Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3259: Golden horn, blowing!

"Liang Yao" is deep in the mind, flooding with waves.

The earth will try to lock and eliminate the interference of the **** demons, but its attack is resolved by the **** demons.

"Useless, I believe that launching super-rights will definitely be very difficult for you now. You have launched it a few days ago in the face of the dream traveler, and you just started the second time, and You are hiding in the same brain, I can clearly perceive your exhaustion and weakness, and even clearly perceive the shape and structure of every ripple that you release. I know you better than you know about me! ”

The **** demons are cold and cold. "Your tricks, I have all seen through, I know that you are in the extremely weak 'cooling time', this is the real winner!"

Hey! Hey!

With the sneer of the **** demons, the surrounding of the command room was especially below, and suddenly there was a noise like a bee swarm.

The noise is like the tide, pouring into the command room from the invisible gap, and suddenly drowning the small chamber, and completely shrouded the earth's will!


Below the command room, in a larger underground warehouse, Zhang Da Niu, Meng Bianren and hundreds of awakened people have been seated in various positions in the “Invincible Super Brain Wave Amplification System”. All people wear a special system on their heads. The metal helmet, the helmet is full of display lights, and various spells including but not limited to comprehension runes.

Each person's metal helmets are connected by a thick data line such as a python, which is connected to dozens of large-scale computing devices that transcend the era and have a futuristic color. The scene is solemn and the air is filled with arc surges. The silicon wafer is burning with a tense atmosphere.

In addition to the dream traveler, all the awakened people here are the in-depth readers of "Fifty Years of Comprehension," which is the holder of "Leye of Li Yao", which is through reading records, posting bars, chat groups, etc. Found by the **** demons, and pointed out the truth to them, invited them to the Ark Island.

Although in the process of finding and communicating, many people, like the director of the training director Zhang Jiashu, sneered at the truth, preferring to bury their heads in the gravel, indulging in illusory safety and happiness, but after all, most of them People still can't stand the life without "truth" and "dream" and plunge into the ultimate war for freedom.

Especially when the end of the day comes, the whole earth is in a deep and hot scene, and their will is more determined.

"Mr. Niu, it’s time to start."

The dream traveler put his hand on Zhang Da Niu’s shoulder and inspires the other side. “Maybe, the war won or won, the future of this planet and even this universe will be decided by the readers of “Fifty Years of Comprehension,” You can try your best to let go of your mind, stir your brain, and reflect more information from the battlefields of the big universe!"

"I, I still don't know."

Zhang Daniu swallowed hard and his teeth giggled. "I am a little nervous, my brain is empty, and there is no inspiration!"

"No, you are not enough brains to relax, not enough ethereal, to block the information interaction between the big universe battlefield and the Earth Prison."

Dream traveler softly said, "Let's relax, relax, try to empty your brain, don't think about anything. If you can't do it, okay, you can think of something that has nothing to do with "Fifty Years of Comprehension," let's say you save. The earth, the treatment that you enjoy after becoming a hero, the things that you are most interested in... money and beauty, even for these, you have to work hard to inspire and become a hero, isn't it?"

"...Yes, when it comes to this money and beauty, oh, my inspiration seems to come. It seems that there are hundreds of small bugs in my head, and it’s sore, my head hurts. !"

Zhang Da Niu’s expression, half and half painful, fangs screamed. “In my mind, there seems to be a sudden emergence of colorful soap bubbles. Each soap bubble carries a planet, a story, a Hero or demon, I seem to have seen a life-like repair of the universe is a new chapter that I have not yet written. Li Yao has experienced countless new, thrilling and wonderful adventures, imperial articles, sacred articles, God's Tomb, Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, Super Artificial Intelligence Fuxi, Black Wall Maker, Legendary Emperor's Secret, Vomit! Vomit! Vomit!"

Zhang Da Niu suddenly trembled violently. The whole person was a little convulsed, and a pair of students couldn't be loved. They had to spit out the internal organs.

"What happened to you, Teacher Niu?"

The dream traveler was shocked. "The invincible super brain wave amplification system" should have no such side effects. "Niu teacher, suddenly received a flood of information like the sea, can the brain not bear it for a while?"

"No, no."

