Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3168: Don't continue!

Li Yao is still thinking about the daytime things.

Although he was far away from the network home at that time, he did not see the scene clearly, but he did not know whether it was an illusion. He seemed to hear the chandelier broken, fallen, and the sound of the broken fracture of the network.

Later, when the crowd rioted and the masses fled, he also faintly saw the blood of the red on the booth, like a sly snake, spitting his tongue to him, what information to pass to him.

Later, I heard the news that the network home was seriously injured and regretted that it had passed away.

Modern society has developed information. Most of the young people have seen many accidents, **** and brutal videos, and their psychological endurance is not so bad.

However, Li Yao’s heart is still “Bub”, and it’s all about the matter.

Is it... fear?

No, besides fear, more is doubts, and there is something that can't be said clearly, and it doesn't flow in the brain circuit.

Li Yao also remembered the death of the two masters of fantasy and animation, Gilson and Takaya Yoshibo.

After a long period of fermentation, these two things have already set off an uproar in the small circles of fantasy literature and anime lovers, all kinds of semi-true posts are flying, and netizens’ spontaneous mourning.

It stands to reason that Li Yao is not a fanatic fantasy fan or comic book fan. It is not necessary to make this fun.

But he couldn't help but watch the news of the two masters' deaths. Every photo was not missed, and the two news and the accidents on the anime festival were compared.

He does not know why he is doing this.

A Fusang cartoonist who loves mahjong and a sultry Western fantasy literary master, plus a local online writer, have no similarities at all, and there is no possibility of any connection.

Although it is a coincidence that accidents occur almost simultaneously, there are so many fantastic, sci-fi, and fantasy writers in the world, as well as a large number of cartoonists and animated game makers, as well as a dozen more employees, accidents, and no accidents. strange.

But Li Yao feels that it is...

Looking out through the slanting wind and rain on the balcony, the entire Jiangnan University City is shimmering with dimly lit fires in the light of the dawn. It has just been repaired not far away, and the car's roar has been uploaded through the elevated city. The campus is everywhere. They are all colorful umbrellas that make up a world like a kaleidoscope.

This world seems to be a little bit more monotonous than the last second.

No, not now, more accurately, when the hot headlights descended from the sky and hit the head of the online writer, Li Yao felt that the "hue" of the whole world became more monotonous and bleak than the last second. a little.

It would be like a world of 18,000 colors, with one color reduced, leaving only 179,999 colors.

Perhaps, one day, the whole world will turn black and white, and even black and white will not exist, leaving only a dead gray, forever and ever.

"What am I getting sick!"

Li Yao woke up from the shackles, couldn't help but laugh, and knocked his head hard. "Is it too much to see more or more dreams, and what are you thinking about?"

It is now in the graduation season.

The students are busy writing papers, running internships, looking for work, and welcoming the first wave of social impact.

Li Yao’s achievements and family are commonplace, and he still can’t reach the level of daydreaming that can make him detached.

He has nothing to do with a strong sense of professionalism and enterprising spirit, but he has not fallen to the point of playing with things, and he is self-defeating. Anyway, he is three thousand red dust, and he is one of ordinary people. How can others live and how can he live, and fight for it? Half a million years old can be the vast majority of the world's six or seven billion people. Isn't that the case?

"Don't think about these useless things."

Li Yao took a deep breath and reached out to the balcony with his hands. He took a cold raindrop and slammed his hot face. "Days daydreaming, can you still make a good job? From tomorrow, really can't If you fall down, you must prepare your graduation thesis, and you must participate in the job fair, try to find a job with a relatively large development opportunity, buy a house, buy a car, marry a wife, have a baby... Then, it’s really hard to work this year. Looking for, now the price is so high, I don’t know what year and month to get the down payment, no house who will marry you?"

Li Yao sighed and gave birth to a sense of powerlessness from the bone marrow.

I always felt that there was a film with no shadow and invisible film, which covered his head and covered his head, so that he could not see the direction, could not breathe, and could not make it.

Perhaps, real life is like this, the pressure is great, everyone must do everything they can, exhausted, in order to get some breathing space between the steel jungle, is to complete their responsibilities and mission.

To be a man, you still have to be down to earth with some good prices. After all, he is no longer the age of being irresponsible and casual.

I can't live in my absurd dreams forever, never grow up?

Li Yao slammed his head and tried to put all the messy ideas in the daytime accidents, the death of the East and West fantasy masters, including the tyrannosaurus with the lipstick in the dreams.

