Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3118: The answer is so simple? (fourth more!)

Li Yao understood.

He couldn't help but want to laugh.

In the era when the "Sun Defense Plan" was thrown and implemented, the Yuan Dynasty was a group of despicable and shameless people who had no bottom line in order to survive. Perhaps they had played "in order to preserve the fire of civilization and hope for the next generation." A kind of crowning flag, but did not expect that the blood of 30,000 years later, they hated their practices.

The older generation is playing the banner of "all for you", but the new generation does not appreciate it, or even completely confronts it. Is this kind of thing still less than ever?

Moreover, the new generation of Yuanshi people rushed away in the dark sea of ​​stars, and sneaked into life, like a dog that could not be lost all the time, so the taste of life is not as good as death, which really gave them reason to hate their ancestors.

Li Yao is too aware that a star ship is drifting in the Xinghai. There is no way to go before, and there are chasing troops. The resources are getting exhausted. I can’t see the hope of the last flagship "Firefly" in the former Xinghai Republic. Drifting for a whole millennium, almost completely degraded and destroyed, until the encounter with the Starry Federation, only to get lucky redemption.

The Firefly only wandered for a thousand years, and almost completely completed the transformation from the "cultivator" to the "cultivator". After the defeat of the Yuanshi civilization, it destroyed its homeland and was exiled under the pressure of the flood for a full 30,000 years. It’s a long journey after their ancestors’ ancestors fled the earth.

In the process, what happened to their starships, these killing compatriots, ruining their homes, and also cutting off all the hopes of "squats and locusts", and "children of crickets and locusts", What did you become?

I am afraid, when the taste of "蟑螂 and locusts" is not good, right?

"The floods are coming, and the ancestors' escaping trips are very hasty. Even if we cut the population and fill the resources, it is impossible to satisfy everyone's 30,000-year voyage."

The ghost of the female captain sorrowfully said, "Not to mention, don't forget, before the flood surged, the Yuan Dynasty, scattered in various sub-cosmos, had just had an earth-shattering civil war. The trauma of war was not so easy to recover and smooth. .

"In the environment where I lost my morale and all moral bottom lines, I don't know where the road ahead and where the pursuit is coming, and the resources are quickly consumed, all the things that you can think of and can't imagine are erupted in the fugitive fleet... mean, evil, Cruel, insidious, wretched, dirty, dark things, intrigue, dark arrows, killing each other, are a piece of cake, every second is played, each starship is a small barbarian tribe We have become the most sinister enemy of each other. Even everyone on every starship has honed its own sword, hiding its own minions, and swearing evil and vigilant eyes to everyone around us, including the so-called ' Loved ones'

"In some star ships with particularly harsh environments, it is even a matter of course to devour the same kind of corpses. These starships have robbed their compatriots for a living and spent more than 10,000 years. year.

"As a result, as you said, our ancestors turned themselves into a skeleton in space, a locust in the stars, and an unrecognizable monster!

"Uncomfortable, this kind of life is too uncomfortable. In this almost eternal alienation and torture, some of the Yuanshi people completely collapsed. They made grotesque laughter, adjusted the route, and turned around one hundred and eighty degrees. Invest in the embrace of the flood, discard your own rationality and free will, and become a sly cell.

"There have been some metamorphosis on the starships. The rioters and the crew at the bottom of the riots have nothing to ask for. When they control the bridge, they will start the starship's 'self-explosion procedure', using a hot and fireworks. End the shame of yourself and your ancestors.

"Only a few shipmen and passengers on the starship can hold back such shame and suffering, but they also begin to reflect on what the ancestors did and the true meaning of the existence of 'civilization'.

"It is good to say that it is ulterior." We say that we can no longer tolerate such shame, darkness and meaningless life. In short, it is time to end it all.

“At the beginning of the test, you have seen a picture of countless Yuanshi people in a neat team, one after another falling into the power furnace, this scene is not fiction, but our state of mind may be different from your imagination, we It is not the tragic state of mind that 'sacrifice for civilization', it turns itself into a fuel for the advancement of civilization, but it bears the burden of billions of tons of shame and guilt, feeling that it is not the face of all that was killed by our ancestors. Compatriots, faceless to face the past and future of the once glorious Yuanshi civilization, can not find a way to make up and change because of this desperation, decided to end everything."


Li Yao was originally strange. According to the style that Yuan Shi civilization first showed, it should not be so ambitious and full of sacrifice spirit.

It turns out that it is not sacrificing spirit, but shame and guilt.

