Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3127: Yao Ge, explain


Ding Lingzhen thought for a long time, the body's killing intentions actually dissipated a lot, staring at Lu Xiaochen's eyes, adding a bit of appreciation. "Listen to a word, Lv Dengchen, I seem to want to know you again."

“All of us are re-recognizing the world every second and recognizing ourselves again.”

Lv Dengchen said faintly, "Is it true that the so-called "reconstruction"?"

"Unfortunately, you killed so many people."

Ding Ling sighed, "With your mind, pattern, vision and strength, there are many ways to achieve your own goals. Why did you choose the darkest and evil road and kill so many innocent people? Can't get back now?"

“Thank you for your appreciation, Ding Speaker, but you are wrong.”

Lv Dengchen smiled and said, "Because I set foot on a road full of venom thorns and black flames, I honed my own heart in the blood of the corpse, and used my blood of countless innocents to cast my armor and sword. , the crown and the throne, Lv Dengchen, who has such a mind, pattern, vision and strength today, a 'bystander' and 'thinker' that is beyond the mainstream human civilization, not just a common A federal warrior who is also a step-by-step.

"I think that any civilization, even a noble, great, just and kind civilization, needs someone to make a different voice and make some different choices. Even if the result of this is being cast aside, it is Nailed on the shame column of history, it is a thousand knives, the spirit is gone, and there is no place to die. What is the relationship? No one wants to make a second voice, no one wants to make a different choice, no People are willing to run counter to you, then come by me, I will make a second voice, I will make different choices, I will move forward in your opposite direction, move forward, go forward desperately, maybe this is my life. And for people, the mission that has to be completed."

"So I said that if you made different choices at the beginning, maybe we can be friends."

The regrets on Ding Ling’s face and the sharpness in the depths of his eyes became strong. “And not getting it now, I have to catch you or kill you.”

"Nothing a pity, there are two roads in front of me. The first one is to accept your husband's careful teaching, obey his ideas and will, and fall under his avenue, condensing a so-called ' The heart of light and justice has become a replica of 'vulture Li Yao'."

Lv Dengchen pointed to Li Yao, who was scratching his head and scratching his mouth. "I thought for a long time, but decided to take the second road."

"Today, no matter how many hardships and hardships I have encountered, how many sins and killings have been created, no matter how evil and shameless I am in the eyes of the world, and no matter whether my front is dead or not, I have not regretted it.

"After all, what I am repairing is neither the truth of Li Yao nor the truth of Ding Ling, but the truth of Lu Xiaochen, isn't it?"


Ding Ling's flaming long hair bursting with arrogance and arranging a sharp and unpredictable edge, just like the nine-headed red flame dragon king opened his mouth and opened his mouth, revealing his mouth full of fangs. "So, are you ready to smash it?"

"of course."

Lv Dengchen smiled and responded. He even put out his hands and put his wrists together. He looked like a person. "Come on, I promise not to resist. After all, you have more people, even if you are in the virtual space, You can use the wheel to kill me, and resistance doesn't make any sense.

"However, I am willing to make a bet with you. I gamble that you can't take me out of the Taikoo ruins smoothly. Even if the power of all of you is hard to do, bet, if I lose, If you don’t play tricks like 'souls and self-destruction', stand up to your jury and obey your 'justice of justice', how?"

Ding Ling's eyebrows gradually erected: "What do you say?"

"Yeah, what are you talking about, hurry up and tell the truth!"

Li Yao finally found the place to interject, with his hands on his hips, and behind Ding Ling's body, "You have nowhere to escape, don't want to pretend to be a ghost, extra-budget, I tell you, or my wife's big fist, really a punch. Die you!"

Lv Dengchen smiled slightly, and his eyes flashed a touch of fineness, and the curvature of his mouth was steeper: "Look, more and more testers are coming out."

Lv Dengchen said yes.

At the time of their slap in the face, almost all of the testers ended the test.

Among them, naturally, some of the testers' "crystal eggs" exude a burst of brilliance or magnificence or fierce light. The translucent fragments blast into the surrounding form in the form of a smattering of flowers, which produces a gorgeous opto-electronic effect. On behalf of them passed the test of Yuanshi civilization.

But more people's "Crystal Eggs" instantly took away the brilliant colors and turned into a dead gray. The tester's spirit was suddenly covered with a lot of bubbles, and even each of their gods would be turned into a bubble. Eventually leaping from the bubble, it seems like a nightmare of extreme fear, one by one, regardless of the image, screaming heartbreaking.

