Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3220: The last war of the big universe!

"I probably understand."

Li Yao said, "It looks like a very sophisticated but very old computer. If you need it, you can restart it by the usual method. The advantage is not to damage the computer components, and to retain most of the data. The disadvantage is that the speed is too slow, and sometimes there is a failure, the interface can not respond, there is no way.

"Of course, you can plug and unplug the power supply directly, forcibly restart. The advantage is that the speed is fast. You can restart it anyway. The disadvantage is that it may cause certain damage to the machine and will lose a lot of data that is not backed up.

“So, in general, the “global will” has chosen a regular, step-by-step, conventional approach, but this time, it doesn’t know what problems it has, and it’s forced to restart at all costs!”

"Yes, your metaphor is very appropriate."

Ms. Mist smiled. “I would add a little more – if this sophisticated and old supercomputer is dealing with extremely large and complex tasks, the computing units are overloaded and hundreds of millions of data are colliding and burning. At this time, plugging and unplugging the power supply and forcibly restarting it may cause more serious damage to it."

“Super large and complex tasks?”

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse. "What is that?"

"War, on the level of the universe, we can't estimate and imagine the war."

Ms. Gray Mist said, "Red Star tells us that we are trapped in the reincarnation of the Earth people - or use his name, 'Earth Spirits', not alone, infinitely outside the reincarnation prison. In the universe, there are many comrades and comrades-in-arms who share the same philosophy. We are launching the final war on the 'Earth of the Earth'. This war consumes 99% of the will of the Earth and also captures the vulture. After the war, the best opportunity since hundreds of reincarnations, if we can successfully awaken countless spirits, it is possible to smash the **** prison and get real freedom and new life!"

"Is the unimaginable war on the big universe?"

Li Yao’s eyes flickered and he was shocked to add.

Although these words are ridiculous and unfounded, Li Yao has some faint beliefs, and even in his mind, there is a scene of the Star Wars, a magnificent picture.

He seems to see that the heavens and the boundless stars have released the fuel that has been exhausted for billions of years in a second. The flames of the heavens reflect the dark and innocent universe into a splendid temple, the spirits. The battlefield of carnival!

"Li Yao, what are your plans for you?"

Ms. Gray looked at the changing expression on Li Yao’s face, and her smile did not change, but she extended her hand to him. “After experiencing such incredible things, you should not say it, but also go back to be an ordinary person. College or office worker?"

Li Yao grinned and had to admit that Ms. Gray and all the things that the previous hunters had said were deeply attracted to him. In his brain that was close to boiling, the fateful path entangled by flames and thorns was faintly revealed. In the direction, he can't go back and endure the mediocrity and repetition of life.

"I don't know who I was in my life and my life, but I always feel that my past has nothing to do with "40,000 years of comprehension." If possible, I still want to stay with the teacher, and I will see it for the first time. I have a hunch about the latest chapters of the 40,000 Years of Comprehension. These chapters will make me stronger and will allow me to find more past."

Li Yao thought deeply and thoughtfully, "In addition, I am very curious about your leader 'Red Star'. What kind of person is he, why do you know so many things - about the earth, about the universe, even the Star Wars can predict Come? Can I see him?"

"you sure?"

Ms. Gray fog stared at Li Yao for a long time, said, "You should know that, to a certain extent, our Ark Foundation is indeed a 'terrorist organization' for the will of the earth. As the leader of such an organization, the whereabouts are The important information will even determine the survival of the organization and the fate of the six or seven billion earth spirits. You want to see the red star, you can, but first, through very rigorous testing, make sure that you are not an agent of the Apocalypse or even the Earth will send. - 'Targeted drugs', and once you see the red star, you will never be able to return, we will not give you the opportunity to leak the secrets of the organization."

Li Yao perceives the killing of Ms. Gray.

Also, the Apocalypse organization is of course a fierce and sinister, and the Ark Foundation, which can fight against countless reincarnations, is obviously not a good man or a woman.

In particular, they clearly know that after everyone is smothered, they will be reborn in the next round of reincarnation, and there will be no scruples when they move their hands.

