Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2987: The other half of Fuxi

The so-called "Emperor's Tomb" is probably not the emperor's opening, but he used a large-scale remnant of the ruins to make such a speculation. In today's Pangu universe, among the three forces, many heroes, It is no secret.

The ruins of the ruins used by the emperor to serve as mausoleums are most likely to be the largest of all the ruins, the most secret, the most technologically advanced, and even the mystery of the four-dimensional space, which is the long sleep of countless Pangu people. Therefore, it can be called "Tomb of God".

Naturally, within the tomb of the gods, there must be a large number of weapons of the gods in the era of the ruins, and even the heavily armed Pangu fleet, such as the starship of the most advanced "Kunlun" of the Xingyao Federation, perhaps dozens, hundreds There are so many ships.

If this is the case, it is not surprising that the "Fuxi", a super artificial intelligence in the era of the wilderness, will regard the tomb of the emperor's tomb as a must-see goal.

"This speculation, although not much evidence, explains the strategic purpose of Fuxi."

Li Linghai looked around for a circle and further analyzed. "If you don't, it's hard to explain why Fuxi wants to condense all the elites of the sacred alliance, and to sneak out of the world, as if to complete the battle."

Yes, the vast expanse of the Xinghai, the war between the two great powers, is not destined to be determined by a battle in the district.

It is a big problem to say that "the extreme heaven, the celestial star" is the heart of the empire. Because the empire is too big, the world is dotted with stars, and many worlds have the ability to be self-sufficient. The empire also has no less than ten hearts, and the extreme heaven is just the biggest one.

In the worst situation, even if Fuxi’s surprise attack can win a complete victory, completely occupying or even destroying the extreme heavens, how can it make the entire empire surrender or even collapse?


The cruel social structure of the Holy League has determined that no matter whether the immortals or the majority of the "original people" are incompatible with them, let alone the emperor fall, even if the empire loses half of the country, the rest of the world will not give up resistance, innovation. Whether it is a party or a four-member electorate family, no one will raise a white flag for a group of cold-blooded crickets, and it is necessary to take a **** battle to kill a soldier.

However, Fuxi has already invested all the elites of the sacred alliance for thousands of years into the battle of the militant imperial capital. Even if it is difficult to win, the loss must be very heavy, and how to deal with the next long-term consumption war?

We must know that the rear of the sacred alliance has long been exhausted and is in a state of collapse at any time. Isn’t the whole strategy of Fuxi’s strategy just “to die of addiction”?

This obviously does not make sense.

Then, the addition of the "Emperor tomb of the Emperor" to the deduction of Fuxi's strategic goals is much more reasonable.

Perhaps, for Fuxi, the most important goal at the beginning is not the Imperial Capital, but the "Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb."

Fuxi only controlled some of the wild crystal brains, and its database was incomplete. The coordinates of the tomb of the gods had long been lost, and they could not find them.

Therefore, it planned the battle of the sacred attack on the imperial capital. On the one hand, it used the "carpet-type network bombing" to conceal the fact that it invaded the secret of the sea of ​​stealing the sea. On the other hand, it also firmly restrained the main force of the imperial army and made the imperial army innocent. Separate, taking into account the "imperial tomb of the emperor".

In other words, the victory or defeat of the "Temple of the Emperor" is not so important, even if the war is a moment of anxiety, as long as Fuxi can find and open the tomb of the gods, inheriting all the Pangu heritage, including a well-destroyed flood fleet, then Is anyone still its opponent?

Of course, Fuxi did not expect that the Federation would suddenly send out reinforcements, and there were two wonderful things, Li Yao and Lu Qingchen. People are not as good as days, and their ambitions have not yet bloomed. They are smashed and squandered, and they are quite embarrassing.

Although Fuxi was annihilated between the Xinghai and the sea, Lu Qingchen inherited most of its memory fragments and databases, and thus obtained the coordinates and opening method of the "Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb".

For Lu Guangchen, who has only five top-ranked warships, such as the funeral dog, the only option that is likely to counterattack in the Jedi is naturally self-evident.

“So, is Lu Qingchen looking for the “Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb”?”

Ding Lingwei asked everyone, "Is there any evidence?"


Li Linghai said, "About half a year ago, I calculated the entrance to the ‘Emperor Tomb of the Emperor’s Tomb,’ and sent an unmanned reconnaissance ship to several coordinates.

"However, there was still a lot of data that was not calculated at the time. The range of several coordinates was very large. My scout boat could not be all-inclusive. Until recently, it was narrowed down and the final entrance to the tomb was determined.

"Then, one of my reconnaissance boats detected traces of radiation similar to the remains of the five Great Supreme Wars, and was destroyed after the data was sent back."

