Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2984: Poisonous

The three major forces have their own characteristics and each has its own merits.

The first is the empire led by Li Jialing and Li Linghai.

Although in the 20 years of the Empire's counterattack, the reform of the civil war and the defending of the Imperial City, the defeated soldiers, the ruthless, quite passive, and even the most critical moment to rely on a small federation to rescue, but the real human empire is ultimately ingrained The first force of human civilization, the standard "skinny camel is bigger than horse".

Do not say anything else, at least in terms of the number of powerful gods, especially the combative powers, the empire is far above the federal and sacred.

In the civil war, these fighting gods belonged to different factions and camps, and they were restrained and restrained. They could not see the changes in the general trend and defended themselves. They did not work hard and did not expose too much edge, so that Li Yaohe Ding Ling made a show of the limelight.

But now, the new general trend has been achieved, and everyone can see that the reformists are ascending and unstoppable, and these fighting gods will naturally not move against the trend, and they must be buried with the four electors.

Every singularity of God is called "National Treasure". Even if it was originally used for the four major families, it is not easy for Li Jialing and Li Linghai to kill. A "washing heart", a "never swearing", naturally happy, full of dynasties Junchen is happy.

Therefore, now Li Jialing and Li Linghai are behind, standing at least a dozen gods, and a number of times higher than the Yuan Ying period high-level and peak, giving the Union and the Holy Alliance great deterrence.

Next, it is the newly emerging, far-reaching federation.

The Xingyao Federation can be said to be the biggest winner of the Star Wars.

Not only did they seize a large number of starships of the Fuxi Fleet, but they also had a solid stronghold in the center of Xinghai. They got a seemingly loyal ally of the "New Saint League" and, more importantly, in the battle of the national war, countless self-cultivators The Taoist heart has been subjected to the strongest baptism, and it has been more purely tempered by gunfire and smoke. As it is said that the old-fashioned returnees have said that countless self-cultivators have "broken into breakthroughs" and climbed to a higher level.

The middle and lower ranks of the monks will not say that, just in terms of high-end combat power, the federation at the moment is not what it used to be.

The first is the ghost repair of the two realms of the gods. From the ancient sacred world, Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun, using the unspoiled technology of Kunlun’s secret environment, they cast the smashing battle body, which enabled them to regain the combat power of the gods. Effectively make up for the shortcomings of the federal high-end combat power.

Then, Ding Ling's breakthrough, not to mention, in one fell swoop into the ranks of the Xinghai to the strong, with the support of the most determined Taoist, no matter the face of any of the empire, the fighting gods, did not fall.

Some of them are unexpectedly surprised by Li Yao, and the fourth faction of the warfare has emerged.

That is the "sword idiot" Yan away from people.

This guy is actually in the **** battle, with the sharp edge of the blown hair, smashed the barrier of the heart, broke through!

But think about it, it is not surprising that this monster and his fourth sword were originally the ones that could not be measured by common sense.

More importantly, the comprehensions of the whole federation have a very strong taste of "not afraid of death". In the eyes of the cultivators who care for the feathers and take their own interests as the first starting point, they are a group of people who are uncompromising. madman.

Therefore, by the Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun, Ding Lingwei and Yan Yiren, the "four masters" led the federal strong, although the number is smaller, but the momentum can also be equal to the empire.

As for the sacred alliance, in theory, the number of strong people should be quite a lot, not only the Yuan Ying, but even the "Bing Bee" of the **** series is not taken away by Lu Xiaochen.

However, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen are not willing to leave behind, they can "manipulate" the impression of the top powerhouse. Most of the sacred powers are still receiving treatment, awakening emotions and will, this top secret meeting, the sacred alliance, Basically only Xiao Ming and Wen Wen participated.

This is enough.

Because of the special life forms of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, it is difficult for them to be completely eliminated. Once they start to attack, they can cause great damage within the empire. It can be said that it is another master of "super-limit war". Fighting power is not a measure of how many infants or gods can be measured.

What's more, the single-on combat power, the sacred alliance is not a no-man, there is a master who is absolutely worthy of the Xinghai to the strong, that is, "champion."

Although the boxing champion was born in the empire, the mysterious origin and unique life form made it obvious that he could not surrender to Li Jialing or Xiuxian Avenue. He and the empire are not the same thing. Instead, they are closer to Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, and they are natural similar.

Therefore, he naturally stood on the side of the sacred alliance and helped the two little guys to care for the "information civilization" that was just born.

