Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3116: Deadly battle!

“Why do you say that?”

The voice said, "It is a breeze for us to erode the spirit of the tester. If our purpose is as simple as it is, it will be able to erode the testers at that time tens of millions of years ago. Why bother to wait until now? ?"

“Is it really so easy?”

Li Yao sneered and sneered again. "So, dare you tell me the true purpose of the ‘Sunline Defense Plan’? This seemingly magnificent plan, as you said, is to destroy and block the flood?

"Impossible, even one of the most common galaxies contains 100 million, one billion or even ten billion stars. Even if it reaches the peak of the Yuanshi civilization, it is impossible to destroy one billion stars in one breath. You also said, your plan is to destroy 'ten thousands of stars', oh, compared to the total number of astronomical stars, 'ten million' is what it is, just a drop in the ocean!

"Destroy tens of thousands of stars from a billion stars. Is it really possible to dampen and block the floods, and even interfere with the stability of the entire universe? Can the Xinghai jump be implemented? I doubt this very much.

"The Hongchao Legion has a large number of 'empty hunters' that can travel through the four-dimensional storms, and there is no inferior to your Xinghai jumping technology. Even if you create a scorched earth area, the flood tide has a way to go around.

"So, what is the real purpose of the "solar defense plan"? At first, I was puzzled, but when you once again made the "necessary sacrifice," I suddenly understood.

"The so-called "necessary sacrifice" is the real purpose of the "solar defense plan"?

"From the beginning, you never thought about fighting with the flood. The tyranny and the shackles are two sides of a coin. You have lost the toughness of the past and the bravery of the rise, but they are overwhelmed and pervasive. The flood wave shook the gallbladder, and one mind only thought about fleeing.

"But it takes time to flee, and the lack of capacity and resources makes it impossible for you to take away all the Yuan Dynasty. What is even worse is that if most of the civilians are left behind, they will be swallowed up by the flood. The power suddenly expands a hundred times and will soon catch up with you.

"The so-called "sun defense plan" is a plan of destiny for one stone and three birds.

"First of all, detonating thousands of stars, although it can not cause heavy damage to the flood, but it can indeed delay the flood for a period of time, to give you millions of tens of millions of years of escape and development time.

"Secondly, most of the compatriots who have been abandoned by you will be buried in the flames of smashing stars. They will neither become captives of the floods nor continue to live with the resentment against you.

"Finally, the ripples of thousands of stars explode may not be able to shake the stability of the entire universe, but they can erase the traces of your escape in the gorgeous fireworks superimposed by thousands of supernova explosions, even if the escape fleet bursts the strongest. The tail flame, leaving any radiation trails, will be cleaned up.

"So, the 'Sunline Defense Plan' is not a desperate offensive plan, but a shameless escape plan. Your response is nothing but a replica of the earth-time dignitaries and rich people facing the meteorological disaster. You have to abandon 99% again. My compatriots, the innocent and cowardly civilians, have gone! And this time, you have even done more shameless than the last time. You must detonate the hopes of your compatriots to survive, help you delay the enemy and cover up the trails of your escape. !

"Speak, miscellaneous, don't you like to chatter, don't you are good at using the righteousness and the crown to conceal your greed, fear, and hypocrisy? Tell me, is this the truth?"

The voice is dumb.

In Li Yao’s mind, there was a noise of “叽叽叽叽,吱吱吱吱”, which was stored in the secrets of Taikoo. The pre-programmed programs encountered conflicts in the underlying logic. I don’t know. How to respond.

"We... have no choice."

The voice repeated again and again. "We can't sit still and wait for the wise men and elites of the entire civilization to leave, in order to preserve the fire of civilization. The rest of the people are destined to die. It is better to give them a happy relief and use Their sacrifices are in exchange for maximum benefit."

"Haha, hahahahaha, a good ‘the wise man and the elite go first’, a good ‘quick relief’, a good one to sacrifice the greatest benefit with sacrifice, I am!”

