Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2975: The cultivation of the wild!

The "strong arm" was awakened by the sound of "clam dangling".

This is the beginning of chaos. When Hongmeng began to be new, there was a darkness between the heavens and the earth. There were volcanic eruptions everywhere. The black smoke filled the earth. It also brought rich nutrients while the mountains were shaking. The jungle grew freely, and the birds and beasts were free to gallop. It has also created a "strong arm" such as the spirit of all things that are intelligent and social, and the cavemen who drink blood and blood.

"Strong arm" is the leader of the twenty or thirty cavemen in this cave. As a distant relative of the early humans, they are strong in shape, their faces and shoulders are developing horizontally, the whole body is covered with long hair, and the hands and feet are wrapped with developed muscles. It is a human being, more like a gorilla standing upright.

The caveman's forehead tilted backwards and the lower jaw protruded forward. This skull structure gave them a developed bite force and limited their brain capacity and wisdom, so they did not learn to polish too delicate tools. Not to mention learning to grow and animal husbandry, just to create rough stone axes, wooden spears and bone sticks, chasing prey daily, collecting fruits and giving birth.

Chasing prey requires a lot of energy, a sleepy eye, you may be run away by the abundant prey, or forget to distinguish the footprints of the beast, leading to unimaginable consequences, as the leader of the caveman, the "strong arm" sleep is the life and death of the entire ethnic group. event.

Therefore, when the day was awakened, the "strong arm" saved a belly of fire, and was filled with a high degree of vigilance. The hair around the body stood like a chimpanzee, and the sound of "snoring" was heard deep in the chest. .

The other men in the cave, or the male caveman, were woken up by this weird voice.

"No hair", "more than one", "pig claw", the men face each other, and they turned their turbid eyes to the leader, the distorted fingers crossed, and asked the "strong arm" with gestures.

The sound of "叮叮咚咚" actually came from the deepest part of the cave. At the end of the darkness, it was faint, and it also shone with a faint fire!

This cave is warm, rugged and narrow, and is the best place for cavemen to inhabit.

But the cave is tilted downwards, deeper and deeper, but there is nothing at the end, it is not suitable for survival, and it is even more impossible for "Shenmu" to be hit by lightning and ignite a raging fire.

These cavemen are still groping for the mystery of the fire, and have instinctive curiosity and awe of the flame.

Despite the faint fire, it is enough to stimulate the pupils of all cavemen and shrink into a needle tip.

The "strong arm" rubbed the sharp canine teeth, took a slightly polished stone axe, gestured, and climbed to the end of the cave with the male caveman.

Soon, they saw a workmanship that was exquisitely crafted, made from pine cones, animal oil and bone rods. It was far beyond the torch of the times, it never burned, there was almost no smoke, and it smelled good. .

The flames stung their eyes, causing their pores to contract, muscles to stiffen, and difficulty breathing. Even the strongest and boldest leader, the "strong arm", almost screamed and screamed.

But what surprised them even more was the thin, small figure under the swaying flame.

"It's '歪 neck'!"

The right hand has one more finger with six fingers. He dances to the "strong arm" and relieves each other's nervousness.

These early cavemen did not have the ability to master the language. Their rough throats could only make strange squeaks and form short syllables. The fire of the claws and claws sealed their throats and did not dare to make a half-voice. .

There is no need to say "more than one", and "strong arm" is also recognized.

“歪 neck” is the thinnest caveman in this small cave.

If other cavemen are chimpanzees, the "strong arm" is a gorilla, and the "necked neck" is simply a hairless monkey.

Such a thin caveman did not have the power to survive in the cruel wilderness.

But although he is thin, he runs very fast. He is also good at grinding stone axe, making stone spears and all sorts of weird things. In many cases, he can smell the beast and avoid the hunting team. The "strong arm" is also Just barely left him.

In addition to being thin and weak, there is a problem with the "sick neck" that is not a problem every night. He rarely sleeps, but likes to run outside, reach out to the wilderness of the fingers, lick his neck, look up at the stars, and look at the full The bright stars of the day are caught in long-term thinking.

Beyond the cave, under the night, it is the world of beasts, saber-toothed tigers, long-haired lions, and omnipresent wolves and giant pigs. I don’t know how the neck is hiding from many beasts.