If you think about it, if you change to be a member of the fugitive fleet, you have such an evil and despicable ancestor, and the whole day is a life that is not as good as death, completely desperate, I am afraid that I have no choice but to die. It’s gone.

“However, before we decided to go together for liberation, the discovery of the ‘ Pangu Universe’ gave us a glimmer of hope.”

The ghost of the female captain smiled. "Our civilization is completely unsuccessful, a fixed mindset, a heavy historical burden, including the chasing and engulfing of the floods... The days of the 30,000-year-old dog are too tired. We are already too tired, and death is our best relief.

“But if our civilization can ‘start from scratch’?

"If we can restart our civilization and let it come again with a new and completely different look, will we have a chance to find a new way, make some small but critical changes, and cleanse us from the roots? All the sins committed by the ancestors, even let the whole universe of the universe get rid of the trauma caused by us and the floods together?

"So, there is the 'black wall' you see, and there is this ‘Taiwan ruins’, and there is this ‘ultimate test’.

"Oh, the correct answer to the ultimate test is actually very simple, that is, there is no correct answer at all.

"Because everything we do is wrong, and we don't know what is the right choice, then what qualifications do we have to judge or even manipulate your choice?"

"So, for the tester, it doesn't matter how you choose, how to do it right, how to be arrogant and rampant is your pass, as long as you are at the most critical node, you should not make the same choice as us. ”


Li Yaoxian was shocked and stunned. "It turned out to be!"

"And, we have left you three chances, even if there are only three choices. You completely violate our will and make the opposite choice, even if you pass."

The ghost of the female captain smiled and said, "It looks very simple, right? But for hundreds of millions of years, the testers of the entire hundred generations of civilization have not passed through, in order to let the surface test go on, They all listened to our suggestions without exception, obeyed our will, and became our jealousy. The slaves, the minions and the pirates are really ridiculous. Even we are not the opponents of the flood. We want a group of slaves and slaves. What are the minions and pirates?"

"Think carefully, too, it seems that the test is very simple. If you really want to pass it, you must have not only an indestructible will, but also a fearless sacrifice. You must have absolute trust in your comrades-in-arms and compatriots. It’s all we have missing, and it’s something that a hundred generations of testers don’t have. Today, it’s on your body.”

"is it?"

If the spirit also has teeth, Li Yao will laugh at the big teeth at this moment.

"Yes, so you are the one we have waited for hundreds of millions of years, and the fate is destined to inherit the entire legacy of the Yuanshi civilization."

The ghost of the female captain looked at Li Yao with incomparably hot eyes, and all the ghosts of pale gold around him cheered for Li Yao, all kinds of dazzling, smashing sound and photoelectric effects flying all over the sky, followed by countless "Taily secret treasures" The catalogue and details appeared in Li Yao’s mind and turned into a golden turbulent stream.

"This is our invincible fleet parked in the 'black wall', the performance is at least tens of thousands of years older than your active starship; this is our enhanced exoskeleton and super giant anthropomorphic war machine, one that is enough to fight against you. Hundreds of giant warriors; this is our fully automated war factory, which can complete the entire process from resource collection to war refining, even without command, as long as you enter a command remotely, you can occupy or destroy a planet."

The female captain smiled and said, "Of course, from the earth civilization to the Yuanshi civilization, the full set of technology trees and all the magical powers and cultivation systems for tens of thousands of years, with these, your civilization has inserted a pair of wings beyond the speed of light. It can easily save at least 100,000 years!

"Come on, now all of this is yours, take it, become the master of the universe, to make up for our faults, to create a new glory of the Yuan Dynasty civilization, and to create a brilliant future for you... a new generation of human civilization. !"

Behind the female captain, all the sound and light effects of the splendid technology tree, the splendid magical powers and cultivation system, as well as all kinds of powerful war machines, countless secret treasures, countless inheritance, countless destruction The power of the earth has been turned into a stream of light, gathered in her palm, and turned into a crystal clear golden key.

The ghost of the female captain handed the golden key to Li Yao, and the eyes were full of eager light.

The soul of Li Yao was shocked by the female captain. The technology tree and the war machine were deeply shocked, and the subconscious reached out and grabbed it.

But just as the fingertips were about to touch the golden key, the heart suddenly moved, giving birth to an extremely awkward feeling, as if a needle had a slight puncture at his fingertips.

"and many more!"

Li Yao’s soul suddenly shrank and his fingers stopped at less than a millimeter from the golden key.

Fourth, it’s a thief going to the building, exhausted~

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