Li Yaoxian was laughing, then angered. "I have already heard enough of your ghosts, enough of your erosion, and I can't stand the 'no choice.' Let me tell you, 'vulture Li Yao' The ultimate choice. If I was the commander of the Yuanshi civilization at that time, then I would lead the strongest, most brave, and most intelligent adults of the entire civilization. We will face the flood and fight side by side. We will use ourselves. The flesh and blood and the soul build a stronger wall of iron walls than the 'sun line'. We will give the weak and the children a chance to survive. Before they have escaped safely, the flood will take half a step across our body until the last moment. Maybe we will also detonate the stars, but all those who have developed the 'Sunline Defense Plan' will stand with me and stand in our new home to usher in the ultimate glory!"

"So, you are not a qualified commander."

The voice said, "It’s just a **** coward."

"Before becoming a qualified commander"

Li Yao whispered, "I am a qualified, real, flesh-and-blood, human being with respect, pride and bottom line!"

"So, your resistance and escape plan is very likely to fail."

The voice said, "You will destroy the entire civilization."

"You are despicable and shameless, and the practice of extermination of humanity will destroy a civilization that was once great!"

Li Yao roared, "The universe is vast, time is endless, standing on the scale of the big universe to observe, 50 billion years, 100 billion years, there is a civilization that will last forever? If my civilization and me are really about to fall, In an instant, I only hope that I can bloom with the most brilliance! We either live like individuals, or die like individuals, never become zombies, viruses and cockroaches in the Xinghai!"

"Tester, you are wasting your precious last chance."

The voice became severe. "If you continue to be so obsessed, you will most likely be eliminated and killed along with your civilization."

With the threat of undisguised voice, the star of Li Yao’s brains gradually boiled and rolled, turning into a poisonous black swamp.

The black toxic juice seemed to condense into a patch of tentacles, and Li Yao’s head covered his head.

"Soft is not good, is it hard to come?"

Li Yao laughed and faced the threat of mysterious voice. He had just been contaminated with dust and dirt. Instead, he became very clear and bright in an instant. All hesitation, entanglement and confusion were thoroughly burned. Burning out, "I am obsessed with making the first two choices. Now, I am completely awake!"

"Your words are completely contradictory. If this is really a test set up for the search for 'different possibilities', why don't you let me make my own choice every time I get to the key node? You keep saying 'free will' is the first The thing of the position, why should we set up many obstacles to interfere with my free will? Such a test is just a re-enactment of the real history from the Earth human to the Yuanshi civilization, and even if I can follow your three suggestions, successfully pass the whole test, My heart and mindset will probably be completely eroded and assimilated by you, and become a replica of you. This is still the 'civilization restart' of the door!"

"You were originally our replica."

The voice waved black tentacles in Li Yao’s mind and set off with arrogance. “Don’t forget, our genes are 00% consistent!”

"What about that? Humans and ticks and mites have some genetic overlaps, but true humans will never be ashamed, as dirty as locusts!"

Li Yao roared, "The so-called genes and flesh and blood are only the carrier that carries our hearts. The soul is the most important thing! Even if we are 00% consistent with your genes, we also have the wisdom and courage that you don't have. Morality, a sense of justice and determination to protect all of this! We are your children, but we are by no means a replica of you. We are not a replica of anyone, whether it is Yuanshi civilization, Taikoo demon or other messy existence, we Don't care, we are us, people who are small but always proud, a new generation of humans!"

"and so"

The sound of thousands of black tentacles, as if at the same time opened a myriad of suction-like eyes, each eye burst into a cosmic radiation-like death, staring at the soul of Li Yao, "you are determined to reject us The suggestion, are we enemies?"

"If you are your enemy, the only choice is to have your choice, to be your replica, minions and slaves. Live in your way, like a walking dead and a steel shackle, ruthless and bloodless. What is the meaning of living like this in tears?"

Li Yao laughed. "Yes, let these 'no choices' go to hell, 'Yuan Shi civilization', or more terrible 'Hong Chao' than you, or something else, demons, demons, even 4D It doesn't matter if there is a strong existence of space. Come, our new humanity is here waiting for your coming, let us fight for a deadly battle!"

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