Simply wash, climb up to your own bed, throw the whole person into the cover, the body is extremely exhausted, the brain is extremely awake, resisting the thought of falling asleep, he does not know, if you fall asleep and see it again in a dream The head smeared the lipstick of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Tyrannosaurus Re-invited him to "wake up and fight", what should he do?

Li Yao slides his phone and is ready to browse a few more news and posts.

In the micro-text pop-up window, Zhao Kai’s head flashed, but he sent him a link to the site of “Revising the 40,000 Years of the Truth”.

It seems that Zhao Kai is really fascinated and excited.

Li Yao originally had nothing to say that he could not be so degraded from tomorrow, and he must work hard, struggle, and study hard every day!

However, cough, is this not yet tomorrow?

Li Yao opened the link and prepared to close the webpage at any time.

Skip the name of the so-called book, which is a slightly exaggerated introduction:

["This is a 'Sirius' grade spar battleship, weighing 390 million tons, operated by 1,523 refining period comprehensions, controlling the crystal brain to calculate 90 million per second. God thought, 'computation power' is comparable to Yuan Ying Lao Ge, you can instantly suppress a planet!"

Li Yaozhuo stood on the endless starry sea and looked at the huge monster in front of him. He silently calculated, "It takes 7 seconds to break this battleship into scrap iron!"

In the 40,000s, an ordinary border boy, roaring stars, dominated the legend of the Galaxy! 】

Seeing his name in this way, he appeared in the brief introduction. He also appeared to be pretentious and arrogant. Li Yao’s heart was full of excitement, but he was a bit embarrassed and wanted to laugh.

This introduction is too stupid.

What is the element of the baby, what is the computing power, what is the main control of the crystal brain, what is it with!

Also roaring stars, dominating the Galaxy, and now the author can not even write a good fight between the two villages, dare to write the planet, write the Galaxy, write the universe, really yawning, a big tone.

As for the word "hot blood", with Li Yao's limited online reading experience, it means that the author will use a lot of exclamation points.

Li Yao yawned and slided the reading interface to the top.

Hey, isn't this a comprehension? How do you classify it into a science fiction column?

This kind of "roaring stars, dominating the galaxy" can be considered as a science fiction, and the snail is also a cow.

Just because of the title, introduction and column division, Li Yao lost 90% of his interest.

However, I am afraid that Zhao Kai will ask for it tomorrow morning. He is still prepared to sweep the two chapters to deal with it.

Li Yao clicked on "Reading the Text" and opened the first chapter. The chapter name is "Fabao Grave".

Magic treasure grave?

I don't know why, Li Yao's heartbeat rhythm was suddenly disrupted.

It is like a short needle that is more than ten times thinner than the hair, and the short needle that almost does not exist, it is lightly stabbed on his heart.

wake up! wake up!

Sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, wake up!

The war has started and the horn is roaring!

The multiverse sea needs you, we... need you!

"What the hell? It's the time to graduate and find a job during this time. Didn't sleep well, is the nerve weak?"

Li Yao slammed his ears, smashed the annoying murmur, and took another heart, and continued to look at it.

[Rust Lake.

Federal No. 23 Special Waste Disposal Site.

Also known as the "Falun Grave."

With the continuous development of the cultivation of the true civilization, the magic weapon that was once high and only the self-cultivator can drive into the thousands of households has become an indispensable tool for ordinary people to travel and study at home.

While bringing convenience to life, it also produced a large amount of scrapped magic weapons and metal garbage.

Most of these garbage magic weapons still have a lot of spiritual power, which is easy to cause radiation pollution. The formation of the magic weapon is extremely unstable and even has the risk of explosion. If left unchecked, it will cause great damage to the environment.

Therefore, in the periphery of every big city in the Federation, there will always be a number of “special waste disposal sites”, which deal with scrapping magic weapons.

The 23rd special garbage disposal site is located in the southern suburb of the floating town of Fugo City.

Li Yao looked at these lines of words for a long time.

Indeed, as Yu Xin said, the writing is quite... succinct, can only be said to be clear about the matter, the background setting is not too much, it is the common junkyard start of this kind of "web sci-fi sci-fi", even if Li Yao I don’t usually see a lot of networks. I can’t read more than ten similar junkyards. He just can’t understand why these authors are so keen on the junkyard, or they don’t even think when they write, they just Learn from it for a while?

"This is a sci-fi sci-fi that can be seen everywhere, plain and unscrupulous, and there is no need to continue wasting time."

Li Yao bit his lip and warned himself with a sharp voice. "Don't look at it, there is no need to read it again, don't continue, don't continue, don't continue!"

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