Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3131: Oh it's you!

"Is it even completely ineffective to attack Yan Yan?"

Li Yao was shocked.

Among all the human powerhouses, Yan’s alienation is not the highest, but his unparalleled attack power and the sorcerer’s swordsmanship are among the top five and even the top three, and even his full blow can’t be against the blue god. Does the magic cause a little damage? How can it be!

No, it’s not without harm. Li Yao’s eyes are sharp, and the legs of the Indigo Demon are deeply submerged in the sea of ​​foam, and dozens of pink flesh touches have spread from the sea of ​​foam. Its crotch and waist, as if to infinitely endless cells and power, are input into its body.

The Indigo Demon is not a solitary monster, but a corpse of the whole bubble sea. No matter how severely damaged it is, how many cells are destroyed, the sea of ​​bubbles will immediately send the same number of cells, making it all the time. Without being in a state of crazy growth and expansion, any injury can heal instantly.

In other words, Li Yao and other human powerhouses, as well as the hunters and the likes, are not a monster, but a whole sea of ​​bubbles. They are astronomical figures, and they have a super-cell condensate with independent life and will!

"What is it, is it some kind of...tumor?"

Li Yao had a hard time swallowing.

Infinite expansion, infinite proliferation, infinite division and growth, such a strange nature, Li Yao remembered a special kind of cell - cancer!

"Oh! Hey! Hey!"


"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Just as many powerful people were blocked by the Indigo Demon, when they were in a stalemate, from the sea of ​​bubbles around, suddenly three big monsters were found.

A monster, like a hybrid variant of the Griffin and the Nine-headed Dragon, has blood-red bone wings and a membrane, and nine snake-like heads.

A monster, like a magnified squid and a giant jellyfish that are magnified hundreds of times, entwined with a colorful, fascinating color, floating in the air, but there are dozens of tentacles hanging down to the bubble. In the sea, you draw powerful cells and strength.

The last monster is like a cheetah and a wolf with a strong body. The waist is like a bow. The limbs are like a blade. The head is like a huge drop of water. It is streamlined from beginning to end, giving a strong sense of speed. However, it does not. Normally higher life should have skin or carapace, a bundle of muscles full of explosive power is directly exposed to the air, only a group of reddish mucus is slightly protected - this is like a living skinning, especially the one is full The faces of the criss-crossing muscle fibers, as well as the two huge eyeballs that burst out of the eyelids, stare at the human strong, and give the scalp numbness and chilling feeling.

The four monsters or the "God of Devil" are surrounded by dozens of giant soldiers of the human strong from the northeast and northwest.

Although in terms of quantity, the dozens of giant soldiers of the human strong have occupied the upper hand, but in the face of rising seas and rising seas of bubbles, they have no psychological advantage.

An indigo demon can already attract the firepower of all the giant soldiers, and the three heads look more fierce, and how should they cope?

If all the monsters have an indestructible psionic shield and the ability to heal themselves in an instant, it is the avatar of the whole bubble sea. How do you fight?

not to mention--

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank and stared at the “demonic jellyfish” suspended in the air in the southwest.

On the top of this monster, there was still a slightly thinner figure. It looked familiar. It was in the depths of the "Da Xueshan" that it was attacked by the "Destroy the Road" and "Dragon Lotus". Split an arm, and fall into the depths of the magma, the leader of the fairy palace - ancient heartless!

Li Yao originally thought that the ancient innocence had been annihilated in the magma, and it was completely burned to ashes. I didn’t expect him at the moment. The whole body could not see the traces of the magma burning, and even the broken arm re-grows. And more sturdy and awkward than in the past, the surface is covered with iron-cut bones and a lens filled with powerful energy, exuding the heat flow visible to the naked eye.

"How could this be!"

The moon-seekers couldn't believe their eyes. Li Yao could clearly feel her shock and sorrow. "You are our leader, but the most outstanding researcher, how come you, how come -"

"I should have thought of a series of embarrassing and abnormal changes that have occurred inside and outside the ruins of Taikoo. From the very beginning, I will set up the location of the Hong Thong Legion's captives in the Taikoo ruins, to erode the smashing towers of the Tongtian Tower, and of course There is an endless beastly frenzy, hidden behind all this behind the scenes, can not be 'outside the road' and 'Dragon Lotus' such as outsiders, can only be very familiar with the internal conditions of the Taikoo ruins, and captured by the Hongchao Legion The most recent person, that is, you, the leader of the Immortal Palace, 'Ancient Heartless'!"