Fortunately, this early caveman tribe has not developed primitive religion. Otherwise, a different kind of "snake neck" must be regarded as a "demon" by the tribe, and thrown under the cliff to please the gods.

In fact, according to the caveman's nomenclature, "歪 neck" should be called "seeing the stars".

However, the poor brains of these cavemen still cannot understand the concept of heaven and earth, and they don’t know what it is like to flash in the sky whenever the night sky comes. In their view, it is nothing but meaningless. Small light spots only.

Their short combination of syllables and ten fingers can't describe the inscrutable concept of "stars", and they have to use habitual movements to call this thin kind of "neck".

Including "strong arm", all cavemen know that "歪 neck" is a different kind of ethnic group, but no one has thought that "歪 neck" will be weird to this extent, he is under the illumination of the fire, do a piece No one has ever seen it, can't describe it, and can't understand it.

He is drawing.

He first used a sharp stone spear to cut a rough line on the limestone, and then used a variety of ore to grind and add water, blood and oil to make up the paint, a primitive, simple, rough and full The murals of life tension appear in front of many cavemen.

In the dim and chaotic thinking of the caveman, there is no space for art, religion and imagination. As the leader, the "strong arm" should immediately stop the absurdity of "squatting the neck", but his throat and strong and powerful The arms were caught by an invisible force, unable to make a scream, unable to wield an arm, and could only look at it.

Looking at it, a light of wisdom, like a clear spring, seems to flow from the fingers of the "necked neck" into the narrow ventricle of the "strong arm", which makes him vaguely understand the meaning of this mural.

"歪Neck" first painted a lot of little people under the murals. These little men waved stone axes and spears, seemingly chasing... wild boars and bisons, that is their daily life, that means them!

Then, “歪 neck” draws a lot of small dots on the top of the mural, and there are scattered radiation lines around the small points, that is, things hanging high in the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars.

Finally, the “necked neck” pulled a lot of dotted lines from the little people who represent them, and led to the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky. At the end of the dotted line, many arrows were drawn.

What does this mean? It is said that these cavemen who have just changed from the mud point, can one day fly to the sun, the moon and the stars?

"Strong arm" does not know.

He just felt that there are many new concepts, new vocabulary, new pictures and whimsical fantasies that flow from deep into his brain, or simply from the depths of his brain.

The sun, the moon, the stars, the heavens and the earth, the universe, the flying, the exploration... He wants to find a new way of expression, telling the concepts to the people, and then searching with the people to find ways to fly to the sun. .

The "strong arm" was drowned by this huge, deep, secluded and ever-changing world. The rude eyes were filled with clear tears, standing in the same place, and the stone axe fell to the ground unconsciously.

His people, "more than one", "no hair", "pig claws"... everyone is the same.

The "necked neck" completed the mural, the ten fingers have been worn, and the last one was completely dyed with blood.

He turned back and looked at his family who was so thoughtful and thoughtful. He smiled and smiled, pure, peaceful.

The people of the tribe are still paralyzed, not themselves. The "necked neck" quietly falls into the shadow of the fire, and sticks to the wall, bypassing the people and walking toward the hole.

He crept and walked very carefully, not wanting to wake up the woman and the child who were still asleep.

“歪Neck” pushed open the rock that sealed the hole, and then plugged the hole from the outside again. This step by step came to the dawn of the dawn.

The sun has not yet risen, but the red mans that have risen above the waves on the horizon have outlined steep, majestic and thrilling ridges.

The river ran, everything awakened, and in the distance gradually came the beast of the beast and the cockroaches of the birds, forming an ancient chorus.

“歪 neck” looked at everything reluctantly, took a deep breath, twisted his hands and licked his mouth, and last time, carefully combed his hair.

Under the reflection of the morning glow, his hair exudes the color of red dragonfly. In the depths of the red, there is a glimpse of a golden awn, which is obviously a weak monkey, but it exudes a heart-rending heart. Cover the breath.

Suddenly, he stopped combing and carefully explored a flea from the hair.

Habitually want to pinch, think about it, or pick up your fingers, bounce the fleas out and bounce to the infinite wilderness.

The rock that sealed the cave behind him was pushed back again, and there was a scream of "strong arm" and other people.

"歪 neck" head does not return, smiled slightly, jumped forward, facing the sun, Hua Hong go!

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