Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3230: Burning chariot

The body that the hunter had just controlled suddenly became a large fireball with a claw and a claw. The fabulous flame rushed directly from his viscera and even the depths of the cells, and the pouring rain could not be ruined.

He screams like a monster in the blazing flame. The whole person is like a rubber with excellent elasticity. It suddenly grows and grows laterally. It suddenly expands into a ball, and finally bursts into a bang. Just now, the group of black objects like fog and smoke were once again drilled out, like a poisonous snake in the sky, looking for a new "carrier."

Li Yao also wanted to blast out the second group of flames, burning the hunter's soul, but there was a needle-like pain in the depths of the brain, as if every brain cell was torn apart, hurting him. Even the stations are not stable, and almost one of them is planted under the car, and they can only kneel on the ground and breathe.

Obviously, he just awakened, he still can't control the power of the flame in the body well. He has already reached the edge of the oil well and the thief goes to the edge of the building. If you force the magical power, it will make the mitochondrial factories in the cell out of control. "The body is self-igniting" and completely burns itself to ashes.

Fortunately, they still have a backhand.

Perhaps the strongest backhand.

"Hui Shu!"

Li Yao screamed in his throat.


The window bursts, and if a purple flame with life whispers, the middle represents the black fog of the hunter's soul, and the purple flame lingers around the black fog, just like a poisonous snake entangles another snake, even representing the hunter. The "Viper" became a four-and-a-half cut, and when it made a "squeaky" cry, it fled to the front of the carriage.

It seems that the hunter's soul has been hit hard, and even if it can find a new carrier "rebirth", it will take a lot of time.

However, at this moment, there was a strange explosion in front of the train. A ball of lightning flashed from the front of the car. Then, the speed of the train suddenly slowed down, and the wheels in front even burst into a series of dazzling sparks. It will take a long time to stop completely.

It is not a mountain or an elevated place, but a rolling hill between the mountains.

The train will pass through a small station here, so the elevated structure is gradually lowered and the rails are flush with the ground.

Shadow 绰绰 can see that dozens of lights are lit up near the station, as if it were the eyes of dozens of hungry wolves.

In such a bad storm, the train was not ready to stop at this station. It would obviously not be the station staff and engineering vehicles, but the ambush of the Apocalypse organization!

"Lee Yao -"

Ms. Gray kicked a cockroach and flew it under the car. It was like a dead leaf falling to the side of Li Yao and Hui. "Your driving skills are good, you take the ghost cat and Zhang Daniu first - ghost The brain structure of a cat is different from that of ordinary people. Her brainwaves are extraordinarily powerful, equivalent to special 'antennas' and 'servers'. With her, even in bad weather, you will not lose contact with the satellite navigation system. Not far from the border, the ghost cat knows the location, as long as it escapes, there are naturally large groups of people to meet you.

"I, Sparta and Uncle Hui, will hold on to this place, rest assured!"

Ms. Gray Mist said that her eyes had turned into a gray that could not be distinguished from her pupils and white eyes. From her seven coats to her pores, a large group of thick fog spewed out, and the three compartments in front and behind were shrouded. Among them, the perception of Li Yao’s companionship has not been greatly affected, but the enemy seems to be caught in a strange state of 'five senses', and one by one grabs the hand and can’t distinguish the direction and can’t see the target, not paying attention to it. It fell from the train that was still driving.

In a critical situation, there was no time to hesitate. Li Yao took an unpackaged silver-white spray can from Hui’s hand and squirted a large group of cool green gas to his wounds, finally relieved the pain slightly. The three men nodded and hanged upside down like a bat and rolled into the carriage.



From time to time, there were fierce fighting sounds and explosions on the roof. The entire roof of the car was actually riddled with holes. The storm could pour in unscrupulously and turn the car into an aquarium.

Fortunately, the Ark Foundation helped Zhang Daniu to replace a special computer with a high-defense index. However, he was not afraid of being damaged in such a harsh environment. However, the above was so lively, Zhang Daniu’s words could not be written, but While screaming, while drilling into the ghost cat's arms, I also tried to bury my head deeply.

"Let's go!"

Li Yaochao’s buttocks on the guy’s buttocks, pulling apart the partition between the two compartments, the black-and-white sporty off-road vehicle in front, one full enough for two ordinary cars, and the domineering tires seemed to be overgrown. The teeth, even if they are not launched, still give people a sense of power.

