Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3165: New dreams (Earth article, start!)

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is only one step away from him.

He can clearly see the criss-cross folds of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. These folds divide the huge body into a checkerboard shape, which is not ugly. Instead, it is like a colorful jade, shining and crystal clear.

Under the sunlight, the jade armor of Tyrannosaurus rexed with a rainbow-like glow, rising like a haze, and turned into a undulating red awn, just like the burning flame, stirring his innermost depth, some kind The power to sleep for a long time.

He is a nightmare, can't move, can't shout, just staring at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Such a scene, like repeated countless times, has been repeated countless times.

Every time, he faintly felt that Tyrannosaurus wanted to say something to him, but the low-pitched voices dissipated in the sand, vague, embarrassing.

Even many times, there was a deep rift between him and Tyrannosaurus Rex, which could only be seen across the river and did not communicate with each other.

Only this time, he was closest to Tyrannosaurus Rex, and he was able to see the lipstick applied on the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Applying lipstick to the Tyrannosaurus Rex?

He was stunned and unbelievable, and for a long time he could not understand the scientific truth contained in this strange picture.

When he stared at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Tyrannosaurus also stared at him.

From the tunnel-like nostrils, a high-heated spurt spurted out a fire in his heart, making him feel restless and eager to try, as if he was another self, to break through the chest and throw it into the tyrannosaurus. On the back.

Strange to say, Tyrannosaurus's eyes should be turbid and murderous - as in all the monster movies.

But the eyes of this Tyrannosaurus Rex are full of humanity, and there are countless emotions and information that cannot be described by pen and ink, which makes his heartbeat faster and faster, and can't help but go forward...

Then he was shot by Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"And my mother is sleeping? Wake up and fight!"

Tyrannosaurus rexes with a deafening roar.



Li Yao screamed, jumping from the high and low bed, his head almost hit the ceiling, and the whole person almost fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

He held the bedside and hurriedly gasped for a while, and the pores in the pores blew out one layer of cold sweat.

The other buddies in the dormitory have long been accustomed to his strangeness. The boss went to the library. The second child still curled up in the bed and wore headphones to read the novel. The third child was awakened by him and yawned: "What are you doing, a big early morning, a ghost, a wry, a nightmare?"


Li Yao looked at his hands and his fingertips still trembled. He couldn’t tell if he was afraid or because he was excited.

"What nightmare is it?"

The third child, "Yu Xin," squinted. "You are being repeatedly beaten by a female Tyrannosaurus Rex, for the sake of seeking, exhausted, and wanting to die. Or you met a 'female dressed as a good buddy for men's,' you can't see it. Speaking of it, and playing hot with her, the result of a night of ecstasy found that the 'female dressed as a good buddy of men's squatting is a hidden quirky one; or you dream of becoming a pregnant woman, the birth of On that day, the one who actually gave birth to two computers?"

Li Yao slammed his mouth and ignored the reconciliation of Yu Xin.

When his hands were no longer so trembling, he carefully climbed out of the bed and washed his face with cold water in the toilet.

Looking up, what appears in the mirror is a plain, uncommon face.

In addition to being frightened and seemingly overly pale, how much is there in the ordinary second-rate colleges in this ordinary second-tier city.

Li Yao squats up, there is a feeling that the soul is out of the world and free from the world.

"Is this really me?"

Somehow, my heart, a voice, "Who am I, where is this?"

He has been squatting for a long time, as if standing can fall asleep again, into another new, speculative dream.

The sharp whistle outside the window awakened him.

Along the window, the entire Jiangnan University City was submerged in the slanting wind and rain, the dark clouds obscured the dawn of the dawn, and the darkness of the sky between the heavens and the earth, the high-rise buildings of the row of times illuminate the lights one after another. The lanterns that danced with the wind, but there are many students who are alive and kicking, do not fear the wind and rain, have already started morning exercises, and a flower-like umbrella blooms into the cafeteria, bringing a fresh life to the newly awakened university town. Popularity.

Over the canteen, the smoke rises, the fireworks on the earth, the earth fills the ground, and the nightmare that he just made is blown away to the clouds.

"You really are the ‘sleeping god’ of our 610.”

Yu Xin mouth was holding a toothbrush, and he walked up to the toilet next to him to pee. "I have never seen a person who loves you so much. Did you sleep in bed for at least 12 hours a day? Go to the classroom and continue." Are you sleeping for three or five lessons? Even if you don’t sleep, you can watch it, and you can swim in the sky. The last time you even organized a football match, you can fall asleep on the court. Brother, what is your cultivation? Supernatural?"

"Cultivate? Magical?"

Li Yao’s pupil suddenly shrank.

But the next second will be amplified again.

He did not know what Yu Xin was saying.

"There are still those ridiculous, ancient and strange dreams."

Yu Xinxiao said, "Although everyone sleeps, I have never dreamed that other people's dreams can be as exciting and exciting as you are. The most important thing is that most people wake up for up to three or five seconds and forget their dreams. Net, you can remember every detail in the dream, it’s amazing, if I can learn from you, wouldn’t I have to remember what I dreamed of, and enjoy it again and again?”