Li Linghai said that the radiation trajectory data sent back by the reconnaissance boat was transmitted to the crystal brain of all the strong.

These data have long been analyzed and confirmed by experts from all sides. The authenticity is unquestionable. It is indeed the five most sacred battles of the sacred alliance.

"That is to say, at this moment, when we are in a meeting, Lu Qingchen is very likely to have entered the "Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb"?"

Ding Ling's brow is getting tighter and tighter.

"Hard to say."

Li Linghai explained, "The entrance to the 'Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb' is very embarrassing and dangerous. It is where the two nebulae meet, filled with very intense interstellar radiation, cosmic storms and storms. The gravel star belt, even if the larger fleet enters it, it is possible to smash the sand at any time.

"Which time the entrance to the Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb of the Emperor is in the three-dimensional universe, to what extent, is unknown.

"So, we are not sure which step Lv Dengchen has progressed to, and whether it has landed in the Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb.

"The reason why I said that this is the catastrophe of the entire Pangu universe, not only this, but even more terrible is the purpose of Lv Qingchen."

"The purpose of Lu Xiaochen?"

Ding Lingwei gave a slight glimpse. "Is he not looking for the inheritance of the emperor, or even the Pangu fleet?"

"It’s true, but not comprehensive."

Li Linghai took a deep breath and stabilized his heart. He smiled bitterly. "In addition to these, he is very likely to find a second Fuxi."

When this statement comes out, everyone is lost.


Li Yao and Ding Ling's pupils contracted to the extreme at the same time, the two were the same voice, "The second Fuxi? What do you mean, there is only one super artificial intelligence in the era of the wild, is there a second super artificial intelligence of the same model? And how can it be in the 'Tomb of the Emperor's Tomb?'

This time, Li Linghai did not answer, but turned his attention to the text.

Under the horror of the eyes of everyone, the text of the text came out.

Although she is still the image of a small doll with seventy-eight years old powdered jade, but the small face of the pretty, pink and tender, but with a few guardian Qingqing's sacred temperament of the empty valley, even a bit "non- The taste of people.

After staying in the hinterland of the Holy League for half a year, she became more and more like a real "goddess".

Everyone looked at the Wenwen's eyes was extraordinarily complicated.

No matter whether it is a self-cultivator or a cultivator, many people have difficulty accepting this new life form, and their eyes are full of vigilance and alertness.

However, in the face of the so-called "Holocaust", they wisely chose to swear, and listen to what information is sold in the life gourd.

"If you have a detailed understanding of the rise, expedition, civil war and destruction of Pangu civilization in the era of the ruins, you should be very clear. From the big expedition that rushed out of the Pangu universe, there are two super artificial intelligences called 'Fuxi'. It is split into two halves."

Wen Wen said with a crisp introduction, "The Pangu civilization at that time feared the multiverse and the ultimate flood outside the black wall, fearing that the larger and more advanced Starfleet would become the source of the disaster, and therefore deliberately sealed and 'castrated'. The self, including the most advanced super artificial intelligence 'Fuxi', is also divided into two parts.

"Some of them are still faithfully carrying out the tasks of the past and maintaining the operation of the entire Pangu civilization.

"And the other half of Fuxi was sent to a special place to study the black wall, the multiverse, the flood army and the mystery of the flood, the base of the 'black wall builder', the center of the black wall. In many classics of the ruins, they are called 'black tombs'.

"After that, the half of the super artificial intelligence left outside, participated in the civil war of the Pangu civilization, and was bombarded by the two sides of the civil war with logic bombs, further mutating, inspiring a certain degree of self-awareness, and after hundreds of thousands. The fermentation of the year, awakened into the Fuxi, which established the sacred alliance, and all of them know.

"However, half of Fuxi, still sealed in the 'black tomb', should not be disturbed by the messy logic bombs and special instructions, still the standard 'weak artificial intelligence', quite 'pure'."

Speaking of this, Wen Wendeng had a meal, looked around, smiled slightly, and used his pink fingers to gently tap his temple.

“I spent a few months analyzing the residual data fragments of Fuxi and found some interesting information.”

Wen Wen said, "It turns out that staying outside, awakening the half-fuzzy of self-awareness, the most eager to swallow, is the half of Fuxi who sent to the 'black tomb' to carry out research work.

"It is not surprising that they were originally a whole and were artificially separated. If they can be merged together and completely awaken themselves, I am afraid it is the 'perfect Fuxiu'.

"No wonder Fuxi will squeeze out the entire sacred alliance and launch a decisive battle at all costs. Indeed, compared with ‘the other half of Fuxi’, the entire sacred alliance is insignificant.

"While Fuxi died, Lv Dengchen has gained a rebirth and evolution in a certain sense. Of course he has to inherit the 'legacy' to engulf the 'black tomb' and the other half is in ruin."

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