Li Yao checked the quick release device set by Ms. Gray for the off-road vehicle, jumped into the car, started the engine, and the roaring roar of the lion from the eardrum to the heart and lungs, opened all the cells of his body, and made him He gave birth to a self-confidence that "even if the front is the most violent mudslide, he can also straighten forward."

The ghost cat pushed Zhang Daniu in and closed the door.


Li Yaotou did not return. "The situation is urgent today, and it may be faster."


Zhang Daniu’s face suddenly changed from pale to pale green, and from pale green to pale, like a cabbage shot on his face.

Before he reacted, Li Yao had already hanged the gear and slammed the throttle.

“Booming, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging

The blood seems to have turned into fuel, and it is filled with every gap of the off-road vehicle. This steel beast is wrapped up in his arrogant war, and it will burn between the storm and the thunder and lightning.

The front of the car was already aimed at the side door of the train, and at the moment he started the engine, the door slowly slipped to the sides.

There is still no pit stop here, not only the train is still driving at a speed of tens of kilometers per hour, but also a distance of three or five meters from the ground.

Of course, it’s too late to wait until the station is detached. The nails will be surrounded by enemies and completely locked up.

Li Yao made a beast-like roar, and the four wheels of the off-road vehicle were turned into a white smoke-filled hot wheels. The bottom of the train was almost rubbed out of four transparent holes, and when the power was accumulated to the limit, the speed of the train was further reduced. At the time, the seal of the shackled off-road vehicle was finally torn apart, and the steel beasts reached the limit almost within a short span of 0.1 seconds. If the wings were vacated, the train from the train I flew up.

At that moment, time seemed to solidify.

Only Zhang Da Niu’s pig-like roar is still so long as eternal.

In the stagger of wind and rain and lightning, the off-road vehicle draws a perfect arc, spanning a few tens of meters, and squatting on the muddy ground.

The cushions that are soaked in the rain form an excellent cushion. Even so, the tires, the chassis and the shock absorbers are overwhelmed, and they are flipped by inertia. Li Yao’s eyes are not smashed, and a series of flashes of lightning Operation, the off-road vehicle used the two tires on the right side to slant for a long distance before they came straight again.

The dozens of lights around the train station moved, like a hungry wolf, changed the ambush tactics and swooped toward the prey.

"Tell me about the nearby terrain and the weather!"

Li Yao looked far and wide, trying to find a road parallel to the railway, or a slightly flatter terrain between the mountains, but failed unexpectedly - calculating the time, it should be noon now, but filled with rain The heavens and the earth are as dark as the night, and the rain that the big regiments hit the windows and windows cannot even be described as "raindrops". It is completely a "rain group" of the size of a hail.

The visibility before and after is no more than 50 meters. Where can I find the road? Even if you find a road, you may be cut off by the flood or blocked by the vehicle.

Fortunately, they also have a "ghost cat", a "human flesh satellite navigation system" that will not fail in most cases.

"We are here now, near this station called ‘Lingxi’.”

The ghost cat hugged a strange computer and drilled into the front row. He looked pale and ignored the bumps. He pointed the satellite map to Li Yao. "The road closest to us is this one - National Highway No. 370, but this Some sections of the road were intercepted by the flood two hours ago. Even if our off-road performance is not enough, here, there is still here. These traffic routes have the possibility of mudslides. Maybe already Blocked!"

"Understood, we seem to be locked up in a small basin between the mountains, and several main roads into and out of the basin are blocked, right?"

Li Yao was arrogant and fought against the muddy land. While looking at the map provided by the ghost cat, he suddenly found a dotted line. "What is this road? It seems to be able to rush out from here."


The ghost cat fixed his eyes and looked at it. "It seems to be a village road that has been abandoned for many years. It was the only way to enter and leave this area decades ago, but it was built on the side of the largest river near the 'Lingxi' and built on the mountain. Jiuqu 18 bends, very dangerous, there have been many accidents, countless vehicles are directly from the village road into the Lingxi, since the national highway and the highway have been repaired, it is abandoned, now years After a long period of disrepair, the heavy rain will definitely lead to a surge in the water level of Lingxi. It will be even more dangerous when there is mudslides running down the river at any time!"

"Nine songs and eighteen bends... is it?"

Li Yao screams, smiles are extraordinarily confident and even - crazy.

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