Li Yao did not know what to say.

Since the car accident five years ago, when he woke up from a three-month coma, he often made some strange dreams - not a "nightmare", anyway, more than "fright", more "Weird" is.

These dreams are like shiny paints, deeply penetrated into his cerebral cortex, and will not dissipate in three or five days, and often even smashed him out in the blue sky, making him unable to distinguish between true and false, reality. And dreams, living and dying.

This is not a "magic", it is more like a "curse."

The most direct side effect - Li Yao was originally a sunny, cheerful, straightforward, simple and healthy young man, but every time his dream hits his heart, he faintly feels that he has become... wretched, shameless, dark. .

However, Li Yao also knows that among the four buddies in the dormitory, Yu Xin and himself have played the best. His ridicule is not malicious. Those who have not experienced these dreams will never know the dreams. How big is the impact, and even... change the fate of people.

"Are you really okay?"

Yu Xin saw Li Yao’s face still a little wrong, could not help but reach out, "Is it a fever?"

"I am fine."

Li Yao took a step back, "Don't touch me with your hand that has just urinated!"

"That's good."

Yu Xin put his hands on the trousers and thought about it. He still said, "Brother, let's take a little bit of it. Actually, there are no strange dreams. But when you wake up, you wake up. It’s not good to get stuck. .

"The second child likes to watch online novels. I like to watch comics. These are also dreams. The wind is good, the sword is high, the hero is righteous, the king is dominant, the powerful magic, the evil robot, the horrible universe tyrant...modern People's life pressure is so big, everyone needs to have a channel to vent, who has not sent a similar dream? But dreams are dreams after all, neither reality nor food, you and I are not rich second generation I am going to graduate, so I still have to find a rice cooker, then I have to dream, my dreams are fake, I am deceiving or deceiving myself. My dreams can’t affect my life. I still have to be down-to-earth, right?”


Li Yao nodded, returned to his seat, opened the drawer, took out a small notebook with a password lock, opened it, inside is a densely-small fly, recording the details of all the dreams of the past few years, the notebook is often Capricorn, the edges are white and yellow.

Li Yao thought about it, flipped to the latest page of the notebook and wrote:

"May 19, 2018, early morning.

"And dreamed of Tyrannosaurus Rex, but she painted lipstick, what do you mean?"

He turned to the front two pages, using a ballpoint pen to draw a vivid pattern of Tyrannosaurus Rex, thinking about it, adding a few strokes to the **** mouth of Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is considered a "lipstick."

Then, he looked at the tyrannosaurus with the lipstick and once again fell into deep thought.

"When it's over, the child is enchanted and completely saved!"

Yu Xin lamented behind him.

Li Yao closed the notebook, locked it, and wanted to turn back and retort, but was shocked by Yu Xin’s dress: "You are doing this, why do you bring a colorful headgear, and what is the meaning of foam and plastic?" ?"

"What ‘colorful hoods’, this is the ‘five-color sleek cool suit’, cosplay knows?”

Yu Xin is wearing a layer of foam and plastic armor, and has made a few bodybuilding movements. "Today is not the 'Tianma Lake International Animation Festival'. It took me half a month's breakfast money to set up this body, take a look, see How about watching buddies, professional is not professional, domineering is not domineering!"

Li Yao is speechless: "You didn't teach me just now, don't you indulge in a mess?"

"How is that the same? Brother, I am very clear-headed, very temperate and bottom-line. I will never confuse my thoughts with real life. After today, of course I have to go all out to hiring a job fair, find a job and make a big fortune and get married. And so on, but today, hey, I heard that there are many beautiful young ladies on the anime festival, as well as a professional cosplay team from abroad, and the blond horses of all colors, must not go, appreciate one or two."

Yu Xin's hand, suddenly thought of something, "Hey, or let's go together, this is a poison attack, think more about Miss Sister and Ocean Horse, it is better than you dream of Tyrannosaurus all day long, maybe you Discovering the wonderful world of the second element and cosplay, don’t you make those strange dreams?”

"is it?"

Today is the weekend. Li Yao is not a person who loves to learn. It is indispensable.


Yu Xin is here to be interested. "I will often dream of a big buddy who is dressed as a man in the men’s clothing. I am sure that you have great potential to develop in the second dimension. Maybe you even have your own Didn't find out, in fact, you are a hidden woman's big sister?"


Li Yao smiled, but the body stood up very honestly, cleaned up and washed, and went with Yu Xin.

Passing through the bed of the second child of the dormitory, "Zhao Kai", he took a picture of the bed: "Let's go to the animation festival to see Miss Sister, are you going?"

The arm was arched and arched, and Zhao Kai’s smirk was heard: “No, let’s go, take more photos of Miss Sister and come back to the brothers for appreciation!”

"Let's go, Zhao Kai didn't know what to look at in the past few days, and he was as fascinated as you."

Yu Xin took Li Yao out of the dormitory. "The wolf is less meaty, the younger sister is not waiting for someone, GOGOGO!"

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