Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3218: 1999, the battle of vultures

Li Yao: "Hui, Uncle Hui, I don't know if I have a question. Have you ever seen a psychiatrist recently?"

Uncle Hui: "Oh, juvenile, you are doubting my uncle's words, how do you think that Uncle's age and career are not worthy of this avant-garde, mysterious and powerful shape? Tell you, the so-called 'dream 'And 'awakening' is not just the power of these young people. Although Aunt Shu is a plain pork scorpion in this life, my heart is the one that comes to the moon, burning all the flames. Will not go out!"

"Hey! Hey!"

Uncle Hui’s hands are behind his back, his right hand is a thick-backed meat knife, and his left hand is a willow-tip sharp-edged knife. “Come on, boy, let you see the power from the big snake, cry, shout, then go to hell!"

Li Yao: "...Uncle Hui, don't be impulsive, I just ask casually. In fact, I doubt that I need to go to see the psychiatrist. In addition, what, I also played the "Fist" 97 with the simulator. "This classic fighting game, I am not very clear, the game 'seven gods', was it with a knife?"

"Wu Dao 臻 化 化 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 飞 飞 飞 飞 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘 摘Killing the pig knife to support the family, these two killing knives from the age of eighteen used to the present, have long been connected with the uncle's soul, blood connected, is more sharp than the legendary artifact 'grass sword', Aunt How can it be easily given up when it feeds?"

Uncle Hui cold and cold, "Youth, if you don't believe, Uncle, I use these two knives to play a set of ‘forbidden, thousand two hundred and eleven, eight children' to show you?”

Li Yao’s forehead oozes cold sweat: “No, no, Hui Shu...”

"Don't call me Uncle, call me-"

Uncle Hui suddenly became angry, "Seven Gods!"

"Hey! Hey!"

The incredible scene was staged, and Hui’s original fat head and big face, the face of the oily face suddenly burst into the air of the air, and the singular purple fire spewed out from every pore of his body. Like thousands of flaming snake-like claws, swallowing the air in the ward, especially the two killing knives, under the blessing of the purple flame, faintly uttered the sound of the tiger screaming, and it was like a madness. People, lonely laughter in the moonlight!

"Wow, it's really a 'seven gods'!"

Li Yao was stunned and watched carefully. The two pigs were still engraved with the characters of the dragon and the phoenix. They should be the name of the knife - the meat knife is called "moon piano", and the bone-cutting knife is called "ghost burning". The best artifact to blow off hair and cut iron!

"How, boy!"

Uncle Hui held up a pair of knives and screamed ghosts. "Now you should believe that you live in a world full of infinite dreams and hopes, and everything can happen!"

"Yes, believe..."

Li Yao stuttered and then turned his attention to Ms. Gray.

"Okay, Hui Shu, Li Yao students have just awakened, the soul and memory are not stable, you don't scare people."

Ms. Gray has a dry cough. "Work hard for a long time to perform the **** mission, take a rest."


Uncle Hui received the supernatural powers, and Li Yao glanced at him. He turned and walked. When he walked to the door, he turned back and looked at the resentment. "Ms. Gray, you forgot to call me the 'Seven Gods.'"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The lady in the fog screamed hard.

Three or five minutes after Hui’s departure, the purple flame in the narrow ward was dispelled by a special ventilation system.

"Sorry, I am shocked."

Ms. Gray Mist explained, “Many awakened people have mixed up memories of their lives for generations or even decades, so their personality will become more... strange, emotions are easily out of control, plus everyone’s burden is extremely heavy. The mission is always to find a catharsis exit, so no matter what strange action you make, you should never be surprised."

"No, no, Uncle Hui can still insist on his dreams. It is really not easy to find a real person. How can I be surprised?"

Li Yao scratched the bare scalp, I don't know what to say. "I am just, just a little surprised. The content of "Fist" 97 is really what happened?"


Ms. Gray, "No matter whether it is a novel, a comic, a movie or a game, of course it is impossible to be 100% true, but those created by the 'Observer' contain some mottled pieces of memories of the past, just like being Exalted magic, broken mirrors, still reflecting the countless reincarnation, the fierce and cruel battles, right, you know what the 'observer' is?"

"I know, I heard all the conversations between Zhang Daniu and the ‘hunter’.”

