Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2972: Sacred War (Saint League, end)

At five o'clock in the morning, when the sky was just dawning, the whole floating city was crowded, and the strong people and tourists who came from Tianyuanjie and the surrounding world were gathered here to look forward to it.

At seven or eight o'clock, the sun rises like a painting, the red sun is sprayed, and the clouds are steaming between Xia Wei. It is already covered with shining light balls. This is the crystallization of the federal self-defense technology, a new generation of poly-spirit towers carrying hundreds of thousands of pieces. Ultra-microchip, a very powerful information and data transmission node, each light ball corresponds to thousands of netizens in all major worlds, allowing millions of netizens to pass the neural interaction helmet and holographic game compartment. The equipment of the class, immersively "coming" over the city of Fugo, participated in the event.

In the sky and the earth, there are laughter and laughter everywhere. There are tears everywhere, and there are mountains and tsunami everywhere.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the majestic national anthem sounded and the triumphal ceremony officially kicked off.

When hundreds of starships that had been baptized in the middle of the Xinghai River were torn in the clouds, mixed with rolling thunder and falling from the sky, the sky was shaking, the earth was roaring, and all the people’s emotions were instantly detonated.

Although these starships were simply repaired and reinforced at the Imperial Dock, the strong tearing force that passed through the four-dimensional space still left new damage on them, criss-cross cracks, and the lingering flames that made them Like a man who has experienced many battles and weathered men, he is full of prestige and tempting charm.

Scars are the medal of men.

For starships, the same is true.

Even if the scars are scarred, even if they are streaked and even incomplete, they will come back with victory.

The Confederation has hope again, and civilization has hope.

This is the best ending.

"Long live! Long live the Federation! Long live the self-cultivator! Long live human civilization!"

Numerous virtual white pigeons symbolizing peace were released, and they were turned into soft, white and swaying triumphant starships, diluting the murder of the starships, wrapping them with a soft white light, getting brighter and brighter. The sun shines, reflecting the golden scales. This golden scale is adorned by the cheers of people's pride, flying to the whole floating city, the whole federation, the whole world!

Meng Lichuan and Meng Jiang, the grandfather and grandson of the floating city, is also a member of the boiling crowd.

In addition to welcoming the triumph of the 7th Fleet of the Federal Expeditionary Force, they also have a private purpose - the grandson of Meng Jiang, Meng Lichuan's younger brother "Meng Xiaolang", who also followed the triumphant team and went home.

Meng Xiaolang just graduated from the military academy, and even did not even participate in a deep-space exercise. He was dragged into the "desperate" fire chariot and went to Xinghai Central to be born and died.

At that time, this was a frustrating move to bet on the Federal Republic of China. In order to win, we must unite all the forces that can be condensed.

But now, the situation in the central part of the Xinghai Sea has calmed down. For example, Meng Xiaolang’s reserve officers who have achieved outstanding results in military schools and have great experience in the war are naturally valuable seeds for making the future EFF more powerful. There is no need to participate in protracted times, but low intensity is extremely cruel. The battle of war and the security war, of course, must be withdrawn to the rear and further cultivated.

In the bustling crowd, Meng Lichuan tried to set off his toes. Meng Jiang was desperate to straighten his waist, but he could not distinguish his relatives from among the murderous and energetic young officers and men.

In other words, the piece of Zhang is not childish, but his face has become a very firm face, looks like their grandson, brother.

The entire federal expeditionary army has long been forced by the strong pressure of the central Xinghai to forge an indivisible whole. Where can I find out where Meng Xiaolang is?

After watching it for a long time, tears could not help but flow down. The two gave up their plans to find Meng Xiaolang. Meng Lichuan helped Mengjiang, crowded out the fanatic crowd, and came to a corner where the flow of people was slightly sparse.

Meng Lichuan fanned the wind to Meng Jiang, Meng Jiang hurriedly gasped, heard the cheers around him, saw the nine-star Thanglong battle flag, and the wrinkled face burst into the glory of the boy.

"I didn't expect that we actually won, it seems like a dream."

Looking at the battle flags, fireworks and virtual ribbons in the heavens and the earth, Meng Lichuan’s face was stunned with an incredible expression. “This is really the result of our debut on the virtual platform. Grandpa, do you believe it?”

"What is unbelief?"

Meng Jiang cheerfully said, "You are still too young. If you are also like Grandpa, you have experienced a hundred years ago. The Starry Federation is struggling to survive on a small planet. It has been attacked by the beasts all day, even by the Yaozu. Strangled to the capital, but the Jedi counterattack, the miracle reversal, and build into the grandeur of today's nine worlds, you will not have doubts about the new miracle, we will certainly win, because we are a miracle, originally a miracle A country born with victory!