Zhang Daniu's face is pale, his lips are shaking, his eyes are empty. "I just received the message fragment of 'Golden Crystal Tower, Li Yao vs. Wu Yingqi'. Oh, this one, I will delete it, or it will be severely hit. My morale, as for all the remaining chapters, those smashing soap bubbles, how can I pass them all to everyone, not just the readers here, but all the readers, even the entire spirit?"

"You just have to think hard about it."

The dream traveler smiled. "The strong imagination produces reality. This is a world where dreams can be turned into reality. Think about it, dream it, fantasy, think about it, even think about it. Use the power of endless imagination to make your mind deep. Those soap bubbles all surfaced!"

Several awakened people were nervously operating on the computing system that transcended the times. The Zhang metal cows, all the metal helmets on their heads flashed instantly, the lights flashed, and the runes were lit up, releasing a colorful road. After the ripples of the ripples and the ripples of all people's imaginations, they poured into the brains of Zhang Daniu through the indigo and the data lines, and they resonated with the fantasy of Zhang Da Niu, and they became a crystal clear. Spider silk, through heavy reinforced concrete and rock, through violent storms and lightning thunder, through the blue sky and white clouds and the atmosphere, through the three-point five-dimensional and three-dimensional boundaries, through real and illusory barriers, and on the battlefield of the big universe Burning, like a torch-like battleship, connected together!

From the Pangu universe and even the whole multi-cosmic sea, the stories of the vultures Li Yao and his companions, the story of the arsonists in the dark forest, the people who have resisted fighting and stubborn resistance for hundreds of millions of years, full of barbarism, blood, pride The story, along with the "spirit", poured into the brain of Zhang Daniu, and used each of his brain cells as a mirror, refracting in all directions, and shooting into the souls of thousands of awakened people. .


"It turned out to be like this!"

"The Empire article is like this!"

"The strong enemy of the Holy League article is actually it, super artificial intelligence 'Fuxi!'"

"There are also **** tombs, black wall makers, hundreds of pioneer civilizations, this is incredible!"

In the resonance of brain waves, the awakened people are immersed in the vast ocean of information flooding, and read the subsequent chapters of "Fifty Years of Comprehension" in a fast-changing and mysterious way.

The "Li Yao Spirit Soul Fragments" hidden in the depths of their brains have also been stimulated by familiar memories. They have awakened, oscillated, and floated out of the sea. In the form of ripples, the battlefield of the **** demons and the will of the earth will be battled. Gushing.

No, it is far more than these awakened people, there are more spirits, all over the earth, the spirits who are fighting the end.


"Oh! Hey! Hey!"

The steel towers that were originally set up around Ark Island have broken and melted, but that is just a false target to attract enemy firepower, not a real antenna.

Until now, the reefs around the island were separated, and the real antenna emerged from below the surface of the sea. In the highest fortress in the central part of Ark Island, the upper ceiling was also opened to the sides, revealing rows of silver. The array of signal towers, like hundreds of silver umbrellas slowly open.

Although earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, various supernatural disasters occur frequently on the surface of the earth, but for satellites orbiting synchronous orbits, they have not been hit too hard.

The blood-colored demons were originally the information life that invaded the virtual system, such as the sac, and the "cooling time" of the earth's will is extremely weak. It is not too difficult to invade and control several communication satellites.

What's more, the Ark Foundation has considerable financial resources and resources in the open channel, and it is not impossible to secretly control several large communication companies.

Therefore, when the information from the battlefield of the big universe evokes the resonance of hundreds of awakened people in the depths of the Ark Island, such resonance is also transmitted to the entire surface of the earth through the transmission of the array signal transmitting antenna and the communication satellite. .

The earth itself is a large magnetic field. Every second, there are countless invisible electromagnetic waves roaring every second. In most cases, the average person will not perceive the existence of ripples unless they use radios, televisions, mobile phones, etc. The terminal goes to receive it.

However, in some specific cases, such as the frequency of electromagnetic waves and the "self" hidden in the depths of the soul, the invisible ripples will turn into golden horns, blowing in the ears of the human ear. The last charge is to awaken the "dreams", "blood" and "hope" lost in the millions of reincarnations.

At this moment, countless heroes have been awakened by the horns all over the world.

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