Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3204: It's magic!

Seeing that Li Yao was about to rush to the blond woman, the brawny man whose half face collapsed showed an amazing vitality. He even stood up hard and broke a branch next to him. He swept the army and rushed to Li Yao. .

His skin is full of non-human metallic luster, like a smashing scorpion iron, a boxing out, the air is filled with the sound of the "whistling" wind.

Li Yao’s direction and speed are the same, but the body suddenly leans forward, the right hand supports the ground, and the legs kicked toward the bald-headed iron fist, only listening to the “squeaky” series of rushing and dull sounds, the two Between the fists and feet, there was a glaring spark.


The bald-headed man finally made a raging roar.

Li Yao is not like a fierce battle. It is like a hot bath that has just been bubbled for two hours. It is just as comfortable as a Thai massage, accompanied by a brave and heavy iron fist. Bombing, he opened every hole in his body.


It was a muffled sound. Li Yao took half of his strength. When he kicked the bald-headed man, he suddenly broke out. Not only did the bald-headed man kick out three or five meters, he also continued to fly like a bat. Grabbing blonde woman.

After the blockage of the brawny and the crow girl, at this time, the blonde woman painted on the ground, the mysterious and complicated rune burst, is also nearing completion.

She took off the wide-brimmed sun hat, and the windbreaker hunted under the turbulence of the wind, revealing the tattoo that spread from the arm all the way to the neck and then grow from the neck like a vine to the eyebrow. Such a small character, like Li Yao’s cognition, does not belong to any ancient language system on the earth, but it is like a variant of some kind of cuneiform.

Her hair and eyes were originally the sun-like golden color, but it faded away and became the same bleakness of the albino patient. A series of strange syllables appeared in the depths of her throat, and Zhao Kai’s “噫噫"噫噫" has the same effect, but it has more rhythm. It has some ancient and mysterious meaning. It is a spell with great horror.

With the spells flying, the wedge-shaped tattoo on her body glittered with the runes on the ground.

"not good!"

Li Yao could have sensed the threat, and the toes slammed on the ground, accelerated again, and turned into a streamer.

However, there was a very loud voice in the sky, and a few stinking things shot at him and burst open in front of him.

It is a crow.

Not all crows and sparrows are fake. In the thousands of illusions, there are more than a dozen real crows and sparrows, which are controlled by the crow girl and greet Li Yao.

The speed of Li Yaoqi to the limit is comparable to that of a jetliner flying at high altitude, so the consequences of the crow and sparrows hitting him are as fierce as the birds hitting the passenger plane.

Rao is the strong cross-body that Li Yao has awakened. He was struck by the crow and the sparrow, and he couldn't help but slow down for half a second.

Within this half-second, countless weeds and vines grew from the ground, wrapped around his ankles like iron wire, deeply embedded in the skin and flesh and blood. The more struggling, the tighter the entanglement, Li Yao For a time, I couldn’t get rid of it. The original high-speed sprinting posture was disturbed by crows and vines and turned to the ground.

When he blows away the feathers, breaks away the vines, and restores the balance of the body, the blond-white-haired woman has completed the whole process of chanting and spelling.

She was like a serious illness, and she was sucked away by the pattern under her feet. The flesh and blood that had been full and filled withered at the speed of the naked eye, lived like a beggar, leaving only a pair of bright big eyes, staring at Li Yao. .

Her mouth is closed, but the quirky curse of "噫噫噫噫" is still around, or echoing in Li Yao's mind, becoming sharper and louder.

This voice made Li Yaoxin feel awkward and bloody, like someone had a fire between his internal organs, so that every cell of his body was super-high speed friction, and each bundle of mitochondria lost control and released all Thermal energy.

"Damn, it's in the middle!"

In Li Yao’s mind, the alarm bell is a masterpiece. “What is this super power? With some high-frequency ripples, my cells are out of control, tampering with the mitochondria’s energy-generating command, so that the cell temperature is constantly rising, causing the body to ignite and alive. Burned to death?

"Is this super power, or... magic?"


The word "magic" just appeared in Li Yao's brain. His internal organs and skin burned together, and the whole person became a bright fireball. Then, the picture and memory became shredded and blurred. He only saw Zhang Da Niu screaming, raised his hands, and was taken away by three superpowers or "magicians."