Of course, some of the testers are full of red light when they wake up, and they are full of spirits. They are filled with the spirit of destroying the earth and the ground. There are real ambitions in the eyes. These people are taken from the hands of the Yuanshi female captain. The "Golden Key", I thought that I really have the legacy of Taikoo, I can order the Xinghai, I can’t help it!

In a short while, almost all the testers woke up.

Li Yaoyi did not care about Lv Qingchen.

He noticed that the ordinary strongmen from the three forces of the federation, the empire and the sacred franchise, that is, the most numerous babies, mostly fell in the first half of the test, that is, "spore evolution" and "earth civilization deduction" In the link, very few people can advance to three times “no choice”.

Many of the powerful gods rushed to the final golden key link, but it fell in the trap of the Yuanshi female captain.

It’s no wonder that although it’s broken afterwards, I only think that this trap is so simple that even the **** demons can be used as a “golden axe silver axe iron axe” to play, but the authorities are fascinated, for every tester, I have just experienced a long and vast civilization deduction, and after three times of "no choice" mental torture, from the soul to the will has long been overdrawn, the nerves are tightened to the extent of breaking at any time, this time, a golden key descends from the sky, the tester is very It is difficult to follow the instinctive reaction and hold on to it.

In particular, the immortals of the real human empire, such as the imperial queen Li Linghai, "God of War" Lei Chenghu and others, did not hesitate to choose to accept the inheritance, and then withdrew from the test with the "failure ending" of the gray bubble, if not Li Yao first After passing the test, I am afraid they will be directly wiped out.

What makes Li Yao more unexpected is that the white boss, the king of the Star Thief and Long Yangjun, who is unclear in identity, position, purpose and even gender, succeeded in breaking the two guys who were also evil and did not take it. The handle is the key.

The reason for this is that Bai Lao’s statement is that “professional habit” is a star thief. It’s the biggest shame to pick up something from someone else’s hand. For what you like, it’s of course to find a chance to grab it. !

"It’s fragrant to eat rice."

White boss said.

For Long Yangjun, she is not 100% self-identified as a member of human civilization, and there is a strong sense of alienation between Pangu civilization, perhaps as she said, she is a "end of the world" "People" does not urgently save the motives of Pangu civilization or human civilization. Instead, it can "see the observers clear" and look at the test of Yuanshi civilization from a higher angle, but it is more common than the "tester fans" ordinary testers.

In addition, the three new life forms like Boxing, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, which are similar to super artificial intelligence, have not been confused by traps and passed the test.

As the "information life", the way they scan and perceive the whole world is completely different from the human body of flesh and blood. Moreover, the core information base of the boxing champion comes from the magical civilization, and Xiaoming and Wenwen are the guests of Li Yao. They have a natural defense against information from the Earth beyond the Pangu universe.

It was Li Jialing’s choice, which made Li Yao feel both surprised and pity.

The little emperor of the real human empire, the young man of the golden lion, passed all the previous choices and tests and saw the female captain and her golden key.

It is a pity that at this level, he failed to stick to the end, but he reached out to the illusory illusion.

Perhaps a series of miraculous successes have begun to swell his ambitions. He firmly believes that he is the true life of the whole Xinghai. It is a hegemon to come to life and save human civilization. It is not surprising to encounter the adventures of the rest.

Looking at Li Jialing's confused and annoyed expression, and his old lady's big eyes, Li Yao almost laughed.

fair enough.

The Yuanshi female captain said yes, such a "unique" lesson should be able to impress every tester and help them to refine their own hearts.

Li Jialing came all the way, from the nameless branch of the family, the experimental body that was tortured in Manzhusha, to the two-way inheritor of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi and the vulture Li Yao, the emperor of the real human empire, really went Too miraculous is too smooth, and it is inevitable that young and frivolous.

Eat a glimpse, long wisdom, this test for his emperor career, should be a turning point and a new starting point?

"Hey! Hey!"

Just as Li Yao secretly laughed, he saw countless powerful people who turned their doubts and anger into themselves.

Headed by Li Jialing, these powerful people who have received the golden key but have nothing to gain are staring at Li Yao with a very weird look.

"Yao Ge, what is going on here?"

Li Jialing frowned, "Explain, Taikoo heritage?"

"No, why are you staring at me with this kind of look?"

Li Yao is very wronged. "It seems that you are very sure, I know the truth."

"Because, just in the moment of exiting the test, there is a voice in the dark to tell us."

Li Jialing said, "You know everything, you want to inherit the ancient times, just ask you, you can!"

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