"Moreover, are we not still Li Yao?

"Li Yao, this kid, no matter what kind of adversity you encounter, you will not be willing to let it go, even if it is really on the wall of the copper wall, it will be arched and arched, arching out a beam of hope. I knew this very well more than a hundred years ago.

"Right, Lichuan, you work in the branch of the Haoyue Foundation. The Haoyue Foundation and Li Yao’s disciple Jin Xinyue are inextricably linked. Do you know the truth of this war? How do you win? There are a lot of gossip and roadside news outside. It’s called a smallpox, and it’s absurd. It’s more exaggerated to exaggerate. How to look at it is not true. Do you know the truth? ”

"This one……"

Meng Lichuan indulged for a moment, said, "Because of the confidentiality regulations, I can't tell Grandpa too much. I can only say that the process of this war is indeed very, very sensational, incredible, full of too many unexpected factors and chances, completely impossible. copy.

"In fact, one of the work we are doing is to modify the too exaggerated facts to be less exaggerated, so that my old classmate Li Yao does not look like a 'monster', otherwise, one or five. If you say it in ten, the entire federal people will not believe it.

"In short, if Grandpa wants the truth, go to the roadside news and gossip. You should find the most irresponsible, most admired online media, find the most exaggerated and absurd article. Li Yao boasted that the demon came, multiplied by 120%, then, about the closest to the truth."


Meng Jiang’s smile is a bit stiff.

On the top of the two men, a three-dimensional light curtain that was overwhelmingly opened slowly, and the giant avatar of the Federal Speaker Ding Lingyu appeared in the entire floating city.

The long hair of the red hair is set up, and the impeccable conservative suit is very consistent with the setting of political figures, and even some deliberate old-fashioned taste, but there is a bunch of hair that refuses to obey the arrangement, and it is high and up, plus How to conceal the top of the eye can not conceal the reluctance, it constitutes Ding Lingwei unique, very strong personal charm.

She is publishing her last public speech for the entire federal government before she leaves office.

"...The first Xinghai Federal expedition in the history of the Xingyao Federation has achieved a brilliant victory. I have fulfilled my responsibilities with all the EFF soldiers and all the federal citizens. I can take a long breath and feel relieved. Heavy burdens, returning to the identity of an ordinary federal citizen, comprehension, and human warrior.

"However, although the expedition won, but the war is far from over, then, with all the soldiers, the entire people, and all of you, there is still a hard and hard battle to fight.

"The next war is not against the empire or the sacred alliance or all tangible enemies, but against the invisible enemy that has eroded human civilization for 100,000 years. It is a war against poverty, ignorance, superstition, famine, oppression!

"We will declare war on the darkness of human nature and the ills of human civilization. We will crush the old world of people who eat people and oppress people. We will create a person who is born free and equal, born with unlimited hope, and who can create A new world of infinity!

"This will be an arduous war. It will last for a thousand to 10,000 years. It will be repeated and even step backwards. But I have always believed that the trend of the universe is vast and smooth. No one can stop the progress of human civilization. No one can stop us from winning in this war. I am willing to fight for this kind of civilization, such a human civilization, in this most sacred war. I firmly believe that As with all of you, we believe that the ultimate victory must belong to us and belong to all human beings!"

[Complete the 40,000 years of the revision, the sacred articles, the end]

The end of the Holy League is over, and the flowers are celebrated!

The sacred essays are not easy to write. In fact, the fourth part of the syllabus is in the second half. Each one is not so good, because there are fewer and fewer "tangible enemies" and more and more "invisible enemies", shaping a specific evil. The villains are easy, but it is not easy to write the darkness of the human heart and the dilemma of this darkness after being refracted and increased by the satellite.

The Holy League article should be one of the most difficult articles to write, the sacred alliance, the empire, the federation, the entanglement of the three forces, the depiction of several consecutive battles, and the secret plan of Fuxi, Lv Dengchen, etc., Li Yao as always To turn the tide... The brain cells of the old cow are really a big die.

Still, there are difficulties to write, and there is no difficulty in creating difficulties. Write down. After all, with the support of so many dear brothers and sisters, the more you go to the back, the more you must stay ill and try to stay, try not to make the mistake of "the evening is not guaranteed", and you are worthy of everyone. The wind and rain that have passed all the way for so many years!

Then, take a break and start a new chapter today, that is, before the "Decisive Battle of the Earth", the end of the Pangu universe, "God's Tomb", the mystery of the Pangu universe, all will be obtained in the "God's Tomb" Answer, thank you, continue to support!

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