Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3208: The so-called "observer"

"Yes, some!"

Zhang Daniu is too busy. "This kid had just eaten three or five hundred casserole bones the night before. The next morning, I didn't change my color and ate a big pot of fried dumplings and more than 100 yuan. I have eaten my food for half a month, and I also made a hole in the wall of my house. I also tore my thick, so thick dictionary. This is definitely super power!"

"These, I know."

Hunter said, "Of course he is an awakened person, or a 'deeply aware person' who at least awakens the memory of the fifth world, otherwise it is impossible to injure the 'grain tiger' and force the 'white night' to display real strength. Ok, let me change the question - why did this college student named 'Liang Yao' come to you, how can you analyze the 'Ark Foundation' and 'Apocalypse Organization' with you?"

"This, I really don't know."

Zhang Da Niu honestly said, "He said a lot of weird mad words. I don't believe it at all, but the situation is stronger than people. I can only reconcile him, rack my brains and he will finally wait. Come to our Apocalypse organization for reinforcements!"

"...well, maybe in this matter, you know no more than us."

Hunter said, "Let's leave this strange college student aside. After all, we are more interested in you, Teacher Niu."


Zhang Daniu’s voice changed again, from the male duck to the hen’s cicada. “Who I am recruiting, who I have always obeyed, I believe that the organization believes in the government, does not steal, does not rob, is idle. Nothing to write a book at home, how do you both look for me, and not a male college student with a tiger's back, a male agent in a black suit and black sunglasses?"

"Yeah, this is what we have to figure out."

The hunter seems to show something to Zhang Da Niu, "Mr. Niu, please see this - this is the latest ranking of your novel "Comprehensive 40,000 Years" on the reading website. This ... 'Monthly Ticket List' is 98. The 'recommended list' is 114, right?"

"Yes, I am right."

Zhang Daniu said without hesitation, "Oh, this month's monthly ticket actually fell into a hundred. It's not bad, it's a good day, what, what's the problem?"

“There is no problem, just not in line with our previous mode of action.”

Hunter said, "Niu teacher, you must not be nervous, yes, our 'Apocalypse organization' has indeed erased a lot in the past... In your words, 'Fantasy world creator', does this matter violate the moral law and even 'Destruction of humanity' does not matter--believe me, we have very reasonable explanations, to ensure that such obliteration does not violate morality and humanity, but it is necessary to maintain world order, but let go of righteousness, good and evil, no matter what, we The screening of the 'kill list' is very strict.

“In general, only two ‘fantasy world creators’ deserve to be monitored and even further obliterated.

"First, either the work is very widespread, and the influence is enormous. It may lead to the creator of the resonance of hundreds of millions of souls. For example, the father of the star ring, Garriott, in the Internet of Star World, Up to tens of millions of people play online games at the same time, hundreds of millions to billions of people are affected by derivatives and subcultures. His words and deeds, how much influence on the creation and modification of the work, how much can be awakened People can imagine.

"Second, of course we are not the only achievementsist. Perhaps some 'observers' have awakened very early memories. Those fragmented and grotesque pieces cannot constitute popular sales, but at least, the creativity they present in their works. Ingenuity, enthusiasm and sincerity are inconceivable. In other words, at least 'selling is not good,' even if it is not good or not, at least there is some kind of shining point in the works, which can be perceived by experts in our organization. .

"But, specifically to your work...

"Boo, I don't know if this will hurt your self-esteem, but in the past we monitored and obliterated online writers, measured by influence and popularity, at least in a similar comprehensive ranking. Entering the top 50, the top 30 or even the top ten will enter our field of vision.

"As for quality, the quality of your book, let me think about how to evaluate it - I have read through one or two hundred chapters. My personal conclusion is that you are not worthy of our 'Apocalypse organization' to mobilize even a non-staff temporary worker. Resources to monitor and obliterate, if you have any accidents, it is definitely not what we do, but a real accident, do you understand what I mean?"

"Oh, a little understanding."

Zhang Da Niu said, "No, I still don't understand. You don't want to obliterate me. I don't want to be obliterated. This is not going to happen. I honestly write my book. You are responsible for ranking the monthly ticket list and the recommended list. The people in front of me have all been wiped out, no problem, I have no opinion, then you are looking for me to do it?"

"It's not that we are looking for you, but the people of the Ark Foundation are looking for you. More precisely, it is the head of the Ark Foundation, 'Red Star', looking for you."