The fog around him gradually became thinner, and the familiar community appeared again. He could hear the fire truck and the ambulance, and then he didn’t know anything.


Li Yao made a new strange dream.

A tyrannosaurus with a lipstick, a smirking woman with a bright silver gun, a computer with thin arms and thin legs, completely different dreams.

He is in a city, perhaps in the city of Jiangnan, or in the city where he had lived in the last life or in the last life, like a flustered thing, the city is empty, no one but him, but The structure of the road and the street changed randomly, like a maze with life.

Not far behind him, a huge silver ball, like a balloon, floated in midair and chased him unhurriedly.

Li Yao ran, ran, and wanted to run outside the scanning range of the silver-white ball, but no matter how fast he was, how sharp the route was, every time he turned back, he saw the silver-white ball behind him. .

Looking closely, I found out that on his back of the head, there was a silver-white thin line of blood vessels or nerves that was dragged out and connected to the underside of the silver-white sphere.

It turned out that instead of the silver-white ball chasing him, he guided the silver-white ball forward.

Li Yao’s heart was filled with an indescribable feeling of powerlessness, and he was confronted with a silver-white ball.

The silver-white sphere's outer shell is shiny, like a bumpy mirror on one side. He is broken and twisted in the mirror. It's not like himself.

Having said that, who is he, what should it look like?

"who am I?

"I am Li Yao?

"What is the so-called "Lee Yao"? Where do I come from, where do I go, what is my mission?"


Li Yao shuddered and woke up from the cold iron bed and found himself wrapped in a layer of impenetrable plastic film with a zipper in front of him pulling the plastic film all the way to his head.

"What is this, why put me in it, it hurts, it is so stuffy, itchy!"

Li Yao secretly pondered, trying to remember everything that happened during the coma, and finally understood, "Is this a body bag?"

Li Yao was sober-minded and felt that he was like an over-baked sweet potato. The outer shell was completely carbonized and turned into a black glimpse. Fortunately, the interior remained moist and sweet, and it could be rescued.


In this way, the heart immediately resumed its beating, and the blood flowing into the whole body is like a magical recovery agent, which can promote cell division, flesh and blood regeneration and wound healing, and even bring the feeling of washing the marrow and transforming the bones.

Yes, it’s amazing. Li Yao seems to be able to “see” all the cells in the body. The “mitochondria factory” is back to normal operation, providing stable and powerful energy, promoting cell regeneration, broken nerves, blood vessels and muscles. The fibers are rejoined together – in a way that is more solid and strong than humans.

Including his brain cells, it seems to have ushered in a "full upgrade" in the burning of the flames, which made him awaken more of the mysterious and mysterious ability, and even record the things that happen around me in a coma.

It seems that the three superpowers have ignited him and turned into a big fireball. They kidnapped Zhang Daniu. Perhaps it is time-critical. The fog enchantments they set around are dissipating and will soon be discovered by others. Perhaps they are very confident in the blond hair - the "magic" of the white-haired woman. In short, they did not make a knife for the burning Li Yao. Also, he burned like this. Where is the need to fill the knife?

Afterwards, the other party disappeared and the fog dissipated. Li Yao was naturally discovered by firefighters and the masses. Although he did not understand how the fire on the fifth floor would be implicated on the onlookers on the ground, he was fired by the dedicated firefighters. I sent the ambulance and sent it to the hospital's rescue room. Oh, well, it was sent directly to the morgue.

"That is magic, must it be magic?"

Li Yao asked himself, "In any case, in the world of "Fifty Years of Comprehension," there should be no such magical powers. Although the operation time is relatively long, various complicated materials are used, but once completed, even without aiming, it can be directly Locking the target body, burning from the internal organs and even the depths of the cells, is indeed a speculation, anti-defense skills.

"But how is it possible?

“Why is there something so unscientific in ‘magic’ in this world?

"Of course, as a resurrected 'repair man', I don't seem to be qualified to blame magic unscientific, but, oh, just first, then comprehension, then magic, the ghost knows how many incredible forces exist in the world. How many mysterious life - what is this world?"

Li Yao thought about it and tried to restore her physical function.

Just then, he heard a light footstep outside the morgue.

Not a doctor, but a group of well-trained fighters who have very good control over their muscles and balance... or assassins!

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