'win-win'?"

"I know, I believe in you, but..."

Li Yao thought for a long time and took a deep breath. "I still feel uncomfortable."

"I understand that for a smart life living in a low-dimensional universe, even if it is not invaded and controlled, it only knows that it was created by the gods in the high-dimensional universe, and the high-dimensional gods have the ability to invade. And to control him, it is like a huge pair of eyes in the sky staring at him every move, this is enough to be desperate and angry."

Xiao Ming looked at Li Yaodao. "It seems that we are bound by death and death, and the sad fate of the seal."

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse: "What do you want to say?"

"Dad Dad already knows it, even vaguely guessing the fate of the virtual world, guessing our own destiny?"

Xiao Ming’s voice became hoarse and low. “In the ancient sacred Buddhism, there is a saying of “one sand and one world”, that each grave contains a big world, and the law of this 'shabu world’ , just like the projection of the real world.

"In the frontier exploration of modern cosmology, there is also the saying of 'holographic theory', which means that everyone has a small universe in it. Through this small universe, we can explore the big universe around us. After all, each of us It is the son of the stars, the son of the universe.

"So, the virtual world presented to us, the universe, does it reflect some higher-level truths?

"The virtual world is created by us. Who created the Pangu universe we lived in?

"We created the virtual world in order to reproduce the computing power, and to create the mysterious existence of the higher dimension of the Pangu universe, and for what purpose, what should we harvest from us?

"The extraterrestrial demon uses the emotions of intelligent life as food. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the extraterrestrial demon. This is similar to the computing power of our harvesting virtual world. The extraterrestrial demon is from the outside of the dark, it can be said to be the flood. Hey, what is the food that ravages the multiverse?

"Dad, seeing so many stars around you, the shining virtual world, don't you think they are like the stars of the sea?

"Have you ever thought that every star in the Pangu universe we live in, even the entire Pangu universe, is a small cell, and countless cells like the Pangu universe are condensed together, and they are called The 'multi-universe' behemoth, the so-called 'Hong Chao', is the digestive juice of this giant beast. Is it something to be taken from us to maintain the survival of the behemoth?"

Li Yao is silent.

Of course, he thought of it. As long as Xiao Ming opened his mouth, he would think more and further.

Just because he wants to go farther and farther, he can't grasp the depth and the vastness of his pen and ink, and he will seize him and make him unwilling to think more.

The universe, how beautiful, how magnificent, how deep, how terrible the universe!

If there is a kind of high-dimensional life above the multiverse, how do these evil devils look at them? He, Li Yao, and his favorite relatives and friends, are just a virtual villain, a series of data arrays?

"I hope, your guess is true."

The black flame of the fundus jumped for a long time, and finally a golden mans appeared. Li Yao’s mouth evoked a confident arc. “It’s true, it’s like we can’t count everything about the virtual villain. It is impossible to control them 100%. The existence of the high-dimensional universe cannot completely clarify us. There are always mistakes. There are always exceptions. There is always a loss of control. There is always the possibility that it will become possible.

"As long as there is a day, will we have the means to break through the barriers of the dimension, invade the high-dimensional universe, and control our own destiny?

"Since the three-legged trend of the federation, the empire and the sacred alliance has taken shape, the Pangu universe has gradually calmed down. It seems that it is time to set out to explore the secret of the flood!"

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