Li Yao can also understand their cautiousness. After all, the enemy is the "global will". As long as the target can be locked, there are one million ways to kill people. If Li Yao is a "red polar star", it will only be more vigilant than him. .

"Red Star is really willing to see me?"

Li Yao even had some surprises. After all, one was the leader of the rebellious prison rebellion organization, and he was only a nameless generation. The goal of the red star was Zhang Daniu, which may not be the same.

"Yes, we originally came to Jiangnan City to carry out the task, just to bring back the author of "Fifty Years of Comprehension," but did not expect to hit you."

Ms. Gray said with a smile. "We sent your information and battle videos, including Zhang Da Niu's description of you in hypnosis. The red star is very interested in you. We want to send you to you in the first place. 'Ark' goes to see him - of course, is there a problem in ensuring safety?"


Li Yao hesitated a moment, but quickly opened up the distracting thoughts in his mind.

At this point, he has no choice.

Even if the seemingly realistic world looks wonderful, the taste of being imprisoned and bound is uncomfortable.

The larger prison is also a prison, and the repeated life is meaningless.

He must rush out to see the real world, the real universe!

At this time, Li Yao felt that the wheel underneath was lightly stopped, and Uncle Hui knocked on the door outside, across the doorway: "Ms. Gray, we are here."

"Please, Li Yao."

Ms. Gray is polite and courteous. "Look at your body's various indicators, it should be a good recovery. If there is no problem, we will start the first test to make sure you are the one you want."

Li Yao nodded and stepped on the solid ground.

"Ms. Gray..."

Before the other party opened the door, he hesitated to throw out the last question. "One thing, I am not sure, are we... real?"


The lady in the fog raised a light gray eyebrow, and the taupe of the eyes blossomed with a radiant glow. "Speak clearly about your problem."

"I mean……"

Li Yao gestured and struggled to organize the language. "We just mentioned the 'super computer' and mentioned the 'restart', including the characteristics of the reincarnation itself. It is hard not to be reminiscent of whether we live in In a computer-made virtual world, just a string of irrelevant data, as described in that movie, what is it, right, "The 22nd Century Killing Network", that movie won't It is also a reflection of reality, so, are we real or false?"

"This question should be asked yourself."

Ms. Gray Mist said, "Don't you know if you are true or not, but also tell others, even someone else to decide?"

Li Yao lived, do not know how to say, there is a kind of faint enthusiasm, suddenly and cheerful feeling.

"If I tell you, no, we are not living in the virtual world created by computers. What is the meaning of such an answer? You can't verify it at all, and how do you know if I am right or wrong?"

Ms. Gray continued, “Reversely, if I tell you, yes, we do live in the virtual world created by computers, just like the 22nd Century Killing Network, how do you know that I am not lying? You Know that a sophisticated hypnotist or even an illusionist can completely let a person who is real but not strong, mistakenly believe that he lives in a virtual world, is a virtual or even a false person."

Li Yao opened his mouth and had nothing to say.

"Even if the earth is real, the cells and genes that make up the body of your flesh and blood are real. How do you know that cells and genes are not the 'computer' used by a higher-dimensional life? Perhaps, for us. Three-dimensional carbon-based life is a 'real' thing. For a higher-dimensional life, it is data that can be erased and modified at will. It is virtual. Who knows?"

Ms. Gray shrugged her shoulders. "Do you think that you are engraved with information in flesh and blood, so noble? If it is information engraved on a silicon wafer, is it low?"

"of course not."

Li Yao frowned and tried to sort out his own thoughts. "What you said makes sense. Reality and falsehood are defined by myself. I exist. No matter what form, carrier and method, I am here! I am just, I just don't like the existence of some higher dimension, I can erase and modify it at will - so **** things happen."


Ms. Gray Mist said, "Let's fight, like us, with the Red Star, fight it to the end, no matter what it is, either completely destroyed or completely free!"

Li Yao once again stunned: "It's that simple?"

"if not?"

The lady in the fog smiled. "It's that simple."


Li Yao thought about it for a long time, and laughed with relief. "I want to swear by myself. There is nothing in the world. The mediocrity will disturb itself. Life will find its way out. I just follow the footsteps of my heart and go forward. Just fine!"

He opened the door and re-entered the storm, the world of collapse.

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