Since the bugs have been discovered by others, it is meaningless to hide them again. Li Yaodao, "I know that the father of the star ring, Garriott, is an 'observer,' and Zhang Daniu is also very likely to be a very special observer. Their works reflect a certain reincarnation a long time ago, and even the story before the reincarnation. So how do you see the producer of "Fist" 97?"

"You can barely say that "Fist of God 97" is a large series of fighting games. Not a single producer can decide the whole content of it. In the production team, there may be one or two observers hidden, according to their own soul. The memories of the place created the role of 'Seven Gods', and produced a 'resonance' with Hui Shu, which activated the blood of Hui Shu - roughly this.

"In fact, not only "Fist" 97, but also many novels, movies, comics and games, more or less involved in our 'breaker' and 'the prisoner' entangled in countless reincarnations, spanning thousands of years The battle, so if you go inside the Ark Foundation and discover other characters that seem to 'traverse' from novels, movies, and comics, don't be surprised."

"Broken, prisoner?"

Li Yao’s slight glimpse seems to understand the meaning of the two names. “Your Ark Foundation represents the ‘breaker’, and the Apocalypse represents the ‘the prisoner’?”

"Yes, this world we call the 'Ark Foundation', and they are called 'Apocalypse Organization', but in the last life or the last reincarnation, and even the last reincarnation, of course, everyone has different names."

Ms. Gray Mist explained, “But no matter how the name changes, each other’s memories, ideas and wills are not dead – we’re going to break through this **** reincarnation prison to find the true meaning and true meaning of life. Freedom, completely control our own soul, and 'the prisoner' is the accomplice of their so-called 'global will', thinking that we are trapped in the prison of infinite reincarnation, not punishment and torture, but redemption and test, As long as we honestly reflect on sin, temper our souls, and transform ourselves, one day we will be 'released'.

"The battle of the fate of the prisoners and the prisoners, I don't know how many reincarnations have been sustained. We have had countless times of sorrows, impassioned, and devastating wars. One of the most tragic wars occurred in a certain war. In 1999, a reincarnation, known as the 'vulture of vultures', was our closest success, and the result... was still suppressed.

"Even so, we still have not yielded, but the prisoners have not yielded, and all the people who have been suppressed, eroded and bound have not yielded, and there are constantly observers to restore their memories of the past wars. 'Those people are awakened in resonance, moving, blood and dreams, and become a new generation, a prisoner affiliated with the Ark Foundation!"

"1999, the battle of vultures..."

Li Yao gradually frowned, only to feel screaming deep in the brain, a string of bubbles carrying countless memory fragments floating out of the sea, bursting one by one, bringing him countless mottled and shining memories, he light Lightly press the temple, "So, the hunter is telling the truth, the so-called 'global will' really exists, we are indeed in the ridiculous 'reincarnation', is a sad and poor prisoner?"

"It’s a prisoner, but it’s not sad, it’s even more pitiful.”

Ms. Gray, "One day, we will rely on our own strength to break out of prison and regain freedom. That is the real new life. When we lose a small earth, we can harvest the whole universe!"

"I... still don't quite understand."

Li Yao has been jealous for a long time. "Since we are all prisoners held in reincarnation prisons, and the suppression of us is actually the so-called 'Earth Will,' then how can we have room for resistance? Is it impossible for the 'Earth Will' to directly Are we obliterating? Is it impossible to observe our every move, and there is no way for us to do everything, oh, let’s say that we have a heart attack, sudden death, etc?”

"The so-called 'global will' is just a statement of the apocalyptic organization. It is a name. It is not a true omnipotent god. There is no omnipotent **** in this universe. You, as an oriental person, should know this truth more than I do. ""

Ms. Gray Mist said, “Even if the most defensive prison is guarded, it is impossible for the manager to clearly see every prisoner’s every move. Under the most severe iron pressure, there is still an icy undercurrent.

"What's more, the so-called relationship between the Earth's will and us is not so much a warden and a prisoner. It is better to say that the relationship between a person and his bacteria and cells is more appropriate. When you are sick, you can be clear. 'See' a certain bacteria or virus in the body and kill it exactly?"

Li Yao shook a little, and shook his head thoughtfully.

"It is not impossible to destroy us. The key is the issue of cost."

Ms. Gray continues, “This is what the Red Stars tell us. If cancer patients perform radiotherapy and chemotherapy at any cost, it is of course possible to remove most of the cancer cells in the body, but at the same time, healthy cells are also Weakened and killed, and even accelerated his death, this treatment is meaningless, isn't it?"

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