The three major forces, in terms of absolute strength, the empire still occupies 60% to 70%, but the remaining 30% to 40% is enough to achieve a temporary balance.

Although the real world is not a fairy tale, there are still many strong players in the grievances and conflicts of interest. It is impossible to become a jade and close as a brother, but at least, everyone can gather together and confront each other with a sharp-eyed sword and sharp eyes. Not a face-to-face shot, and the dog's brain came out. Li Yao has been very relieved and very satisfied.

By the way, in addition to the three powerful forces, there are some strong players who are free from the three parties and remain subtle and neutral.

First of all, nature is Long Yangjun.

Although she was born in the Federation and had a very high position in the Empire, her unique origin made it almost impossible for her to surrender to anyone. She was free and only acted for her own interests. No one could force her to hear orders.

Second, it is the white boss.

As long as he drove the starship out of the federation, he had already cut off all the causes and effects of the federation. From then on, there was only one goal, that is, to march toward the multiverse and high-dimensional world. He was also free and even vowed to become The most free man in the sea of ​​stars.

Even if Bai Happy appeared in front of him, he could not change the determination of the "King of Stars".

From a certain point of view, is Li Yao himself not like this?

The camp concept of the Starry Federation, the Real Human Empire or the Covenant League has been unable to bind him today. He is destined to jump out of the Pangu universe, go to the end of the multiverse, explore the mysteries there, defeat the opponents that must be defeated!

When Li Yao observed the crowd, some people were looking at him. Long Yangjun licked his long, resounding hair, and smiled and walked over to him.

Li Yao coughed, remembering what he said with Ding Ling, his face was a little embarrassed.

I was afraid of what came, just when Long Yangjun came to him, a familiar hot breath appeared behind him, and Ding Ling finally got the red tape and appeared!


Ding Ling licked Li Yao’s waist and deliberately used the voice that the other party could hear. “Is this not your ordinary friend who looks like a pig like a pig, poisonous like a snake?” Wouldn’t he say hello to others?

Li Yao’s forehead once again showed the sweat of the size of soybeans.

Long Yangjun squinted, narrowed his eyes, and his eyes flew for two laps. "噗嗤" a piece of music, he even laughed.

"A Yao, you really said that, really, necrotic!"

Long Yangjun stepped forward and naturally took Li Yao’s hand, Jiao Jiao. “You told me at the beginning that in order to prevent your wife from misunderstanding our relationship, I must tell her that I am 'ugly like a pig. Poison like a snake, I thought you were joking, and agreed to it, I didn’t expect you to say that, really, how can you, my sister is so sad!"

Li Yao: "...hey?"

"Hey, make a joke, make a joke, oh, brothers and sisters, don't be surprised, I and A Yao are just ordinary friends who have a good time. We have nothing at all, we can be pure!"

Long Yangjun put Li Yao closer and tighter, and the big eyes with peach blossoms bloomed with innocent light. Looking at Ding Ling, "Really, younger brother, A Yaozhen is a very rare good man, you don't know, there are When we drunk together, he would say, 'I am a wife, I can’t be sorry for my wife, I have to hold back, I have to hold back, oh, that’s good. cute!"

Li Yao: "...ah?"

Long Yangjun: "Really, younger brother, you believe my sister, my sister, I really didn't do anything with A Yao, I am sorry for you, but when you are not there, look at him alone, poor, my sister took care of him for you. For a while now, now that you have appeared, my sister, of course, will give him back to you, rest assured, my sister, I have self-knowledge, know that he is just a passer in his life, an insignificant confidante, sister. I, I, will never bother you in a calm and happy life."

Li Yao: "...hey?"

Long Yangjun: "Just, oh, brother and sister, I really don't want to be your sister, you don't want to be angry. You know that you are a woman with a big leaf and even a temper. I don't know how to take care of people. At that time, A Yao is afraid to speak up. If you don't take care of A Yao and even bully him, then my sister can't agree, even if you are more powerful, my sister must help A Yao!"

Li Yao: " are enough, who are you, we are very familiar, we don't know good at all, who is your ‘A Yao’!”

"Okay, okay, as long as you are happy, my sister is all good!"

Long Yangjun finally released Li Yao and gave him a deep look. His eyes were full of crystal clear emotions. He seemed to reach out to touch Li Yao’s hair and dare not look like it. He took a deep breath and bit his lip. That's it, A Yao, younger brother, in short... you must be happy!"

She whimpered and turned around. I didn't know if I was crying or laughing, and my shoulders ran away.

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