Li Yao’s eyes, Jin Mang and blood awnings are intertwined, slowly rotating, and the expression has never been so serious. “It seems that as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Pangu Fleet and the Hongchao Legion met for the first time, it seems to be the enemy. After a complete defeat, it was actually eroded by the other party. Under the influence of the other party, it was decided to put the two research bases together.

"In the thousands of years after that, the power of the Hongchao was also captured by the Hongchao Legion or magic weapon, bit by bit, subtly affecting the people in the fairy palace, and finally transformed one after thousands of years. The important minions - that is, you, the leader of the Immortal Palace is unintentional!

"A lot of vital information in the fairy palace is leaked out by you. It is you who deliberately told the situation of the fairy palace, including advanced technology and powerful magic weapons, etc., respectively, to tell the 'killing the road' and ' The dragon lotus seed's two ambitious, cruel and murderous commanders are to provoke their greed and fear and let them attack the ancient ruins.

"And the so-called "monster virus" has turned most of the wild and intelligent races into extinct humanity, such as crazy monsters, I am afraid that you or your ‘predecessors’ will help, and the fire will ignite.

"As for your purpose, let me think about it, you probably don't care what the 'ultimate test', from the beginning, you want to stir the water, and everyone's attention is firmly attracted to the 'ultimate test' The best 'destroyed people', 'Dragon Lotus' troops and most of the guards of the Immortal Palace are both injured in the Tongtian Tower, and they are all killed, and you are using the 'fake death' as ​​a cover, and you will find the Tongtian Tower and come to ' Forty-seventh districts, unscrupulously repairing the transmission array and the starship, sending information to the depths of the floods outside the Pangu universe, the center of the universe!

"It's a really insidious plan.

"You almost succeeded - no one can succumb to the temptation of the 'ultimate test' in your calculations, whether it is 'destroy the road', 'the dragon lotus seed' or all the fairy palace people except you, in When there is no choice, the Taikoo heritage can only be regarded as the only life-saving straw. All the strong people are gathered in the Tongtian Tower. No one will notice the difference of the '47 districts'. I am afraid, when the ultimate test Once again, when all the creatures are obliterated, you have already drove the flood ship and passed the Rainbow Bridge.

"Unfortunately, you are countless, but you have missed an unexpected factor, that is, the master of the fairy palace, ‘the other half of the 羲 !!

"I finally understand why the ‘other half of the 羲 要’ is going to suggest that you launch the ‘time curvature change magic weapon’ and seal and solidify the entire ancient ruins.

"I originally thought that 'the other half of Fuxi' is vaguely counted after hundreds of thousands of years, there will be new hopes, that is, we humans, but think about it, this idea is too narcissistic, even the other half of Fuxi 'The computing power is stronger, and it is impossible to deduct the rise of human civilization after hundreds of thousands of years.

"Now I know that ‘the other half of Fuxi’ does not count towards the rise of human civilization, but has sharply captured your strangeness.

"It should have warned all the people in the fairy palace, but I guess that as the leader of the Xiangong, you must have the highest authority to manipulate it, so that it is impossible to directly point out that you are the torrent of the flood from the bottom logic. It is even more impossible to disclose such a great amount of information to others. Any hostility of it will be detected and tampered with by you for the first time. It cannot stop you and can only delay the time as much as possible.

"So, it has chosen the only highly viable strategy from all the targeted strategies, and has delayed your evil plan for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Although you are the leader of the Xiangong, there is no suitable reason, and it is impossible to forcibly deny the rationalization proposal proposed by the master crystal brain. This will cause more researchers to doubt, and you will not think that it is delayed for hundreds of thousands of years. What kind of twists and turns will happen, anyway, the Pangu civilization outside has been exhausted, and all the intelligent life in the Archaic remains will be sealed. Even if you wake up one day, you are one of the first to wake up, no one can stop you from the Pangu universe. Transfer information outside.

"You didn't expect human civilization to rise to lightning in just a hundred thousand years, to the extent of today.

"You don't even think of the 'ultimate test' that has never been cracked for hundreds of millions of years. It is really broken by us, so that your 'Rainbow Bridge' and 'Hongchao Battleship' are not ready yet, we will appear in yours. In front of you.

"Admit it, the ancient heartless, you have completely lost your self, become the running dog and minions of the flood, a poor insect without soul!"

Li Yao will plead with all kinds of questions and boundless warfare, and all of them will be condensed into a spiritual ripple of the essence, and turned into an unswerving axe. The leader of the imperial palace, "Ancient Heartless," smashed the past.

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