Hunter said, "You can simply regard the Ark Foundation as a terrorist organization that jeopardizes the world. Such a terrorist organization will naturally be monitored and hostile by the whole world. As the head of a terrorist organization, the first priority is to hide itself and try not to disclose it. Any information, once exposed, can be malicious from the whole world, can you understand?"

This is the second time that Li Yao heard the name "Red Star". This is the head of the Ark Foundation.

However, why is the hunter-Hugo? Smith's statement so strange, the Ark Foundation is the terrorist organization that harms the world?

Since he admits that his organization is killing at the T3 game show, how can it be washed without washing? Isn’t it the “Apocalypse” that is a terrorist organization?

"I, I probably understand."

I listened to Zhang Daniu again. "Like those terrorists hiding in the mountains and in the desert, I remember that there was a well-known terrorist leader in the past two years. Who, with a big beard, wrapped in a big Baotou? That, it seems that the mobile phone leaked the whereabouts, and a commando team added a few missiles to kill."

"Yes, for the leader of a terrorist organization, ‘existence’ is the most important thing, and it is extremely irrational to appear easily, unless the task is so important that it must be risky regardless of the cost.”

Hunter said, "Believe me, the Ark Foundation's 'Red Star' is not an irrational guy. He never makes mistakes and never takes risks.

"But he just sent a very clear order from the mysterious, "Ark" that was covered by fog and twisting power all year round, mobilizing a lot of resources and preparing to kidnap you in Jiangnan City - so much so that Partially exposed himself."


Zhang Daniu was shocked. "What do you kidnap me!"

"I don't know, this is not all."

Hunter said, "Almost at the same time that the 'Red Star' issued an order, our 'Prophet' of the Apocalypse organization also got the revelation in the dark, knowing your existence, let us follow this clue, the more we The more surprised the investigation, the original 'Red Star' did not notice you now, but it was noticed six months ago, but at that time he was afraid of being discovered by us, and he never dared to start, only to monitor you in secret, until now The sky is coming, the world is broken, and he can't help but start.

"So, please tell me, Teacher Niu, why is it like you... a more common writer, you will get the 'Aurora Star' of the 'Ark Foundation' and the 'Prophet' of the 'Apocalypse Organization'. What is the secret of the novel "The 40,000 Years of Comprehension?"

Zhang Daniu has been silent for a long time.

It seems to be thinking seriously.

"I don't know the structure of your two organizations, but it sounds like the Ark Foundation's 'Red Star' and the Apocalypse's 'Prophet' are leaders-level figures, right?"

Zhang Da Niu asked.


Hunter Road.

"So, the leaders of the two superpower organizations are, of course, the ones who possess superb wisdom and can understand the mysteries that ordinary people cannot understand?"

Zhang Da Niu asked again.


Hunter Road.

"Then, will there be such a possibility -"

Zhang Da Niudao, "The leader of the Ark Foundation 'Red Stars' and the leader of your apocalyptic organization 'Prophet', also read this novel, and found the talent that I hide in the lines, ordinary people can not understand?"

"……will not."

The hunter is cold and cold.

"That, then I don't know."

Zhang Da Niu’s voice is crying. “Hunter, you believe me, you must believe me. You look at me. You think that I am like the kind of unyielding, unyielding and violent, in front of coercion. Are you silent?"

"It's not quite like."

The hunter has been indulging for a long time. "The 'observers' in the usual sense are heterogeneous among the awakened. They don't necessarily awaken powerful forces, but they can often observe the deepest part of their souls, remember the myriad secrets of the distant past, and Under the support of these ancient memories and secrets, they have powerful and pure souls, personalities and wills. They can be lonely, but they are extremely proud. They are incompatible with this world because they have their own beautiful and self-sufficient world. They are the kings of the world they created, until the moment of physical annihilation, they will fight to defend their own world - to be honest, you are not quite like this 'observer.'"

"I don't want to be an ‘observer,' or else you still let me go, I promise not to say anything – I am very strict.”

Zhang Da Niu said pitifully, "Or, do you have the kind of equipment to clear the memory, that is, the kind of movie, a small stick, '咔嚓', let me forget everything in the past three days. !"


Hunter said, "Usually, we use a pistol to clear the target memory."

Zhang Daniu: "..."

"And, I am not responsible for judging whether you are an 'observer,' and are only responsible for bringing you back. By then, the 'prophet' will figure out everything."

The hunter said faintly, "You can choose to cooperate. In your words, 'all must be full tail' and go back with me, or resist, let me take you away in a special way, which way do you like, Niu teacher ?"

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